TOPIC: ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
WORDS: 502 TIME: 00:45:00 DATE: 2008-2-20 下午 09:27:55
Thomas Jeffson, the founder of the Declaration of Independence has ever said ( and I paraphrase ) " the sound and effective education is to cultivate both the "moralities" and the "faculties" of students". While considering the final goal of education and whether working in relevant jobs is just a method, I agree that such method is proper in some subjects to improve the quality of instruction while in other realms it is not.
First of all, the working experience in some sourses(courses) could really bring something useful to the class, which are hard to be found in the content of books. For example, teachers in the MBA courses are required to have at least years of business working experience, and the jourism(journalism) teachers have to guarantee themselves to working sometime each year. Such coursed above are tightly combined with the experiences, skills which are not only lack in the books but also change according to different ages. Going out of campus and joining in some related jobs could make relevant teachers keep pace with the world, acculate(accumulate) vivid and representative examples to illustrate the abstract theory in the teaching process; thus, the faculties they pass to their students are more competitive and more utilism(pragmatistic实用性的). After all, no company are willing to absorb graduates who are only familiar with "The Art of War" but unable to practise the essences into real world.
On the contrary , there are still other courses the extent of which make up that it is better and more effective to work in the labs rather than in the professions to perfect the quality of instruction. Such disciplines are mainly consisted by pure sciences--like physics, mathematics and so forth. On the one hand, there are mere jobs in the society having much to do with the analysis of what such disciplines study. On the other hand, the professors of such disciplines could arrange their time and energy better in the labs, no matter discussing with their teammates to solve the enduring problems or prepare the teaching materials, and at the same time escaping the troubles of the ridiculous orders from leaders if they working in the government offices.
What is more, on the moral side, the outside working suggestion should be limited instead of required. Facts have undermined the required. There is no denying that a myriad of attempings (enticements) exist in the society. To work outside the campus would no doubt face such attempings(enticements). At the time, the responsibility and self-control ability of the faculy(faculty) are bogged down in a dilemma. Unfortunately, the news about teachers who use much of time belonging to instrcution(instruction) to finish the missions from factories, or the topics concerning professors who could get more jobs and share the profit with students are not fresh any more. The nature of human beings--greed and lust-- win over the orinigal(original) objectives about improving the quality of instruction. And the money worship are even popular in the campus. this is the best lesson of the working in society.
诱惑,诱骗 v. tempt / lure / enticement / beguile /