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[i习作temp] issue51 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2007-8-7 10:13:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
51 Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student只有针对每个学生的需要和兴趣,教育才真正的有意义

The speaker asserts that only when the education is designed to satisfy the specific needs and interests of each student will it be truly effective. I concede that meeting the needs of each individual is beneficial to their development of their special abilities and to cultivate more talents for our society. However, it will induce the over-specification of students and be difficult to exert when our education is specific for each student.

Firstly, the specialized education way would induce the imbalance development of the knowledge of students whose kens are narrowed down resulting in that the overall education is not very effective. For example, the son of my neighbor was so interested in art that his parents sent him into a school which was specific to cultivate the artists. As a result, he might become the artist in some sense, however, he do not know the fundamental knowledge of geography which can help him travel his country to limn the landscape, not to mention the mathematics, physics and chemistry which can improve one person’s reasoning or are important in daily life. Moreover, his personality was so eccentric that other people can not get along with him. Suppose that he had received the general education, he would not be ignorance in the basic knowledge and difficult to acclimate the society. Thus, the specific education may cause the limited knowledge of the students.

Second, the specific education satisfying individual interests of each student is difficult for the educators to exert, not to mention the effectivity of education. If the educators want to meet the needs of each student, the number of the teachers would be very numerous. For instance, in China education system, the number of schools in some districts is so small that they can not accommodate all children to study. In this circumstance, in order to permitting more students to learn, the educators have to arrange many students crowding in a small classroom. So, it is hardly to image that educators are able to meet diverse interests of all students. Had the educators met the needs of a few of students, these students would consume the educational resource that otherwise could be spent on other students who are denied the chance of studying. This apt example illustrates this point that the education meeting specific interests of each student would be not effective for all students.

Admittedly, meeting the individual needs and interests would develop their talents fully. Interest is an effective impetus which propels people to study the knowledge. A case in point is Einstein, a great physicist who proposed the theory of relativity. In his childhood, he was extremely interested in the physics and made great efforts to study the knowledge of physics. Without the appropriate education providing the chance meeting his interests, he may be become a common people and our society would loss a great person.

In conclusion, although meeting the needs and interests of each student may dig out individual potentials fully, it would pose the imbalance development of students and is difficult to execute.  

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-7 12:32:09 |只看该作者
51 Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student只有针对每个学生的需要和兴趣,教育才真正的有意义

The speaker asserts that only when the education is designed to satisfy the specific needs and interests of each student will it be truly effective. I concede that meeting the needs of each individual is beneficial to their development of their special abilities and to cultivate more talents for our society. However, it will induce the over-specification of students and be difficult to exert(宾语在那?)when our education is specific for each student. (T.S句意思专业教育会使学生过于专业并不好操作)

Firstly, the specialized education way would induce the imbalance development of the knowledge of students whose kens are(应该不可数) narrowed down resulting in that the overall education is not very effective. (建议短首T.S不要过于复杂考官需要第一眼看明白你要说什么,而且写的过于细致将大大限制你后面的论述如果你后面的论述不能说明T.S将出现论证失败的可能)For example, the son of my neighbor(这种例子托福可以用但在issue里就不大好了你可以说名人的例子) was so interested in art that his parents sent him into a school which was specific to cultivate the artists. As a result, he might become the artist in some sense, however, he do not know the fundamental knowledge of geography which can help him travel his country to limn the landscape, not to mention the mathematics, physics and chemistry which can improve one person’s reasoning or are important in daily life. Moreover, his personality was so eccentric that other people can not get along with him. (建议直接说自杀了比较有代表性因为你后面只说了他每有个方面的知识没说这个人最后到底怎么了他是成功了还是失败?故事没有结尾啊)Suppose that he had received the general education, he would not be ignorance in the basic knowledge and difficult to acclimate the society. Thus, the specific education may cause the limited knowledge of the students.

Second(secondly), the specific education (最好不要改专业术语specifically designed education) satisfying individual interests of each student is difficult for the educators to exert, not to mention the effectivity of education. If the educators want to meet the needs of each student, the number of the teachers would be very numerous. For instance, in China education system, the number of schools in some districts is so small that they can not accommodate all children to study. In this circumstance, in order to permitting more students to learn, the educators have to arrange many students crowding in a small classroom. So, it is hardly to image that educators are able to meet diverse interests of all students. Had(无主语时态不对) the educators met the needs of a few of students, these students would consume the educational resource that otherwise could be spent on other students who are denied the chance of studying. This apt example illustrates this point that the education meeting specific interests of each student would be not effective for all students.

Admittedly, meeting the individual needs and interests would develop their talents fully. Interest is an effective impetus which propels people to study the knowledge. A case in point is Einstein, a great physicist who proposed the theory of relativity. In his childhood, he was extremely interested in the physics and made great efforts to study the knowledge of physics. Without the appropriate education providing the chance meeting his interests, he may be become a common people and our society would loss a great person.

In conclusion, although meeting the needs and interests of each student may dig out individual potentials fully, it would pose the imbalance development of students and is difficult to execute.

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