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[活动] 3.22独立写作 by ly8768 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-22 21:16:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 ly8768 于 2010-3-22 21:17 编辑

Government should pay more attention to health care issues than on environment issues.

Government is responsible for the development and the stability of the society. There are many aspects that the government should focus on such as transportation, education, economy, national security, health care, environment issues and so forth. However, because of the limited financial budget and various importances of different issues, it is unnecessary for the government to allocate sufficient finance and the same attention on each issue. Therefore, here comes the question whether health care needs more attention than environment issues. A group of people maintain that environment problems are getting more and more serious and as a result, it really makes sense to lay priority on the environment issues. In my perspective, however, I cannot agree with this view and conversely health care should be paid more attention. My reasons are as follows.

To begin with, problems resulting from health care are more urgent than those led by environment issues. Admittedly, it is true that the environment issues are becoming more serious than ever before. Such problems caused by environment issues as global warming, reduction of tropic rainforest and desertification threaten the survival of our human beings. Nevertheless, it makes no sense to deny the importance and urgency of health care issues. As the matter of fact, in my country, the Chinese government has paid much attention on the environment issues. The actions of enlarging forest, legislation banning pollution, protecting wild animals play a significant role to handle the environment issues. Compared with environment issues, health care need more financial and technical supports. Actually there is no doubt about the fact that the importance of health is manifest in a person's life. If a great number of denizens in a country suffer from danger of diseases, hardly can they maintain their life, never to say solve problems with environment. I will take my country for example. There are over 1.3 billion people in China, and the condition of health care is at a considerable low level. In many remote region, people lack of indispensible medical equipment and staffs. Even though in metropolis, the condition is neither satisfactory and civilians need to make a reservation to see a doctor. In this manner, I highly recommend the government to allocate more attention and money on health care issues.

The second reason why I agree to focus on health care issues is because it is impossible for one country to make great effort to solve the environment problems without the cooperation of other countries. Problems concerning environment are international issues, so it needs collaboration of all nations in this planet. For one thing, it is impractical for only few countries to decrease release of greenhouse gases to stop global warming. While for the other thing, environment issue is such a huge problem that one country cannot afford the expense of solving the problem. Still, many developing countries should improve the life of their denizens at the cost of environment. Therefore, paying more attention on environment issue for the government possibly cannot solve the environment issues. Accordingly, it is a wise idea for the government to lay priority on the health issue, while international organizations are better options to deal with environment issues.

Because of the importance and urgency of health care issue, as well as the unique of environment issues, I will agree with the idea that government should pay more attention to health care issues than on environment issues.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2010-3-22 23:33:12 |只看该作者
Government is responsible for the development and the stability of the society. 开头太棒了There are many aspects that the government should focus on such as transportation, education, economy, national security, health care, environment issues and so forth. However, because of the limited financial budget and various importances of different issues, it is unnecessary for the government to allocate sufficient finance and the same attention on each issue. Therefore, here comes the question whether health care needs more attention than environment issues. A group of people maintain that environment problems are getting more and more serious and as a result, it really makes sense to lay priority on好学习了 the environment issues. In my perspective, however, I cannot agree with this view and conversely health care should be paid more attention. My reasons are as follows 首段一如既往的好,就是多了点。不过很点题,你选的观点不知道好写不

To begin with, problems resulting from health care are more urgent than those led by environment issues. Admittedly, it is true that the environment issues are becoming more serious than ever before. Such problems caused by environment issues as global warming, reduction of tropic rainforest and desertification threaten the survival of our human beings. 这个观点可以少说甚至可以不说,因为想表达的是health care的重要Nevertheless, it makes no sense to deny the importance and urgency of health care issues. As the matter of fact, in my country, the Chinese government has paid much attention on the environment issues. The actions of enlarging forest, legislation banning pollution, protecting wild animals play a significant role to handle the environment issues这里也是. Compared with environment issues, health care need单三 more financial and technical supports. Actually there is no doubt about the fact that the importance of health is manifest in a person's life. If a great number of denizens in a country suffer from danger of diseases, hardly can they maintain their life, never to say solve problems with environment. I will take my country for example觉得这里直接提到前面比较好,就点题了. There are over 1.3 billion people in China, and the condition of health care is at a considerable low level. In many remote region复数, people lack of indispensible medical equipment and staffs. Even though in metropolis, the condition is neither satisfactory and civilians need to make a reservation to see a doctor嗯这个好,我当时想写这个观点表达的没你恰当. In this manner, I highly recommend the government to allocate more attention and money on health care issues.

