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[资料] sallyremy写作版(独立)7.6 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-7-7 05:26:10 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 sallyremy 于 2011-7-7 05:27 编辑

题目:The government should support scientific research that does not have any practical use.

赞成:若只看重眼前的practical use,那么将来的scientific research受限

scientific research花费大,大学企业难以提供,只能政府出资

让步:虽然有些scientific research可以通过其他途径融资,但是大多数缺乏融资途径

Scientific research, as the catalyst of industrial development, constantly promotes the progress of technological revolution and social advancement. Although scientific researches have irreplaceable place in society, their conduct has many barriers and obstacles. Most of them require large input of capital and equipments. It is believed that the government has responsibility to support scientific research which does not have practical use in public's life but still reveal valuable information for the future's development of human.

The scientific researches which have practical use in humans' daily life base their foundation on those basic subjects scientific researches, such as many researches in the field of theoretical physics, theoretical chemistry and theoretical psychology. Although researches in these fields do not bring practical benefits to the society,   results of them reveal useful information and provide guidelines for further scientific researches. For example, the psychological research in humans' micro expression take professor Ekman many efforts and lasts for a few decades. The research results which initially considered as useless for the society ultimately play a very essential role in  identification of the criminal out of several suspects. FBI has solved several crimes or even prevented a few according to the application of micro expression.

Moreover, considerable expenses of most scientific researches call for the financial support from government. The researches usually require large input of capital and equipments. Compared with scientific researches which have a practical use, those which do not have usually conducted by universities without the funds from enterprises. As a result, the tremendous expenses used to conduct those scientific researches, if lacking the government's support, will be a heavy burden for universities. The delay and lag in research and development in universities due to short of fund will ultimately cause universities to lose competitiveness when compared with other counterparts in the world.

Although some scientific researches which do not have a practical use can be provided with a financial aid through other channels, such as the space program which can acquire funds from army or from millionaires who want to take a space journey, many other researches do not have sufficient and efficient ways to raise capital.  

In conclusion, government has undoubted responsibility to offer financial support to the scientific researches, especially when they do not have a practical use.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-7-7 20:33:41 |只看该作者
Scientific research, as the catalyst(好高级。) of industrial development, constantly promotes the progress of technological revolution and social advancement. Although scientific researches have irreplaceable place in society, their conduct has many barriers and obstacles. Most of them require large input of capital and equipments. It is believed that the government has responsibility to support scientific research which does not have practical use in public's life but still reveal valuable information for the future's development of human.

The scientific researches which have practical use in humans' daily life base their foundation on those basic subjects scientific researchessubjects去掉), such as many researches in the field of theoretical physics, theoretical chemistry and theoretical psychology. Although researches in these fields do not bring practical benefits to the society,
results of them
results of them..别扭啊。。their results就顺多了)reveal useful information and provide guidelines for further scientific researches. For example, the psychological research in humans' micro expression take (took) professor Ekman many efforts and lastslast for a few decades. The research results which initially considered as useless for the society ultimately play a very essential role in
identification of
(in identifying) the criminal out of several suspects. FBI has solved several crimes or even prevented a few according to the application of micro expression.

Moreover, considerable expenses of most scientific researches call for the financial support from government. The researches usually require large input of capital and equipments. Compared with scientific researches which have a practical use, those which do not have (宾语不能省吧。。可以改成,those that have impractical useusually conducted by universities without the funds from enterprises. As a result, the tremendous expenses used to conduct those scientific researches, if lacking the government's support, will be a heavy burden for universities. The delay and lag in research and development in universities due to short of fund will ultimately cause universities to lose competitiveness when compared with other counterparts in the world.

Although some scientific researches which do not have a practical use can be provided with a financial aid through other channels, such as the space program which can acquire funds from army or from millionaires who want to take a space journey, many other researches do not have sufficient and efficient ways to raise capital.

