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[i习作temp] 新G Issue36 求批评 [复制链接]

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新加坡SG ADVISOR 新加坡SG ASSISTANT 新加坡SG APPLICANT 分享之阳 Aries白羊座 荣誉版主

发表于 2011-7-16 20:37:07 |只看该作者 |正序浏览

“Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear.“

具体指令:Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.


2.Nevertheless, 第一,可行性的问题。任何科研的开展前景都可能是未知的,哪个权威去定义哪些值得研究,哪些不值得研究? 第二,科学研究既包括了应用性研究,又包括基础性研究,而基础性研究往往更需要时间,更具有不确定性。举例。。。然而,这些投资却是必要而且必须的。

说明:针对具体指令提出的要求,第二段论证为了保持全球竞争力,投资到结果明朗的领域是advantageous;第三段指出,科研分为应用性和基础性科研,在基础性科研这块,单纯就结果看,需要多花时间,并且结果往往更具不确定性,由此论证此时是NOT advantageous的;最后总结综述。

    Should governments fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear? The speaker claims not, for the premise that he could make a judgment about which researches' consequences are clear or unclear. I concede that it's necessary for us to invest some researches which can bring our human beings merits to some extent. However, I doubt that premise the speaker holds.

    In order to keep pace with globlization in economy and technology, it's understandable that government fund researches from which people can judge how much benefit we can get. Science and technology make a new era for us in the 21st century. All countries take their steps to do research in many fields such as electronic engineering, computer technology and medicine. Funding such scientific researches can not only make people live better, but make it become more compete when compared with other countries. Moreover, the most of fund of governments comes from taxpayers. It's understandable that they hope their money can create practical values immediately. For example, when the Rogan government decided to make plan of "Star Wars", most held against it for the reason that it was just the product of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union and it couln’d not bring them practical values essentially.

    Nevertheless, when it comes to the speaker's premise, I doubt it for two reasons. The first thing is that the feasibility of premise. How do we determine which consequences are clear or not? Who we should choose to make such judgment? In fact, when we began to do research, we don’t whether its result are good or not. Moreover, the scientific research can be divided into applied research, such as computer application and basic research, such as the theory of physics. Can we give up the basic research and turn to applied research just for basic research costs us more time and its consequences are more uncertain than applied research? Take physics research for example. Knowing the reason how objects move with the effect of force helps us invent more practical machine to improve our life quality. Understandable how the air would affect the moving thing makes us create more stable plane when it meets the bad weather. Although basic research may be unclear, it really benefits applied research and engineer research a lot .Government cannot ignore such research whose consequences may be unclear.

    In sum, the advances in the science and technology rely on the process in which people explore and experiment again and again .We can not make a precise judgment about which research should take and which shouldn't before we really start. In the long run, if we exclude some political factors or just private predispositions, government should fund scientific research whatever its immediate results are as long as it benefits our human beings.


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