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[i习作temp] ISSUE212 【challenge yourself小组】第三次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-28 16:33:23 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."

I don't agree with the author's statement regarding any means should be taken if the thing which anyone want to do is worthy. Something you do, if you feel it is worthy and you do it in a  justifiable way, which must be base on the factors that are not opposition of moral, honest.

It is hard for us to define whether a matter is worthy or beneath because people have different value sense, which could lead them to determine whether his/her actions are worthy or not. There is an old saying, two beggars lived together, while it came a god saying" Based on your hardly life, if i will give each of you two same choices, you can choose one, then which one do you want to pick up by yourself. The first, there is a interview of a work for you, it is a opportunity but a challenge, the second, there are three meals one day for a weak, which one do you feel more worthy then choose it" .each of the two beggar choiced different one. One weak latter, the beggar which choosed interview was alive, the other was dead. The story tells us different people have the mind in their personal determine the decision whether it is worthy or not.

Now it comes to the issue's second matter: who choose the "mean" and who evaluates it "justifiable" or not? For example, while spring festival coming, several traffic firms increase their fare in the mind of desire for more money, one side of the traffic firms indicate that their fare bases on the ticket demand, they conclude it as market economy, at the nonaligned position we can not judge it unjustifiable, but at the position of customers, arbitrary charge the traffic firms practice disorders the normal market economy, each of them have their own aspect to the matter, we can not judge a thing right or wrong easily.
Finally, it is really important to analysis of the mean if it is feasible, considering whether it is worth to do. At present, leaders of companies, who is eager to earn more profit, would to impair other's benefit in any way, although some of these are inconsequence mean these  leader know, at a situation of maximum profit they are willing to do these, even which are outside of moral and honest, these are all unjustifiable, which damaged the normal order of our society, we should set our face against them. Inaddition, sometime a myriad of merchants were going to disafforest for benefit under the mind that it is more worthy for him/her to do so than keep away from it, for these merchants' dealings, forest has gone and of course causes the ground become desert, more and more dust will attract residents and damage our homes, more money will be spend on rebuilding families, this must not be justifiable behavior.

In sum, the author can not assert some means justifiable or unjustifiable unless he provide a clear definition of "worthy" and set a sidelines to limit which means are not allowed in order to keep the society peacefull.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-8-1 13:11:25 |只看该作者

回复 #4 xomae 的帖子


I disagree the author's statement that it is justiable to attain a so-called "worthy" goal with any means.

the pursuit of my happiness

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-8-1 13:07:11 |只看该作者
ISSUE212 【challenge yourself小组】第三次作业 by xomae
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."

I don't agree with the author's statement regarding any means should be taken if the thing which anyone want to do is worthy.[这句话要改写一下,看着难受] Something you do, if you feel it is worthy and you [should]do it in a  justifiable way, which must be base on the factors that are not opposition of moral, honest.

It is hard for us to define whether a matter is worthy or beneath because people have different value sense, which could lead them to determine whether his/her actions are worthy or not. There is an old saying, two beggars lived together, while it came a god saying" Based on your hardly life, if I will give each of you two same choices, you can choose one, then which one do you want to pick up by yourself. The first, there is a interview of a work for you, it is a opportunity but a challenge, the second, there are three meals one day for a weak, which one do you feel more worthy then choose it" .each of the two beggar choice different one. One weak latter, the beggar which [who] chose interview was alive, the other was dead. The story tells us different people have the mind in their personal determine the decision whether it is worthy or not.[这个例子能不能不这么写,别扭。我觉得在issue里面不要讲故事。你写成:If a person having nothing is given two choice, one is ……, the other is …….which one will he or she choose? …….后面再改写一下,说的是一样的意思。]