In conclusion, government has undoubted(在已经让步的情况下,undoubted是不是有点太绝对。。) responsibility to offer financial support to the scientific researches, especially when they do not have a practical use.

8月21托福,9月14GMAT 求监督。。

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-7-7 18:56:04 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sallyremy 于 2011-7-7 18:57 编辑
theflyfish 发表于 2011-7-7 08:45


Scientific research, as the catalyst of industrial development, constantly promotes the progress of technological revolution and social advancement. Although scientific researches have irreplaceable place in society, their conduct has many barriers and obstacles. Most of them require large input of capital and equipments. It is believed that the government has responsibility to support scientific research which does not have practical use in public's life but still reveal valuable information for the future's development of human.

The scientific researches which have practical use in humans' daily life base their foundation on those basic subjects scientific researches, such as many researches in the field of theoretical physics, theoretical chemistry and theoretical psychology. Although researches in these fields do not bring practical benefits to the society,   results of them reveal useful information and provide guidelines for further scientific researches. For example, the psychological research in humans' micro expression
took/takes professor Ekman many efforts and lasts for a few decades. The research results which is initially considered as useless for the society ultimately play a very essential role in  identification of the criminal out of several suspects. FBI has solved several crimes or even prevented a few according to the application of micro expression.

Moreover, considerable expenses of most scientific researches call for the financial support from government. The researches usually require large input of capital and equipments. Compared with scientific researches which have a practical use, those which do not have usually conducted(?) by universities without the funds from enterprises. As a result, the tremendous expenses used to(这么用容易造成歧义)
conduct(?) those scientific researches,
without the government's support, will be a heavy burden for universities. The delay and lag in research and development in universities due to short of fund will ultimately cause universities to lose competitiveness when compared with other counterparts in the world.

Although some scientific researches which do not have a practical use can be provided with a financial aid through other channels, such as the space program which can acquire funds from army or from millionaires who want to take a space journey, many other researches do not have sufficient and efficient ways to raise capital

In conclusion, government has undoubted responsibility to offer financial support to the scientific researches, especially when they do not have a practical use.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-7-7 16:49:06 |只看该作者
Scientific research, as the catalyst of industrial development, constantly promotes the progress of technological revolution and social advancement. Although scientific researches have irreplaceable place in society, their conduct has many barriers and obstacles. Most of them require large input of capital and equipments. It is believed that the government has responsibility to support scientific research which does not have practical use in public's life but still reveal valuable information for the future's development of human.

The scientific researches which have practical use in humans' daily life base their foundation on those basic subjects scientific researches, such as many researches in the field of theoretical physics, theoretical chemistry and theoretical psychology. Although researches in these fields do not bring practical benefits to the society,   results of them reveal useful information and provide guidelines for further scientific researches. For example, the psychological research in humans' micro expression http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microexpression深深的学习了~)takes professor Ekman many efforts and lasts for a few decades. The research results which initially considered as useless for the society ultimately play a very essential role in  identification of the criminal out of several suspects. FBI has solved several crimes or even prevented a few according to the application of micro expression.

Moreover, considerable expenses of most scientific researches call for the financial support from government. The researches usually require large input of capital and equipments. Compared with scientific researches which have a practical use, those which do not have usually conducted by universities without the funds from enterprises. As a result, the tremendous expenses used to conduct those scientific researches, if lacking the government's support, will be a heavy burden for universities. The delay and lag in research and development in universities due to short of fund will ultimately cause universities to lose competitiveness when compared with other counterparts in the world(我觉得用对国家的影响比较,更有力一点).

Although some scientific researches which do not have a practical use can be provided with a financial aid through other channels, such as the space program which can acquire funds from army or from millionaires who want to take a space journey, many other researches do not have sufficient and efficient ways to raise capital.

! A3 ^; q8 d2 J- g3 E6 Y1 F' B- T
In conclusion, government has undoubted responsibility to offer financial support to the scientific researches, especially when they do not have a practical use.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2011-7-7 08:45:47 |只看该作者
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