The second reason why I agree这里有点多余说 to focus on health care issues is because it is impossible for one country to make great effort to solve the environment problems without the cooperation of other countries. TS太长点了Problems concerning environment are international issues, so it needs collaboration of all nations in this planet. For one thing, it is impractical for only few countries to decrease release of greenhouse gases to stop global warming. While for the other thing, environment issue is such a huge problem that one country cannot afford the expense of solving the problem. Still, many developing countries should improve the life of their denizens at the cost of environment. Therefore, paying more attention on environment issue for是换个介词吧,比如by啥的 the government possibly cannot solve the environment issues. Accordingly, it is a wise idea for the government to lay priority on the health issue, while international organizations are better options to deal with environment issues

Because of the importance and urgency of health care issue, as well as the unique of environment issues, I will agree with the idea that government should pay more attention to health care issues than on environment issues. 语法句子结构都好,比以前好很多啊。只是第二段表达的观点上再调整下就完美了,另外可以简洁点写。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-3-23 17:50:27 |只看该作者
Government is responsible for the development and the stability of the society. There are many aspects that the government should focus on such as transportation, education, economy, national security, health care, environment issues and so forth. However, because of the limited financial budget and various importances of different issues, it is unnecessary for the government to allocate sufficient finance and the same attention on each issue. Therefore, here comes the question whether health care needs more attention than environment issues. (好完美的逻辑啊,崇拜下~~)A group of people maintain that environment problems are getting more and more serious and as a result, it really makes sense to lay priority on the environment issues. In my perspective, however, I cannot agree with this view and conversely health care should be paid more attention. My reasons are as follows.! p/ Y. [1 p9 R
3 T. l# _( c! _9 R& z

To begin with, problems resulting from health care are more urgent than those led by environment issues. Admittedly, it is true that the environment issues are becoming more serious than ever before. Such problems caused by environment issues as global warming, reduction of tropic rainforest and desertification threaten the survival of our human beings. Nevertheless, it makes no sense to deny(好漂漂的句型哦~~~) the importance and urgency of health care issues. As the matter of fact, in my country, the Chinese government has paid much attention on the environment issues. The actions of enlarging forest, legislation banning pollution, protecting wild animals play a significant role to handle the environment issues. Compared with environment issues, health care need more financial and technical supports. Actually there is no doubt about the fact that the importance of health is manifest in a person's life. If a great number of denizens in a country suffer from danger of diseases, hardly can they maintain their life, never to say solve problems with environment. I will take my country for example. There are over 1.3 billion people in China, and the condition of health care is at a considerable low level. In many remote region, people lack of indispensible medical equipment and staffs. Even though in metropolis, the condition is neither satisfactory and civilians need to make a reservation to see a doctor. In this manner, I highly recommend the government to allocate more attention and money on health care issues(我觉得这段前面讲太多environment的内容了,最后四行才是说的health care,然后似乎也没有完全展开,后半部分拓展下就更好了。).

The second reason why I agree to focus on health care issues is because it is impossible for one country to make great effort to solve the environment problems without the cooperation of other countries. Problems concerning environment are international issues, so it needs collaboration of all nations in this planet. For one thing, it is impractical for only few countries to decrease release of greenhouse gases to stop global warming. While for the other thing, environment issue is such a huge problem that one country cannot afford the expense of solving the problem. Still, many developing countries should improve the life of their denizens at the cost of environment. Therefore, paying more attention on environment issue for the government possibly cannot solve the environment issues. Accordingly, it is a wise idea for the government to lay priority on the health issue, while international organizations are better options to deal with environment issues.

Because of the importance and urgency of health care issue, as well as the unique of environment issues, I will agree with the idea that government should pay more attention to health care issues than on environment issues.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-23 23:23:37 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ly8768 于 2010-3-23 23:32 编辑

3.23独立写作 by ly8768

Young people should try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.

