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[选校相关] 部分学校MARCH Ⅱ的作品集要求及尺寸要求 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-13 16:01:37 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
1.YALE (YSOA)  Yale School of Architecture

Portfolio (for the M.Arch. program only)

A portfolio of the applicants creative work is required and will need to be sent directly to the School. Portfolios must be received at the School by no later than January 2, 2010. Portfolios should not exceed nine by twelve inches
(22.86cm*30.48cm) and be no more than one and one-half inches thick(3.81cm). Oversize portfolios will not be accepted. Portfolios may contain originals or reproductions, although no slides, tapes, discs, or videos will be accepted. Anything submitted that is not entirely the applicants own work must be clearly identified as such.
For the M.Arch. I program, the portfolio should demonstrate the applicants drawing skills and three-dimensional aptitude. Work represented may include drawings, paintings, sculpture, sketches, furniture and architectural designs, or other materials.
For the M.Arch. II program, the portfolio should demonstrate the applicants ability to pursue advanced work in architectural design.

(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)  SA+P


· Spell "architecture" correctly on your portfolio.

· Spend more time on the work presented in your portfolio than on the portfolio itself.

· When printing your portfolio, save a digital copy, and make several back up copies. Have these ready in case yours is lost in the mail.

· Send us the final version of your portfolio. Do not send replacement versions. These are likely to be confused with the original copies. Proof every word in your portfolio before printing it.

· The design of your portfolio should be friendly to the reader and allow
for convenient handling. Complex designs with ornate folds or multiple pieces of different sizes make review difficult.
Your portfolio will be placed into a folder and circulated among several faculty members. It should not fall apart as a result of this handling.


A non-returnable portfolio is required of all MArch applicants, including those who do not have a previous architecture degree or background. The portfolio should include evidence of recent creative work: personal, academic and/or professional. Work done collaboratively should be identified as such and your role in the project defined. Your name, address, and the program to which you are applying should also be included.

We expect that the portfolio will be made by the applicant. While there is no strict format, all the material should be contained in one notebook, folder or envelope. We have found that 8-1/2" x 11" (22 x 28 cm) notebooks are most suitable. We suggest that you select a limited number of examples which are easy for us to look at; do not send slides, CDs or videos. Web-based portfolios are not acceptable and will not be reviewed.

Choose what you care about, what you think is representative of your best work, and what is expressive of you.

3.Princeton University School of Architecture

Master's Program

A portfolio of design work is required of all master's applicants. The portfolio, along with the other application materials, will be reviewed by the Admission Committee, which determines the applicant's qualification for admission and the most suitable program. Applicants should prepare the portfolio carefully to best illustrate their individual potential as a designer. It should be bound into a brochure no larger than 9 by 12 inches (overall size). The Admission Committee is interested in the quality of the work submitted in the portfolio, so applicants are advised not to lavish energy and expense on special or unusual packaging that is likely to be damaged in handling. Applicants are asked to not submit slides, loose sheets, or original drawings.

It is the normal procedure of the School of Architecture to retain the portfolio of those students who are being offered admission to the School. The portfolios become permanent additions to the University archive.

4.UCLA(University of California, in Los Angeles)


(M.Arch Applicants Only) - A portfolio is required as a central part of the application to the professional Architecture and Urban Design degree programs. Content is not restricted to any particular subject area, but the material should be in the form of a cohesive presentation and should be representative of your previous experience and creative abilities. It may include both graphic and written material. Images should be in the form of prints, not slides. We recommend that the portfolio not exceed an 11by17 inch format, and that any loose pages be marked plainly with your name. If applicants wish to have the portfolio returned they must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Because of the large volume of material received, we cannot guarantee the safe return of all submitted work. Although every effort is made to protect these submissions, applicants are urged to keep duplicate copies of all of the work contained in their portfolios. UCLA and the Department of Architecture and Urban Design are not responsible for the loss or damage of this material.

