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[i习作temp] issue196 呵呵,等拍~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-30 19:48:41 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life.

I strongly agree with the author that technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life. Admittedly, the improvement of technology has brought a revolution to the people's way of living, and to some extent improved our quality of life. But, in my view, in balancing the advantages with the disadvantage the technology makes, the latter seems rather to preponderate.

Considering our private life, many habits that are once good for our health have been threaten by the improvement of technology, and there follows several troubling diseases. Short sight, for instance, is now one of the most widely spread eye diseases all through the world. One individual in five is suffering the trouble brought by short sight according to a survey. The invention of TV set is an incontestable reason for the increasing sufferers of eyesight. People spend more hours in front of the TV set rather than going out for a walk or taking more time to sleep after the invention of the set. And since then, the number of sufferers of short sight keeps increasing. Besides, the body shape of people is influenced by TV sets and Computers. An era of TV and Internet has produced more pear-like bodies and beer bellies. While the technology brings wonderful inventions to us, it also brings illness and troublings. When the health of people is influenced by the technology, it is loath to say that it improves the quality of our life.

On the other hand, the quality of our social life is also affected by the development of technology. Although the improvement of automation has greatly stimulated the flourish of industry, but at the same time, more people lose their jobs because of the invading of highly automatic machines. People have to compete much harder in order to get the decreasing positions and make their living.  The more advanced the technology is, the hard can an individual get a job. If a person can hardly earn his living, can we still conclude that the technology has improved his quality of life? Also as people spend more and more time in front of the TV set and the Internet, they immersed themselves in an virtual world full of illusion while the communication in the real world is neglected. If one day a person raises his eyes from the screen, find himself lonely and helpless without a real friend, what is the benefit technology brings him?

There is no doubt that technology does have made our life much easier and colorful. Thanks to the development of technology, now we can travel much faster, communicate more conveniently and have more choices to enjoy our life. But the problems technology brought us have to some extent neutralized its benefits and sometimes even bring it to an opposite side.

In sum, this statement is fundamentally correct. Nowadays, the technology is developing in an amazing speed. But I have to say that while the technology is trying to satisfy the unwanted desire of people, it neglects the basic elements of a qualified life of an individual: a healthy body and a group of friends who love and care for the person. If technology still go against the basic needs of human beings, I have to say that technology damage the quality of life rather than improve it.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-30 at 22:20 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-30 22:29:53 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-30 22:05:05 |只看该作者

issue 196 呵呵,等拍~~

I strongly agree with the author that technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life. Admittedly, the improvement of technology has brought a revolution to the people's way of living, and to some extent improved our quality of life. But, in my view, in balancing the advantages with the disadvantage the technology makes, the latter seems rather to preponderate.(很像A的开头,我觉得也可写的更舒展些,就直接表明你的看法。因为I里面基本上没有那个“靶子”让你打,所以也不需要提author)

Considering our private life, many habits that are once good for our health have been threaten by the improvement of technology, and there follows several troubling diseases. ((我觉得也可以改为In our everyday life, over-indulgence in the interaction with some technologiesmay lead to some of our health issues indirectly.)) Shortsightness, for instance, is now one of the most widely spread eye diseases all through the world. One individual in five((one out of five individuals)) is suffering the trouble((from this inconvenience))brought by shortsightness according to a survey((published in Science?...I guess more accurate source is desirable)). The invention of TV set is an incontestable reason for the increasing sufferers of eyesight.(why should be incontestable??sound too arbitrary? The sight impairment has developed with the invention of television and computers when people are glued to the screens at work and in the home)(( 可更简洁写,我觉得可以写为People spend more hours in front of the TV set rather than going out for a walk or taking more time to sleep after the invention of the set. And since then, the number of sufferers of short sight keeps increasing.)) Besides, with easy access to the life convenience of transportation, people are incline to lead a sedendary life which lead to an increasing rate of many other more harmful diseases such as obesity, even among the group of adolescents.  {the body shape of people is influenced by TV sets and Computers. An era of TV and Internet has produced more pear-like bodies and beer bellies. While the technology brings wonderful inventions to us, it also brings illness and troublings. When the health of people is influenced by the technology, it is loath to say that it improves the quality of our life.}以上大括号里的可不要,我觉得说来说去太罗嗦了。可以从生理上和心里上都举例子。当然,这样可写两段。

On the other hand, the quality of our social life is also affected by the development of technology. Although the improvement of automation has greatly stimulated the flourish of industry, but at the same time, more people lose their jobs because of the invading of highly automatic machines(这个失业的原因好像不太可靠吧) People have to compete much harder in order to get the decreasing positions and make their living.(why?没说)  The more advanced the technology is, the hard can an individual get a job.(why?还是在说技术越进步,人类越难找工作) If a person can hardly earn his living, can we still conclude that the technology has improved his quality of life? Also as people spend more and more time in front of the TV set and the Internet, they immersed themselves in an virtual world full of illusion while the communication in the real world is neglected. If one day a person raises his eyes from the screen, find himself lonely and helpless without a real friend, what is the benefit technology brings him?
(While people are either aided, communicate or deal with machines in their work or at home, it may seem to be very convenient at the first glance. However, one may feel isolated since one needs to find one's identity through interaction with his peer group: socialization is of significant meaning to human beings.  In addition, in order to keep abreast with the fast pace of the machines to win the maximum productivity and efficiency, people have to squeeze time to sleep, to cook, to establish a family, ect, leaving little space for face-to-face communication everyday.  Hemingway  used to write that no one is an isolated island.  If one choose to depends totally on the acvance technology and ignores the real cooperation with people, one may feel inwardly bewildered, empty,stressed and even suppressed in the world still facing some degree of  disorder and chaos.)

There is no doubt(Undoubtedly), that technology does have made our life much easier and colorful(diversified). Thanks to the development of technology, now we can travel much faster, communicate more conveniently and have more choices to enjoy our life. But the problems technology brought us have to some extent neutralized its benefits and sometimes even bring it to an opposite side(which side?)((draws an unexpectedly gloomy picture under some circumstances??))

In sum, this statement is fundamentally correct. Nowadays, the technology is developing in an amazing speed. But I have to say that while the technology is trying to satisfy the unwanted desire of people, it neglects the basic elements of a qualified life of an individual: a healthy body and a group of friends who love and care for the person. If technology still go against the basic needs of human beings, I have to say that technology damage the quality of life rather than improve it. (结尾还是象A的写法。可以写的放松写,不用But?)


[ Last edited by supermary on 2005-7-30 at 22:06 ]
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