Earning money for living is the basic and primary reason for most young people to work; while for other ambitious ones, besides awards, they will pursue achievement in their career. No matter what their aims are, a successful long term job is indispensible. Thus here comes the question whether young people especially for those who just graduate from school should take different jobs before they start their career. A group of people disagree with it, for changing jobs frequently, a person's loyalty will be questioned and definitely it has a side effect on his/her future career. In my perspective, however, because of some distinctive merits it is not only important but also essential for young people to try different jobs before they make their final decision to choose their career. And my specific reasons are as follows.

To begin with, young people can learn what they are really fond of when they try different jobs. Admittedly, working in a company for a long time provides a person more opportunities to be promoted. Nevertheless, it makes sense only if the person has interests in his/her job. As a matter of fact, in most cases, hardly can young people especially students just graduating from school have an idea about what they are truly in favor of. A person's mind will change in the phrase of young time. When my brother was a senior, he really appreciated those politicians for they could serve the nation, yet when he graduated from the university, his dream changed and he wanted to be a scientist. What is worse, if a person choose a career as a final one too quickly they possibly find the careers don't fit themselves few years later. This reminds me of Benjamin Franklin whose father wanted him to work in his brother's factory when he was young. Fortunately, he gave up this job after working for several years; otherwise there would never be such a wise politician, while a smart inventor and incisor critic. Therefore, interest plays a crucial role not only in one's career but also in one's life. And taking different jobs just provides such an opportunity to make people realize their favors. In this manner, changing different jobs can benefit young people a lot.

Furthermore, youth will gain valuable experiences in different companies. No one can deny the fact that most young people especially graduates lack of sufficient working experiences. Even though a minority of students has some internship experiences; while due to the complexity of affairs and the society, they still need to broaden horizons. Under this circumstance, if a person can work in different companies or even take various positions, it is more possible for them to gain more money or get promotion in the career. I will take my friend as an example. When my friend graduated from university, he only earned 5,800 a month. Surprisingly, after two years his salary rose up to 12,000 per month. In those two years he changed several jobs in big companies and learnt some knowledge on management, which helped him succeed in his early career. In this condition, it is acceptable to recommend young people to change their jobs at their early stage.

In sum, two advantages of taking different jobs at a person's young stage are manifest. On one hand, young people can realize what they are truly interested in and devote themselves to their career; while on the other hand, they will have an opportunity to accumulate experiences which is obviously helpful when they decide their career. As a result, I agree with the idea that young people should try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-3-24 09:15:59 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 syk1984720 于 2010-3-24 09:23 编辑

Young people should try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.: b1 A7 D1 g! @5 b+ K
绿色:值得学习的  红色:错误的  蓝色:更正的
Earning money for living is the basic and primary reason for most young people to work; while for other ambitious ones, besides awards, they will pursue achievement in their career. No matter what their aims are, a successful long term job is indispensible. Thus here comes the question whether young people especially for those who just graduate from school should take different jobs before they start their career. A group of people disagree with it, for changing jobs frequently, a person's loyalty will be questioned and definitely it has a side effect好词
on his/her future career. In my perspective, however, because of some distinctive merits it is not only important but also essential for young people to try different jobs before they make their final decision to choose their career. And my specific reasons are as follows.

