Issue141 12月高强组第一周周六作业 TOPIC: ISSUE141 - "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."WORDS: 748 TIME: 0:45:00 DATE: 2006-11-23提纲:1, 个性让人们取得杰出的成就, 是成功的刺激因素 -2, 共性让人们能了解客观环境, 是成功的基础 +3, 随着人类知识的进步, 很多个性正转变为共性. 而对我们而言, 正确地掌握这两种素质是很必要的 Development Ever doubt about the success reason of those outstanding in business, fortune and authority? What makes them so different from common people, who share the same body structures and growing environment? Just like most people recognize, I think it is exactly strong individuality that impels them to positions of honor. Nevertheless, conformity is also indispensable for success in economy for individuals, since this is a character making a person stand on earth and understand commonsense, as well as analyze the consistent environment. In this sense, individuality is a stimulus for personal economic success, while conformity plays as a basic structure. We are all born as the same, with brains to think, legs to walk and eyes to see. Even education system is placing conformity into our ways of thinking, observing and studying. But after years of efforts, what we gained will be diversified far from each other, some become millionaires, some own big companies, some may still stay in a small house with low salaries and common living conditions. Despite of certain environments like wars, natural disasters and so forth, there are still many people sharing a similar condition. So the conclusion can be easily drawn that those who gain distinct success have got their unique individuality, including abilities to cooperate and communicate, effective methods to analyze existing conditions and more important, strong will to realize their dreams, no matter how hard they are. Many ones may refer to Bill Gates when asked about who is the world's most successful enterpriser. Depending on his unique way to start career, deserted school life and entered market early, Gates managed to develop DOS as only a green man in society. Such a genius-like feat built him the base of today's software empire--Microsoft. It may be tempting to assume that he finished his education as those around him, and just take a step into some companies after graduation, he might have obtained similar feat. However, if this is reality, his outstanding ability in software developing is still necessary. Therefore, individuality is very important for one's economic success, since it separate the elite from common people. Nevertheless, this does not mean one should be strange, unique or even frantic to succeed. Oppositely, conformity is as important as individuality, or even more necessary. Consider a man without individuality, he may feel so easy to be neglected by the society, but can still live a normal life. By contrast, a man without conformity will be trapped into misunderstanding, ignoring or even excluding. Modern society present us an evitable web, linking us together and requiring conformity to be adapted to it. Conformity includes diversified aspects, from ethos, morality, natural science to aesthetic value and philosophy. Only after obtaining conformity in all these aspects, one can comprehensively understand his environment, condition and possible support for success. If not, he may feel himself lost, especially on economic issues. Van Gogh, the genius painter for example, suffered from poor all his life. Although his contribution in modern art is considered as splendid, he was totally failed in personal economy. His strong individuality made him diversified from society, even broken up with his good friend, Paul Gauguin. At last, this individuality killed himself after his last painting. From Van Gogh's tragedy, we may see the disadvantage of lacking of conformity. Although some one may take Van Gogh as successful according to his passionate life, it seems to me it would be more perfect if he used his genius for a better life. Additionally, with the development of society, it is harder to assess the individuality that can bring personal economic success now. Because more and more people learn from others' experiences, much individuality becomes conformity generally. For example, twenty years ago, in China the ability to speak English can help a person gain many chances on doing business, since there were so few people who learned English. It is undoubtedly English is an individuality at that time, however, it now becomes a very common tool for young generation to communicate with the world. Hence, realizing new trend of individuality and indispensability of conformity is a necessary topic for our success today. To sum up, neither of individuality and conformity can be deserted for one's personal economic success, though the function of individuality seems to be more direct and effective. As economic condition is fundamentally determining our living quality, it is important for us to seek both individuality and conformity that can contribute to our success--therefore bringing us a better society.
