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[a习作temp] 问个问题,这样的文章能得几分啊?? [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-17 12:00:19 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT216 - The following appeared in a magazine article about planning for retirement.
"Because of its spectacular natural beauty and consistent climate, Clearview should be a top choice for anyone seeking a place to retire. As a bonus, housing costs in Clearview have fallen significantly during the past year, and real estate taxes remain lower than those in neighboring towns. Nevertheless, Clearview's mayor promises many new programs to improve schools, streets, and public services. Retirees in Clearview can also expect excellent health care as they grow older, since the number of physicians in the area is far greater than the national average."
WORDS: 462          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2008-2-16 23:28:49

At the first glance, It seems that the arguer's recommandation that Clearview should be a perfection for anyone seeking a place to retire is a obvious one,in that there's a fact that the place is beautiful and climate friendly.To further support the idea, the arguer cites that it is much cheaper to live there,and that  the coming new program and the excellent health care would definitely attract lots of the old.However, this recommandation may lead to a huge complaint ,because it fails to consider other possible or maybe even more important factor for the old to choose a place to retire.

In the first place, the arguer makes a false comparasion in house costs,and this would lead to a binld in choice.Given no  information related to the housing cost in other place, the arguer unfairly assumes that Clearview has a competitive price.It is quite possible that there is some other place which offers a better price,though Cleatview have fallen significantly.In short,withou the evidence that other place's price is higher than Clearview,the arguer cannot make this conclusion.

In the second place,the argument rest on the assumption that improving schools,streets,and public services would result in a perference to the ole.Yet it is often not the case.Common sense tell us that what the old seeking a place to retire value most is not the shools,for some of them may have no children to rise.Also, from the statement we can postulate that Clearview is a town with poor public service,streets and schools.If it is not true,then it is not necessary for Clearview's mayor to promise to improve it.Even if they are better enough and the mayor just wants to make perfect of the town,wether the promise will come true is open to doubt.

Last but not the least,the arguer stress that since the great number of physicians compared with the national average,Clearview can provide excellent health care.It is true that plenty of physicians can short the time of health care for there is nearly no wating time,but there is no guarantee that all the physician is capable enough.For example,some of the physician maybe just graduate from school and serve as an apprentice.If those kind of physician makes a large part of the physician,then the old who go to see a doctor will have a nightmare.In addition,the health care also includes the medicine care.If the medicine there so expensive that the old cannot afford ,then it is unrealistic to conclude Clearview is a place with excellent health care.

In sum,the arguer's recommandtion cannot convince the old though it is in some way superior.To strengthen it, the arguer must give more detailed information about other town's condition for the old,thus to form a real comparasion.Also,more evidence is needed too support that the Clearview's promise is a effective one.

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