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[i习作temp] issue185 calsunny的作业------coffee小组(大家帮忙看看结构是否有问题!) [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-28 15:31:13 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
185. "Scandals—whether in politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."


Scandals are commonly defined as publicized incidents which bring about disgrace or offend the moral sensibilities of society. Although scandals are negative, they can be useful in many respects. The public are much curious and interesting because the scandals are always contradiction with their cognition. In this sense, no speaker or reformer could attract more attention than scandals. So I agree with the author about scandals.

What makes scandal focus our attention is its attractive content and dissemination which are no speaker and reformer could use. On one hand, scandal content is contradicted with our common cognition. These public persons, such as film stars or political leaders, are regarded as perfect idol because of their specific status and notorious prestige. Once scandal happened in these celebrities, the people, especially the idolaters may be astonished and distrust its truth. They will transfer each other and continue caring about relative information by all means. On the other hand, because scandal affect the public’s attention at the begin, many medium, including the newspaper,  the radio, and the TV program, one of whose aim is to report what happened in time will sub-transmute it, even growlingly report or trace for the scandal which makes almost all of the people know about it. The people will talk about it in a long time even it is not the focus of the media. The scandal attracts the attention from the beginning to the end or even longer in formal or informal ways. However, the speaker can only attract his listener in the auditorium with what he had said and the listener may only remember one or two sentences about the lecture. What attracts the people about the reformer is the result what they had got. Therefore, reformer or speaker never could be as captive as the scandals.   

Due to the common attraction about scandals, they are always can be useful although the scandals themselves are negative. Scandals would bring about disgrace for that public person or that public person offends the moral sensibilities of society. Firstly, it is significance to reserve what the scandal concerns about. Take Watergate scandal as a good example, by the supervision of the public and the media opinion, the former president, Nickerson had to recede out to the following President elation. Furthermore, it is beneficial to alert the people of afterwards and to avoid the same mistake. A professor of Yunna University of China, for instance, had to quit his job in the University due to academic plagiarism, The scandal would bring blemish for the reputation of the applier and he would not keep himself in his fields. It is deafening for other people.  

The public are interested in scandals, while it is no necessary for media to cater for them. There are so many positive affairs which deserved the attention. If the media are abound of scandals, it will mislead the auditors and they may feel negative about this society. Sometime, it would bring damage to relative people. Danna, for example, the former wife of prince of England, lost her life because some reporters wish to hunter for scandals which happened in this young and beautiful woman. It is a pity for all over the world.

In sum, the scandals are focusing the public’s attention towards one issue or event in most areas with special methods which the reformer and speaker can not have. They do have some profound significance in some aspects, while it is unsuitable to pay too much attention to the scandals.

[ Last edited by 11yaoyao on 2005-12-31 at 19:30 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-31 20:17:35 |只看该作者
Scandals are commonly defined as publicized incidents which bring about disgrace or offend [to?]the moral sensibilities of society. Although scandals are negative, they can be useful in many respects. The public are much curious and interesting ]because the scandals are always contradiction with their cognition.[this clause seems to be uneasy to read]In this sense, no speaker or reformer could attract more attention than scandals. So I agree with the author about scandals.

What makes scandal focus["arrest" may be better] our attention is its attractive content and dissemination which are no speaker and reformer could use. On one hand, scandal content is contradicted with ["contradicts with"?]our common cognition. These public persons, such as film stars or political leaders, are regarded as perfect idol because of their specific status and notorious prestige. Once scandal happened in these celebrities, the people, especially the idolaters may be astonished and distrust its truth. They will transfer each other and continue caring about relative information by all means. On the other hand, because scandal(s) affect the public’s attention at the begin, many medium, including the newspaper,  the radio, and the TV program, one of whose aim is to report what happened in time will sub-transmute it, even growlingly report or trace for the scandal which makes almost all of the people know about it. The people will talk about it in a long time even it is not the focus of the media. The scandal attracts the attention from the beginning to the end or even longer in formal or informal ways. However, the speaker can only attract his listener in the auditorium with what he had said and the listener may only remember one or two sentences about the lecture. What attracts the people about the reformer is the result what they had got. Therefore, reformer or speaker never could be as captive as the scandals.[sorry,i can't catch what you mean]   

Due to the common attraction about scandals, they are always can be useful although the scandals themselves are negative. Scandals would bring about disgrace for that public person or that public person offends the moral sensibilities of society. Firstly, it is significance to reserve what the scandal concerns about. Take Watergate scandal as a good example, by the supervision of the public and the media opinion, the former president, Nickerson["nixon"] had to recede out to the following President elation[had to resign from incumbent presidence]. Furthermore, it is beneficial to alert the people of afterwards and to avoid the same mistake. A professor of Yunna University of China, for instance, had to quit his job in the University due to academic plagiarism, The scandal would bring blemish for the reputation of the applier and he would not keep himself in his fields. It is deafening for other people.   [ sorry , i fails to get what you mean here]
The public are interested in scandals, while it is no necessary for media to cater for them. There are so many positive affairs which deserved the attention. If the media are abound of scandals
[if medium crabs at candals all the way], it will mislead the auditors and they may feel negative about this society["they may be distracted or even distorted" may be better]. Sometimes, it would bring damage to relative [i can't sure "relative" is the right word for this  meaning,i would like to write like this: it would bring great negative effect to people who care about it"  or just "it would bring damage to involved people"]people. Danna, for example, the former wife of prince of England, lost her life because some reporters wish to hunter for scandals which happened in this young and beautiful woman. It is a pity["pity" maybe a verbal expression "] for all over the world.

