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[i习作temp] [1010G精英组] ISSUE&ARGU 习作 by Group Energy [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-4-17 22:53:10 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 kingwyf87 于 2010-6-21 12:07 编辑





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lynnuana + 2 :)
海王泪 + 5 + 4 GOOD JOB!
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Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-7-10 11:58:42 |只看该作者

      冲刺帖 https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1120373-1-1.html

Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-7-9 18:27:52 |只看该作者

In this memo, the author suggests that the company should contact with Appian (A) rather than McAdam (M) to construct the access roads for the new shopping malls. To strengthen the his recommendation, the arguer points out that a section of Route 101 constructed by M is badly cracked and marred by dangerous potholes, while a section of Route 66 constructed by A is in good condition. This argument is not thoroughly well-reasoned. The main flaw of this suggestion will be discussed respectively.

To begin with, the author commits a false comparison between the Route 101 and the Route 66. It is possible that the Route 101 is used as the only path for many companies to transport oil which means the Route 101 has been used frequently with the heavy vehicles that make the road easier to be cracked and marred by dangerous potholes, while the Route 66 locate in a remote area where only few cars use the road. Maybe the Route 101 is in the area which has a bad weather condition. For example, all the section of Route 101 is roasting by the sun everyday with a long time. That’s why the Route 101 is too vulnerable to be damaged, and it is nothing to do with M.

In addition, the author unwarranted assumes that state-of-the-art paving machinery and new quality-control manager in A can guarantee the good quality of rode construction. On the one hand, the state-of-the-art paving machinery may not use in the construction of access roads for the shopping malls, because the advanced equipment may be used in the special circumstances, such as paving road in the Cross-Harbour Tunnel. On other hand, the new quality-control manager may not be assigned to monitor the whole project since the A is a giant corporation with many quality-control managers. Plus, although the new manager may have a good reputation for his/her professional qualification, he/she may not handle the project well because it will take months for him/her to acclimatize the new working conditions.

What’s more, even if A is doing better job than the M, the author fails to think A is the best candidate to have the contract with the company. It is entirely possible that the A charge much more than M because of its superior work with high quality, but the company cannot afford it because the shopping malls have not get enough investment. Perhaps, it is wise for the company to conduct an investigation to find out that there are alternative road builders which are good and cheap. The author is too hasty to conclude that the company should contract with A which may turn out to bring finical damage to the company.

To sum up, the conclusion, which made by the editor who has disregarded or chosen to ignore several aspects of his conclusion, is on the basis of scant of credibility. To better bolster to the reliability of the arguer’s suggestion, the author should provide more information about W I also want to know whether A the could deliver the commitment of superior work with quality. Only with further evidence provided by the editor can I reconsider the author’s recommendation better.


Revised By

Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-7-9 15:45:48 |只看该作者

The issue is a complex and controversial one that whether it is necessary for political leader to withhold information from the public. Different people have their respective ways of looking at this issue. In my point of view, I strongly hold that the issue depends on whether the political leader is doing so furthers the public’s ultimate interests. My view will be greatly strengthened by the following discussion.

To begin with, it is wise for political leaders keeping information from public when they are dealing with some emergencies. The responsibility of political leaders is maintaining the orders of people’s daily life. However, such peaceful life may be jeopardized by some accidents, such as the terrorist threats. Supposing that political leader may be informed by the CIA or FBI that there may be a suicide bomber in the downtown. It is wise for leader to withhold the information temporally form the public and order the police agents to try their best to find the bad guy and eliminate the threat. Otherwise, the terrorist may detonate the bomb in case of arresting by the policeman because he/she may think that the action is compromised. Informing the threats in improper time may cause the panic and casualty. Under this circumstance, the leader is required to keep information from the public.

