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[F1] 同一个学校Change of Level/Program,OPT居然不会自动停?! [复制链接]

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发表于 2016-6-23 16:31:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 TedSnape 于 2016-6-23 21:00 编辑

1. 美硕,今年二月一号正式毕业(本来是读博士,已经读了两年,不过想换个专业读,于去年九月改成了硕士)。
2. 申请了一些今年秋季开学的言语治疗硕士/博士项目。
3. 正式毕业前夕申请了四月一号开始的OPT。当时想着如果没有学校收我,可以先工作一年,然后再申请。
4. 四月十二号得知被本校的言语治疗博士项目录取,我也当天就接受了offer,于是我也就不需要找OPT工作了。同时利用OPT可以90天unemployment,我就呆在美国等新的I-20、搬家等等,订在五月底回国。


按照楼主的背景呢,因为是同一个学校change of education level,所以可以不换SEVIS,这就跟换学校之后SEVIS transfer差不多。

我们先来看一下关于SEVIS Transfer的相关规定(来自于芝加哥大学网站,因为搜索SEVIS Transfer、OPT出来后的第一个网站就是芝加哥大学的):
* You are considered a SEVIS- transfer student if you are:
    * currently at another U.S. school (high school or secondary),
    * on OPT or AT, or
    * will be studying in an English as a Second Language program before coming to the University of Chicago
* Your existing F-1 or J-1 SEVIS record must be transferred from your current institution to the University of Chicago.
* If you are finishing OPT, you can transfer your SEVIS record during the 60 day grace period following OPT.
* If you transfer your record while on post-completion OPT, your OPT will automatically end and any remaining OPT time will be forfeit.
* If you are finishing AT, you can transfer your SEVIS record during the 30 day grace period following AT.
* Transfer Eligibility: to be eligible for a SEVIS transfer, your UChicago program must start within 5 months of your current program end date or OPT end date. (not the transfer release date)

Completing one academic program and starting a new one at the University of Chicago is similar to a SEVIS transfer, but is considered a change of education level/program. The timing and advantages of moving from one program to another at UChicago are the same as those for transfer students.

说了这么多呢,跟我相关的就是1)SEVIS Transfer的那天(也叫SEVIS Release Date),没用完的OPT会自动停掉;2)同一个学校换level/program,跟不同学校之间SEVIS Transfer差不多。基于这两点,我就想当然的认为同一个学校换level/program,当我拿到新专业的I-20时,我的OPT也会自动停止。。。可是根本不是如此啊!!!这个一会儿再说。我们先看一下SEVIS Transfer有什么好处(还是来自于芝加哥大学网站):
        •        You do not have to depart and re-enter the U.S. in between your programs if you are a SEVIS transfer student.
        •        Transfer of your SEVIS record also allows you to use your current F-1 or J-1 visa if it hasn't expired.
        •        You do not have to pay the SEVIS fee again since you have the same SEVIS number.

        •        You are immediately eligible for on-campus employment at the U of C once you receive your I-20 or DS-2019 from our office. If you have been enrolled full-time at your previous institution for at least one academic year, you may also be immediately eligible to apply for off-campus work authorization under OPT, CPT, or AT.


SEVIS Transfer真是好处多多。楼主之前已经有个五年有效期的签证,本来还能用几年。可是现在没有办法,不但得换SEVIS,还得交SEVIS fee和签证费。这是怎么回事呢?

When moving from OPT to a new degree program at the same school, you are considered a continuing student. This means that using your OPT I-20, and your I-20 for your new degree program, you should be permitted to enter the U.S. at anytime this summer. However, I noticed that you never reported employment to us. Are you employed?


How long have you been unemployed? How much unemployment time will you have used at the time you enter the U.S? You are only permitted 90 days without a job while on OPT. If you will exceed that then you are not maintaining your status.


Your OPT will not be automatically cancelled when the new I-20 is issued. This is the problem. You are expected to maintain your OPT until your new program begins. Therefore, if you do not find a job you will continue to accumulate unemployment time until classes start in August.

This summer, it is expected that the Department of Homeland Security will turn on functionality that will terminate your SEVIS record if you exceed 90 days of unemployment. If this happens then both your OPT and your new I-20 will be terminated.

There are two ways to avoid this:

1. Find employment and not exceed the 90 days of unemployment. Maintain employment until the start of your program).

2. Return home, receive an "initial" I-20, pay the SEVIS fee and apply for a new visa stamp.

Since you are one of many students in this situation, I will be discussing this situation with the ISSS director on Wednesday morning. I may have additional suggestions after that meeting. I will email you again later next week.

啊啊啊,真是晴天霹雳!我只好跟说我确定要回国过暑假了,找个工作不现实,你们给我新的SEVIS吧。。。于是,又交了200刀的SEVIS fee,160刀的签证费。可能唯一比较好的消息是,像我这种情况(之前的签证未过期,没换学校,换了SEVIS ),可以中信递签,无需面谈。我上周把材料给中信银行,这周一护照到广州使馆,周二visa状态是ready,周三visa状态是AP,今天的状态就是issued。
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同一个学校Change of Level/Program,OPT居然不会自动停?!
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