To begin with, young people can learn what they are really fond of when they try different jobs表达同样的观点我怎么写不出来呢. Admittedly, working in a company for a long time provides a person more opportunities to be promoted. Nevertheless, it makes sense only if the person has interests in his/her job. As a matter of fact, in most cases, hardly can young people especially students just graduating from school have an idea about what they are truly in favor of倒装用的好. A person's mind will change in the phrasephase of young time. When my brother was a senior, he really appreciated those politicians for they could serve the nation, yet when he graduated from the university, his dream changed and he wanted to be a scientist. What is worse, if a person choose a career as a final one too quickly they possibly find the careers don't fit themselves few years later. This reminds me of Benjamin Franklin whose father wanted him to work in his brother's factory when he was young. Fortunately, he gave up this job after working for several years; otherwise there would never be such a wise politician, while a smart inventor and incisor critic好词不过百度google了下貌似没见过这样的用法,还请指教. Therefore, interest plays a crucial role not only in one's career but also in one's life. And taking different jobs just provides such an opportunity to make people realize their favors. In this manner, changing different jobs can benefit young people a lot.本段充实丰满,句式变换,闪光词,例证充分9 n! L; i7 Z9 R1 F5 v' Z. x
* d& {8 y* y0 d, j- A
Furthermore, youth will gain valuable experiences in different companies. No one can deny the fact that most young people especially graduates lack of sufficient working experiences. Even though a minority of students has some internship experiences; while due to the complexity of affairs and the society, they still need to broaden horizons. Under this circumstance, if a person can work in different companies or even take various positions, it is more possible for them to gain more money or get promotion in the career. I will take my friend as an example. When my friend graduated from university, he only earned 5,800 a month. Surprisingly, after two years his salary rose up to 12,000 per month. In those two years he has changed 觉得完成式也许更好些several jobs in big companies and learnt some knowledge on management, which helped him succeed in his early career. In this condition, it is acceptable to recommend young people to change their jobs at their early stage.
. M) c  A* k  Z" C
: m. Q' E" L0 P( V3 G" ^: O
In sum, two advantages of taking different jobs at a person's young stage are manifest好词. On one hand, young people can realize what they are truly interested in and devote themselves to their career; while on the other hand, they will have an opportunity to accumulate experiences which is obviously helpful when they decide their career. As a result, I agree with the idea that young people should try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.
You can get it if you really want.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2010-3-24 15:46:23 |只看该作者
Earning--making money money for living is the basic and primary reason for most young people to work; while for other ambitious ones, besides awards, they will pursue achievement in their career. No matter what their aims are, a successful long term job is indispensible. Thus here comes the question whether young people especially for those who just graduate from school should take different jobs before they start their career. A group of people disagree with it, for changing jobs frequently, a person's loyalty will be questioned and definitely it has a side effect on his/her future career.支持相反观点的话最好不说 In my perspective, however, because of some distinctive merits it is not only important but also essential不都一样么?? for young people to try different jobs before they make their final decision to choose their career. And my specific reasons are as follows这个开头没上次写的好。PS墙裂要求换头像,这个太难看了

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-25 08:56:01 |只看该作者
3.24 独立写作

Do you agree or disagree that improving schools is the most factor in successful development of country.

Each nation aims to be a successful one and citizens of a nation wish their country well-developed. However, there are various characters evaluating a successful country such as education level, environment, social stability, technology, happiness, low criminal rate and so forth. Hence, here comes a question whether improving schools of a country can promote the development of the society. A group of people advocate this view for education plays a crucial role in the enhancement of a society. In my perspective, however, I cannot agree with the statement. And my specific reasons are as follows.

To begin with, school is not the only important factor that determines the education of a country. Admittedly, it is true that advanced equipment, state-of-the-art facilities, and excellent professors or teachers can improve the education at school or in universities to some extent. Nevertheless, only by schools rarely can the education of a whole nation be enhanced. On one hand, it is the student at school not the facilities or teachers receive knowledge. Therefore, even equipped with the most advanced facilities, if there is no well-designed teaching method or education plan, it is quite possible that students can learn little from school. While on the other hand, school is not the only way that denizens can access education. Actually, education has pervaded into all aspects of people's life. Before studying at school, it is important for parents to enlighten their children and help them from good habits; a person's morality would be largely affected by his/her surroundings in a society. Still, faculties have opportunities to improve both specialized and communication skills. All those stated above, play the same or even more important role to improve the education of a nation. Based on the analysis, hardly can I be convinced that enhancing schools is the most factor in successful development of country.

Furthermore, besides education, the importance of many other factors is also manifest. Even if I concede that improving school can lead to the successful education, such aspects as environment, health care, transportation have pivotal effects on peoples' life as well as the success of a country. One may argue that the prosperity of technology resulting from improved education can help solve problems of those fields. Actually it is not the truth and one example is the industrialization. At the early stage of the industrialization, both the level of technology and education was more advanced than any time before. Ironically, the extent to which human ruin the environment of this planet is as the same as the development of education and technology. Until now, environment issue is still a severe one. Without government paying attention and allocate finance on environment problems, it cannot be solved only by education. When it comes to other aspects, it is same. Convenient transportation system enables people to travel and propell the transaction of commerce; improved health care facilities can save people's life and prevent them suffering from disease; and prosperous economy offer civilians working opportunity. In this manner, although education is a basic factor in successful development of a country, yet it makes sense to neglect the necessity of other factors, never to say. As a result, I cannot agree that improving school is the most important factor for a country to succeed.

