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[活动] transformers 的dt作文 1 大家狠拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8


Golden Apple

发表于 2008-12-2 15:01:43 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Does daily homework necessary? There is no consensus among people. Some argue that students’ duty is to enjoy daily life and relax. On the other side of the leaf, I convinced that teacher needs to assign homework to students every day. My reasons will be presented as follows.

There are two fundamental arguments that support my claim; the first one has to go with the psychology of children. For one thing, there is no denying that students especially for children are less of self control than adult .Such kind of homework is a good way to build up their self control ability when they want to play. My professor had once told me that homework is not only for gain knowledge but also a way to build up students' personality and a way of how to study. For another, complete daily homework is helpful for student to fell self confidence. A survey conducted by International Education Committee indicates that most successful people build their strong personality in their childhood by stand to their study schedule through daily homework.

In addition, why there is so many teachers are fond of assign daily homework is that it is a good way of obtain knowledge on quality and efficiency. On one hand, it is universally acknowledged that the homework assigned by teachers and tutors is the most significant part of the course which is not available on the self study time. Nothing is more significant than gain knowledge for students. On the other hand, most teachers will give students a study schedule when they assign daily homework. Such time table will help students to enhance the efficiency not only on the homework but also on daily life. As for me, if I don't have daily homework, it is more likely that I will play basketball and computer games when I get home.

On the other hand, an argument, also the one I find most compelling against my claim, is that huge daily homework will harmful children' psychology and physical health. Although I concede this point, in my observation, this problem will be solved by the quantity and quality of homework which assigned by teachers. One needs look no more than the education developed countries to find evidence that this is the case. For instance, Singapore which is famous by it's education has a law that students should not spend their spare time more than 15hours per week on homework.

In sum, this issue is a complex one which requires subjective judgments. In sum, students especially for youths need to play and enjoy life, but for more essential human need, like build up personality and obtain knowledge, are well met by teacher's daily homework. On the final analysis, so significant the daily homework is that we can not afford to ignore it. Consequently, the daily homework is necessary for students.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


Golden Apple

发表于 2008-12-4 04:26:29 |只看该作者

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


Golden Apple

发表于 2008-12-4 04:25:39 |只看该作者

回复 #6 aphasiafifi 的帖子


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Aries白羊座 荣誉版主 QQ联合登录 AW活动特殊奖 IBT Zeal IBT Smart

发表于 2008-12-4 00:45:23 |只看该作者
Does daily homework necessary? There is no consensus among people. Some argue that students’ duty is to enjoy daily life and relax. On the other side of the leaf, I convinced that teacher needs to assign homework to students every day. My reasons will be presented as follows._,Ri#e]D|4~5@.a
There are two fundamental arguments that support my claim; the first one has to go with the psychology of children. For one thing, there is no denying that students especially for children are less of self control than adult .Such kind of homework is a good way to build up their self control ability when they want to play. My professor had once told me that homework is not only for gaining knowledge but also a way to build up students' personality and a way of how to study. For another, complete daily homework is helpful for student to  build up selfconfidence. A survey conducted by International Education Committee indicates that most successful people build their strong personality in their childhood by stand to their study schedule through daily homework.寄托家园d:funk:

In addition, why there is so many teachers are fond of assigning daily homework is that it is a good way of(to) obtain knowledge on quality and efficiency. On one hand, it is universally acknowledged that the homework assigned by teachers and tutors is the most significant part of the course which is not available on the self study time. Nothing is more significant than gaining knowledge for students. On the other hand, most teachers will give students a study schedule when they assign daily homework. Such time table will help students to enhance the efficiency not only on the homework but also on daily life. As for me, if I don't have daily homework, it is more likely that I will play basketball and computer games when I get home.


On the other hand(前面用过了 换成 moreover ....), an argument, also the one I find most compelling against my claim, is that huge daily homework will harmful(harmful是adj吧 伤害短语是harm to) children' psychology and physical health. Although I concede this point, in my observation, this problem will be solved by the quantity and quality of homework which assigned by teachers. One needs look no more than the education developed countries to find evidence that this is the case. For instance, Singapore which is famous by it's education has a law that students should not spend their spare time more than 15hours per week on homework. 寄托家园%x?N5hbE+C%}

In sum, this issue is a complex one which requires subjective judgments. In sum(;d: ), students especially for youths need to play and enjoy life, but for more essential human needs, like building up personality and obtaining knowledge, are well met by teacher's daily homework. On the final analysis, so significant the daily homework is that we can not afford to ignore it. Consequently, the daily homework is necessary for students.

