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[经典批改讨论] issue48 Gter四月''无名''小组第32次作业-expire7 [复制链接]

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Sagittarius射手座 荣誉版主

发表于 2006-3-19 18:35:43 |只看该作者 |正序浏览

TOPIC:ISSUE 48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS:548          TIME:上午 12:40:00          DATE:2006-3-19

In accordance with the title of the assertion, the study of history always neglects general people, however, the most important events and trends in history were made not by the famous few, but by general people. On balance, although I am inclined to the contention of the speaker, the outlook seems to go extremely, when it comes to the fact that the history was propelled by the famous few under some circumstances.

To begin with, the threshold reason why I fundamentally agree with the statement of the speaker is that no matter in modern society or in past, the study of history sometimes pay more attention to the famous few, for the reason that they hold the viewpoint that those man were the pivotal power to incite and inspire important events. When a primary student open up his first history book, he will see many names, images, stories and comments of the most well-known people. Until to now, the huge majority of people remember the scientist--Newton, Einstein, and Galileo; the artists--Picasso, Vinci, and Mozart; the politics--Gandhi, King, Mao, and Washington. On contrary, they will not recognize who help the Newton to accomplish his theory, who aid Mozart escaping from the poverty, and who foster King the quality of persistence and idealist, for the sake of the fact that historians has not detailed wrote down those information. Sometimes, we will take it granted that those famous people succeed resulted from themselves, by their lots. In this case, for one thing, we admire and respect them and their great success. For another, we consciously or unconsciously ignore the function of general people.

In addition, the second reason why I am favor in the speaker's view is that with the development of society and history, when people expect to research and study one event or trends in history, they will find that there is not any information relevant to those general people at that time. Yet, to some extent people, except those elites or famous ones, have played pivotal role in important historical developments. No one can imagine that, only depending on the enthusiasm and dream of Martin Luther King, not the support of people, King's ideal could not come true—in contrast to, he would be neglected by people, let alone human history. The eighth wonder—the Great Wall, who was commanded by the Emperor, was built by millions of people.

Admittedly, although we will get some merits of the claim of the speaker, we can not take it too far. As a matter of fact, the role of the famous few was vital in being catalyst to incite and accelerate those most essential events in history. Due to those famous few, our society can keep progress, build glorious culture and improve the quality of human life. Newton said that he was stand on the shoulder of giants, but only those genius people can successfully climbed on giants shoulder and did great contribution to human beings. Had it being for Gandhi, those enthusiastic people who wanted to achieve autonomy, would have had a much longer way to go. The same reason, had it being for Washington, the Americans might have had been ruled more than 10 years.  The reason, why those people will be regarded the ones required studying and respecting by people, is that they indeed own ability beyond general people.( the reason why some people are regarded as the ones that should be respected and learned from, is that they indeed have the ability high above ordinary people.)

To sum up, due to analysis above and relevant examples, there will be no doubt that people will safely draw to conclusion that general people do have far-reaching influence in our history. On the other hand, the famous few exerted dramatically important role in propelling our society and flourish people life. Consequently, they should be stressed to accept people’s preference and respect.

[ 本帖最后由 iq28 于 2007-6-26 02:32 编辑 ]
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