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发表于 2010-8-26 21:48:56 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 zcnvszwj 于 2010-8-26 21:55 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country

consisting of more and more fresh photographs and various contents, newspapers and magazines are becoming of main methods for people to learn about a foreign country. in my opinion, however, they still haven't been the best way and own no chance in future. to touch some information of a foreign county on culture, economics, education and something like that, we should not limit ourselves in few media.
for most of us, a country's culture is the first field we would like to meet. absolutely newspapers and magazines provide many introductions on traditional events of different countries, from Christmas day in America to maritime festival in Japan. but all these reports can't be entire and of details as much as possible. one better road to foreign culture is surfing the internet websites of the country, searching details you like. another way i prefer is just travelling to the country. for example, through words and pictures, i could simply learn there is the maritime festival, whereas if i have a visit to Japan during this festival, I will unconsciously know its origin, meaning, celebrities and ceremonies. only by personal touch can i assign that i have really learnt about some country's culture.
secondly, learning about a foreign country sometimes means learning about its economics, since economics stand for an area's development and strength. usually we could find expert analysis on newspaper or magazine, focusing on some country's market. however, if we get quite interested in that, will we stop in reading a few economical reports? the answer is certainly no. we will conclude our sentence after comparing all kinds of economical data form newspaper, magazine, television, internet and even a history book. with necessary, we may telephone some friend in the country whose field is nothing else but economics. a newspaper or a magazine can't reflect whole circumstance.
furthermore, to youth who defined study plan in foreign country, it's very strict to master the educational policy as much as possible. there may be a feature article of a famous university on magazine, but there won't be a policy explanation of foreign study on newspaper, because that's boring for other readers. what's more, several outstanding universities offer free professional lectures to share. for instance, more and more Chinese students downland the open lectures from Yale university and find diverse teaching processes on American campus. that's another study way for foreign students while can't be promoted either on newspaper or on magazine.
summarizing the points above, newspaper or magazine is not the best way to learn about a foreign country, but par of methods. we haven't invent a effective way through which we could know some country very comprehensively, even on a small domain. the best way to learn something appealing, including a foreign country, is mixture of multiple methods.

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发表于 2010-10-12 20:14:29 |只看该作者
09.03.29 do you agree or disagree, students will not use printed books anymore.  

It is not juicy news any more that someone is using fashionable Ipad, as a sort of electrical book, for study on campus class. This specific case does indicate the probable tendency that traditional printed books will be replaced by various kinds of progressive device, the majority of which are electrical books. As a student, I hold the answer yes to this assumption due to following reasons.
First and foremost, electrical book, or E-book, owns several eminent advantages, which don't belong to printed books and could translate our reading up to an increasingly comfortable status. On one hand, thanks to updated information technology, electrical books comprise almost thousands of times information in a thick and light machine, compared with printed books. For instance, the Great Britain Encyclopedia, occupying a small part of memory in electrical book, must be presented in over one hundred printed books. On the other hand, we could take notes on electrical books limitlessly, without worrying about it may disrupts the book’s integral beauty, which often happens on printed books. In a word, electrical books will absolutely do a big favor to help our reading.
Secondly, beyond reading, electrical books could be regarded as a special type of share tool, helping us to interact with others while reading. Although requiring additional technology, it has come true and becomes increasingly common nowadays. Through the blue-tooth, we could easily receive the professor's computer slides and demonstrate them as a book on this lovely device. What’s more, we could exchange our notes with classmates in or out of the class, via wireless network, to make our study full of efficiency. Hence, not only will the electrical book benefit our reading, but also it could advance our study.
Furthermore, although there is opposite opinion on electrical books’ popularization, insisting on their definite drawbacks, such as the high price and incompletely mature technology. In my opinion, however, these little flaws will surely to be eliminated by the rapid and dramatic development on science. The price's change on Ipad is one practical case on this point. Initially it appeared at about 7000 RMB in China, which now has dropped to 3500 RMB this winter.
Summarizing the points above, I do prefer students will no longer use printed books in the future, for the reason that electrical books is much more helpful in both reading and study, as well as it being increasingly mature. Above that, it's ourselves that decide how much we could assimilate from the books, whether it's printed or electrical.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-10-10 13:09:53 |只看该作者
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IBT Zeal

发表于 2010-10-10 00:27:31 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 S酱 于 2010-10-10 00:38 编辑

39# zcnvszwj

09.03.07NA    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should not show their social or political views in the classroom.