In sum, the scandals are focusing the public’s attention towards one issue or event in most areas with special methods which the reformer and speaker can not have. They do have some profound significance in some aspects, while it is unsuitable to pay too much attention to the scandals.

this issue's structure is very clear, and expatiats both on the obvous face of scandals and their inverse one. But it  fails to much grammatical flaws indeed. if the author carrys more circumspection with misnomer, it would be a good issue contained easy word but meaning outspread.  

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-31 17:13:12 |只看该作者
谢谢Cappuccino☆ (阿布) ,过了两天再来看都怀疑,这是我写的吗?是真怀疑!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-30 14:31:21 |只看该作者
Scandals are commonly defined as publicized incidents which bring about disgrace or offend the moral sensibilities of society. Although scandals are negative, they can be useful in many respects(aspects). The public are(is) much curious and interesting because the scandals are always contradiction(名词??) with their cognition.(我觉得这句话这样写: The scandals, which always contradict with common cognition, would play a role to attract the interests and curiosity of the public) In this sense, no speaker or reformer could (attract more attention改成: appeal the listeners more) than scandals. So I agree with the author about scandals.(这样的表达观点太过于简单了一点,可以考虑句式上变化)

What makes scandal focus our attention is its attractive content and dissemination which are(去掉are) no speaker and reformer could use. On one hand, scandal content is contradicted with our common cognition(这个表达在第一段已经有了,这里最好换一个以避免重复,比如:what we observe commonly would be quite different from the fact scandals expose). These public persons, such as film stars or political leaders, are regarded as perfect idol because of their specific status and notorious prestige(notorious这个词到底是褒贬程度我也弄不清楚,请高人解答~~). Once scandal happened in these celebrities, the people, especially the idolaters may be astonished and distrust its truth(reliability). They will transfer (to) each other and continue caring about relative information by all means. On the other hand, because scandal affect the public’s attention at the begin(begining), many medium(media), including the newspaper,  the radio, and the TV program, one of whose aim is to report what happened in time will sub-transmute it, even growlingly(这个词??) report or trace for the scandal which makes almost all of the people know about it(感觉even那句放在这里作宾语同位语怪怪的~~). The people will talk about it in a long time even it is not the focus of the media. The scandal attracts the attention from the beginning to the end or even longer in formal or informal ways. However, the speaker can only attract his (or hers)listener in the auditorium with what he(or she) had said and the listener may only remember one or two sentences about the lecture. What attracts the people about the reformer is the result what they had got. Therefore, reformer or speaker never could be as captive as the scandals. (这段的on one hand后的论证结构比较清楚;但是on the other hand后面就有点混乱了,把你那几个短句子合成2,3个逻辑紧凑的长句是说的清楚这个问题的)  

Due to the common attraction about scandals, they are always can be useful although the scandals themselves are negative(2个谓语动词?). Scandals would bring about disgrace for that public person or(改成thus好点) that public person offends the moral sensibilities of society. Firstly(哎~~跟你说了多少次啦,有firstly就要有secondly,还犯这种错误!~~~打PP), it is significance(significant) to reserve what the scandal concerns about. Take Watergate scandal as a good example, by the supervision of the public and the media opinion, the former president, Nickerson had to recede out to the following President elation. Furthermore, it is beneficial to alert the people of afterwards and to avoid the same mistake. A professor of Yunna University of China, for instance, had to quit his job in the University due to academic plagiarism, The scandal would bring blemish for the reputation of the applier and he would not keep himself in his fields. It is deafening for other people(这句是什么意思??).  
The public are interested in scandals, while it is no necessary for media to cater for them. There are so many positive affairs which deserved the attention. If the media are abound of scandals, it will mislead the auditors and they may feel negative about this society. Sometime, it would bring damage to relative people.(论证不是很有说服力,可以从媒体夸大丑闻,捏造丑闻,人们喜欢看丑闻的方面来说) Danna, for example, the former wife of prince of England, lost her life because some reporters wish to hunter for scandals which happened in this young and beautiful woman. It is a pity for all over the world.

In sum, the scandals are focusing the public’s attention towards one issue or event in most areas with special methods which the reformer and speaker can not have. They do have some profound significance in some aspects, while it is unsuitable to pay too much attention to the scandals.

总的来说,结构安排的不错, 不过在段内进行论证时好应该好好斟酌
我的BLOG:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/moonsetbeach

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-28 16:05:01 |只看该作者


这个我都没怎么看, 要好好学习学习!!!

[ Last edited by shiel on 2005-12-28 at 16:06 ]
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