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[i习作temp] issue21 快考试了才开始写I,求拍啊。。 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2008-7-31 00:39:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE21 - "Reform is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are really in earnest about reforming a government, an educational system, or any other institution must be willing to be viewed with disdain by the rest of the world."
WORDS: 602          TIME: 01:00:41          DATE: 2008-7-31 0:15:51


I find the speaker's dual claim to be specious on both counts. The claim that reform is seldom brought about by people regardless of their own reputation and social standing, which appealing in some aspects, is an over-statement at best. And the claim that the people who are earnest about reforming are willing to be disregarded by others is poorly supported by empirical evidence.

Consider first the claim that reform is brought about only by the people who are not care about their own reputation and social standing. I concede that the people who care little about their own interests are probably brought out reforms. Carl Mark once said and I paraphrase that reform is the process of transformation of human relationship in society. Accordingly, if the reform by the one who ignore the reputation succeeded, the one who provide the initial spark for the reform must have his or her social position and fame changed, generally shifted. For example, Mao Zedong, the first chairman of China, whose original intention is to liberate the peasant from the autarchy, brought out the reform to change the miserable society of Unliberated China(旧中国,是这么说吗?) by the means of military, establish Communist Party of China, ultimately united the whole country. His reform, which is not concern with his own affair but the interests of people living in the vast area, render Mao Zedong respective as a successful reformer and render him a position as a chairman.

However, history is replete with examples of who bring about reforms in the purpose of maintaining their own reputation and strengthening the social standing. Qin Shi Huang, living in the Qin Dynasty as the first emperor of China, set a culture reform called "Fenshu Kenru"--to burn the book and bury the scholars alive. The reason was that he considers the thoughts in the books and the ideas spread by the scholars were to threaten his position. That was an egregious reform in Chinese history and ultimately forfeits his leadership as a result of fulfilling his own interests. (这段历史不清楚,胡乱写的,也不知道对不对)It seems that in the short term if a reformer set a reformation in order to satisfy his or her own insatiable appetite, which may against the general people, will serve his or her interest a lot; yet in a long run, the reform must be the reason of the forfeiture.

Consider second claim that those who are earnest about reforming are willing to be viewed with disdain by other. Reform means distributing benefits of various levers; therefore, resist, dissatisfaction and disdain are inevitable. Nonetheless, that does not means the reformers are willing to be disregarded. Common sense tells me that no one irrespective of the ignorance by the rest of the world because the feeling of fall down is undesirable. The reformer's strong personal convince should not be looked down, and it might turn out to be whether the result of a reform is adorable or appalling, the reformer who lead it would be the famous few or be forgettable. None of it might be viewed with disdain.

In final analysis, the reforms can be brought about by either the people who hold the reputation and social standing cheap or the people who do not. However, the result of the reforms might be differ: the reform led by the ones who concern more about the public while regardless of their own interests are easier to achieve the goal, while the case is reversed, the result must be reversed. Moreover, the ones who have enough courage to bring about reforms cannot be disregard by others. In final analysis, I fundamentally disagree with the two claims.


[ 本帖最后由 秋雯儿 于 2008-7-31 01:09 编辑 ]

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issue21 快考试了才开始写I,求拍啊。。
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