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[i习作temp] Issue144【LOVEAW】第9次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-2-23 17:44:30 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Issue144 (152Arts)
"It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

When we mention the art value in the world, there is a crucial issue about who gives society something of lasting value. Some people insist that artist plays a vital role; others in favor of critic who is more important. However, in my view, both artist and critics are of significance to the lasting value of the world.

Firstly, we should admit that it is artists, not critics, who create various form of art. Monet's famous work 'Impression: Sunrise'; Mozart's miraculous Magic Flute; Shakespeare's celebrated tragedy 'Hamlet' , all these artworks not only influence the people living before but are appreciated by modern people. Artists created various and fabulous artworks with their creation and imagination. Due to their hard work, the art offer us entire entertainment. Some artworks' value does not shadow with the time past for they provides people from generation to generation with pleasure. From this point, artists do contribute to create eternal value for the society.

However, how would these timeless artworks last their brilliance for such long time? Of course, artworks, themselves, attract people. But the evaluations from critics also influence the staying power of art works to some extent. Critics are more familiar with artists and their works. Their evaluations serve as a filter; all ways guide people to choose which artwork is worth attention. Let us look at a common example from our daily life. There are hundreds of films produced every year; the ticket are so expensive; our time for entertainment is so limited; whenever we desire to see a excellent film, what should we do? In this time, we had better to open a film magazine. Critics will tell us which one is worth seeing, which one is more suitable for our age. Thus, these recommendatory artworks by critics are much easier to attract more people and their reputation spreads widely, even not fade for a long time.

At the same time, in some art areas, successful artworks based on timeless aesthetic ideas. And these ideas are of lasting value. Take visual arts for example, modern forms and elements are always based on the timeless aesthetic ideals--such as harmony and symmetry. But how can these timeless ideals be accepted so widely? People comment on successful artworks, then get some conclusions. Critics are those people who are in favor of talking on these artworks. Critics gather people's feedbacks, compare one artwork with others, then give some constructive criticisms to artist. If these constructive suggestions adopted by artists; they apply them in their later works and a large number of works of these style prove to be popular all the time, this is the conclusion we mention above. Critics help to build these timeless aesthetic ideas.

In sum, artists create artworks which bring us entertainment, and critics give us suggestion to choose outstanding artworks. Critics' criticisms sometimes help to purify the soul of successful artworks. Both artists and critics contribute to create something of eternal value for society.

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主 US Advisor

发表于 2007-2-25 01:08:55 |只看该作者
限时之作么?如果是,那将近500字对于初次限时来说已经不错啦^_^ 我第一次限时成功的时候字数是433~~~记得很清楚

When we mention the art value in the world, there is a crucial issue about who gives society something of lasting value. (哎~现在觉得这种开头蛮好的~下次自己也试试^_^扯了~~~) Some people insist that artist plays a vital role; others in favor of critic who is more important. However, in my view, both artist and critics are of significance (significant) to the lasting value of the world.

Firstly, we should admit that it is artists, not critics, who create various form of art. Monet's famous work 'Impression: Sunrise'; Mozart's miraculous Magic Flute; Shakespeare's celebrated tragedy 'Hamlet' , (哎..怎么记得这么多的拼写|||我就记不住~总是错掉) all these artworks not only influence the people living before but are appreciated  by modern people. Artists created various and fabulous artworks with their creation and imagination. Due to their hard work, (空) the art offer us entire entertainment. Some artworks' value does not shadow with the time past for they provides people from generation to generation with pleasure. From this point, artists do contribute to create eternal value for the society. (这段虽然单薄却也自圆其说了~不错不错)

However, (既然这一句还没有转向critics,那么这里就不要用however了) how would these timeless artworks last their brilliance for such long time? Of course, artworks, themselves, attract people. (先看到前面however+问句,以为要转向critics了,结果看到了themselves嘴里的牛奶差点喷了出来^_^~~今天怎么这么能扯~~酱紫写可以的了) But the evaluations from critics also influence the staying power of art works to some extent. Critics are more familiar (最好说明白了是compared with the public...) with artists and their works. Their evaluations serve as a filter; all ways (这儿有点乱了,估计是限时副作用了呵呵,应该是which always吧?) guide people to choose which artwork is worth attention. Let us look at a common example from our daily life. There are hundreds of films produced every year; the ticket are so expensive; our time for entertainment is so limited; whenever we desire to see a excellent film, what should we do? In this time, we had better to open a film magazine. Critics will tell us which one is worth seeing, which one is more suitable for our age. Thus, these recommendatory artworks by critics are much easier to attract more people and their reputation spreads widely, (打住,一直到这里论证都是很棒的,电影这个例子非常形象!nice!不过后面的fade前面论证中一个字也没有提到...这个应该是难点了~我自己写得时候也没有注意到~有时间前面再加上一点论证把已有论证跟lasting value连系起来吧呵呵,比如说critics推荐很多年以前的电影或者书(可能被遗忘或者根本就没有被发现过)~从而让他们一直known to all所以就lasting了~) even not fade for a long time.

At the same time, in some art areas, successful artworks based (不用过去时) on timeless aesthetic ideas. And these ideas are of lasting value. Take visual arts for example, modern forms and elements are always based on the timeless aesthetic ideals--such as harmony and symmetry. But how can these timeless ideals be accepted so widely? People comment on successful artworks, then get some conclusions. Critics are those people who are in favor of talking on these artworks. Critics gather people's feedbacks, compare one artwork with others, then give some constructive criticisms to artist. If these constructive suggestions adopted by artists; they apply them in their later works and a large number of works of these style prove to be popular all the time, this is the conclusion we mention above. Critics help to build these timeless aesthetic ideas. (这段有点乱...今天脑子不是很清醒....看了有点难受的说~~sry~)

In sum, artists create artworks which bring us entertainment, and critics give us suggestion to choose outstanding artworks. Critics' criticisms sometimes help to purify the soul of successful artworks. (文中提到了么??我有点犯晕||真不好意思~) Both artists and critics contribute to create something of eternal value for society.

改得有点草率 sry
文章限时早期写成这个样子可以了 最宝贵的是第一段跟第二段的前半部分论证思路在我现在看来还比较正(希望我现在头脑不是太混乱||)
加油 多写写限时习惯了就好
写完了就多看多改 你不错的^_^

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