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[活动] 3.22独立写作 by ly8768 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-22 21:16:26 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 ly8768 于 2010-3-22 21:17 编辑

Government should pay more attention to health care issues than on environment issues.

Government is responsible for the development and the stability of the society. There are many aspects that the government should focus on such as transportation, education, economy, national security, health care, environment issues and so forth. However, because of the limited financial budget and various importances of different issues, it is unnecessary for the government to allocate sufficient finance and the same attention on each issue. Therefore, here comes the question whether health care needs more attention than environment issues. A group of people maintain that environment problems are getting more and more serious and as a result, it really makes sense to lay priority on the environment issues. In my perspective, however, I cannot agree with this view and conversely health care should be paid more attention. My reasons are as follows.

To begin with, problems resulting from health care are more urgent than those led by environment issues. Admittedly, it is true that the environment issues are becoming more serious than ever before. Such problems caused by environment issues as global warming, reduction of tropic rainforest and desertification threaten the survival of our human beings. Nevertheless, it makes no sense to deny the importance and urgency of health care issues. As the matter of fact, in my country, the Chinese government has paid much attention on the environment issues. The actions of enlarging forest, legislation banning pollution, protecting wild animals play a significant role to handle the environment issues. Compared with environment issues, health care need more financial and technical supports. Actually there is no doubt about the fact that the importance of health is manifest in a person's life. If a great number of denizens in a country suffer from danger of diseases, hardly can they maintain their life, never to say solve problems with environment. I will take my country for example. There are over 1.3 billion people in China, and the condition of health care is at a considerable low level. In many remote region, people lack of indispensible medical equipment and staffs. Even though in metropolis, the condition is neither satisfactory and civilians need to make a reservation to see a doctor. In this manner, I highly recommend the government to allocate more attention and money on health care issues.

The second reason why I agree to focus on health care issues is because it is impossible for one country to make great effort to solve the environment problems without the cooperation of other countries. Problems concerning environment are international issues, so it needs collaboration of all nations in this planet. For one thing, it is impractical for only few countries to decrease release of greenhouse gases to stop global warming. While for the other thing, environment issue is such a huge problem that one country cannot afford the expense of solving the problem. Still, many developing countries should improve the life of their denizens at the cost of environment. Therefore, paying more attention on environment issue for the government possibly cannot solve the environment issues. Accordingly, it is a wise idea for the government to lay priority on the health issue, while international organizations are better options to deal with environment issues.

Because of the importance and urgency of health care issue, as well as the unique of environment issues, I will agree with the idea that government should pay more attention to health care issues than on environment issues.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-9-10 11:21:15 |只看该作者
2# 我是chineselady
麻烦高人指点 429楼 流淌在海德堡

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-4-18 15:44:03 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-17 13:05:03 |只看该作者

Do you think people should buy things made in their own country, even the price is higher than same things made somewhere else.

When people purchase products, most of them are confused by the various goods appearing in the supermarkets or the shopping malls. Actually many factors have an influence on the taste of customers including brands, qualities, appearances, services, places of productions, technologies, environment friendly and so forth. A group of people prefer to purchase things made in their native countries without considering other properties of products because they believe this inclination as kind of patriots. In my perspective, however, I could not agree with this attention. And my Specific reasons are as follows.

To begin with, it is impractical to judge the location where products are made in many cases. The enhancement of science and technologies has largely shrunk the world in the past decades. The trend of globalization has pervaded into all aspects of life and changes the world greatly. When it comes to the field of industry, products become internationalization. To reduce cost and improve quality of products, manufacturing usually employs technologies and materials all over the world. As a result, it makes customers difficult to distinguish where a product's places of production is. I will illustrate it from two aspects. On one hand, some companies design a product in the native country, import components from others and resemble them together in their own countries again. For example, the brand of a computer is Lenovo; its center process unit is designed by Inter; while the display may come from Sony. Lenovo is a company in China; Inter, the United States; and Sony, Japan. In this case, if a person buy a Lenovo's computer, never can deny the fact that s/he also buy the products from the United States and Japan. On the other hand, collaborations among companies blur the concept of producing locations. Buick is an American company; nevertheless, their automobiles sold in a foreign market are produced in that country itself. In this manner, I am not convinced by the contention that people can buy things made in its own country.