TOPIC: ISSUE141 - "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."WORDS: 547 TIME: 0:55:48 DATE: 2007-2-8Outline: 1, 生存于一个社会上需要一定的一致性.2, 但只要有个性才能成功In the modern era that liberalism prevails, individuality is popular and highly valued as its consistency with the generally accepted ideology. However, some people tend to argue that individuality is overemphasized on its role in personal success, and in particular the economic success. Nonetheless, a close analysis in the relationship of individuality and conformity suggests that it is conformity secures survival in a society and individuality promotes personal success.To begin with, some extent of conformity is necessary for individual to survive in any society. Firstly, one should recognize that success is a social term. For an insular person belonging to no society, there is no need to define the term of success. For example, Robinson Crusoe, in the novel of same name, who was drifted to a unknown and inaccessible island and thenceforth trapped there, does not have any relevance with success unless he is back to the civilized society, in which even his survival are regarded as success. In his life in the island, concept of live, happy, comfortable and so on are sufficient to descript the whole picture of his life. Therefore, success must merely exist in a society, and its existence relies on other members of the society. Then, it is important for one to have the necessary amount of conformity to ensure him actually being active in a society. Since society is a mean to collaborate for pursuit of common interests, comformity is required for one to participant this collaboration so that the common interests are not impaired. For example, in a primitive society that people hunted for their living. The comformity that people like eating animal meat is quite necessary for one in the society, as it underpinned the premise for the society, that is, people grouped to hunt because animal is the necessary source of food. Therefore, lacking an appropriate extent of conformity, people are less likely to survive in a society. In the modern economy, it is interpreted as people lacking conformity in many aspects are less likely to access to premises for economic success, such as good credit and interpersonal relationship.However, it is the individuality that differentiates a person and drives him/her out of the mediocrity. Firstly, success is recognizable because of its limited access. Success is not like qualification that passing a cutting line of standards would guarantee the designation. Success rather refers to the very small number of people having phenomenal achievement in a field. Many people can have their own successes. However, the success in a particular field must regard to the achievement of few people. In addition, even though it can not preclude fortunate is one's success, it is recognized that fortunate is relatively insignificant in a broader consideration, such as by higher standards, in a larger community, or in a longer time frame. Hence, as the success is never a random result and that the conformity implies a large number of people having the same profile, conformity only will never enough for personal success. One must be possess distinguishing characteristics before he/she can step out of the possession of the ordinary people to pursue personal success.In sum, I believe that, while a certain extent of conformity is the necessary condition of success, individuality is more like a sufficient condition, if we extent the analysis to appropriate meaning of conformity and individuality, and ruling out the extreme misfortunate.
- "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."
WORDS:629 TIME:0:45:00 DATE:2006-2-10
Admittedly, individuality plays a crucial role in the process of pursuing personal economic success. However, we should not pay too much emphasis on individuality, while overlook the importance of conformity. Actually, only striking a balance between individuality and conformity can people obtain the ultimate economic success..
To begin with, individuality acts as a critical merit, which means innovation and breakthroughs. People, with individuality, own the most precious personalities, such as enterprise, unique perspectives, and so forth. Anyone who wants to surpass the majority of people and then get the economic success should have the ability to observe the world with a completely new angle and see further than the ordinary persons. In the business realm, individuality is even more important than any other fields with so many competitions and challenges. Only people with insightful economic strategy will manage to create a innovation, grasp the precious chances and then get the most of profits. Take Dell for example, who put up the second largest computer company in the world. Thanks to his outstanding individuality, Dell created a new and innovative method of selling computers. Unlike the other companies, Dell sells computers directly to the customers. In this way, both the company and the customers will be able to get more benefits. In fact, it is the new economic strategy that helps the company create a broader market of computers and also offers Dell the economic success. Individuality, as it stands, always plays a crucial role when people want to gain their personal economic success, providing the different perspectives, which are the guarantee of new innovations.
