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[i习作temp] Issue103 [Mettle] by werecat [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-28 18:08:57 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
"The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."

Are history only valuable to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives? I'm afraid I can not quite agree with this viewpoint. Every activities of human being will become a part of the history sooner or later, therefore we may discover the whole wisdom of people by studying history.

First and foremost of all, the sublimate deeds and respectable characters of the great ancient people inspired us all and deeply. Countless examples are that we spare no efforts in inmitaing and emulating the spirits and behavoirs of our forefathers. In the first place, I recall the so called saint in ancient China, the Confucius. His speeches was passed down generation by generation, almost every Chinese is required to recite at least some of its chapters, because there are numerous plain yet sagacious truth in his simple words. The most estonding sayings like "There is one teacher among any three walking people." is now appreciated by people all over the world. Admiral Nelson comes into my mind secondly, as his brave and imperturbable characters affect almost every soldier. During the fiercest time of Tulafalga Battle, Admiral Nelson only gave his fleet this single command:"Engage the enemy more closly." Yet just because of this simple order, His Majesty's Fleet overwhelmed the French one. Still, we can also learn alot from the endeavors of Edison. When he failed for thousands of times trying to find out the ideal material of light bulb, someone advised him:"You should give up! You have already failed for over a thousand times!" However Edison replied:"I have just found out a thousand ways that can not make a light bulb!" All in all, the gorgeous efforts of the ancient people and their pithy yet insightful sayings let us a tremendous legacy.

Moreover, many customs, traditions, allegories and aphorisms are also priceless heirlooms from our predecessors. It is ineffacealbe that the democratic sparks were first born in Greece and Rome, and thus this spirit was passed on up till now and will exist forever. What's more, the old customs and traditions can still contributes alot to the present society. Concering that the taboos of close-relatives marriage was first formed tens of centuries ago, it is now still the hardcore morality of all the societies. In addition, almost all the festivals were derived from our ancestors, the Chrismas         Yet, we can not neglect the contributions of allegories, mottos and aphorisms. Thanks to these short stories or sentences, our primary moral standards and ethics are almost entirely based on them.

Finally, we must be awared that what we are doing today will become history in the future. As long as we are confident of ourselves at present, we have no reason to demean our former people at their own times.

To summarize, the study of history benefits us alot in many respects. It is universally confirmed that we, as human beings, were developed gradually on the underlying foundations of our precursors, therefore we can not afford ignoring the experiences of the generations before us. Only through the accumulations of every piece of progress of every human beings can we achieve today's height and only by this method can we approach even higher peaks.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-29 20:57:27 |只看该作者
Issue103 [Mettle] by werecat
"The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."

Is history only valuable to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives? I'm afraid I can not quite agree with this viewpoint. Every activities of human being will become a part of the history sooner or later; therefore we may discover the whole wisdom of people by studying history.【这句话大了,人类的全部智慧。。似乎不可能。未发现领域还很多】

First and foremost of all, the sublimate deeds and respectable characters of the great ancient people inspired us all and deeply. Countless examples are that we spare no efforts in imitating and emulating the spirits and behaviors of our forefathers. In the first place, I recall the so called saint in ancient China, the Confucius. His speeches was passed down generation by generation, almost every Chinese is required to recite at least some of its chapters, because there are numerous plain yet sagacious truth in his simple words. The most standing sayings like "There is one teacher among any three walking people." is now appreciated by people all over the world. Admiral Nelson comes into my mind secondly, as his brave and imperturbable characters affect almost every soldier. During the fiercest time of Tulafalga Battle, Admiral Nelson only gave his fleet this single command: “Engage the enemy more closely." Yet just because of this simple order, His Majesty's Fleet overwhelmed the French one. Still, we can also learn a lot from the endeavors of Edison. When he failed for thousands of times trying to find out the ideal material of light bulb, someone advised him: “You should give up! You have already failed for over a thousand times!" However Edison replied: “I have just found out a thousand ways that can not make a light bulb!" All in all, the gorgeous efforts of the ancient people and their pithy yet insightful sayings let us a tremendous legacy.

Moreover, many customs, traditions, allegories and aphorisms are also priceless heirlooms from our predecessors. It is ineffaceable that the democratic sparks were first born in Greece and Rome, and thus this spirit was passed on up till now and will exist forever. What's more, the old customs and traditions can still contribute a lot to the present society. Concerning that the taboos of close-relatives marriage was first formed tens of centuries ago, it is now still the hardcore morality of all the societies. In addition, almost all the festivals were derived from our ancestors, the Christmas yet, we can not neglect the contributions of allegories, mottos and aphorisms. Thanks to these short stories or sentences, our primary moral standards and ethics are almost entirely based on them.

Finally, we must be aware that what we are doing today will become history in the future. As long as we are confident of ourselves at present, we have no reason to demean our former people at their own times.
【这段是批驳题目的? 似乎是对对方语气和用词的批驳,没有对理论进行有力论述,我是这么认为】

To summarize, the study of history benefits us a lot in many respects. It is universally confirmed that we, as human beings, were developed gradually on the underlying foundations of our precursors, therefore we can not afford ignoring the experiences of the generations before us. Only through the accumulations of every piece of progress of every human being can we achieve today's height and only by this method can we approach even higher peaks.


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Issue103 [Mettle] by werecat
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