However, situation may change when it comes to the public affairs. The political leaders may get so much help form the local people to work out some tough issues if they let the public know and take advises from them. Nowadays, we may find that more and more local governments are taking the advantage of Internet, opening their own official websites. The political leaders put their past achievements and future plans for increasing local economic as well as some tough issues such as how to lower down the crimes effectively. On the one hand, people are satisfied and proud of the past achievements and make their own efforts for promising local economic if the government let the information go to public. On the other hand, people are willing to provide advises or take investments which will certainly help the political leader to handle some hot issues.

What’s more, it is benefit for political system itself if the leaders make some information open. The anti-corruption is a case of point. Many local governments have taken the measure that making known to the public about their leads’ private fortune that includes every year of earnings and savings. The purpose of opening such personal information is making sure the leaders are clean, honest and self-disciplined. Supposing that the wealth of a political leader is too large to make any sense, he/she may be questioned by the public. And he/she may go to jail, if he/she cannot explain the source of private property clearly. Therefore, this measure can be effective for preventing political leaders from corruption, if some of their private information is under the supervision of the public.

To sum up, whether political leaders should withhold information from public depends on the situation that whether they are on the behalf of public’s ultimate interests. Sometimes, leaders withhold information to avoid panic and casualty, while sometimes they are required to make the information go to public in order to look for public help. Either way should the political leaders make sure that it is good for the overall benefits of people.


Revised By

Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-7-9 15:44:54 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kingwyf87 于 2010-7-9 15:49 编辑





The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of a company that builds shopping malls

throughout the country.

"The surface of a section of Route 101, paved two years ago by McAdam Road Builders, is now badly

cracked and marred by dangerous potholes. In another part of the state, a section of Route 66, paved

by Appian Roadways more than four years ago, is still in good condition. Appian Roadways has recently

purchased state-of-the-art paving machinery, and it has hired a new quality-control manager. Because

of its superior work and commitment to quality, we should contract with Appian Roadways rather than

McAdam Road Builders to construct the access roads for all our new shopping malls."






Revised By




"It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."






Revised By




Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-7-8 22:46:59 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kingwyf87 于 2010-7-8 22:48 编辑


In this memo, the author suggests that the Hopewell (H) should build a golf course and resort hotel in order to improve its economy and generate additional tax revenues. To strengthen his recommendation, the arguer points out that the same measures taken in Ocean View (OV) turn out to be very successful. This argument is not thoroughly well-reasoned. The main flaw of this suggestion will be discussed respectively.

To begin with, the author unwarranted assumes that it is the new municipal golf course and resort hotel that stimulate the tourism that help increasing the economic in OV. The author provides no further statistical data that what is ratio does the profits of golf course and resort hotel that contribute to the increasing revenues in OV. It is possible that the golf course and resort hotel bring too small profits that can be entirely ignored. Plus, the new businesses opened in OV may have nothing to do with the golf course and resort hotel. Maybe, the cheaper manpower cost, lower tax, and some incentives from the local government which attract many companies’ investment to doing businesses in OV.

In addition, even if the course and resort hotel can stimulate the tourism in OV, the author unfair to claim that these measures are responsible to increasing the tax revenues by 30 percent. Maybe, the many giant corporations put their investment into to build new industrial factories. The revenues in OV increase dramatically since the industrial products turn out to be profitable. It is also possible that the government in OV just raise the tax of local companies in the past two years that’s why the OV's tax revenues have risen by 30 percent. Plus, the OV may just as a new town founded lees than ten years. Therefore, the increasing revenues are due to all the local businesses that are developing remarkably.  

What’s more, even assuming the measures taken in OV are effective, the author commits a fallacy of over generalization that the same actions can be used in the H. Maybe, the H has only a few tourist sites than OV, and enough hotels to meet the demand need of potential visitors. Building other resort hotels in H may waste the natural resources and bring little benefits to the local economic. Perhaps, the local people are not interested in the golf, because they are all busy with their work and want to be with their families as much their free time as possible or they may have low salaries that cannot afford to spend in the golf course. Furthermore, there may other alternative ways for the local government in H to improve economy and generate additional tax revenues, such as applying a national development foundation form the government.  