介宾结构出错严重应该好好注意一下。 前面的板油已经提出了一些逻辑上的问题,和文章框架的问题。 在这里就不再赘述了, 楼主请注意一下词汇搭配和语法错误吧。 其实还是多读文章从字里行间中体会好的英文和优美的英文是怎么写出来的。
Saavedro's series of preeminent essays for Cracking GRE and TOEFL-iBT
【Saavedro】——Authentic Guide For TOEFL-iBT [听说读写完整版] (Version 2.00) (2010年 3月5日)

Saavedro简谈如何有效提升GRE-AW写作语言表达 (2009年 2月17日)


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-12-3 22:04:05 |只看该作者


Is daily homework necessary? There is no consensus among people. Some argue that students’ duty is to enjoy daily life and relax. On the other side of the leaf some people, including I(me), convinced that teachersneeds to(should) assign homework to students every day. My reasons will be presented as follows.

There are two fundamental arguments that support my claim. The first one has to go withhas to do with? the psychology of children. For one thing, there is no denying that students, especially for children, are less of self control than adult .Such kind of (assigning) homework is a good way to build up their self control (self-control) ability when they want to play. My professor had once told me that homework is not only for (an access of) gaining knowledge but also a way to build up students' personality and a way of(to learn) how to study. For another, complete daily homework is helpful for student to fell (build)self-confidence. A survey conducted by International Education Committee indicates that most successful people build their strong personality in their childhood by stand (standing) to their study schedule through daily homework.

In addition, why thereis (are) so many teachers are fond of assign (assigning) daily homework is that it is a good way of obtain (obtaining) knowledge on quality and efficiency (qualitatively and efficiently).On one hand, Being a student, nothing is more significant than gaining knowledge and it is universally acknowledged that the homework assigned by teachers and tutors is the most significant part of the course which is not available on the self study time (do u mean: which is hardly identified through self-study). Nothing is more significant than gain knowledge for students. On the other hand (besides), most teachers will give students a study schedule when they assign daily homework. Such time table will help students to enhance (improve) the efficiency not only both on the homework but also on(and the) daily life. As for me (personally), if I don't have daily homework, it is more likely that I will play basketball and computer games when I get home.(有點chinglish...)f!UE D _4aOn the other hand , an argument, also the one I find most compelling against my claim, is(although I concede) that huge amount of daily homework will be harmful to children'spsychology(mental) and physical health. Although I concede this point, in my observation (do u mean: in my point of view), this problem will (could) be solved by the quantity and quality of homework which assigned by teachers(assigning reasonable homework with high quality). One needs look no more than the education developed countries to find evidence that this is the case. For instance, Singapore which is famous by it's education has a law that students should not spend their spare time more than 15hours per week on homework. (好像有點扯太遠了。)
In sum, this issue is a complex one which requires subjective judgments. In sum, studentsespecially forthe youths,need (should have spare time) to play with their peers and enjoy their life, but for more essential human needs, like build up (cultivating) personality and obtaining knowledge, are well met byrequireteacher's daily homework assigned by teachers. On the final analysis (thus), so significant the daily homework is so significant that we can not afford to ignore it. Consequently, the daily homework is necessary for students.


[ 本帖最后由 aphasiafifi 于 2008-12-3 22:07 编辑 ]
Hope is the antithesis of despair

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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-12-3 16:38:55 |只看该作者

Does Is daily homework necessary? There is no consensus among people. Some argue that students’ duty is to enjoy daily life and relax. On the other side of the leaf, I am convinced that a teacher needs to assign homework to students every day. My reasons will be presented as follows.

