TOPIC:In some countries, governments are encouraging industries andbusinesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas, do youthink advantage of this development outweigh its disadvantage.
In present-day society, industries and businesses are playing anincreasingly important role in promoting the development of society.Yet at the same time, controversy has arisen over whether they shouldbe moved out of big cities into rural areas. Some people contend thatthis movement will bring more advantages than disadvantages. From myown perspective, I am in favor of their proposition, with certainqualifications.
Convincing arguments can be made that taking industries and businesses out of large cities will bring numerous benefits to the whole society and environment. To begin with, by taking factories andbusiness bases out of city centers, the deteriorating environment of cities will be definitely improved greatly. For instance, Beijing’s airquality improves substantially with some heavy industry factories being dismantled to meet the needs of the Olympics. Furthermore, more employment opportunities will be available to the affluent immigrant workers in rural areas, which, in the long run, will promote theeconomic development of undeveloped areas. Last but not least, the enterprises themselves will benefit from the movement. Indeed, moving into another areas could create some new profitable markets for theenterprises, and thus expand their market shares, which is quite important in current society full of cutthroat competition.
Admittedly, this movement could carry potential drawbacks. Oneillustration of this is that such practice would take large amounts of money and energy while reducing tax revenue of the cities. Despitethat, it is worth noting that it is the governments’ function to find an equilibrium among various interests and minimize the total cost.
To conclude, I would concede that taking industries and business out ofbig cities to regional areas may bring some detrimental effects.However, it is unjustifiable if we overlook the benefits this practicemay lead to. Overall, I am convinced that it is advisable to take industries and business from big cities to rural areas, and which, inthe long term, is beneficial to the healthy development of a nation asa whole.
moving into another areas could create some new profitable markets for the enterprises
it is unjustifiable if we overlook the benefits this practicemay lead to.
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