( C& Y8 q* s3 d0 y$ z
What if a professor enthusiastically presents advocating on the policy made by President George W Bush in mathematical class? Absolutely students will detest the speech rather than happily accepting(accept) it. This practical case does make a statement, that is, teachers should not show their social or political views in the classroom.开头反问很有气势嘛~

Initially, students are just in process of social and political understanding(不太让人明白~不然换个简单的表达?students are just in the learning process of society and politic), which will be influenced negatively by teachers' arbitrary leading. During their own demonstrations(觉得这个词好像是比较严密的论证,比如讲数学啥的,于是关于胡说八道的政治观点觉得应该换个词), teachers are guiding students to form similar attitudes towards some social phenomena or political party. This is opposite to the goal of education, helping (觉得还是不省略比较好,这样逗号后面有种强调的感觉 that is helping/to help xxx)students to build thoughts themselves. In fact, instead of showing any preference on Republican Party or Democratic Party, teachers should teach students how to gasp the difference between them and find their favors alone. Only by such procedure will students raise independent and appropriate ideology.

Secondly, teachers often get addicted in showing social or political views while doing such deeds(觉得指代不清), resulting in the occupation of time on major course and decreasing the efficiency of education. Take one of my professors as an example. Without elaborating dynamical principles on physical class, he has already immersed in telling several historic events happened recently in China and expressing his political understanding. Although they listen (sound) interesting sometimes, we students haven't achieve any valuable knowledge on(of,貌似木有on的搭配) physics. In a word, unless it's necessary, teachers should not show social or political views in class, in order to protect(retain) the efficiency of education.

From another perspective, of course there exist some exceptions under specific classes. On the(去掉) one hand, during some courses like socialism or politics, teachers perhaps talk something on(in)their opinions, as a template to help students to find(develop) their own thoughts. On the other hand, if students ask questions on socialism or politics related to the course, like definite economical policy basically formulated by some political party, teachers ought to(觉得可以委婉点,不是必须) show their views about that. Beyond that, however, there is no logical reason conducting(to conduct) teacher to do so, in(at,固搭) most of time.

8 ^$ K9 ?4 k0 e8 F+ z5 x+ Q
Summarizing the points above, because of potential misleading and decreasing of education efficiency, teachers should not show their social or political views in classroom, despite several practical exceptions. Their main duty is education, hence they should focus on imparting knowledge. Only by that will students develop themselves health both physically and morally(觉得说法有点别扭 .

dreams never fade

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-10-9 16:51:38 |只看该作者
09.03.07NA    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should not show their social or political views in the classroom.
What if a professor enthusiastically presents advocating on the policy made by President George W Bush in mathematical class? Absolutely students will detest the speech rather than happily accepting it. This practical case does make a statement, that is, teachers should not show their social or political views in the classroom.
Initially, students are just in process of social and political understanding, which will be influenced negatively by teachers' arbitrary leading. During their own demonstrations, teachers are guiding students to form similar attitudes towards some social phenomena or political party. This is opposite to the goal of education, helping students to build thoughts themselves. In fact, instead of showing any preference on Republican Party or Democratic Party, teachers should teach students how to gasp the difference between them and find their favors alone. Only by such procedure will students raise independent and appropriate ideology.
Secondly, teachers often get addicted in showing social or political views while doing such deeds, resulting in the occupation of time on major course and decreasing the efficiency of education. Take one of my professors as an example. Without elaborating dynamical principles on physical class, he has already immersed in telling several historic events happened recently in China and expressing his political understanding. Although they listen interesting sometimes, we students haven't achieve any valuable knowledge on physics. In a word, unless it's necessary, teachers should not show social or political views in class, in order to protect the efficiency of education.
From another perspective, of course there exist some exceptions under specific classes. On the one hand, during some courses like socialism or politics, teachers perhaps talk something on their opinions, as a template to help students to find their own thoughts. On the other hand, if students ask questions on socialism or politics related to the course, like definite economical policy basically formulated by some political party, teachers ought to show their views about that. Beyond that, however, there is no logical reason conducting teacher to do so, in most of time.
Summarizing the points above, because of potential misleading and decreasing of education efficiency, teachers should not show their social or political views in classroom, despite several practical exceptions. Their main duty is education, hence they should focus on imparting knowledge. Only by that will students develop themselves health both physically and morally.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-10-9 13:22:00 |只看该作者
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2012 Fall - PR