Furthermore, choosing products from various countries can benefit both customers and the whole society. Admittedly, buying products of native companies can spur the development of companies of one's own countries in a short time, yet I would argue that people can benefits more if they buy things from different countries in a long term. A variety of companies from different countries lead to the competition among manufacturing. Hence, civilians can enjoy benefits of low price and good services from the competition. While companies are stimulated to reduce cost and improve quality. Otherwise the high expenses of products can reduce the quality of life. This reminds me of the policy of Korean beef policy. The Korean government encourages their denizens to purchase beef of their own nation and forbids importing a large amount of beef from other countries. As a result, rare can most people eat beef in a year. What is worse, without competition, the local technologies of producing beef are stagnant. Therefore, I am not supportive of the view to buy things of one's own countries no matter how expensive the product is.

In sum, because of the difficulty to distinguish places of productions and benefits resulting from purchasing products from various countries, I cannot agree with the idea that people should buy things made in their own country, even the price is higher than same things made somewhere else.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-14 13:42:40 |只看该作者

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students who keep their rooms neat and organized tend to be more successful than students who do not.

syllabus# J) _, R$ H2 O2 y, q6 l, L# Q1 a
Students who keep their rooms neat and organized is more likely to show good impressions, which leads them to succeed.

Students who can organize their rooms also excel in organizing other affairs both in their life and career., n  {4 K& `$ B- K* s1 d- S; @

Most people dream of success in their life. And a mass of reasons contribute the success of a person, including ability, opportunity, living environment, education background, personality, social relationship and so forth. Thus when it comes to students, here comes the controversial issue whether students who always keep their rooms clean and tidy are possible to be successful than those who fail to. A group of people disagree with this view since they argue that a successful person should not focus on such daily trivial as cleaning rooms. In my perspective, however, the ability to organize neat rooms plays a significant role to reflect a person's ability to deal with other affairs. Therefore, those who can organize their rooms tend to be more successful and my specific reasons are as follows.
# W( ?( u- H$ V0 J, q2 Y3 h
To begin with, students who keep their rooms neat and organized is more likely to show good impressions, which leads them to succeed. No one could deny the fact that a good impression, especially the first impression, has a great impact on a person's success. And the process of keeping rooms neat and organized helps students form the habit of making other things impressive. When hunting a job, students who wear suitable and tidy would have higher possibility to get it; in the realm of business, a good impression shows the respect to others and it can promote transactions; still in the field of research, a well-organized and concise paper is more possible to be accepted. All of these stated above indicate the importance of good impressions. Quite conversely, students who are reluctant to clean their rooms probably pay less attention to their impressions.觉得说的有点儿绝对 In this manner, if a person seems not neat, rare people would prefer to contact him/her, never to say that s/he can get help from others. Since people who keep their rooms neat usually have good impressions in their life, I am convinced that it is more acceptable for them to succeed.' ]' \2 L) w! H* t

Furthermore, Students who can organize their rooms also excel in organizing other affairs both in their life and career. Because of the complexity of affairs resulting from rapid development of science and technology in the modern society, the importance of the ability to organize things becomes manifest. Admittedly, some people would argue that trivial affairs such as keeping rooms clean are much less complicated than social affairs, yet the basic principle to solve problems is same. For instance, setting items in a room, students should learn how to categorize them; while facing various archives, people can use the similar skill to classify them. Therefore, organizing items of a room is the primary stage of managing other affairs. Those students who have the habit to keep rooms clean and organized could have more experience to organize other things including a team, a company and even a nation, each of which would be a great success in one's life. As a result, I am supportive of the point that students who excel in cleaning and organizing rooms are more likely to succeed.

In sum, because of merits of good impressions and organization skills caused by the process of organizing and cleaning rooms, I agree with the view that students who keep their rooms neat and organized is more likely to show good impressions, which leads them to succeed.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-14 09:38:47 |只看该作者

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students who keep their rooms neat and organized tend to be more successful than students who do not.