To sum up, the conclusion, which made by the editor who has disregarded or chosen to ignore¬ several aspects of his conclusion, is on the basis of scant of credibility. To better bolster to the reliability of the arguer’s suggestion, the author should provide more information about OV. I also want to know that the same measures taken in H are as effective as in OV. Only with further evidence provided by the editor can I reconsider the author’s recommendation better.


Revised By


Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-7-8 18:03:31 |只看该作者

To all the people, the law means the justice and inviolability, and cannot simply divide into two types, just and unjust. As a responsible civilian, one is expected to comply with the law. Although there may have some imperfect and unfairness in the law, we can improve and revise it democratically and objectively without one’s subjective viewpoint or personal interests. My view will be greatly strengthened by the following discussion.

To begin with, as a tool for the government, the law limit behavior of people by defining what actions are allowed and what behaviors are forbidden in form of regulations of the law. In order to maintain the daily life running in a right and normal way, the law has the mandatory face as well as the binding force, and punishes anyone who obeys it. For example, the law forbids ones who got their earnings in illegal way such as by swindling, stealing and even robbing, and put person who break the law into justice.

It is unfair to simply divide the law into two types, just and unjust. Most of laws are impartial to everyone no matter his/her race, rich or poor, and religions. The laws are on the behalf of benefits of majority people not the minority especially ones who are viewed as criminal according to the law. Imaging a circumstance that a person who killed other people with no reason is about to be sentenced into death, he may fell the law is unjust for his measurement of penalty is too serious to be accepted. However, it is just for the innocent victims and defending the inviolability of the law, in the meantime warning other people it is the consequence if they commit the same crime.

What’s more, the imperfect and unfairness in the law can be improve and revised in a democratic and objective way. On the one hand, as rapid development of modern society, our law may fail dealing with the new types of crimes, such as crimes in cyberspace. People may hack in others private computer to steal some valuable personal information such as the password of one’s bankcard with the Trojan programs. Taking the advantages of the loopholes in the law, the criminals may easier amass a great fortune by transferring people’s money into his/her account using the password they just got it with high technology. Therefore, the law is required to add regulation to prevent such crimes and protect people's interests. On the other hand, the unfairness of law can be revised in a democratic way. The euthanasia may the case of point. In the past, the patients have to suffer until death from which illness is not incurable under current medical treatment, such as cancer. Could the doctors help the incurables to end their life if they very want to? Fortunately, as many proposers appealing people to pay much attention to the issue of problem, the euthanasia is eventually allowed by the law in some states in US.

To sum up, the law is inviolable and everyone is required to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which one operates. Because of complexity of law, we cannot easy to tell what is the just and unjust merely by our own subjective viewpoint or personal interests. And resistance and disobedience are not wise for people to deal with the imperfect and unfairness in the law, because we can do it in a democratic and objective way.


Revised By

Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-7-8 14:42:32 |只看该作者




The following appeared in a memo from the mayor of the town of Hopewell.

"Two years ago, the town of Ocean View built a new municipal golf course and resort hotel. During

the past two years, tourism in Ocean View has increased, new businesses have opened there, and

Ocean View's tax revenues have risen by 30 percent. The best way to improve Hopewell's economy,

and generate additional tax revenues, is to build a golf course and resort hotel similar to those in

Ocean View."






Revised By




"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility

to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."






Revised By




Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-7-8 00:33:43 |只看该作者

In this argument, the author suggests that the North American should eat soy on a regular basis as a way of preventing fatigue and depression. To strengthen his recommendation, the arguer points out that the Asians who eat soy per day are less suffering chronic fatigue and chronic depression. This argument is not thoroughly well-reasoned. The main flaw of this suggestion will be discussed respectively.

To begin with, the author provides no further evidence to indicate the recent survey can be trustworthy. The term “recent” is not well defined. Maybe the “recent” survey is studied 20 years ago, and the situation may change as such long time has passed. Even if the survey is proposed in the current days, we should ask other circumstances such as gender, age, job, and family history are involved in this survey. Does the survey containing the proper size of respondents, and the result dealing carefully? Only small quantities of respondents and rough analysis will not contribute to statistical reliability that support the author’s suggestion.

