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[i习作temp] issue36 [非G不可小组]第10次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-13 23:11:56 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE36 - "The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."

Can only those who live after the individuals evaluate their greatness? The speaker claims so. Although I agree that there are some individuals' contribution were not accepted by their contemporaries, most of the individuals ' greatness can be decided by the contemporaries.

On the one hand, looking into the history of Noble Prize, it is replete with such examples that the greatness of individuals can be decided by their contemporaries. Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because her deviated majority of her life to the poorest ones in India. Mandela, president of South Africa, won the Nobel because of his great contribution to the antiracial of South Africa. Mary Courier, one of the greatest scientists, won the Noble chemistry Prize twice because of her great deal of contributions to the chemistry. In short, in every society there is standard to evaluate greatness of people, those whose contributions has an immediate effect on the society can be accepted by their contemporaries quickly. Thus, the greatness of these people can be decided by contemporaries at some extent.

On the other hand, those whose contribution deviated from the normal acceptance of his contemporaries will be treated as heretics. People can be easily influenced by the authority, common sense, tradition, religion etc. For example, Darwin, the greatest naturalist in 19th century, when he promoted his great theory of evolution and selection, the majority of his contemporaries strongly oppose it since it conflicted with their religious convictions. Considering his family and peer, he did not publish all his theory until his death. Another extreme example is Socrates who was sentenced to death because of his theory had conflicted with the government. Therefore, their peer can not understand what they have done nor can they decide the greatness of individual

Additionally, because of the limitation of cognition, it is difficult for the contemporaries to evaluate an individual's greatness justly. People evaluate an individual's contribution at their own angle, which means that they can not predict what will happen in the future. Thus, sometimes they inclined to give an unjust evaluation to an individual. For example, Qinshi Emperor(这个例子我都不太敢用,但是实在是没什么好例子), the first emperor of Qin dynasty in China, was a tyrant at his time, however, he left us the Great Wall, and also bring China the first system of metal currency. For his contemporaries, he is not a good emperor; however, in the sight of current people, the greatness of his can not be ignored also. Thus, the offspring can always give a more comprehensive and a more just evaluation.

In balance, to some extent, the greatness of an individual can be decided by his contemporaries, to get a more comprehensive and more just evaluation; it is depended on the decision of offspring(这个词我自己用的怪怪的,能否提供一个更为恰当的词) .

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-3-16 16:29:46 |只看该作者

Can only those who live after the individuals evaluate their greatness? The speaker claims so. Although I agree that there are some individuals' contribution were not accepted by their contemporaries, [otherwise] most of the individuals ' greatness can be decided by the contemporaries.

On the one hand, looking into the history of Noble Prize, it is replete with such examples that the greatness of individuals can be decided by their contemporaries. Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because her deviated[这个单词不知道是不是我的理解有误,感觉不对啊] majority of her life to the poorest ones in India. Mandela, president of South Africa, won the Nobel because of his great contribution to the antiracial of South Africa. Mary Courier, one of the greatest scientists, won the Noble chemistry Prize twice because of her great deal of contributions to the chemistry.[我觉得你要注意一个问题,你没有对这些例子进行任何阐述,说明他们和论点的关系所在,你的意思可能是他们被授予诺贝尔奖就代表他们被当世人承认了,但从文章论述中看不出来] In short, in every society there is standard to evaluate greatness of people, those whose contributions has an immediate effect on the society can be accepted by their contemporaries quickly. Thus, the greatness of these people can be decided by contemporaries at some extent.

On the other hand, those whose contribution deviated from the normal acceptance of his contemporaries will be treated as heretics. People can be easily influenced by the authority, common sense, tradition, religion etc. For example, Darwin, the greatest naturalist in 19th century, when he promoted his great theory of evolution and selection, the majority of his contemporaries strongly oppose it since it conflicted with their religious convictions. Considering his family and peer, he did not publish all his theory until his death. Another extreme example is Socrates who was sentenced to death because of his theory had conflicted with the government. Therefore, their peer can not understand what they have done nor can they decide the greatness of individual

Additionally, because of the limitation of cognition, it is difficult for the contemporaries to evaluate an individual's greatness justly. People evaluate an individual's contribution at their own angle, which means that they can not predict what will happen in the future. Thus, sometimes they inclined to give an unjust evaluation to an individual. For example, Qinshi Emperor(这个例子我都不太敢用,但是实在是没什么好例子), the first emperor of Qin dynasty in China, was a tyrant at his time, however, he left us the Great Wall, and also bring China the first system of metal currency. For his contemporaries, he is not a good emperor; however, in the sight of current people, the greatness of his[him] can not be ignored also[either]. Thus, the offspring [, with increasing knowledge and information,] can always give a more comprehensive and a more just evaluation. [我觉得中国的例子也没什么不可以用的,只是不要通篇都用就可以了。比如上次写广告,除了中国的,我根本就想不到其他的例子]

In balance, to some extent, the greatness of an individual can be decided by his contemporaries, to get a more comprehensive and more just evaluation; it is depended on the decision of offspring(这个词我自己用的怪怪的,能否提供一个更为恰当的词) [later generation我是用的这个]

[ 本帖最后由 vigilly 于 2007-3-16 16:40 编辑 ]

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