In sum, since schools is not the only main factor that contributes to the development of education and the importance of aspects other than education cannot be neglect, I disagree with the contention that improving schools is the most factor in successful development of country.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-3-25 13:13:08 |只看该作者
Each nation aims to be a successful one and citizens of a nation wish their country well-developed. However, there are various characters evaluating a successful country such as education level, environment, social stability, technology, happiness, low criminal rate and so forth. Hence, here comes a question whether improving schools of a country can promote the development of the society. A group of people advocate this view for education plays a crucial role in the enhancement of a society. In my perspective, however, I cannot agree with the statement. And my specific reasons are as follows.  b2 E' O# X7 g% R, b" y- X

) e1 P0 N4 j) b' p
To begin with, school is not the only important factor that determines the education of a country. Admittedly, it is true that advanced equipment, state-of-the-art facilities, and excellent professors or teachers can improve the education at school or in universities to some extent. Nevertheless, only by schools rarely can the education of a whole nation be enhanced. On one hand, it is the students at school not the facilities or teachers receive knowledge. Therefore, even equipped with the most advanced facilities, if there is no well-designed teaching method or education plan, it is quite possible that students can learn little from school. While
个人感觉去掉好点on the other hand, school is not the only way school 是地方,用where that denizens can access education. Actually, education has pervaded into all aspects of people's life. Before studying at school, it is important for parents to enlighten their children and help them from good habits; a person's morality would be largely affected by his/her surroundings in a society. Still, faculties have opportunities to improve both specialized and communication skills.没懂,是谁提高能力? All those stated above, 去掉逗号play the same or even more important role to improve the education of a nation.
Based on the analysis, hardly can I be convinced that enhancing schools is the most
加个词 factor in successful development of country.
1 n9 V- s% O+ c

* e6 J; F, ]5 K: a  L

Furthermore, besides education, the importance of many other factors is also manifest. Even if I concede that improving school can lead to the successful education, such aspects as environment, health care, transportation have pivotal effects on peoples' life as well as the success of a country. Such as后面跟短语,但你又加上了句子,可以用从句把他们分开One may argue that the prosperity of technology (which )resulting from improved education
can help solve problems of those fields. Actually it is not the truth and one example is the industrialization. At the early stage of the industrialization, both the level of technology and education was more advanced than any time before. Ironically, the extent to which human ruin the environment of this planet is as the same as the development of education and technology. Until now, environment issue is still a severe one. Without government paying attention and allocate finance on environment problems, withouth
后面也是接短语。。总觉得这个例子不能充分支持论点,我看了好几遍没懂。。不好意思it cannot be solved only by education. When it comes to other aspects, it is same. Convenient transportation system enables people to travel and propell the transaction of commerce; improved health care facilities can save people's life and prevent them suffering from disease; and prosperous economy offer civilians working opportunity.这些和提高教学不冲突啊。。 In this manner, although education is a basic factor in successful development of a country, yet it makes sense to neglect the necessity of other factors, never to say. As a result, I cannot agree that improving school is the most important factor for a country to succeed.; Q7 G9 R9 \+ u) s
6 {, B) g( z7 P$ w
In sum, since schools去掉S is not the only main factor that contributes to the development of education and the importance of aspects other than education cannot be neglect,读不通,分开两句写吧 I disagree with the contention that improving schools is the most factor in successful development of country.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-3-25 22:54:29 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-26 22:53:21 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree that government should focus on young children rather than university.


1 university plays a crucial role in the development of a society.
2 It is not only the responsibility of government but also that of the society for young children.

Both young children and education have great effect on the successful development of the society. On one hand, there is no doubt about the fact that the young generation will become the leader of the society in future and as a result, the growth of young children will determine the prosperity of the society in next decades. On the other hand, education especially university accounts for imparting knowledge to civilians and help people form good habits. Nonetheless, because of the limited resources of the government, here comes the question whether the government should pay more attention on young children than university. A group of people are supportive of the view, because they believe that the importance of children exceeds that of any other aspects. In my perspective, however, young children are not the only issue that the government should focus on and university, actually, needs more attention. My specific reasons are as follows.

