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[未归类] Daily writing 之 江左风华的作文贴 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-14 16:23:09 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-13 07:21:38 |只看该作者
The difference between building an art museum and digging a swimming pool is more than creating different concrete bodies, it is about what kind of culture we want to have, about what kind of life we want to pursue.  In this point, I hold the belief that the government should raise funds to establish an art museum or a music performance center rather than recreational facilities.
# [& J# H5 N! a. i* m# b3 }' Z& S# o5 e: w. }% w8 [( @
    To start with, art including music makes great contribution to the contents of our culture and history. Painters and musicians create beautiful art pieces which is a lively portrait of the then life style, circumstances, with a demonstration of spirit states in a society. To preserve these art works, and make them accessible to all people is the fundamental obligation of an art museum. By these means, culture has passed on from generation to generation, and we can know who we are, where we came from and how our ancestors used to live.    6 w- z  `9 E8 P/ C( Y' V# n* M: W

8 `" Z" t% G6 h7 j9 YFurthermore, art museums educate the public in both moral and aesthetic realm. In the world of visual images, however, the museum is the primary source for education, merely by existing, by preserving and exhibiting works of art. What the artists depicted in the drawings will pass on directly to the people gazing at it, his emotion, value and his philosophy. Audience will also have a rough sense about paintings, painters and the history of art through exhibitions, and gradually get to know what a masterpiece is like to be, and how to appreciate it fully. An art museum is educational, in the broadest and best sense.可以举例说明,比如中国古代流传下来的书画可以让我们更好的了解那个朝代人们的生活,如果没有博物馆保存,这些书画不知去向,我们也缺少了了解历史的途径。: H$ Z" j( B9可以 Y7 W
* y3 x2 o- ~' n5 J- H7 A% _" @
Important as educational process is, the museum is less a place to learn about art than a place in which to enjoy it. An art museum exists for our pleasure, for recreation and the kind of quiet contemplation that suit each of us best. Every time we feel lonely and upset, a glimpse at these quiet, gorgeous paintings, or a moment for Bach and Chopin, will drive away depression and instruct us to appreciate beautiful things again.- e1 W3 S1 I  V& d/ w
4 o" l  s0 N  C
In conclusion, art museums and music performance centers serve for entertainment, moral up lift and popular taste improvements, and an absence of these buildings is a great lose to public spiritual life. That is why I strongly recommend that it is crucial important for the government to support such cultural places.
语法很好,羡慕,但感觉作者都是在说大空话没有具体事例,最好积累一下例子使文章显得更生动。  而且感觉一二段说保存文物流传下来教育人们其实都是一个意思,可以从另外一个方面,比如说一个博物馆承载了一个国家的文明,是这个国家文化的象征,在外国友人来我们国家参观时可以像他们展示我们的文明史,让他们更好的了解我们。

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-12 19:44:15 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4


EU Assistant

发表于 2011-5-12 18:10:21 |只看该作者
The difference between building an art museum and digging a swimming pool is more than creating different concrete bodies, it is about what kind of culture we want to have, about what kind of life we want to pursue.  In this point, I hold the belief that the government (governments) should raise funds to establish an art museum or a music performance center rather than recreational facilities.

    To start with, art including music makes great contribution to the contents of our culture and history. Painters and musicians create beautiful art pieces which is a lively portrait of the then life style, circumstances, with a demonstration of spirit states in a society. To preserve these art works, and make them accessible to all people is the fundamental obligation of an art museum. By these means, culture has passed on from generation to generation, and we can know who we are, where we came from and how our ancestors used to live. (前面几句都是空话啊,中间的那一句说到了一点,但是还是说museum应该保护艺术作品。)   

Furthermore, art museums educate the public in both moral and aesthetic realm. In the world of visual images, however, the museum is the primary source for education, merely by existing, by preserving and exhibiting works of art. What the artists depicted in the drawings will pass on directly to the people(who) gazing at it, his emotion, value and his philosophy. Audience will also have a rough sense about paintings, painters and the history of art through exhibitions, and gradually get to know what a masterpiece is like to be, and how to appreciate it fully. An art museum is educational, in the broadest and best sense.(说了意义,但是没说到最重要的点上,museum有教育意义,所以呢?)

Important as educational process is, the museum is less a place to learn about art than a place in which to enjoy it. An art museum exists for our pleasure, for recreation and the kind of quiet contemplation that suit each of us best. Every time we feel lonely and upset, a glimpse at these quiet, gorgeous paintings, or a moment for Bach and Chopin, will drive away depression and instruct us to appreciate beautiful things again.