Students who keep their rooms neat and organized is more likely to show good impressions, which leads them to succeed.

Students who can organize their rooms also excel in organizing other affairs both in their life and career.

Most people dream of success in their life. And a mass of reasons contribute the success of a person, including ability, opportunity, living environment, education background, personality, social relationship and so forth. Thus when it comes to students, here comes the controversial issue whether students who always keep their rooms clean and tidy are possible to be successful than those who fail to. A group of people disagree with this view since they argue that a successful person should not focus on such daily trivial as cleaning rooms. In my perspective, however, the ability to organize neat rooms plays a significant role to reflect a person's ability to deal with other affairs. Therefore, those who can organize their rooms tend to be more successful and my specific reasons are as follows.

To begin with, students who keep their rooms neat and organized is more likely to show good impressions, which leads them to succeed. No one could deny the fact that a good impression, especially the first impression, has a great impact on a person's success. And the process of keeping rooms neat and organized helps students form the habit of making other things impressive. When hunting a job, students who wear suitable and tidy would have higher possibility to get it; in the realm of business, a good impression shows the respect to others and it can promote transactions; still in the field of research, a well-organized and concise paper is more possible to be accepted. All of these stated above indicate the importance of good impressions. Quite conversely, students who are reluctant to clean their rooms probably pay less attention to their impressions. In this manner, if a person seems not neat, rare people would prefer to contact him/her, never to say that s/he can get help from others. Since people who keep their rooms neat usually have good impressions in their life, I am convinced that it is more acceptable for them to succeed.

Furthermore, Students who can organize their rooms also excel in organizing other affairs both in their life and career. Because of the complexity of affairs resulting from rapid development of science and technology in the modern society, the importance of the ability to organize things becomes manifest. Admittedly, some people would argue that trivial affairs such as keeping rooms clean are much less complicated than social affairs, yet the basic principle to solve problems is same. For instance, setting items in a room, students should learn how to categorize them; while facing various archives, people can use the similar skill to classify them. Therefore, organizing items of a room is the primary stage of managing other affairs. Those students who have the habit to keep rooms clean and organized could have more experience to organize other things including a team, a company and even a nation, each of which would be a great success in one's life. As a result, I am supportive of the point that students who excel in cleaning and organizing rooms are more likely to succeed.

In sum, because of merits of good impressions and organization skills caused by the process of organizing and cleaning rooms, I agree with the view that students who keep their rooms neat and organized is more likely to show good impressions, which leads them to succeed.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-4-12 17:40:20 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-4-11 23:32:16 |只看该作者
There are many merits of travels. People can learn various cultures on(from会不会好些)travels; and it is also an effective method for people to relax after long term work and study; still on travels, people can make some friends with different background. And all of these make a person's life happy. Thus, many people are fond of travel as favorite entertainment in the vacation. Nevertheless, here comes the controversial issue whether people can benefits more from a domestic travel or that to foreign countries. A group of people prefer to travel abroad, for people would have opportunities to experience a different way of life. In my perspective, however, I am supportive of the idea that people could benefit more by traveling domestically and my specific reasons are as follows.

To begin with, visitors can enjoy a more ease journey if they travel in their own countries. Admittedly, it is true that denizens can learn a variety of different cultures and lead a different life on the travels to a foreign country, yet we can never neglect the aim of travels. Rarely can we deny the fact that in most cases releasing pressure from life is the primary goal for people to plan a travel. By enjoying beautiful natural sceneries or having a rest in the sunshine of(on) a beach, people can refresh and keep in a happy mood to handle challenges from work and study in the future. Nonetheless, drawbacks of travels abroad will undermine these benefits. Because visitors would be exhausted after a long journey; and possibly such differences of living habits as foods and climate would have a passive impact on travelers' physical conditions; what is worse, it takes people a lot of time to recover from time lag. Hence, from the aspect of relax, I would choose to travel in my own country rather than to a foreign one.