In addition, even assuming that the survey is reliable, the arguer unwarranted to assume it is the soy which contains phytochemicals called isoflavones that contributes to preventing fatigue and depression. On the one hand, we cannot confirm the soy will help to prevent such illness. It is highly possible that the working time of Asians is less than the North Americans, and their eating habit is better which contains more vegetables and fruits. Maybe the Asians are all keeping a habit of exercising which make them fell more energy and happy instead of fatigue and depression. On the other hand, we still cannot conclude hastily that people should eat more soy. Maybe there are other vegetables which contain more isoflavones than the soy. Plus, people should extract the isoflavones from the soy to make some kind of medicine because isoflavones are not easy for people to assimilate in the form of soy.

What’s more, even if the fewer situations of fatigue and depression among Asians is due to eating more soy, the author fails to assume that the same result will happen to the North Americans if they are starting to eat more soy. The common sense tells us that although we are all human beings we still has great variance between different races. Eating too much soy may not help the North Americans to deal with the problem of fatigue and depression. Maybe the soy is very rare in the North American which may result in high price for the common people that they cannot afford to. Plus, there may have alternative way for the North Americans preventing fatigue and depression. For example, the government may ask the scientists to conduct a further investigation to figure out the true reason causing the fatigue and depression, and then take more effective measures to deal with these problems.

To sum up, the conclusion, which made by the editor who has disregarded or chosen to ignore several aspects of his conclusion, is on the basis of scant of credibility. To better bolster to the reliability of the arguer’s suggestion, the author should provide more information about the recent survey. I also want to know that the soy is fit for the North Americans preventing fatigue and depression. Only with further evidence provided by the editor can I reconsider the author’s recommendation better.


Revised By

Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-7-7 15:25:44 |只看该作者

The issue is a complex and controversial one that whether the surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievement of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people.  Different people have their respective ways of looking at this issue. In my point of view, I strongly agree that the overall welfare of people is the indicator of a great nation as well as the achievements of rulers, artists, or scientists because all the individuals’ achievements will benefit the people eventually. My view will be greatly strengthened by the following discussion.

In the political area, the great politician is always viewing as the one who brings the general welfare to the people of his country. Take the Martin Luther King, for example. Martin Luther King was an American activist and prominent leader in the African American civil rights moment. He received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination though civil disobedience and other non-violent means. His achievements are remarkable and we can never list all. However, all his achievements are due to successfully leading the civil rights moments which bring the overall welfare of people. And himself became a legend and is respected and remembered by the all the American people especially the African American for generations.

Turning to the arts, the individuals’ achievements bring honors as well as overall benefits to the all the people. Beethoven, for example, was the most gifted and talented German composer and pianist. As an excellent musician, he was viewed as a crucial figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical and Romantic one of the most famous and influential composers of all time. With so many achievements, the Beethoven also leaves us great music works. People listen to his music as a source of power, as a piece of comfort, and as a way of life. His woks are lightening the way we fight against our unfair destiny and giving the courage we pursuit the happiness of ore own. All of his achievements are certainly contribute to improving the general warfare of people.

As for the science, the innovation and progress made by the scientist is surely enhancing the welfare of all people. The invention of Internet illustrates this point well. The Internet was invented by some scientists reaching back to the 1960s the United States funded research projects of its military agencies. As an achievement of scientific research, the Internet now consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet brings us convenience and is changing the way of our living. Using the Internet to communicate with others far from here, reading the instant news all around the world, and purchasing our favorites on line, are definitely enhancing the overall welfare of people.

To sum up, the rulers, artists, or scientists are famous and known as their achievements which is certainly can be viewed as the surest indicator of a great nation. And the individuals’ achievements eventually contribute to the general welfare of people because the rulers will provide with sound political system, the artists will deliver the enjoyment of life, and the scientists will change our life in a better and convenience way.


