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[习作点评] 明天考试了,最后一次模考,求各位大虾帮忙给个分吧,就当攒个人品最后再帮帮小弟!! [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-8-20 16:55:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."
WORDS: 494          TIME: 00:42:01          DATE: 2008-8-20 16:47:48

Does the study of history has value only to the extent that it is relvant to our daily lives?In the light of this statement the speaker declares that the answer of this question is yes.Even though I consent that at certain times the history which relevant to our daily lives will do good to our recent lives and point a way out of the problems and there exist a lot of people who hold the same standpoint with the author.On balance,however,the speaker irrelevantly overstates the importance of the connection of history and our daily lives.

For the contemporary society,I concede that sometimes when people who need  to make decisions or judgements,they like to follow the lead of history.Learn the experience from what our ancestors had done.That's a sort of good habit that people should have.Experience from the past is always a good teacher for us who live in the 21th century.For example,police of all over the world have build a information pool which may save all the crimes histories that have happened before and share it to all the police through the Internet.That is for the reason that police may check out the crime history and see what the other policemen did when they faced to the same kind of crime and to increase the efficiency of their job.Yet,this does not mean history will has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives which is too much absolutely at all.History exists with its own value and whatever it is,it always teach us with some experience,no matter it is relevant to our daily lives or not.

The Second World War,which is one of the most unhappy history of human kind in this world,has passed 60 more years.German which made the biggest mistake during that time had appologized to the whole world and this history isn't relevant to our daily lives anymore.But,is it means that this history has no value to human?Obviously the answer is no.Too much lifes had lost during that war and a huge amout of problems had lasted for us such as the environmental problems.People need to realize the improtance of peace throuogh this part of history and if they do admit their mistakes and get rid of the war forever,the history will has its value without the connection with our daily lives.

Another example is Napoleon who was the most famous and succeed emprie of Europe.The France of present time has nothing relevant to the France of Napoleon's time.Is that to say the history of Napoleon has no value for the contemporary society?Lots of people likes this great man and learn from his event not by the achievements he had reached but by the charactoristic of him----strong,intelligent and so on.This is also the value of the history that leaved to us.

In sum,the speaker's claim overstate the importance of the relevance of history and our daily lives.As far as the this dogmatical affirmation,I disagree with the speaker.

TOPIC: ARGUMENT21 - The following appeared in a memo from the new vice president of Sartorian, a company that manufactures men's clothing.
"Five years ago, at a time when we had difficulties in obtaining reliable supplies of high-quality wool fabric, we discontinued production of our deluxe alpaca overcoats. Now that we have a new fabric supplier, we should resume production. This coat should sell very well: since we have not offered an alpaca overcoat for five years and since our major competitor no longer makes an alpaca overcoat, there will be pent-up customer demand. Also, since the price of most types of clothing has risen in each of the past five years, customers should be willing to pay significantly higher prices for alpaca overcoats than they did five years ago, and our company profits will increase."
WORDS: 462          TIME: 00:29:48          DATE: 2008-8-20 16:47:48

After brief reading,the editorial's conclusion seemingly logical but further consideration presents that it neglect some improtant respects that should be indecated to affirm the argument.In this argument,the author draws the conclusion that Sartorial,a company that manufactures men's clothing should resume production of edluxe allpaca overcoats.To support the conclusion,the author applies the reasons that they have a new fabric supplier who will help them get rid of the difficulties in obtaining reliable supplies of high-quality wool fabric and since they have not offered an alpaca overcoat,their major competior have not,too.And the price of most types of clothing has risen in each of the past five years.However, the argument is logiclly flawed in certain critical aspects,which allow it unconvinced and baseless.

Primarily,the arguer assuemes that our major competitor no longer makes an alpaca overcoat which will be pent-up customer demand for them.However,no competitors does not certify that the customer demand will be pent-up.Universal knowledge inform us that the customer demand is not depend on the the competition of sellers but the trend and interest of themselves.It is entirely possible that this alpaca overcoats designed five years ago does not have the market any more and people will not buy this production even we do not have a competitor.Therefore,unless the arguer demonstrate the willing of the market,no such conclusion can be drew like this.

Secondarily,the arguer hastily assumes that customers should be willing to pay significantly higher prices for alpaca overcoats because the price of most types of clothing has risen in each of hte past five years.Even if the customers still like this production and most other clothing's price has risen.No such evidence has been exhibited that they are will to pay more on our production.For one thing,maybe the price of the most clothing has already reached an acme and people will not pay anymore higher price for clothing.For another thing,even if people will not  care about how much they cost on clothing,that's not mean they are will to buy our production which is a very important thing that we shouldn't neglect.

Finally,although people will buy alpaca overcoat,Sartorian should also concern about the cost on producing this kind of production.We do have a new fabric supplier now,but the arguer does not show the price of these fabric.It is completely probably that the cost to produce alpaca overcoat will higher than we received.Unless the arguer shows a clear price list of the fabric,it will not convince me to agree with him.

After cautious consideration,the author is lack of both detailed evidence as well as accurate logical thinking to make a rational argument.The speaker need more reasons to persuasive me such as a survey of alpaca overcoat's market at recent time and a price list of how much the company will cost to produce alpaca overcoat.

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