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[i习作temp] ISSUE171 我的第二 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-2-27 19:19:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 binghuoshenlong 于 2010-2-27 20:17 编辑

TOPIC:  ISSUE171- "People who pursue their own intellectual interests for purely personal reasons are more likely to benefit the rest of the world than are people who try to act for the public good."
WORDS: 456
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2010-2-27 19:06:32
In this statement, the writer points out that the world benefit more from the people pursuing their own intellectual interests for merely personal reasons than those trying to act for the public good. Yet, speculating the statement, there is no fixed answer to this controversial topic, which is always a case-by-case question.

Generally, the self-centered people only caring for him are not welcome by most of us. Maybe the ultimate destination is to make him rich or gain as much as property. Can you predict or expect that kind of people do more for our world? Absolutely not, while you may take something for example that some bosses eager to make their factories stronger, at the same time actually provide more employments for the residents, thereby not only making the local economic evolving but also submitting more tax to the government who can use the money in return to stimulate the economic. However, there is no way for there factories to last forever a long period. Finally, people may realize that the pollution from the factories harm them more than they can get.
The kind of people talked above is one of the two types of people who pursue their own intellectual interests for personal reasons. In fact, the statement may beg the question; there is no clear definition of "merely caring for personal reason". Thus, we come to analyze another kind of people pursuing his dream. We can extend it to some great scientists achieving significant research for the rest of the world. When they began to study a new idea or theory, there is no doubt that it must challenge the established system of the specific fields. Relinquishing the innovation may lead them a better and quiet life, however an invaluable research may disappear. What made them still stick to the research is the interest. Consequently, sometimes pursuing the personal interests really make a great difference for the whole society.
As we all know, the others-oriented friends are often satisfying us and model we advocate. They regard doing more for the public as a reward and pleasure. There people, of course, benefit the rest of the world a lot. By contrast, some people holding specific idea pretend to act for the good, which takes a lot of trouble to the world. Some superstars donate money just for their reputation. What they aim at is that using every mean to increase the popularity even some underhand way to demean others, which takes some disadvantages to the friendly atmosphere of the society.

To sum up, we can not provide a fixed view for the statement that are too fickle and difficult to be united to only one situation. What we should remember is that no matter pursuing for their interest or caring for the public, we should try to stick to basic moral standard that make the world more and more harmony. It is better if we can our interest lies on benefiting the world.

TOPIC: ARGUMENT80 - The following appeared as an editorial in a health magazine.

"Clormium 5 is an odorless, tasteless, and generally harmless industrial by-product that can enter the water supply. A preliminary study has linked cooking with water containing clormium 5 to an increased incidence of allergies and skin rashes. Tests of the drinking water in several areas have revealed the presence of clormium 5. Although it is possible to remove clormium 5 from water, the costs of routine testing and purification are higher than many communities can afford. Therefore, in order to prevent allergies and skin rashes, communities that cannot afford to rid their drinking water of clormium 5 should replace drinking fountains in public buildings, such as schools and libraries, with bottled-water coolers."
WORDS: 337
TIME: 00:30:00
DATE: 2010-2-27 19:06:32

In this editorial, the writer points that communities unable to afford the cost of ridding their drinking water of clormium 5 should replace the drinking fountains in public buildings with bottled-water coolers. To warrant this statement, the writer cites that a study shows that water containing clormium 5 may lead to the increased incidence of allergies and skin rashs. Besides, another test revealed the clomium 5 has entered the water supply of several areas. In addition, even we can remove clormium 5 from water which however will costs a lot. Nevertheless, close examination of the reasons show that the writer's logical analyses are not so complete and correct.

First, the writer did not provide information about the organization who make the preliminary study. Thus, the authority of study is open to doubt. And the very element causing the allergies and skin rashes may be another material contained by the water containing clormium 5 at the same time. The study should be experimented by precise comparison and control. Without rolling out these necessary information, we can not carelessly assure the element is clormium 5.