Revised By

Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-4 08:18:03 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-7-2 23:49:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 nanfeng25899 于 2010-7-4 21:54 编辑


When we come across the question that whether the surest indictor of a great nation is the general welfare of the citizens instead of the accomplishments of its rulers, artists or scientists, the perspectives varies among the public. Admittedly, the achievements of the dominators, artists or the scientists represent the power of a nation, the most advanced culture and the highest productivity. Yet the ultimate purpose of a nation is to enhance the welfare of all the people. Therefore, this factor is the most meaningful gauge to measure the greatness of a nation.

To start with, the dominators' achievement is undoubtedly a sign of a great nation. If you cast a look at the Ancient Egypt, you will find out one of the most significant nations in human history. At that time, for one thing, the Egyptian rulers had dominated most area near Nile River because its military strength outshines that of its enemies. For another, it is those pharaohs who create the earliest but also the most advanced civilization at that time, and brings us one of the miracles in the history----The Egyptian Pyramid. Therefore, there is no doubt that the accomplishments of the rules are an indictor of a great nation.

Moreover, the success of the artists and scientist are also the mirror of the greatness of a nation. Firstly, the arts, which demonstrate us the value and morality of a society, can cultivate our mind and soul thus giving us an insight into ourselves. Even under some harsh circumstances arts can touch the inner of our heart and give us spirit motivation to overcome the hardship. A great nation often is characterized with the mark of healthy spiritual condition. Secondly, there is no denying that owning the most advanced technology is one of the features of a great nation. Look at the today's American. Since Industry Revolution, the continuous progress in the technological field shapes this powerful country. With its headways of the technology comes its dominative position in many aspects ranging from the global economy to the environmental issues. As a consequence, when it comes to the indictors of a great nation, the achievements of artists and scientists are destined to be two of them.

However, no matter how large individuals' contribution is, the most decisive gauge of the greatness of a nation will be the welfare of all its citizens as a whole. The artists aim at producing the unique and creative works which can provide inspirations and motivations to the people; the scientists aim at providing more convenience and comfort for the public thus enriching people's lives; the rulers aims at creating the safe and peaceful society where the citizens can chase their own dreams. All these three tools serve the ultimate goal, that is, the welfare of its entire people. Only when the whole people in a nation enjoy their life can we claim that it is indeed a great nation.

Overall, after the discussion above, we can simply arrive at the conclusion that due to the fact that a nation does not only consist of rulers, artists or scientists, so even if their achievements will make a considerable difference to a nation, the essence of the greatness of one nation lies in the well-being of all the ordinary people.


Revised By


The conclusion that North Americans should think about eating soy as a effective way to prevent the fatigue and depression, at the first glance, seems to be tenable and reasonable. However, there are several flaws in this argument. Hence, just adopting the idea will be more likely to get nowhere. In order to have North Americans make a sager decision, I will figure the fallacies out respectively.

To begin with, the assumption that the fatigue and depression arises from the abnormal diets habit is based on scant evidence. It is a common sense that the life in most areas of North American keeps fast pace which places considerable pressure on people. In our lives, there are so many factors which can result in the fatigue and depression that we should not preclude anyone of those causes before we conduct a scientific investigation to make clear the decisive ingredient. Therefore, it does not make sense to attribute the fatigue and depression to the disorder of the diet.

Also, even if the disorder of diet should be responsible for the fatigue and depression, there is no evidence that the phyotochemicals called isoflavones in the soy can cure them. In the argument, the arguer just claims that this kind of chemical possess the disease-preventing properties, but what if it is not feasible to treat the fatigue and depression? Besides, despite the fact that North Americans do not eat soy virtually there is also a good chance that some of their food have enriched in this chemical, too. If so, it means that this chemical is no use fighting against the fatigue and depression.