There are two fundamental arguments that support my claim; : the first one has to go with the psychology of children(students). For one thing,? there is no denying that students , especially for children are less of self -control than adults .Such kind of homework is a good way to build up their self control ability when they want to play. My professor had once told me that homework is not only a way for gain knowledge but also a way to build up students' personality and a way of how to study. For another,? complete ? daily homework is helpful for student to fell ? self confidence. A survey conducted by International Education Committee indicates that most successful people build their strong personality in their childhood by stand sticking to their study schedules through daily homework.|留学|签证|TOEFL|GREC+XE        h4\`

In addition, why there is so many teachers are fond of assign daily homework is that it is a good way of obtaining knowledge on quality and efficiency. On the one hand, it is universally acknowledged that the homework assigned by teachers and tutors is the most significant part of the course which is not available on the self study time. Nothing is more significant than gaining knowledge for students. On the other hand, most teachers will give students a study schedule when they assign daily homework. Such time table will help students to enhance the efficiency not only on the homework but also on daily life. As for me, if I don't have daily homework, it is more likely that I will play basketball and computer games when I get home.寄托家园F,Hw2|7lN

On the other hand, an argument, also the one I find most compelling against my claim, is that huge a great amount of daily homework will harmful harm children' psychological and physical health. Although I concede this point, in my observation, this problem will be solved by the quantity and quality of homework which assigned by teachers. One needs look no more than ? the education developed countries to find evidence that this is the case. For instance, Singapore which is famous by due to it's education has a law that students should not spend their spare time more than 15hours per week on homework. 留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAX\iX7c0f

In sum, this issue is a complex one which requires subjective judgments. In sum, repeat students, especially for youths need to play and enjoy life, but for more essential human need, ? like build uping personality and obtaining knowledge, are well met by teacher's daily homework. On the final analysis, so significant the daily homework is that we can not afford to ignore it. Consequently, the daily homework is necessary for students.

2. 分论点挺好,只是论证要再细致一点。


[ 本帖最后由 ock11 于 2008-12-3 16:40 编辑 ]

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


Golden Apple

发表于 2008-12-3 03:48:40 |只看该作者

回复 #3 aesrevoylf 的帖子


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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-12-3 02:13:35 |只看该作者
Does daily homework necessary? There is no consensus among people. Some argue that students’ duty is to enjoy daily life and relax. On the other side of the leaf, I convinced(是否应该用convince that the teacher (可数名词要么前面加冠词,要么用复数,引自挑战托福满分作文)needs to assign homework to students every day. My reasons will be presented as follows.

There are two fundamental arguments that support my claim; the first one has to go with the psychology of children. For one thing, there is no denying that students especially for children are less of self control than the adult. Such kind of (daily ) homework is a good way (method) to build up their self control ability when they want to play.(help the stuendts to constrain themselves every time they want to play while not complete the study tasks是否这样会好些) My professor had once told me that homework is not only for gain knowledge but also a way to build up students' personality and a way of to learn how to study. For another the other, complete daily homework is helpful for student to fell get self confidence. A survey conducted by International Education Committee indicates that most successful people build their strong personality in their childhood by standing to their study schedule through daily homework.

In addition, why there is areso many teachers are being fond of assign assigning daily homework is that it is a good way of obtain obtaining knowledge on quality and efficiency. On
the one hand, it is universally acknowledged that the homework assigned by teachers and tutors is the most significant part of the course which is not available on the self study time. Nothing is more significant than gaining knowledge for students. On the other hand, most teachers will give students a study schedule when they assign daily homework. Such time table will help students to enhance the efficiency not only on the homework but also on daily life. As for me, if I don't have daily homework, it is more likely that I will play basketball and computer games when I get home.

On the other hand,(注意与前文照应的是哪个点, on the one hand在哪?应注意找到合适的连词或布局将第一点和第二点更好,更明显的对应起来 an argument, also the one I find most compelling against my claim, is that huge daily homework will be harmful to children's psychology and physical health. Although I concede this point, in my observation, this problem will be solved by adjusting the quantity and quality of homework which is assigned by teachers. One needs look no more than the education developed countries to find evidence that this is the case. For instance, Singapore which is famous by for it's education has a law that students should not spend their spare time more than 15hours per week on homework.