Second, that test of drinking water of only several areas shows the problem does not means every area is the same situation. Maybe the government need not spend a lot on solving the problem. So the residents need not pay by themselves.

Thirdly, the mean used now to remove the clormium 5 costs a lot. We can ask for some universities or relevant institution to try some other way to remove the material, which can costs less. Because replacing the drinking fountains may be also a complex project.

In sum, the writer's conclusion is false logically. To better justify the conclution, we need to know whether clormium 5 is the main reason causing the allergies and skin rashes but not other similar material. We are also need to know if every area has the same problem and if the government can pay for it. Information whether some other means costing less can solve the problem is also helpful.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-2-27 21:19:44 |只看该作者
1# binghuoshenlong

"People who pursue their own intellectual interests for purely personal reasons are more likely to benefit the rest of the world than are people who try to act for the public good."

题目观点In this statement, the writer points out that the world benefits more from the people pursuing their own intellectual interests for merely personal reasons than those trying to act for the public good. 作者观点Yet, speculating the statement, there is no fixed answer to this controversial topic, which is always a case-by-case question.

Generally, the self-centered people only caring for him
(删去) are not welcomed by most of us. Maybe the ultimate destination is to make him rich or gain as much as property. Can you predict or(删去) expect that kind of people do more for our world? Absolutely not, while you may take something for example that some bosses eager to make their factories stronger, at the same time actually provide more employments for the residents, thereby not only making the local economic evolving but also submitting more tax to the government who can use the money in return to stimulate the economic.(这句也太长了吧,absolutely not后面的while是什么作用?) However, there is no way for therethere 出现在这里是什么意思?) factories to last forever a long periodforever已经永远了,怎么还long period?. Finally(用In the end比较顺,finally比较像我们说的首先其次再次最后) people may realize that the pollution from the factories harm them more than they can get.
观点2 The kind of people talked above is one of the two types of people who pursue their own intellectual interests for personal reasons. In fact, the statement may beg the question; there is no clear definition of "merely caring for personal reason". Thus, we come to analyze another kind of people pursuing his dreamtheir dreams,前面用的是people)加while making great contribution to the society.举例 We can extend it to some great scientists achieving significant researchachieve research没有这样的用法吧) for the rest of the world. When they began to study a new idea or theory, there is no doubt that it must challenge the established system of the specific fields(什么意思?). Relinquishing the innovation may lead them a better and quiet life, however an invaluable research may disappear. What made them still stick to the research is the interest. Consequently, sometimes pursuing the personal interests really make a great difference for the whole society.
As we all know, the others-oriented friends are often satisfying us and model we advocate(什么意思?). They regard doing more for the public as a reward and pleasure. ThereThese people, of course, benefit the rest of the world a lot. By contrast, some people holding specific idea pretend to act for the good, which takes a lot of trouble to the world. Some superstars donate money just for their reputation. What they aim at is that using every mean to increase the popularity even some underhand way to demean others, which takes some disadvantages to the friendly atmosphere of the society.
To sum up, we can not provide a fixed view for the statement that are too fickle and(删去,fickle多用于友情与爱情的多变) difficult to be united to only one situation. What we should remember is that no matter pursuing for their interest or caring for the public, we should try to stick to basic moral standard that make the world more and more harmony. It is better if we can our interest lies on benefiting the world.(什么意思)

There’s nothing to lose.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-2-27 22:13:48 |只看该作者
another kind of people pursuing his dream(their dreams,前面用的是people) ------------- people 不是很多人吗
it must challenge the established system of the specific fields(什么意思?)------------------------必须挑战已经成立的某些领域的体系
the others-oriented friends are often satisfying us and model we advocate(什么意思?).
-----------利他主义者令人满意 同时也是我们推崇的对象
if we can our interest lies on benefiting the world.(什么意思)
    你读不懂  是我的结构比较乱 还是语言不地道 太中国话呢 希望指教

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-2-27 22:54:43 |只看该作者
people是集合名词,是复数,所以要用their dreams

There’s nothing to lose.

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