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[i习作temp] ISSUE83 也是高频题, 欢迎互拍 [复制链接]

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发表于 2006-2-23 14:43:50 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE 83 - "Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."
WORDS: 544          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2006-2-13

When asked about the method to deal with publicly owned wilderness areas, majority would claim that the government should preserve them in their natural state. In my point of view, most of these areas should be preserved by the government, even they might be extremely remote and thus accessible to a few people, and some of them should be improved in order to void the negatives effects that they may cause. I would provide several detailed reasons to illustrate my conclusion.

To begin with, wilderness areas are indispensable parts of the entire environment, and hence the change of these places will cause serious effects such as global climate change and so on. As people all know, the entire environmental system is too complicated for human being to reconstruct in a short time if it were destroyed, because the environment is affects by all areas around the world, including the areas dominated by people as well as those that have not. For example, according to scientific research, the state of Antarctic area is highly relevant with the global climates. In these decades, scientist observed that the ice shell in Antarctic tends to melt, because the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by human society accelerate the greenhouse effect. If this trend keeps going, after hundreds of years, many cities near the sea will be flowed, and the human civilization will be damaged seriously. Similarly, tropical rainforests which suffers from deforestation and rapaciously development also bring these kinds of effects for human society. Therefore, if the publicly owned wildness areas are not well-preserved, the aftereffect would be hard to imagine.

Furthermore, in the protection of publicly wilderness areas, the government rather than social organizations which aim at profits should take the responsibility. Because all the commercial organization’s final purpose was maximize profits for their shareholders, their supports for protection are not free. They might develop the resort in those wildness areas to gain profits, which actually are destructive behavior. Consequently, in order to preserve effectively and efficiently, government should take the responsibility to protect them from those damages, and moreover the advantage for the government to conduct the protection is that they could enact laws environmental protection, which are enforced to be obeyed. Therefore, in order to avoid the problem of private organization's protective negative consequence, the government should preserve the publicly wilderness areas in their natural state.

Thirdly, it is undeniable that some territories have caused detrimental effects to human society, and people should improve them as a result. For instance, the desert in China have caused serious atmosphere problem. Many cities, especially in western area, have suffered from the sand storm in these years. Consequently, government began to improve the desert in China by fixing the sand in those areas and planting trees to isolate the desert from the cities. Therefore, for the sake of human survival, some wildness areas which threaten out lives should be improved, because their natural states have detrimental effects rather than benefits to the world.

In conclusion, through close scrutiny, people can come to an agreement that most of the public owned areas, especial those wild, should be protect by the government, otherwise human being will pay a lot for their ignorance, although some of these areas need to be improved.

[ 本帖最后由 staralways 于 2006-2-24 00:46 编辑 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-23 16:54:14 |只看该作者

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-23 16:44:34 |只看该作者
When asked about the method to deal with publicly owned wilderness areas, majority would claim that the government should preserve them in their natural state. In my point of view, most of these areas should be preserved by the government, eventhough they might be extremely remote and thus accessible to a few people, and some of them should be improved in order to voidavoid the negativesnegative effects that they may cause. I would provide several detailed reasons to illustrate my conclusion.

To begin with, wilderness areas are indispensable parts of the entire environment, and hence the change of these places will cause serious effects such as global climate change and so on. As people all know, the entire environmental system is too complicated for human being to reconstruct in a short time if it were destroyed, because the environment is affects by all areas around the world, including the areas dominated by people as well as those that have not.这句话和前面似乎没有因果关系?改成and the current situation is that the global environment has been affected by human activities, no matter the areas dominated by people or those that have not been. For example, according to a scientific research, the state of Antarctic area is highly relevant with to the global climates. In these decades, scientist observed that the ice shell in Antarctic tends to melt, because the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by human society accelerate the greenhouse effect. If this trend keeps going, after hundreds of years, many cities near the sea will be flowed flooded, and the human civilization will be damaged seriously. Similarly, tropical rainforests which sufferssuffer from deforestation and rapaciously development also bring these kinds of effects forto human societyhuman’s living environment. Therefore, if the publicly owned wildness areas are not well-preserved, the aftereffect would be hard to imagine.