To begin with, university plays a crucial role in the development of a society. Since universities could provide a variety of knowledge to people, the whole society would get benefits from the elite who study at universities. Scientists can learn theories on nature and history to make further research; engineers are taught the theoretical knowledge and skills that would be applied in practice when they design machines or build skyscrapers; still, politicians for the essential idea of the democracy and equality and the importance of legislation maintaining civil rights. What is the most important, people studying in university can learn the ability that how to solve problems and obviously, this ability is the most valuable one. In this manner, rarely could we deny the contribution of universities. As a matter of fact, most people who propel the enhancement of the society received education in university. Thus, it is acceptable to lay priority on universities that could offer education for the nation.

Furthermore, It is not only the responsibility of government but also that of the society for young children. As a matter of fact, it is more likely for parents to be responsible for their children; besides their parents, teachers from school can also offer help to young children; moreover enterprises, charity organization and warm-hearted citizens will help children who lost their families. What is more, university, as public education resources, will serve young children and impart basic knowledge and skills to them. Nevertheless, such huge issues as how to establish top universities cannot be achieved by individual or even by big companies. Thus, it is the very task of government to allocate money and put policy into effect to enhance universities. Based on the analysis, I am convinced that government should pay more attention on universities than on young children.

In sum, because of importance of universities to society and comparatively less necessity of young children issues to government, I cannot agree with the idea that government should focus on young children rather than universities.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-27 15:21:57 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2010-3-27 22:10:58 |只看该作者
Both young children and education have great effect on the successful development of the society. On one hand, there is no doubt about the fact that the young generation will become the leader of the society in (the) future and as a result, the growth of young children will determine the prosperity of the society in next decades. On the other hand, education especially university accounts for imparting knowledge to civilians and help people form good habits. Nonetheless, because of the limited resources of the government, here comes the question whether the government should pay more attention on young children than university. A group of people are supportive of the view, because they believe that the importance of children exceeds that of any other aspects这个觉得可写可不写了,字数很多了尤其是首段. In my perspective, however, young children are not the only issue that the government should focus on and university, actually, needs more attention. My specific reasons are as follows首段简练些更好了

To begin with, university plays a crucial role in the development of a society. Since universities could provide a variety of knowledge to people, the whole society would get benefits from the elite who study at universities夸张了吧大学的也不都是. Scientists can learn theories on nature and history to make further research; engineers are taught the theoretical knowledge and skills that would be applied in practice when they design machines or build skyscrapers; still, politicians for the essential idea of the democracy and equality and the importance of legislation maintaining civil rights. What is the most important, people studying in university can learn the ability that how to solve problems and obviously, this ability is the most valuable one. In this manner, rarely could we deny the contribution of universities. As a matter of fact, most people who propel the enhancement of the society received education in university. Thus, it is acceptable to lay priority on universities that could offer education for the nation句子变化挺多的论证也行

Furthermore, It is not only the responsibility of government but also that of the society题目没说的不建议在文章里出现尤其是TS for young children. As a matter of fact, it is more likely for parents to be responsible for their children; besides their parents-->them, teachers from school can also offer help to young children; moreover enterprises, charity organization and warm-hearted citizens will-->can help (the) children who lost their families. What is more, university,children么怎么又是大学了?? as public education resources, will serve young children and impart basic knowledge and skills to them. Nevertheless, such huge issues as how to establish top universities cannot be achieved by individual or even by big companies. Thus, it is the very task of government to allocate money and put policy into effect to enhance universities. Based on the analysis, I am convinced that government should pay more attention on universities than on young children

In sum, because of importance of universities to society and comparatively less necessity of young children issues to government, I cannot agree with the idea that government should focus on young children rather than universities句子语法不错跟以前一样好,中间的地方有没理解

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发表于 2010-3-27 22:11:29 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-27 23:54:25 |只看该作者
People who do not work because they get enough money are rarely happy.


1 To begin with, people can get achievement by working and it makes people feel happy.

2 Furthermore, a group of people work not merely for living, but because of their hobbies.

Happiness is the basic and primary requirement for people to live. There are many aspects to evaluate the term happiness such as living condition, good friendship, family, social statues, achievement, wealthy and so forth. Among them, money is one of the most important factors that determine a person's happiness. Nonetheless, a minority of people have no intention to work because of their sufficient property. Hence, here comes the question whether those rich people who choose not to work are happy. Although some people would argue that those rich would be happy because people can purchase nearly anything they are fond of with a great sum of money. In my perspective, however, I am not supportive of this contention for money is not the only reason why people join the job hunting. Besides money, work also brings happiness, which cannot be enjoyed by people without a job. And my specific reasons are as follows.