5.USC(University of Southern California)

Portfolio Requirements

If you are applying to a program which requires a portfolio, please read and follow the guidelines below.  While the visual work you are presenting is the most important element, dont forget to proofread the text for typing and grammar errors.
1.A design portfolio is a compilation of ones own work which demonstrates past creative and graphic ability.  It should include drawings and photographs of models from past architectural or design studios as well as any professional work you have done.
Applicants to the Master of Historic Preservation program may submit a portfolio consisting of writing samples, articles, published essays, or case study examples.
Applicants to the Master of Building Science program may submit a portfolio consisting of papers, projects, computer programs, web sites, or other materials which demonstrate technical competence, research skills, or appropriate knowledge or talents.
A portfolio is not required of applicants to the Certificate programs.  If  a portfolio is submitted, it will be reviewed.
2. All work must be submitted in a bound format.  The portfolio should not be larger than 8.5x 11.  All work submitted should be reproductions of the original work and any three-dimensional work, such as sculpture or models, must be presented in photographs.  Do not submit original drawings, slides, loose sheets or oversized binders.  Portfolios for the Building Science program may be submitted in electronic format or posted to an accessible website of the applicant's choice.
3. Label the portfolio with your name, address, USC ID number, and e-mail address.  Include a table of contents listing everything being submitted.  Also, each project should be labeled indicating when and where the work was produced, such as semester and year, studio level, project duration, where the project was built, etc.

4. Include the portfolio cover page.
5. Please remember that the selection committee will be reviewing the portfolios for the quality of work, not the quantity.  It will be very important to present your work in a clear and coherent manner, and it is wise to limit the number of projects to a maximum of ten projects, showing your best and indicative work.
6. Think of your portfolio as a design problem.  You want it to look good but also to be easy to look at.  The images should be clear.  Orient the pieces in the same direction.

6.WUSTL(Washington University in St. Louis)


All applicants are required to submit a portfolio of visual material, to be provided in hard-copy,
printed-and-bound form directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions (electronic submissions are not accepted). MArch 3 candidates are advised to include creative design efforts such as drawing, sculpture, photography, or other areas in the visual arts to demonstrate a potential for further creative accomplishment. Applicants seeking advanced standing in the MArch programs are expected to have architectural design work available and thus must include such work, although examples of other artistic endeavors may also be included. The work presented in the portfoliobe it architectural design drawings, paintings, models, sculpture, photography, ceramics, or small construction projects such as furniture, decks, etc.should represent the applicant's best work.
Attention should be paid to the graphic presentation as well as the selection of the work. Portfolios must be presented in a protected format, (e.g., bound or in a ring binder), with dimensions no larger than 9" x 12". Fabricated metal or wooden boxes or binders are discouraged. The layout of the portfolio should be clear with brief written labels for each piece. Applicants submitting work done collaboratively, either in school or in the profession, should clearly indicate the level of their personal contribution. All images should be reproduced as photographs, good-quality photocopies, or computer-generated printouts, etc. CDs, slides, or original pieces of art, such as actual drawings or paintings, should not be sent.
Admission into an advanced-standing curriculum (MArch 2 or MArch 2+) is highly selective; such placement relies on the quality and depth of architectural design work demonstrated in the portfolio. A self-addressed envelope with postage should be included when sending the portfolio to ensure its return.

7.University of Massachusette Amherst


The portfolio submittal should represent previous creative work and/or research. A portfolio of creative work should include twenty to thirty color images of art, architecture, and/or design work.

A physical portfolio of photographs or copies in a book form, slides, a digital portfolio or a web site portfolio will all be accepted. Please note that CD or DVD digital portfolios must not require installation of software. The Department of Art, Architecture and Art History is not responsible for reviewing materials that are not readily accessible.

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2012-2-3 20:05:00 |只看该作者
Spell "architecture" correctly on your portfolio.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-12-26 17:52:30 |只看该作者
请问 USC那个 portfolio cover page 是装订在作品集里边吗

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-13 16:08:04 |只看该作者



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部分学校MARCH Ⅱ的作品集要求及尺寸要求
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