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发表于 2010-10-9 10:09:52 |只看该作者
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发表于 2010-10-7 17:51:18 |只看该作者
09.03.21NA    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success
Needless to say, either remaining optimistic under failure or achieving success is of importance, since they do reflect positive attitude or eminent experience in life. However, is it necessary to pick up the more significant one between them? Definitely I believe there is little value to do so, due to no appropriate method or specific meaning.
Initially, remaining optimistic under failure is vital to people, considering that we have been frequently undergoing various kinds of failure, light or serious. Not only will the optimism remove our sadness and despair subconsciously, but also infuse mental energy again, encouraging us to surpass the barrier ahead. For instance, after thousands of failures in experiment, which even resulted in his relatives’ passing away, Nobel still kept striving in applied chemistry and finally invited the glycerin explosive. Like his statement in self-biography, it was optimism that motivated him going along. In a word, short of optimism, we can't get rid of failure and cheer ourselves any more.
Secondly, without doubt, achieving success belongs to one of the most wonderful experience. This amazing feeling symbolizes our meaningful lives after arduous struggle, as well as stimulating us to win the next glory. Take myself as an example. Desiring a high grade in GRE, a sort of success in my sight, I spent days and nights to prepare for the test, memorizing difficult words as many as possible. At last I achieved nearly 1400 score, which inspired my next endeavor on TOEFL-IBT. If achieving success lacks importance, perhaps I would take most of my time in playing computer games, reluctant to glimpse a simple English word. Hence, achieving success is also crucial in everyone's life.
Furthermore, there is no meaning to evaluate which option is more momentous, remaining optimistic under failure or achieving success. Firstly, different person hold different opinion and reasons, just like different preference in eating, where doesn't exist an unconditional criterion. On the other hand, even we find the better between them, it has no practical effects. Such solution can't do a favor to keep us optimistic under failure, nor find an easier path to reach the success. Then, why should we do that?
Summarizing the points above, I prefer to conclude remaining optimistic under failure of the same importance as achieving success. Everyone should think highly of both, instead of a so-called better one. Only then will we enjoy the meaningful and valuable life.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-10-4 13:52:52 |只看该作者
楼主写得不错哦 学习了....加油加油
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发表于 2010-10-2 19:09:09 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 zcnvszwj 于 2010-10-3 16:18 编辑

