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[i习作temp] issue 38 希望大家帮忙看下啊 要快考试了 这是第一篇习作 写的不好见笑了 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-2-26 18:32:39 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
issue 38 “In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books”

    Nowadays TV plays a growing role of not only entertaining us but also providing us a lot of useful information as well. We may wonder if the TV will take the place of book as the major tool for the purpose of learning. I think this will not happen at least in the next several decades.
    Admittedly, TV actually has some advantageous features over the books in some aspects. Firstly, TV can inform us an event that happened just now or are occurring now whereas the book would not. Because before the book appear to the people, they have to written by editorial or author and printed, then will be published. For example, when the 911 was happening, we would see the whole process of the tragedy though live reports. Furthermore, TV can convey information with more accurate and vivid than book does. It is impossible for anyone, no matter how keen an observer or skilled a journalist, to recount some situation with complete and objective details. A written description of a hurricane, tornado or volcanic eruption can not convey the mediate power and awesome natural like TV. Thus we can learn a lot from TV.
    However, in most cases books remain hold the function as a major medium of learning for their inherently superiority over TV. Firstly, when it comes to learning specific discipline, we always use the books. It is undeniable that books can provide far more systematic knowledge and we can find nearly everything about a given discipline, especially the reasoning process of difficult theories which call for a lot of repeats. We can review them whenever we want until we understand them thoroughly while the TV will not wait for you and the knowledge appeared is scrappy. I think that is why not a single master was shaped through TV at our time. Furthermore most human knowledge exists as a written form and we are used to study through a book.
    Moreover when it comes to getting the subjective impressions, especially the emotional activities of human beings, TV appears disadvantages. For example, a novel can describe exactly the emotional reflections or the mental activities of the characters, from which we can learn much more about a person and feel attractive. Maybe that is why the movies transformed from books are always not as popular as these books and that is why after people have seen a transformed movie they always feel not satisfied and want to find the original book to read.
    Another reason that I do agree with the speaker is that book are obviously more portable than TV. We can put a book even more in our bags while no one wants to take big TV with them. Books also do not like TV which needs receptor to receive signal and could not work without electricity, so we can read them anywhere and anytime if we want.
    It is undeniable that books are the most important way for learning because the information which they contain are inherently systematic and books themselves are portable as well as have the capacity for describing emotional activities. TV is usually playing a subordinate role through providing vivid, timely but scrappy information for the purpose of supplementing our knowledge.


[ 本帖最后由 hacker198679 于 2008-2-27 07:22 编辑 ]
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RE: issue 38 希望大家帮忙看下啊 要快考试了 这是第一篇习作 写的不好见笑了 [修改]
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issue 38 希望大家帮忙看下啊 要快考试了 这是第一篇习作 写的不好见笑了
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