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[优秀习作] issue209,有些语法表达不清楚,老是感觉句子不够好,句式比较单调,请大家帮忙修 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2003-7-1 22:15:03 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
209"Progress is best made through discussion among people who have contrasting points

     Contemporary society is sometimes portrayed as dominated by the experience of change. The break-neck speed of technological innovation and the instability of international relation are frequently cited as the evidence that we live in a world radically different from the past. More and more people question: "what means we should use to make progress, through discussion with different people or learning by oneself? As far as I am concerned, the former is the answer.
    To begin with, contrasting points of views among people can perfect what we plan or perform. As we all know that in this huge world, anyone has special characteristic distinct with others, no matter notions, thinking measures, perspective considering things and so forth. For example, when we appreciate an abstract picture in exhibition some people may think it is a person, on the contrary other people perhaps believe it is an animal .So the distinctive ideas and analysis might make the problems or plans solved by all-rounded aspects. Take enacting constitution or law for another example. The process of making a law is through discussion again and again, and experts from extensive fields express their opinions from terrain they touch. Finally the law comes into being comply with the wills of most numbers of citizens after the intense argument or debate contrasting points of views, the progress of the law also improves the growth of whole society.
      Secondly, we can comprehend the information or knowledge through deep discussion. Through the different ideas which make us think better, we can research deeply and discover the new facts. We all know the story of Copernicus, most people in Church of that days hold the opinion that the Sun surrounded the Earth perpetually, however, the Copernicus did not think so and he deemed the Earth moved around the Sun never stopped, then the drastic discussion was made. Although the discussion is sharp even cruel, after contrasting the points of views and analyzing scientifically, true theory was produced, and progress of looking for the axiom or truth of science make a stride forward.
        Last, but not least, the relationship between distinctive field people can be enhanced and they have more opportunity to communicate and understand with each other. Whatever we do, not only geology and astronomy, but also humanity and history, it is impossible for us to have no suggestions from others because one person is single or lonely. We can get much knowledge or information by means of discussions, meanwhile accelerate the friendship with others. Without contrasting point of view from others, we might not only be easy to form the narrow or single-minded ideas, but also lose the chance of making friends with all kinds of people.
        In summary, there are still several other aspects relevant to the issue under discussion which, unfortunately, I have no time to explore in detail here. But the above-discussion reasons should in a large sense justify my conclusion that the progress is best made by discussion among those who have contrasting viewpoints.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2003-7-4 01:33:10 |只看该作者
To wangweicoco


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2003-7-2 08:09:46 |只看该作者
209"Progress is best made through discussion among people who have contrasting points

Contemporary society is sometimes portrayed as dominated by the experience of change. The break-neck speed of technological innovation and the instability of international relation are frequently cited as the evidence that we live in a world radically different from the past. More and more people question: "what means we should use to make progress, through discussion with different people(different people? 感觉有些笼统,说成with people holding different views 会不会好些?)or learning by oneself? As far as I am concerned, the former is the answer.

To begin with, contrasting points of views among people can perfect what we plan or perform. As we all know that in this huge world, anyone has special characteristic (characteristics 可数喔)distinct with others, no matter notions, thinking measures, perspective considering things and so forth. For example, when we appreciate an abstract picture in exhibition some people may think it is a person, on the contrary other people perhaps believe it is an animal. So the distinctive ideas and analysis might make the problems or plans solved by all-rounded aspects. (看图的例子好象不能解释distinctive ideas might solve problems,只能说明每个人有不同的看法,因此这里用So the…好象不大合逻辑,个人观点 :p)Take enacting constitution or law for another example.(Take lawmaking for…会不会简洁点呢?) The process of making a law is through discussion again and again, and experts from extensive fields express their opinions from terrain they touch. Finally the law comes into being comply with the wills of most numbers of citizens after the intense argument or debate contrasting points of views, the progress of the law also improves the growth of whole society.

Secondly, we can comprehend the information or knowledge through deep discussion. Through the different ideas which make us think better, we can research deeply and discover the new facts. We all know the story of Copernicus, most people in Church of that days hold the opinion that the Sun surrounded(revolved) the Earth perpetually, however, the Copernicus did not think so and he deemed the Earth moved around the Sun never stopped, then the drastic discussion was made. Although the discussion is sharp (and/or?)even cruel, after contrasting the points of views and analyzing scientifically, true theory was produced, and progress of looking for the axiom or truth of science make a stride forward.

Last, but not least, the relationship between distinctive field people can be enhanced and they have more opportunity to communicate and understand with each other. Whatever we do, not only geology and astronomy, but also humanity and history, it is impossible for us to have no suggestions from others because one person is single or lonely. We can get much knowledge or information by means of discussions, (and应要用连接词吧) meanwhile accelerate the friendship with others. Without contrasting point of view from others, we might not only be easy to form the narrow or single-minded ideas, but also lose the chance of making friends with all kinds of people.(这句要是我来表达我会用…as well as …来表达,感觉较简洁且清楚,个人观点 :P)
( 另一想法,discussion不一定会增进感情喔,尤其持不同意见者,反倒容易起争执 ,如果能稍微提一下 ”合理且适度” 的讨论…或许可以避免这样的困扰,个人看法)

In summary, there are still several other aspects relevant to the issue under discussion which, unfortunately, I have no time to explore in detail here. But the above-discussion(above-discussed) reasons should in a large sense justify my conclusion that the progress is best made by discussion among those who have contrasting viewpoints.(结论要这样写吗?妳的结论有两句,可是有一句是在说自己的不足处,个人认为这样好象不太好。)


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RE: issue209,有些语法表达不清楚,老是感觉句子不够好,句式比较单调,请大家帮忙修 [修改]
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