To begin with, people can get achievement by working and it makes people feel happy. I will illustrate this point from two aspects. On one hand, those ambitious people can get benefits from their career success. Let us have a look at Bill Gates, who is the founder and former CEO of Microsoft Corporation. For ten years, he was listed on the top richest person by Forbes. He works as he intends to continue the prosperity of his company and realize his dream in the realm of computers. By the procedure of establishment of his enterprise, he would have the feeling of success that lead to his happiness. On the other hand, working people can acquire social relation success and it also makes them happy. Faculties can know a variety of people in the company; when discussing a plan, two managers could possibly establish the friendship between each other; still due to the work condition, possible is it that some people can contact with celebrities. All the experiences stated above would lead people to be happy. Therefore, if losing the opportunity to work, rarely the rich can enjoy the happiness discussed above. Based on the analysis, I am not convinced with the idea that rich people who do not work are happy.

Furthermore, a group of people work not merely for living, but because of their hobbies. There is no doubt about the fact that if a person can devote oneself into what they are in favor of, the person is in eudemonia. Thus, in this manner, if people can devote themselves into one certain field for their strong interests, it would be one of the most enjoyable things in one's life. This reminds me of the famous composer, Mozart who began to study music, when he was 4 years old. He kept composing and until he died at the age of 34, he accomplished massive of operas, symphonies and concertos. Never is it that earning money for living is the primary reason for Mozart to compose music, but he made endeavor for his almost crazy fondness of music. Compared with such person as Mozart, those rich yet without work could have no opportunity to enjoy the pleasure resulting from delight work. Under this circumstance, even though people have a big sum of money, rarely can they feel happy if they have no job.

In sum, since the happiness of work caused by both achievement and interests cannot be shared by people without work, I am agree with the view that people who do not work because they get enough money are rarely happy.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-29 22:29:56 |只看该作者
ly8768 29号作业

Some people think one's working is more important than being with one's famly.

There is an increasing trend that people spend more time on their work than that on their families, especially in metropolis. Facing massive working tasks, a group of people argue that it is more important to allocate more time on their jobs because of the intensive working pressure. In my perspective, however, I cannot agree with this contention because family is more important to a person and it should be spent more time on. My specific reasons are as follows.

To begin with, family plays a crucial role to a person's happiness and it is more important than jobs. It is true that no bread no life, yet we should make sure what kind of life we aspire for. This reminds me of a theory on life, which concludes that the final goal of life is happiness. Here comes to the question that what is a happy life. A life of achievement is not a happy life because besides success in most times we should face problems and failure; a life of power is not a happy life for more power means more responsibilities; a life of massive fortune is not a happy life since money cannot buy happiness. Only with a warm family will we find the happiness of life. Even though a person gains a great success, while if he/she fails to have a family, then his/her life rarely makes a sense - just as if a beautiful natural sense lacks color. Therefore, when we are young especially when we have time, do spend more time with our families.

Furthermore, a stable and concord family can support each family member to realize their dreams. For one thing, family is like a harbor in the process of we exploring the unpredictable world. When we are frustrated in the way of striving, we can confide to our families and they would help us to solve problems; when we feel tired about work, family can help us to release pressure. What is more, there is massive of trivia in our lives, which actually takes us a great deal of time and energy to handle. Nevertheless, families can deal with them together. As a result, each member of family has more time to fulfill their dreams. That is why it is more important for people to spend more time with their families to improve the relative relationship. For the other thing, family relationships need time to maintain. If people spend more time being with their families and pay more attention to their family, it will enhance their link hood; while if people fail to, it would damage their relationship or even may destroy the family. Because of family crisis, hardly would anyone have more energy to their career. Based on the analysis, I am convinced that people should allocate more time to stay with family.

In sum, family plays an important role in people's life. It provides help and satisfy people's emotion needs. Because of the magnitude and necessity of family, I strongly recommend that people should spend more time being with family.
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