In conclusion, art museums and music performance centers serve for entertainment, moral up lift and popular taste improvements, and an absence of these buildings is a great lose to public spiritual life. That is why I strongly recommend that it is crucial important for the government (governments)to support such cultural places.

fright for GT!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-12 00:48:26 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 江左风华 于 2011-5-12 00:49 编辑

Do you agree or disagree that with thefollowing statement: It's more important for the governmentto spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to buildrecreational facilities(such as swimming pool, playground)  10 01 22NA4 P1 @' s4 F&

The difference between building an art museum and digging a swimming pool is more than creating different concrete bodies, it is about what kind of culture we want to have, about what kind of life we want to pursue.  In this point, I hold the belief that the government should raise funds to establish an art museum or a music performance center rather than recreational facilities.

    To start with, art including music makes great contribution to the contents of our culture and history. Painters and musicians create beautiful art pieces which is a lively portrait of the then life style, circumstances, with a demonstration of spirit states in a society. To preserve these art works, and make them accessible to all people is the fundamental obligation of an art museum. By these means, culture has passed on from generation to generation, and we can know who we are, where we came from and how our ancestors used to live.   

Furthermore, art museums educate the public in both moral and aesthetic realm. In the world of visual images, however, the museum is the primary source for education, merely by existing, by preserving and exhibiting works of art. What the artists depicted in the drawings will pass on directly to the people gazing at it, his emotion, value and his philosophy. Audience will also have a rough sense about paintings, painters and the history of art through exhibitions, and gradually get to know what a masterpiece is like to be, and how to appreciate it fully. An art museum is educational, in the broadest and best sense.

Important as educational process is, the museum is less a place to learn about art than a place in which to enjoy it. An art museum exists for our pleasure, for recreation and the kind of quiet contemplation that suit each of us best. Every time we feel lonely and upset, a glimpse at these quiet, gorgeous paintings, or a moment for Bach and Chopin, will drive away depression and instruct us to appreciate beautiful things again.

In conclusion, art museums and music performance centers serve for entertainment, moral up lift and popular taste improvements, and an absence of these buildings is a great lose to public spiritual life. That is why I strongly recommend that it is crucial important for the government to support such cultural places.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-11 15:27:41 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 江左风华 于 2011-5-11 15:43 编辑

For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities?

    No topic in education is more reliable to cause heated debate than the budget priority shifted between elementary education and university education. Some put forward the idea that university education which plays a critical  role in cultivating intelligent and committed future leaders deserves to be put in the first place, however, opponents strongly disagree with the opinion in which the significance of  primary school teaching is quiet overlooked. From my perspective of view, the government should focus its budget more on young children education rather than on universities.
    The first and foremost, childhood is the most crucial time to study knowledge and to build correct learning attitude in one's life, which lies a solid foundation for the future exploration. Researches showed that most of our learning and living habits, affecting profoundly in our life, are established in the earlier ages. Distinguished scholars or business leaders, differentiated on personalities and characteristic, do have one thing in common, imagination and creativity. These precious qualities could only be acquired under dynamic, instinctive, and comprehensive instructor from grade 1 to grade 12, and must be hold on in high-level study.

Unfortunately, children in our country seem to have done a bad performance in creative work, leading to a depression of innovation in both science and commercial fields.  One important reason contributes to this problem is the score-oriented, stereotyped, and restricted teaching patterns that have been received by our pupils. It is inappropriate for the university preferred ones to ignore this education fail and allocate a heavier weight of universtity education on people's success.

    It may be somewhat surprised to acknowledge that American states have been distributed  annually 2 thirds of its education fund to elementary education.  It's often considered that a university which is composed of gorgeous buildings, complex experiment facilities and famous professions undeniably cost more. The overlooked fact is the differential of quantity between universities and primary schools. Universities aim to educate the intelligent few, while primary schools serve for the whole at a basic level. Important as elite education is, fundamental education is never the less but far more significant.

    Never should we ignore the key fact that primary schools play a more important role than colleges to realize education equity. Though it seems quiet fair for students to be given administration into universities by their scores in the National College Entrance Exam. However, districts and family conditions restricts many talented and eager ones from moving on in their academic life. Some drop out at a very young age because of poverty, and others, most of whom come from less developed cities or towns or even remote villages, make their way hard into a good university under years of skill-lack teaching and condition-restrained study. It is unavoidable to recognize that many of our primary schools are still in poor condition, lack of fundamental equipment and professional teachers. Thus, concentrate more on promoting elementary education does have something to do with educational equity and social justice seriously.

    In conclusion, what we've been debating above is tightly related to the lives of the students and families all across China in profound ways. This debate over budget and priority in education is about more than just numbers on a page, more than just allocating and spending. It's about the kind of country that we believe in, about the kind of future we want to have, and about the fundamental rights that we believe to be shared by all the human beings.

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