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[a习作temp] argument 76 [TSUBASA] by wildrose800331 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-7-7 18:46:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT76 - The following appeared as part of an article in a health and beauty magazine.

"A group of volunteers participated in a study of consumer responses to the new Luxess face cream. Every morning for a month, they washed their faces with mild soap and then applied Luxess. At the end of that month, most volunteers reported a marked improvement in the way their skin looked and felt. Thus it appears that Luxess is truly effective in improving the condition of facial skin."
WORDS: 445
TIME: 00:29:51 +2 checking
DATE: 2009-7-7 7:43:55

The author, in the health and beauty magazine, presumes that Luxess is really effective in improving the condition of facial skin. To bolster this hypothesis, the arguer cited an empirical study in which a group of volunteers applied Luxess. Besides this, the finding in this study reveals that most volunteers reported a marked improvement in the way their skin looked and felt. However, both the cited case and the deduction based on it are incomplete and therefore unconvincing after a careful scrutiny.

To begin with, subjects participating in the study was a group of volunteers, that is to say, their skin may shatter a lot. It is possible that part of them had a delicate and smooth skin, while part had skin worries including inches, grease, or dark head and so forth. It is also unclear what the exact number of these volunteers. Without explicitly introducing the number and specifications of these volunteers' skin, any presumption based on these participants is groundless.
In addition, the effectiveness of the Luxess can not be verified without taking other considerations. One key factor in the study was the mild soap. The subjects washed their faces with mild soap and then applied Luxess face cream every morning for a month. Since mild soap was used to clean skin, which was the first step to maintain and improve facial skin, it is quite possible that mild soap rather than Luxess better the conditions of their facial skin.

Other factors in a broader but related sense should also be considered. The condition of skin is closely reliant on a regular life schedule and a healthy diet. If
in this observation period, the volunteers had less pressure and sufficient sleep, meanwhile, enjoyed healthy and light meals as well as did some oxygene outdoor activites, they were more likely to feel better and look better about their facial skin.

Undoubtedly, the report by most volunteers themselves was weakening the crediblity of this assumption. Because whether and to what extent their skin was improved should not stop at the sensational feelings of the subjects, instead, should meet a scientific and objective system of evaluation. Without any professional and systematic standards to justify the improvement of their skin condition, mere volunteers' reply was not forceful but faint.

In all, the conclusion reached in this argument is lack of legitimacy and credibility. To corroborate this deduction, the author should provide more details of the previous skin condition of these volunteers. To strengthen its trustworthiness, the arguer need to point out and then rule out other influential variables in the study and furthermore emphasize the marked improvement was based on a public-acknowledged and scientific standard of examination.
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Brian78 + 1 ok了~

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-7-8 22:21:58 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ARGUMENT76 - The following appeared as part of an article in a health and beauty magazine.

"A group of volunteers participated in a study of consumer responses to the new Luxess face cream. Every morning for a month, they washed their faces with mild soap and then applied Luxess. At the end of that month, most volunteers reported a marked improvement in the way their skin looked and felt. Thus it appears that Luxess is truly effective in improving the condition of facial skin."
WORDS: 445
TIME: 00:29:51 +2 checking
DATE: 2009-7-7 7:43:55

The author, in the health and beauty magazine, presumes that Luxess is really effective in improving the condition of facial skin. To bolster this hypothesis, the arguer cited an empirical study in which a group of volunteers applied Luxess. Besides this, the finding in this study reveals that most volunteers reported a marked improvement in the way their skin looked and felt. However, both the cited case and the deduction based on it are incomplete and therefore unconvincing after a careful scrutiny.

To begin with, subjects participating in the study was(were) a group of volunteers, that is to say, their skin(s) may shatter a lot. It is possible that part of them had a delicate and smooth skin, while part had skin worries including inches, grease, or dark head and so forth. It is also unclear what the exact number of these volunteers. Without explicitly introducing the number and specifications of these volunteers' skin, any presumption based on these participants is groundless.
In addition, the effectiveness of the Luxess can not be verified without taking other considerations. One key factor in the study was the mild soap. The subjects washed their faces with mild soap and then applied Luxess face cream every morning for a month. Since mild soap was used to clean skin, which was the first step to maintain and improve facial skin, it is quite possible that
it is mild soap rather than Luxess (that) better(ed) the conditions of their facial skin.
Mild soap导致
Other factors in a broader but related sense should also be considered. The condition of skin is closely reliant on a(the) regular life schedule and a(the) healthy diet. If
in this observation period, the volunteers had less pressure and sufficient sleep, meanwhile, enjoyed healthy and light meals as well as did some oxygen outdoor activites(有氧运动可以用这个:outdoor aerobic exercise), they were more likely to feel better and look better about their facial skin.
Undoubtedly, the report by most volunteers themselves was weakening the crediblity of this assumption. Because whether and to what extent their skin was improved should not stop at the sensational feelings of the subjects, instead, should meet a scientific and objective system of evaluation. Without any professional and systematic standards to justify the improvement of their skin condition, mere volunteers' reply was not forceful but faint.
In all(all in all吧, in all 不是总共的意思么), the conclusion reached in this argument is lack of legitimacy and credibility. To corroborate this deduction, the author should provide more details of the previous skin condition of these volunteers. To strengthen its trustworthiness, the arguer need to point out and then rule out other influential variables in the study and furthermore emphasize the marked improvement was based on a public-acknowledged and scientific standard of examination.



使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-7-9 06:48:23 |只看该作者
The author, in the health and beauty magazine, presumes that Luxess is really effective in improving the condition of facial skin. To bolster this hypothesis, the arguer cited an empirical study in which a group of volunteers applied Luxess. Besides this, the finding in this study reveals that most volunteers reported a marked improvement in the way their skin looked and felt. However, both the cited case and the deduction based on it are incomplete and therefore unconvincing after a careful scrutiny.

To begin with, subjects participating in the study were a group of volunteers, that is to say, their skins may shatter a lot. It is possible that part of them had a delicate and smooth skin, while part had skin worries including inches, grease, or dark head and so forth. It is also unclear what the exact number of these volunteers. Without explicitly introducing the number and specifications of these volunteers' skin, any presumption based on these participants is groundless.

In addition, the effectiveness of the Luxess can not be verified without taking other considerations. One key factor in the study was the mild soap. The subjects washed their faces with mild soap and then applied Luxess face cream every morning for a month. Since mild soap was used to clean skin, which was the first step to maintain and improve facial skin, it is quite possible that it is mild soap rather than Luxess that bettered the conditions of their facial skin.
Mild soap导致
Other factors in a broader but related sense should also be considered. The condition of skin is closely reliant on a regular life schedule and a healthy diet. If
in this observation period, the volunteers had less pressure and sufficient sleep, meanwhile, enjoyed healthy and light meals as well as did some outdoor aerobic exercise, they were more likely to feel better and look better about their facial skin.
Undoubtedly, the report by most volunteers themselves was weakening the crediblity of this assumption. Because whether and to what extent their skin was improved should not stop at the sensational feelings of the subjects, instead, should meet a scientific and objective system of evaluation. Without any professional and systematic standards to justify the improvement of their skin condition, mere volunteers' reply was not forceful but faint.
All in all, the conclusion reached in this argument is lack of legitimacy and credibility. To corroborate this deduction, the author should provide more details of the previous skin condition of these volunteers. To strengthen its trustworthiness, the arguer need to point out and then rule out other influential variables in the study and furthermore emphasize the marked improvement was based on a public-acknowledged and scientific standard of examination
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argument 76 [TSUBASA] by wildrose800331
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