Now it comes to the issue's second matter: who choose the "mean" and who evaluates it "justifiable" or not? [最好不要一上来就举例子,再掰两句]For example, while spring festival coming, several traffic firms increase their fare in the mind of desire for more money, one side of the traffic firms indicate that their fare bases on the ticket demand, they conclude it as market economy, at the nonaligned position we can not judge it unjustifiable, but at the position of customers, arbitrary charge the traffic firms practice disorders the normal market economy, each of them have their own aspect to the matter, we can not judge a thing right or wrong easily.[这个例子前面如果再加一句可能就清楚一些了,Driven by different interest,……。]
Finally, it is really important to analysis of the mean if it is feasible, considering whether it is worth to do. At present, leaders of companies, who is eager to earn more profit, would to impair other's benefit in any way, although some of these are inconsequence mean these leader know, at a situation of maximum profit they are willing to do these, even which are outside of moral and honest, these are all unjustifiable, which damaged the normal order of our society, we should set our face against them. In addition, sometime a myriad of merchants were going to disafforest for benefit under the mind that it is more worthy for him/her to do so than keep away from it, for these merchants' dealings, forest has gone and of course causes the ground become desert, more and more dust will attract residents and damage our homes, more money will be spend on rebuilding families, this must not be justifiable behavior.

In sum, the author can not assert some means justifiable or unjustifiable unless he provide a clear definition of "worthy" and set a sidelines to limit which means are not allowed in order to keep the society peacefull.


the pursuit of my happiness

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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-29 21:42:17 |只看该作者
I don't agree with the author's statement regarding any means should be taken if the thing which anyone want to do is worthy

意思是偶不同意作者认为如果谁想做的事情是值得的那么一切方法可以使用的观点。。。是不是错了...帮我改改哈  自己也觉得很绕;d:

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-7-29 20:00:31 |只看该作者
很好很强大~谢谢 infant~

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-7-29 12:13:47 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."

I don't agree with the author's statement regarding any means should be taken if the thing which anyone want to do is worthy. (好绕的句子...@@没怎么看懂的说)Something you do, if you feel it is worthy and you do it in a  justifiable way, (最好不要用很多的you吧,显得很主观,可以用成第三人称,或者直接用被动态把人称问题逃避掉)which must be based on the factors that are not opposition of moral, honest.

It is hard for us to define whether a matter is worthy or beneath(???) because people have different value senses, which could lead them to determine whether his/her actions are worthy or not. There is an old saying,(后面不是saying,是fairy tale) two beggars lived together, while it came a god saying" Based on your hardly life, if i will give each of you two same choices, you can choose one, then which one do you want to pick up by yourself. The first, there is a interview of a work for you, it is a opportunity but a challenge, the second, there are three meals one day for a weak, which one do you feel more worthy then choose it" .each of the two beggar choiced different one. One weak latter, the beggar which choosed interview was alive, the other was dead. (个人觉得用fairy tale来做论据是不合适的,本身就不是事实,加之占去了大量的篇幅,说服力不大)The story tells us different people have the mind in their personal determine the decision whether it is worthy or not.

Now it comes to the issue's second matter: who choose the "mean" and who evaluates it "justifiable" or not? For example, while spring festival(要大写.而且要考虑到给分的是老美,稍做解释一下这个是中国传统节日什么的) coming, several traffic firms increase their fare in the mind of desire for more money, one side of the traffic firms indicate that their fare bases on the ticket demand, they conclude it as market economy, at the nonaligned position we can not judge it unjustifiable, but at the position of customers, arbitrary charge the traffic firms practice disorders the normal market economy, each of them have their own aspect to the matter, we can not judge a thing right or wrong easily.(这一个句子太长了...虽然分成了几个小分句,但是看完我就晕了晕了晕了..)
Finally, it is really important to analysis of(去掉就可以了) the mean if (你想说的是whether吧..)it is feasible, considering whether it is worth to do. At present, leaders of companies, who is eager to earn more profit, would to impair other's benefit in any way, although some of these are inconsequence mean these  leader know, at a situation of maximum profit they are willing to do these, even which are outside of moral and honest, these are all unjustifiable, which damaged the normal order of our society, we should set our face against them. Inaddition, sometime a myriad of merchants were going to disafforest for benefit under the mind that it is more worthy for him/her to do so than keep away from it, for these merchants' dealings, forest has gone and of course causes the ground become desert, more and more dust will attract residents and damage our homes, more money will be spend on rebuilding families, this must not be justifiable behavior.

In sum, the author can not assert some means justifiable or unjustifiable unless he provide a clear definition of "worthy" and set a sidelines to limit which means are not allowed in order to keep the society peacefull.

呃..总的来说 其实我没有怎么看懂..@@..表打我..
其实看你的TS, 逻辑是没有多大问题的,但是语言确实要修炼一下了..

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