8月21一战157+170+4.0。我14年参加了理科高考,这一年在学工科,没怎么学英语;想趁暑假把GRE一次性考过了,以后暑假可以去做一些更有用的事情。在准备GRE的过程中寄托论坛上的帖子帮了我很多,尤其是crazy robin的 Foolproof guide to a 340 on GRE .327(Verbal 68%左右)与一众330+(Verbal75%以上)的同学们相比还有差距。如果要用经验帖做为自己复习的参考依据,最好使用更高分的。然而既然这是我最后一次考GRE,就把自己的备考经验写下来,做为一个记录。
Manhattan GRE RC Guide。(1)与《多层结构法》互补,这本书提出了很多实际操作层面的内容。比如,如何调整阅读状态?把文章当作你平时上课的时候读的教材;如何读出文章内容?试着把文章内容用几句短信复述出来;如何读懂文章结构?画Headline List,或试着把文章与自己已经知道的模型链接起来;如何找关键句?段首句;等等。(2)提出了几种错误类型。可以分析题目里的那些选项为什么是错的。
1. Out of Scope
• Introduces an unwarranted assertion supported nowhere in the passage.
• Might be “Real-World Plausible.” That is, the answer might be true or seem to be true in the real world. However, if the answer is not supported in the passage, it is out of scope.
2. Direct Contradiction
• States the exact opposite of something asserted in the passage.
• Paradoxically attractive, because it relates to the passage closely. If you miss one contrast or switchback in the trail, you can easily think a Direct Contradiction is the right answer.
3. Mix-Up
• Scrambles together disparate content from the passage.
• Tries to trap the student who simply matches language, not meaning.
4. One Word Wrong
• Just one word (or maybe 2) is incorrect. Includes extreme words.
• More prevalent in General questions.
5. True but Irrelevant
• True according to the passage, but does not answer the given question.
• May be too narrow or simply unrelated.
Manhattan LSAT RC Guide。(1)提出了PEAR阅读法。
Pause (at the end of each paragraph and) Evaluate (what you've just read. What's the central argument and opinions presented? What are their connections?) Anticipate (the various roles the next paragraph can play, and when you begin to read the next paragraph,) Reassess.
Elmar J. Kremer: Philogophy and Argument。据说学逻辑哲学对GRE有帮助,就找了这个逻辑入门资料来看了看。讲了几种逻辑的基本类型(EVAFs):MPP, MTT, MPT, MTP,的摩根律,Conditional Proof,Reductio ad Absurdum,讲到三段论(Standard Form Categorical Syllogisms)结束。对考试有没有帮助难说,但是增长了点新知识。