However, just relying on individuality, no one will get economic success, since there is a long to go between individuality and success and thee bridge is conformity. Individuality offers new ideas and unique understandings of outstanding persons. Yet, only by innovative perspectives, economic success will not come to your pocket by itself. Instead, more cooperation work is needed in order to make those striking ideas come into true. It is hard to imagine how can Dell make personal economic success if he did all by himself without any help from others, though he owned the most update economic strategy. He needs numerous people to help him realize the dream and obtain the success. Some people make suggestions of how to design the computers, some do their best to build every part of computers, and others may need to communicate with those customers and do the service for them. In fact, the success cannot be separated from the hard work of any of these people, besides the individuality of Dell. There are many other examples in other fields, from which we may know that the conformity makes the great benefits of individual change into the success of economic.
Actually, anyone who really want to get personal economic success should get a balance between individuality and conformity. The ultimate success calls for the cooperation of the two. Individuality is the fire, which stimulates the innovative perspectives; while the conformity is the wood, which is the guarantee for the realizing of economic success. Only by individuality, everything would always stand at the stage of thinking. New ideas need the hard work of the majority of people, especially those trifling ones. On the contrary, only by conformity, there would be no breakthroughs and no innovations and no one would have the chance to put his own perspectives onto the stage of life. Thus, neither of individuality and conformity can be overlooked or overemphasized.
In sum, everyone who wants to get the personal economic success should pay enough emphasis on both the individuality and conformity. New innovations and teamwork are all crucial in the process of pursuing success. Success will never come into true without any of the two.
TOPIC: ISSUE141 - "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."
WORDS: 598 TIME: 0:45:00 DATE: 2006-7-31
In this society, both the conformity and individuality coexist and serve as an indispensable supplement to each other. Both of them are extremely important to any person who wants to make some achievements. When it comes to the personal economic success, the author asserts the conformity plays a much more important role than the individuality. In my observation, nonetheless, I deem that both of them deserve the same importance.
Truly, the individuality is an important aspect which we cannot afford to neglect. Since not every one shares an identical profound and accurate insight into business area, only some elites who are either born to be or learn to be business geniuses could attain such abilities. By virtue of this, if the elites blindly insist on the conformity, never can they stand out, explore some new areas and invest on them for profit. To this point, the industry area is replete with such examples to illustrate this point. Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Company, was a pioneer who discovered the great potential inherently underlying in the automobile industry. Prevailing over all the dissenting views, he succeeded in investing on the automobile, which was proved to be a great success afterwards. [In some sense, it is the apt demonstration of individuality]. Hence, an undeniable fact come out that, [it is the individuality that enables an individual stand out to be an outstanding person so as to gain personal economic success.]
Yet, as the business becomes mature, conformity comes to the stage and plays a more and more pivotal role in maintain one’s success. The reason is quite simple: hardly can an individual run a business by him/her, what he/she need is the collective power comes from the conformity rather than the individuality. Throughout the business area, it is never hard to identify a common feature they share is that it is the ever-lasting conformity hold the employees and the employers together, propel the companies forward, and subsequently help achieve the every individual’s economic success. GE, IBM, Microsoft, and etc. all of those large companies have a myriad of people working in them. Were there no a sense of conformity bear in everyone' mind, the companies will definitely on the brink of falling into pieces, because the manager will be bothered by kinds of troubles all day long caused by his/her employees full of individuality. In that case, the so-called personal economic success is nothing but the air castle. In short, the conformity plays a vital role in holding the business together, in combining everyone's power together, in achieving everyone's economic success.
Therefore, taking the two aspects into consideration, it is safe to conclude that both the individuality and conformity are of equal importance. None of them can be neglected or overemphasized. From a general perspective, In order to achieve personal economic success, it calls for a coordinate marriage of individuality and conformity. While the former helps discover new profitable area, the latter helps maintain this profitable area. Just like a man's left hand and right hand, without any hand, we will have great troubles in our daily life. So is the business. Therefore, due to the same importance of conformity and individuality, we should bear in mind [rarely can an individual achieve personal economic success without any of them.]
In conclusion, in our attempt to achieve the personal economic success, what we need is the both of our hands, that is the individuality and conformity, rather than any of them.