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[未归类] 9.15 期待与你牵手 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-28 12:16:05 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Issue51  第13篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:38分44秒     863 words
Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.
Education is very important for everybody, especially the one who will face the challenge of the future. How to make the education increasingly effective and efficient is a matter that needs to be considered seriously. Some people hold that the education should be the same for different students. On the other hand, some people believe that it will become more effective if it can be employed for different people. As far as this matter is concerned, I, personally, believed that the education will be more effective and efficient if it can meet the individual needs and interests of each student.

Firstly, interest is the best teacher for a student. When a person is studying something that he is really interested in, he will be more likely to give out more energy and strength. Thus, a good result will be more possible. Edison was a famous inventor who had been regarded as a idiot when he was still a little boy. After his mother's patient teaching and directing, he became a famous inventor and made a myriad of contributions to the society. Newton was a distinguished physicist who had discovered the gravity theory and this must thank to his interest in physics and his deep thinking. Nowadays, everything must be more efficient and effective, not only in education but also in others fields. For example, a company wants to make a big profit; then, it must be accustomed to the market. If a party wants to be the executive party, it must accommodate with the needs of people and society. If a novel wants to become a popular novel, it must reflect the live of common people and thus, incite the common sense of people who will read it. Only in this way, can we get the results that we want. This is also the case, when it comes to education. If an education wants to be a successful one, it must meet the interests and needs of the individual who will get it. Therefore, it seems more and more important for us to make the education to meet the needs and interests of the individual students.

In the private school, this is a common phenomenon for a subject to fit the students' needs and the students can select the subjects that they want to learn. Thus, we can see that this strategy had incited the excitement and learning ability of the students; therefore, an excellent education quality will be the result. Nowadays, there are more and more people who will apply for the private school because of this reason. The first-class schools are all the schools that will adjust their subjects according to the students' needs. Harvard, the most distinguished university in the world, had applied a lot of subjects that can be selected by the students. Even if you are major in math, you can still choose the fine arts or psychology as the additions. This strategy had enriched the knowledge of the students and enlightened the heart of them; at the same time, incite the learning desire of them. This must be a multi-win strategy. Considering this result, why not use the strategy of educating the students for their own interests and needs?

Even in the public schools, there are a myriad of after-class activities which will co-effect with the in-class learning. These pastimes have made the after-class living increasingly beautiful and meaningful. They had made the students willing to do more active in the class. For example, Darwin was a biologist who had not discovered his intelligence until he had navigated with the cruiser. This illustrates that on one will know his true interest unless he can contact with this scope. If a student is not allowed to select the subject he likes, he will never know what his true interest is and it is likely that he will never become the one who is worthwhile.

Furthermore, different people will have diverse learning abilities. Only when he can learn at his own steps, can he make a rapid progress. For example, in the same class, there will be good students and not so excellent students. If they can study at their own steps, maybe a higher grade will be the result and vice versa. In this way, we can see a lot of school had started to use the computer education, that is, the students can learn at home and learn according to their own steps. We must admit that the result is truly remarkable. This not only make our learning more and more readily and easily, but also make our learning more and more effective and efficient. There are a lot of small class educations which are very popular. The reason for this is self-evidence. Its popularity is due largely to the effective learning results.

In summary, education is a momentous thing and need to be mused seriously. Education is the matter that will affect not only the students themselves but also the society as a whole. Only when it can be designed to fit the various needs and interests of each student, can it make a big profit and a good result.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-28 12:54:26 |只看该作者
Argument163  第14篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:28分45秒     724 words
The following is taken from the editorial section of the local newspaper in Rockingham.
'In order to save a considerable amount of money, Rockingham's century-old town hall should be torn down and replaced by the larger and more energy-efficient building that some citizens have proposed. The old town hall is too small to comfortably accommodate the number of people who are employed by the town. In addition, it is very costly to heat the old hall in winter and cool it in summer. The new, larger building would be more energy efficient, costing less per square foot to heat and cool than the old hall. Furthermore, it would be possible to rent out some of the space in the new building, thereby generating income for the town of Rockingham.'
The author posits that Rockingham should tire down the century-old town hall for a larger and more energy-efficient building. He sets up his view points on the following standards. (1) The old town hall is too small to comfortably accommodate the number of people who are employed by the town. (2) It will cost a lot of money to heat the old hall in winter and to cool it in summer. (3) The new, larger building would be more energy efficient, costing less per square foot to heat and cool than the old hall. (4) The new hall can rent out some of the space to generate income for the town of Rockingham. At first brush, the author's sentiments are reasonable and sound but after a second consideration, it can hardly hold the water. We can discover that it is infested with a myriad of flaws and drawbacks which will render the viewpoint whole unreliable and absolutely underground.

In the first place, the author holds that the old hall is too small to hold all the employees and employers in the town. I, personally, believe that there is no need for the hall to hold all the persons in the town because the hall is only a place to play and relax. There is little possibility that all the people in the town will go to the hall at the same time and thus, the need to make a big hall is ungrounded and unsubstantial.

Secondly, the author said that it will cost a lot of money to heat the hall in winter and to cool it in summer. Yet, the author did not prove that it will not cost a lot of money to heat the new hall in winter and cool it in summer. In this case, it is highly possible that to heat and to cool the new hall according to the seasons will cost even more for the new hall's large space. In this case, the author's will to economy the hall will be invalid.

Thirdly, the author holds that the new hall will cost less per square than the old hall to cool and heat in different seasons. Yet, this can hardly be the case for the new hall's luxury and fascinating decorations and equipments. It is highly possible that the new hall will have excellent equipment, such as, the first-class stereotype, the air-conditioner, the electronic-heater, and so forth. All of these will cost a myriad of money and waste a plethora of energy to maintain its present status. In this way, it will rarely the truth for a new hall to cost less than the old hall to cool and heat in the diverse seasons.

Last but not least, the author believed that the new hall can rent out some of the space to generate more income for the town of Rockingham. This is rarely the case considering that the people in the town. It is highly possible that the people in the town will not have enough money to tent the place in the new hall and they may have no need to rent it. Therefore, the hall will never make a profit from renting it. The author has not provide enough evidence to testimony that the hall is not enough for the people in the town and the people in the town need to get more place. In this scenario, the author's point is invalid and lopsided.

In conclusion, the author's viewpoints need to be further enriched and enlarged before it can be convincible. To make his statement reliable and sound, the author must provide enough evidence to demonstrate that the old hall are not enough for the people in the town and the need for a new, large and luxury hall in right in hand. The author also must provide a large amount of evidence to demonstrate that the new hall will really cost less and be more efficient than the old one. If the author wants the new hall to make money for the town, he must provide a myriad of evidence to demonstrate that the new one will be popular among the people in the hall and people will provide enough money to rent it. Only when the author had provided the above evidence, can it be a convincible and rational demonstration.


[ Last edited by shj80929 on 2005-8-28 at 13:27 ]

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