Furthermore, background information and cultural variety in one's own country play more important roles to a person's life and work. It is true that by traveling both domestically and abroad, people can learn different cultures respectively, yet the knowledge concerning different regions in one’s native country are more beneficial to denizens. I will illustrate my point from two aspects. On one hand, a majority of people have rare opportunities to work outside compared with those to work in the native country. And as a result, it is more practical for those people to(who) adjust to the differences of climates and living habits in different regions of the same country. While on the other hand, it is difficult to learn a different culture especially(去掉) without relative background information on foreign countries(especially). In this manner, hardly can travelers understand the culture and other knowledge of a foreign country only by several travels. Conversely, it becomes easier when it comes to one’s own country. Convinced by the reasons above, I agree to travel in my own country to gain useful knowledge.

In sum, because of the aim of travel and difficulties to learn foreign countries in a short time, if I make a decision, I would agree with the view that people can benefit more from traveling in their own country than traveling to foreign countries.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-4-11 23:29:53 |只看该作者
39# ly8768
There are many merits of travels. People can learn variouscultures onfrom会不会好些)travels; and it isalso an effective method for people to relax after long term work and study;still on travels, people can make some friends with different background. And allof these make a person's life happy. Thus, many people are fond of travel asfavorite entertainment in the vacation. Nevertheless, here comes thecontroversial issue whether people can benefits more from a domestic travel orthat to foreign countries. A group of people prefer to travel abroad, forpeople would have opportunities to experience a different way of life. In myperspective, however, I am supportive of the idea that people could benefitmore by traveling domestically and my specific reasons are as follows.
9 h/ _+ e, H" Y  H* c
" }" _, H* Z# s% Q
Tobegin with, visitors can enjoy a more ease journey if they travel in their owncountries. Admittedly, it is true that denizens can learn a variety ofdifferent cultures and lead a different life on the travels to a foreigncountry, yet we can never neglect the aim of travels. Rarely can we deny thefact that in most cases releasing pressure from life is the primary goal forpeople to plan a travel. By enjoying beautiful natural sceneries or having a restin the sunshine ofon
a beach, people can refresh and keep in ahappy mood to handle challenges from work and study in the future. Nonetheless,drawbacks of travels abroad will undermine these benefits. Because visitorswould be exhausted after a long journey; and possibly such differences ofliving habits as foods and climate would have a passive impact on travelers'physical conditions; what is worse, it takes people a lot of time to recoverfrom time lag. Hence, from the aspect of relax, I would choose to travel in myown country rather than to a foreign one.4 Y: F. k. i( r% o: E$ h

7 [) T: I# O. q3 eFurthermore,background information and cultural variety in one's own country play moreimportant roles to a person's life and work. It is true that by traveling bothdomestically and abroad, people can learn different cultures respectively, yetthe knowledge concerning different regions in one’s native country are morebeneficial to denizens. I will illustrate my point from two aspects. On onehand, a majority of people have rare opportunities to work outside comparedwith those to work in the native country. And as a result it is more practicalfor those people towho adjust to thedifferences of climates and living habits in different regions of the samecountry. While on the other hand, it is difficult to learn a different cultureespecially without relative background information on foreign countriesespecially. In this manner,hardly can travelers understand the culture and other knowledge of a foreigncountry only by several travels. Conversely, it becomes easier when it comes toone’s own country. Convinced by the reasons above, I agree to travel in my owncountry to gain useful knowledge.
) I# [5 N" g, `( f- d9 E

* a& j1 l% x7 r% m) p* h6 A: hIn sum,because of the aim of travel and difficulties to learn foreign countries in ashort time, if I make a decision, I would agree with the view that people canbenefit more from traveling in their own country than traveling to foreigncountries.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-11 22:52:02 |只看该作者

People can benefit more from traveling in their own country than traveling to foreign countries.

