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[i习作temp] ISSUE38-[SPRING 小组] 第2次作业, 求拍~ [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-11-3 00:31:33 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE38 - "In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."
WORDS: 565          TIME: 01:24:19          DATE: 2007-11-3 0:17:45

Generally speaking, I am not in favor of the speaker's assertion that reading books is less significant as it used to be when compared with television in the times of information-based society. Indeed, it is equally vital to obtain knowledge from books and television; and to certain extent, reading from books can exhibit more to learners than television.

Admittedly, people can acquire more from television than from books. And it is more effective to assimilate the information provided by the television other than seen from books. Many cases can illustrate this point. Providing you are taking a aerobic class program and there are two ways of providing advice on how to proceed and lead a healthy life--one is the guide book about how to perform Yuga slide by slide and the other is a live show instructed by a coach in the TV video directing you  step by step. Needless to say, most people will follow the instructor's pace to enter the hall of this mysterious way to maintain fit. Another example of the superiority of television-based learning over book-oriented one is the distant learning program. Due to the distance and other related factors, many classes are not available ,nonetheless, with the aid of television, many live show  of  such classes can be recorded and filed as TV videos that those missed the live version can made up what they cherish from the TV.

There are many points to substantiate the benefit of TV over books in terms of knowledge acquisition. When seeking its origins, a contrast can be made to help one easily find that TV can give people more visual interplay and impress the observers more deeply in the aspects of learning over reading books. However, from my viewpoint, books still serves as a dominant media to the process of learning, were TV fails to get reach of. For example, as for some accient scrips written on the bamboo sheet and on the textile, historians and archeologists can uncover many precedent events from the study of the textures of the bamboo and the textile. When putting these antique into TV screen, most of the marvels disclosed by itself will remain unknown to us ,for it fails to discharge any direct information just from studying the TV  screen!

Moreover, TV-dominant learning will lose its shadow in the course of elementary education. In primary school ,it is difficult for  unschooled children to study pronunciation and words from the demonstration of a teacher in the TV, without a teacher nearby, no one told them whether they pronounced accurately and clearly and nobody could guide them how they wrote. Besides, it is impossible to expect the one year-grade pupils to solve a arithmetic independently just broadcasting the TV tutorials. In such cases ,TV deemed to be a failure and books seems more effective. Therefore, we should have a elaborate understanding of TV's role in the education system. The only time TV can be effective in teaching is when it is assigned as a assistant tools to the teachers with books in their students' hands.

In the sea of learning, books are fundamental while TV is auxiliary. From the abovementioned reasons, I think reading is as essential as it used to be and people can still learn much more from books even if in the age of television. In the long run, books, as a traditional tools for us to dig information, will continue to lead a pioneer role to keep us abreast with the world.

[ 本帖最后由 life2008 于 2007-11-3 00:37 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-11-3 17:31:07 |只看该作者

revision of issue 38 for life2008

Generally speaking, I am not in favor of the speaker's assertion that reading books is less significant as it used to be when compared with television in the times of information-based society(很有用的句型,记下了). Indeed, it is equally vital to obtain knowledge from books and television; and to certain extent, reading from books can exhibit more to learners than television.

Admittedly, people can acquire more from television than from books. And it is more effective to assimilate the information provided by the television other than seen from books. Many cases can illustrate this point. Providing(用ASSUMING 会不会更贴切一点) you are taking a aerobic class(有氧运动用AEROBICS就好) program and there are two ways of providing advice on how to proceed and lead a healthy life--one is the guide book about how to perform Yuga slide by slide and the other is a live show instructed by a coach in the TV video directing you  step by step. Needless to say, most people will follow the instructor's pace to enter the hall of this mysterious way to maintain fit. Another example of the superiority of television-based learning over book-oriented one is the distant learning program. Due to the distance and other related factors, many classes are not available ,nonetheless, with the aid of television, many live show  of  such classes can be recorded and filed as TV videos that those missed the live version can made up what they cherish from the TV.

There are many points to substantiate the benefit of TV over books in terms of knowledge acquisition. When seeking its origins, a contrast can be made to help one easily find that TV can give people more visual interplay and impress the observers more deeply in the aspects of learning over reading books. However, from my viewpoint, books still serves as a dominant media to the process of learning, were TV fails to get reach of. For example, as for some accient (ancient)scrips(scripts) written on the bamboo sheet and on the textile, historians and archeologists can uncover many precedent events from the study of the textures of the bamboo and the textile. When putting these antique into TV screen, most of the marvels disclosed by itself will remain unknown to us, for it fails to discharge any direct information just from studying the TV  screen!

Moreover, TV-dominant learning will lose its shadow in the course of elementary education. In primary school ,it is difficult for  unschooled children to study pronunciation and words from the demonstration of a teacher in the TV, without a teacher nearby, no one told them whether they pronounced accurately and clearly and nobody could guide them how they wrote. Besides, it is impossible to expect the one year-grade pupils to solve a(an) arithmetic independently just (?(个人感觉少了个词如BASEDON等) broadcasting the TV tutorials. In such cases ,TV deemed to be a failure and books seems more effective. Therefore, we should have a(an) elaborate understanding of TV's role in the education system. The only time TV can be effective in teaching is when it is assigned as a(an) assistant tools to the teachers with books in their students' hands.(这一段点出了电视在幼儿教育中的劣势,感觉不错,但是如果加上一个BOOK的优势的对比就更有说服力了,否则就会觉得有点走远了。)

In the sea of learning, books are fundamental while TV is auxiliary. From the abovementioned reasons, I think reading is as essential as it used to be and people can still learn much more from books even if in the age of television. In the long run, books, as a traditional tools for us to dig information, will continue to lead a pioneer role to keep us abreast with the world.
PS:一定要分清楚名词前面的A 和AN !!!

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