Furthermore, in the protection of publicly wilderness areas, the government rather than social organizations which aim at profits should take the responsibility. Because all the commercial organization’s final purpose wasis to maximize profits for their shareholders, their supports for protection are not free. They might develop the resort in those wildness areas to gain profits, which actually are destructive behavior. Consequently, in order to preserve effectively and efficiently, government should take the responsibility to protect them from those damages, and moreover the advantage for the government to conduct the protection is that they could enact laws environmental protection, which are enforced to be obeyed. Therefore, in order to avoid the problem of private organization's protective negative consequence, the government should preserve the publicly wilderness areas in their natural state.

Thirdly, it is undeniable that some territories have caused detrimental effects to human society, and people should improve them as a result. For instance, the desert in China have caused serious atmosphere problem. Many cities, especially in western areaareas, have suffered from the sand storm in these years. Consequently, government began to improve the desert in China by fixing 这里的improve 和fix我感觉好像都不是很恰当,但是我也想不出更好的词,希望有高手来指点!the sand in those areas and planting trees to isolate the desert from the cities. Therefore, for the sake of human survival, some wildness areas which threaten outour lives should be improved, because their natural states have detrimental effects rather than benefits to the world.

In conclusion, through close scrutiny, people can come to an agreement that most of the public owned areas, especialespecially those wild, should be protectprotected by the government, otherwise human being will pay a lot for their ignorance, although some of these areas need to be improved.这句语气似乎有点太重了

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Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-23 16:11:19 |只看该作者
When asked about the method to deal with publicly owned wilderness areas, majority would claim that the government should preserve them in their natural state. In my point of view, most of these areas should be preserved by the government, even they might be extremely remote and thus accessible to a few people, and some of them should be improved in order to void the negatives effects that they may cause. I would provide several detailed reasons to illustrate my conclusion.

To begin with, wilderness areas are indispensable parts of the entire environment, and hence the change of these places will cause serious effects such as global climate change and so on. As people all know, the entire environmental system is too complicated for human being to reconstruct in a short time if it were destroyed, because the environment is affects by all areas around the world, including the areas dominated by people as well as those that have not. For example, according to scientific research, the state of Antarctic area is highly relevant with the global climates. In these decades, scientist observed that the ice shell in Antarctic tends to melt, because the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by human society accelerate the greenhouse effect. If this trend keeps going, after hundreds of years, many cities near the sea will be flowed, and the human civilization will be damaged seriously. Similarly, tropical rainforests which suffers from deforestation and rapaciously development also bring these kinds of effects for human society. Therefore, if the publicly owned wildness areas are not well-preserved, the aftereffect would be hard to imagine.

Furthermore, in the protection of publicly wilderness areas, the government rather than social organizations(按上下文理解,这里的“social organization"是否改为"commercial organization"更加令人信服呢?) which aim at profits should take the responsibility. Because all the commercial organization’s final purpose was maximize profits for their shareholders, their supports for protection are not free. They might develop the resort in those wildness areas to gain profits, which actually are destructive behavior. Consequently, in order to preserve effectively and efficiently, government should take the responsibility to protect them from those damages, and moreover the advantage for the government to conduct the protection is that they could enact laws environmental protection,("environmental protection laws") which are enforced to be obeyed. Therefore, in order to avoid the problem of private organization's protective negative consequence, the government should preserve the publicly wilderness areas in their natural state.

Thirdly, it is undeniable that some territories have caused detrimental effects to human society, and people should improve them as a result. For instance, the desert in China have caused serious atmosphere problem. Many cities, especially in western area, have suffered from the sand storm in these years. Consequently, government began to improve the desert in China by fixing the sand in those areas and planting trees to isolate the desert from the cities. Therefore, for the sake of human survival, some wildness areas which threaten out lives should be improved, because their natural states have detrimental effects rather than benefits to the world.

In conclusion, through close scrutiny, people can come to an agreement that most of the public owned areas, especial(”especially") those wild, should be protect by the government, otherwise human being will pay a lot for their ignorance, although some of these areas need to be improved. (这个转折关系好像有点问题。。。)



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