There are many merits of travels. People can learn various cultures on travels; and it is also an effective method for people to relax after long term work and study; still on travels, people can make some friends with different background. And all of these make a person's life happy. Thus, many people are fond of travel as favorite entertainment in the vacation. Nevertheless, here comes the controversial issue whether people can benefits more from a domestic travel or that to foreign countries. A group of people prefer to travel abroad, for people would have opportunities to experience a different way of life. In my perspective, however, I am supportive of the idea that people could benefit more by traveling domestically and my specific reasons are as follows.

To begin with, visitors can enjoy a more ease journey if they travel in their own countries. Admittedly, it is true that denizens can learn a variety of different cultures and lead a different life on the travels to a foreign country, yet we can never neglect the aim of travels. Rarely can we deny the fact that in most cases releasing pressure from life is the primary goal for people to plan a travel. By enjoying beautiful natural sceneries or having a rest in the sunshine of a beach, people can refresh and keep in a happy mood to handle challenges from work and study in the future. Nonetheless, drawbacks of travels abroad will undermine these benefits. Because visitors would be exhausted after a long journey; and possibly such differences of living habits as foods and climate would have a passive impact on travelers' physical conditions; what is worse, it takes people a lot of time to recover from time lag. Hence, from the aspect of relax, I would choose to travel in my own country rather than to a foreign one.

Furthermore, background information and cultural variety in one's own country play more important roles to a person's life and work. It is true that by traveling both domestically and abroad, people can learn different cultures respectively, yet the knowledge concerning different regions in one’s native country are more beneficial to denizens. I will illustrate my point from two aspects. On one hand, a majority of people have rare opportunities to work outside compared with those to work in the native country. And as a result it is more practical for those people to adjust to the differences of climates and living habits in different regions of the same country. While on the other hand, it is difficult to learn a different culture especially without relative background information on foreign countries. In this manner, hardly can travelers understand the culture and other knowledge of a foreign country only by several travels. Conversely, it becomes easier when it comes to one’s own country. Convinced by the reasons above, I agree to travel in my own country to gain useful knowledge.

In sum, because of the aim of travel and difficulties to learn foreign countries in a short time, if I make a decision, I would agree with the view that people can benefit more from traveling in their own country than traveling to foreign countries.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-11 10:59:29 |只看该作者

Many teachers prefer to assign homework to students everyday because they think more endeavor usually leads to better achievement. A group of people really daily homework is necessary for they maintain the belief that practice makes perfect. However, in my perspective, I could not support this contention and my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, daily homework is not an essential factor that effects on a student's grades. The aim of homework is to help students review knowledge that have been learnt and remember what teachers impart in the class. In this manner, if students remember knowledge of one subject, or even master the class, it makes no sense to compel students to do homework daily. Actually considering the variety of students' ability to learn, teachers should give students opportunities to plan how much homework they should do in a week or in a month, depending on the extent to which they have learnt in class. I will illustrate this point by my example. In my university, we only have two mathematic classes in a week, so it is enough for students to remember the knowledge this week only if teachers assign homework twice a week. Convinced with my own experience, I am not supportive of the idea that teachers should assign homework to students every day.

Secondly, if students do homework every day, their schedules will be destroyed. Students have different plans according to their various hobbies, abilities and skills. Some students need time to practice piano daily. Others may prefer to read books to improve their reading ability. It is also necessary for a group of students to spend time and energy on their research area. Still, many people need time to relax and to stay with their families. In addition, some students even have to work to earn their livings and tuition fees. Because of the different requirement of students, it is unnecessary for teachers to assign homework every day.

In sum, due to the different abilities and requirements of students, teachers should not assign homework. For one thing, assigning more homework could not help students to improve their study; for the other thing, it prohibits students from allocating their own time. Therefore, it is not acceptable for teachers to assign homework every day.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-4-10 18:15:39 |只看该作者
回一下你的问题:我写的作文中有些直接照搬新概念4上面的短语的,比如说take leave to doubt,意思是对……持怀疑态度,冒昧地质疑。其实我也不知道这样做好不好,毕竟是直接套用新概念的句式……

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-4-10 15:40:33 |只看该作者
修改by 暧暧

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-4-10 14:08:46 |只看该作者

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-4-10 13:59:21 |只看该作者
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