08.12.07NA  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Spending time alone is the best way to relieve stress
Definitely it's ridiculous to conclude staying alone as the best method to relieve stress, since people could hardly confine themselves in closed space all the time without any communication. In fact, staying with others is a better option when we are unfortunately under heavy pressure, due to its eminent regulation on spirits and less potential mental hurt.
Initially, through speaking out, we could easily share our negative emotions with others, which is vital to relieve stress. Obviously after crying out difficulty on study to someone, you would get quite light-hearted. Take my experience as an example. Undergoing fail of TOEFL at first time, my heart was full of disappoint as if it couldn’t create laugh again. Thanks to my mother. She asked for leave and stayed with me all along, cheering me up through her study experience, celebrity anecdotes and humorous jokes. Several days later, I finally drained out all my sadness to her, tearing endlessly. After that, I rebuilt my spirit and started my second struggle. Lacking my mother’s accompaniment, I could hardly relieve one’s stress.
On the other hand, valuable advice would be achieved when you stay with others. Stress often comes from sophisticated problems we encountered without finding an appropriate solution. Told about such trouble, our friends usually express their opinions, which frequently open our sight by chance, and guide us successfully to span the barrier. A survey, made by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, testified this conclusion. It demonstrated that nearly 83 percent people benefit meaningful hints through communication when under troubles, half of which even complete their solving scheme beyond that. This is more efficient than merely staying alone and searching possible settlement. In a word, staying with others is some kind of path to eliminate stress rather than simply relieving it.
Furthermore, although staying alone would relieve stress if people prefer, such as Chinese Kongfu masters keeping alone in log cabin to search the essence of physical culture, this method virtually attaches some potential mental hurt. Without anyone to share emotion, people perhaps would trap themselves in negative or extreme feelings, finding no way to escape out. Then the tristimania is on the way. Staying with others, however, will not worry us on such disadvantage.
Summarizing the points above, compared with keeping alone, staying with others relieves people’s stress greater, owing to not only the comments of sharing emotion or getting advice, but also less potential to mental illness. Sometimes we should keep alone, but it's not excuse to escape from your community. Only holding tight connections with others will we live a relatively relaxed life.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-10-1 15:28:14 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-9-30 18:33:23 |只看该作者
2008.10.17NA  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People benefit more from travelling in their own country than travelling in a foreign country
When hearing the plan to travel in foreign countries, children and youth, at most of time, will keep excitedly awake up all night, which could rarely be found if the aim area is civil site. This is merely because these curious kids desire to watch different sceneries and experience different cultures, or in other words, benefits more during traveling abroad, compared to staying at their familiar motherland. Hence, I do prefer to regard travelling in a foreign country as my next destination in summer vacation.
Initially, people could appreciate more natural scenery spots visiting foreign countries. Lying on our earth, most countries are defined in some district, owing few kinds of climates and terrains, which appear in everyday life of habitants and show no charm to them. Travelling in foreign countries, however, would bring us visual surprise even on a common coconut tree we never saw before. Whether Japanese standing in extensive Sahara Desert, or Americans overlooking Amazon Jungle on plane, they will absolutely exclaim out the magic landscape and are unwilling to leave away. Therefore, travelling in a foreign country means a big enjoyment to everyone's eyes.
Secondly, a foreign country owns a different culture, which we could not only touch directly but also learn from. Travelling abroad, we could feel almost every aspect of its culture vividly, such as traditional architecture, precious art works and unique festival. When standing in Lincoln Memorial, for instance, I just felt like talking with this great celebrity on his efforts to unity his country. Although other media, including books and internet, could guide us contacting the culture of a foreign country as well, travelling is the most authentic and meaningful method. What’s more, through travelling, we will expand our culture knowledge system, both objective and subjective. Thus it's worthwhile to feel a different culture, instead of continue staying in the accustomed one.
Furthermore, someone may stress that travelling in a foreign country attaches several problems, from new language to a lot of money, which don't emerge when wandering in our own country. In my opinion, these barriers are easy to move aside if we really want to go. With the development of education, quite a few people are able to communicate with strangers using English or the local dialect. At the same time, the budget of travelling abroad is getting equal to that of travelling inland nowadays, for the reason that various vehicles arise more and more convenient and affordable.
Summarizing the points above, travelling in a foreign country could make us watching more and experience more, with little problems easy to solve. It’s worthy of travelling in our own country, but going outside comprises much more value. So don't hesitate, just unfold your world map and pinpoint the next destination.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-9-27 14:32:15 |只看该作者

09.01.17 NA   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits

It happens frequently that children cry out to their parents and refuse having dinner, merely because of not tasting a new flavor Macdonald's hamburger showed (shown) appealingly on television. This is an epitome of advertising's influence, mostly negative, on our eating habits. Although there are so many factors leading to unhealthy eating habits, I do believe that advertising is the most important cause.