In sum, this issue is a complex one problem which requires subjective objectivejudgments. In sum,(最好换一下连词,不要老是重复使用,连词应注意一下) students especially for youths need are fond to play and enjoy life, but for more essential human need, like such as to build up personality and to obtain knowledge, are well met by teacher's daily homework. On the final analysis, so significant the daily homework is (主谓是否应倒装) that we can not afford to ignore it. Consequently, the daily homework is necessary for students.

文章观点是支持老师布置,每天的家庭作业,作者提出了两点two arguments。第一个与孩子的心理有关,第二点是每日作业布置带来孩子心理和体力的影响可以通过,调整作业的质量和数量来消除。


又紧跟,in addition, 递进谈了老师认为布置每日家庭作业,是保证教学质量和效率的好方法,说了两点,家庭作业的具有广泛认为的重要性,以及学习计划时间表对学习以及以后其他事情的重要性。



需特别注意连词使用,两正论,一反论之间的连词使用,是一个体系(first, second however)。每段开头及中间都可以选另一套体系(in the first place, in the second placenevertheless)。总之连词应设计一下。否则会引起误解。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-12-3 02:12:38 |只看该作者


:) Does daily homework necessary? There is no consensus among people. Some argue that students’ duty is to enjoy daily life and relax. On the other side of the leaf, I convinced(是否应该用convince) that the teacher (可数名词要么前面加冠词,要么用复数,引自挑战托福满分作文)needs to assign homework to students every day. My reasons will be presented as follows.

There are two fundamental arguments that support my claim; the first one has to go with the psychology of children. For one thing, there is no denying that students especially for children are less of self control than the adult. Such kind of (daily ) homework is a good way (method) to build up their self control ability when they want to play.(help the stuendts to constrain themselves every time they want to play while not complete the study tasks是否这样会好些) My professor had once told me that homework is not only for gain knowledge but also a way to build up students' personality and a way of (to learn) how to study. For another (the other), complete daily homework is helpful for student to fell get self confidence. A survey conducted by International Education Committee indicates that most successful people build their strong personality in their childhood by standing to their study schedule through daily homework.

In addition, why there is (are)so many teachers are (being) fond of assign (assigning) daily homework is that it is a good way of obtain (obtaining) knowledge on quality and efficiency. On
the one hand, it is universally acknowledged that the homework assigned by teachers and tutors is the most significant part of the course which is not available on the self study time. Nothing is more significant than gaining knowledge for students. On the other hand, most teachers will give students a study schedule when they assign daily homework. Such time table will help students to enhance the efficiency not only on the homework but also on daily life. As for me, if I don't have daily homework, it is more likely that I will play basketball and computer games when I get home.

On the other hand, (注意与前文照应的是哪个点, on the one hand在哪?应注意找到合适的连词或布局将第一点和第二点更好,更明显的对应起来 )an argument, also the one I find most compelling against my claim, is that huge daily homework will be harmful to children's psychology and physical health. Although I concede this point, in my observation, this problem will be solved by adjusting the quantity and quality of homework which is assigned by teachers. One needs look no more than the education developed countries to find evidence that this is the case. For instance, Singapore which is famous by (for) it's education has a law that students should not spend their spare time more than 15hours per week on homework.

In sum, this issue is a complex one (problem) which requires subjective (objective)judgments. In sum,(最好换一下连词,不要老是重复使用,连词应注意一下) students especially for youths need (are fond ) to play and enjoy life, but for more essential human need, like (such as) to build up personality and to obtain knowledge, are well met by teacher's daily homework. On the final analysis, so significant the daily homework is (主谓是否应倒装) that we can not afford to ignore it. Consequently, the daily homework is necessary for students.

文章观点是支持老师布置,每天的家庭作业,作者提出了两点two arguments。第一个与孩子的心理有关,第二点是每日作业布置带来孩子心理和体力的影响可以通过,调整作业的质量和数量来消除。


又紧跟,in addition, 递进谈了老师认为布置每日家庭作业,是保证教学质量和效率的好方法,说了两点,家庭作业的具有广泛认为的重要性,以及学习计划时间表对学习以及以后其他事情的重要性。



需特别注意连词使用,两正论,一反论之间的连词使用,是一个体系(first, second, however)。每段开头及中间都可以选另一套体系(in the first place, in the second place,nevertheless)。总之连词应设计一下。否则会引起误解。

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