Last, even if we know that the chemical in soy can be beneficial for Asians to prevent fatigue and depression, no one can ensure that it will also work for North Americans, as is known to all; there is a great discrepancy in the physical properties between Asians and North Americans. As a result, odds is that this chemical is suitable for the Asians but not for North Americans. In addition, we also have taken other factors into consideration, such the distinguished climate and the different geological location, which also make a difference to the reaction of this chemical in bodies. Hence, before following the advice, we have to delve into the influence of this specific chemical in Asians and North Americans.

Overall, the reasoning behind this argument appears to be trustful and well-reasoned. However, after weighing up the facts discussed above, without the further investigation about what the cause of the fatigue and depression is, whether the chemical in soy is potent to cure the fatigue and depression and how it will react to people in Asians and North Americans, the author would better think twice before arriving at this suggestion.


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使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-7-2 09:18:40 |只看该作者




recent study shows that people living on the continent of North America suffer 9 times more chronic

fatigue and 31 times more chronic depression than do people living on the continent of Asia. Interestingly,

Asians, on average, eat 20 grams of soy per day, whereas North Americans eat virtually none. It

turns out that soy contains phytochemicals called isoflavones, which have been found to possess

disease-preventing properties. Thus, North Americans should consider eating soy on a regular basis as

a way of preventing fatigue and depression.






Revised By




"The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists,

but the general welfare of all its people."






Revised By




Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-1 12:54:55 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 Cypher 于 2010-7-4 18:07 编辑




In this newsletter the author advocates Old Dairy(OD) stockholders to sell their shares and other investors not to buy stock in OD. To justify this recommendation the arguer points out the fact that a survey shows people tend to cut their intake of foods high in fats and cholesterol, and that low-fat products abound in food stores.The author reasons that OD's profits will decrease and therefore people should not hold shares in OD. At first glance, the argument might be somehow reasonable, close scrutiny of each of these evidence, however, reveals that none of them leads credible support to this recommendation, which render recommendation entirely unconvincing.

To begin with, the author reasons that the company's sales will decrease based on two cited facts. One is that people want to reduce intake of fats and cholesterol; the other is that low-fat products sells well in stores. However, the author overlooks the possiblities that the cited facts may not necessarily lead to the decrease of OD's sales. Firstly, people's desire to reduce intake of fats and cholesterol does not mean they will refuse products high in fats. Perhaps OD is a credible brand and people still tend to buy its products. Secondly, the fact that low-fat products abound in many food stores does not necessarily imply a less demand of high-fat food. It is entirely possible that the demand for high-fat food has increased, but the stores did't react to changed market conditions timely. Either scenario, would render the argument unconvincing.

Even assuming that people tend to buy fewer products high in fat and cholesterol, merely based on the fact that many of the products marketed by OD contains a high level of fat or cholesterol the author cannot convincingly argue that OD's profits will decrease. Perhaps OD is changing strategy for healthy products containing less fat and cholesterol, making them the main product in the future. Or perhaps OD already has healthy product, whose good sale would bring large profits to the company. Without more information about OD's composition of product mix and its future strategy, it is too hasty to draw the conclusion.

Finally, it might be true that OD's profit would decrease, but it does not necessarily follow that people should not hold stocks in OD. It is common knowledge that share price is a result of supply and demand. When prospective buyers outnumber the sellers, the price will rise. It is entirely possible that through changing strategies of their products, OD would improve their business conditions and therefore attracts more buyers of its shares. If so, OD shareholders should not sell their shares, and investors should be advised to buy in stocks in OD. The author falesly implies OD's future stock prices from its current business status.

In sum, the recommendation offered by the author is untenable as discussed above. To bolster his claim that people should not hold stocks in OD, the author needs to inform us of more detailed information, such as OD's sales status of high-fat products, its composition of product mix and future strategies. To better assess the recommendation, I would also need to know OD's future prospects in the stock market.



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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-1 10:07:19 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

RE: [1010G精英组] ISSUE&ARGU 习作 by Group Energy [修改]
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[1010G精英组] ISSUE&ARGU 习作 by Group Energy
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