Under one hand(貌似我还真没查到Under one hand这种用法。呵呵。), advertising often manages to divert the attention of customers from everyday meal to advertising food, bringing about the absence of nutrients absorption from nutritious traditional food, such as vegetables and fruits. Quite a few examples could be present here, from children fond of various snacks to the aged addicted in enjoying so-called tonics. This deviant change on eating habit, unfortunately, brings people the eating disorder, and makes no contribution but setting up unhealthy body. In a word, advertising would generate the disgust to traditional food.

On the other hand, the food on advertisement is averagely lack of nutrients, which is vital to consumers’ health. Since entrepreneurs focus on profits achieved through sale, the development on taste and packaging of their products will absolutely keep going, in order to attract more customers. The nutrients in their products, however, can't be found out or felt directly, thereby owning no meaning to increase and staying low level. For instance, Lays potato chips tastes delicious, but can't help us physically. What’s more, the investment (这个我建议用cost之类的) on advertising gets higher and higher nowadays, urging food companies to decrease the cost of products furthest. Hence, sometimes they will choose cheep cooking material within little vitamin or protein, like dehydrated vegetables, to replace fresh material. As a result, we can hardly take up nutrients from advertised food.

Furthermore, several other factors will also build unhealthy eating habits, including friends' recommendation and the affection on junk food. But these factors all own more or less connection with advertising. At most of time, whether a commendation or affection on food mostly comes from advertising. So advertising is just the paramount one among these causes.

Summarizing the points above, it's advertising, not other reasons, that contribute to unhealthy eating habits to the hilt, because of both no interest in traditional food made by it and absence of nutrients on advertising food. Learning from dietetic books and lectures, we are able to form our own healthy eating habits. Only then can we identify the essential purpose of food on advertising and make the best choice.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-9-26 21:35:55 |只看该作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-9-25 19:24:19 |只看该作者
09.01.17 NA   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.
It happens frequently that children cry out to their parents and refuse having dinner, merely because of not tasting a new flavor Macdonald's hamburger showed appealingly on television. This is an epitome of advertising's influence, mostly negative, on our eating habits. Although there are so many factors leading to unhealthy eating habits, I do believe that advertising is the most important cause.
Under one hand, advertising often manages to divert the attention of customers from everyday meal to advertising food, bringing about the absence of nutrients absorption from nutritious traditional food, such as vegetables and fruits. Quite a few examples could be present here, from children fond of various snacks to the aged addicted in enjoying so-called tonics. This deviant change on eating habit, unfortunately, brings people the eating disorder, and makes no contribution but setting up unhealthy body. In a word, advertising would generate the disgust to traditional food.
On the other hand, the food on advertisement is averagely lack of nutrients, which is vital to consumers’ health. Since entrepreneurs focus on profits achieved through sale, the development on taste and packaging of their products will absolutely keep going, in order to attract more customers. The nutrients in their products, however, can't be found out or felt directly, thereby owning no meaning to increase and staying low level. For instance, Lays potato chips tastes delicious, but can't help us physically. What’s more, the investment on advertising gets higher and higher nowadays, urging food companies to decrease the cost of products furthest. Hence, sometimes they will choose cheep cooking material within little vitamin or protein, like dehydrated vegetables, to replace fresh material. As a result, we can hardly take up nutrients from advertised food.
Furthermore, several other factors will also build unhealthy eating habits, including friends' recommendation and the affection on junk food. But these factors all own more or less connection with advertising. At most of time, whether a commendation or affection on food mostly comes from advertising. So advertising is just the paramount one among these causes.
Summarizing the points above, it's advertising, not other reasons, that contribute to unhealthy eating habits to the hilt, because of both no interest in traditional food made by it and absence of nutrients on advertising food. Learning from dietetic books and lectures, we are able to form our own healthy eating habits. Only then can we identify the essential purpose of food on advertising and make the best choice.

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