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[活动] 【4--6月 Dark_Tournament TOEFL-ibt作文小组 奔跑蜗牛 第 四次作业】 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Golden Apple 荣誉版主 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 备考先锋

发表于 2009-2-14 23:33:49 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
It is better for students at university or in college to choose difficult classes even if they cannot get top grades
When is comes to the issue whether all students who study at university or in college should choose difficult classes if they cannot get top grades, there is no consensus among people, some people holds that difficult classes should be available to all students, while others maintain that difficult classes should be available only to the top grades students. From my personal angle alone, the former coincides with mine.

First of all, it is obviously not fair to a lot of students if the difficult classes are available only to the higher grades students. Everyone burns equal; therefore all of them have the same right to access to the difficult classes no matter his intelligence ability or the former grades. For instance, Einstein was a dull and not good at studied who achieved great success though his profound study. If he is not be allowed to choose the difficult physics science at the very beginning, his works would have never reached the varies fields, or even been published. Thus, no students should be denied the opportunity to choose the difficult classes.

Addition, different students are skilled in different kinds of subjects. Consider to the arts students, they are hard to understand the principle of mechanical operation. While it is difficult to know the concept about the defense mechanism for science students. It is unwise to forbid the students to choose his or her really like or skilled classes according to the past works which maybe not reveal the true.

What’s more, there is no accurate definitions about the “top grades” studens and “difficult classes”. Not only shoul it be simply identified as “good” or “not good”scores, but also it is difficult to jurde a student by their past grades. No one can predict the future of a student just according to his past work, since there are multiple factors which may influence one’s performance. Such as they have not chose the appropriate major or classes, or they did not relize the importance of the grades.

I believe that difficult classes should be available for those who want to choose it. There is no reasonable to forbit that.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5


寄托与我 IBT Smart

发表于 2009-2-16 14:37:40 |只看该作者
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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-2-15 23:03:30 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 artificialguy 于 2009-2-15 23:04 编辑

When is(it) comes to the issue that whether all students who study at university or in college should choose difficult classes if they cannot get top grades, there is no consensus among people, some people holds(hold) that difficult classes should be available to all students, while others maintain that difficult classes(重复,改成they) should be available only to the top grades students. From my personal angle alone, the former coincides with mine.

First of all, it is obviously not fair to a lot of students if the difficult classes are available only to the higher grades students. Everyone burns(is born) equal; therefore all of them have the same right to access to the difficult classes no matter his intelligence ability or the former grades. For instance, Einstein was a dull and not good at studied(study) who achieved great success though his profound study. If he is not be(was) allowed to choose the difficult physics science at the very beginning, his works would have never reached the varies fields, or even been published. Thus, no students should be denied(lose,用主动比较好) the opportunity to choose the difficult classes.9

In addition, different students are skilled in different kinds of subjects. Consider to the arts students, they are hard to understand the principle of mechanical operation. While it is difficult to know the concept about the defense mechanism for science students. It is unwise to forbid the students to choose his or her really like(fond) or skilled classes according to the past works which maybe not reveal the true.

What’s more, there is no accurate definition about the “top grades” students and “difficult classes”. Not only should it be simply identified as “good” or “not good”scores, but (also) it is difficult to jurde(judge) a student by their past grades. No one can predict the future of a student just according to his past work, since there are multiple factors which may influence one’s performance. Such as(Maybe) they have not chose the appropriate major or classes, or they did not relize(realize) the importance of the grades.I believe that difficult classes should be available for those who want to choose it. There is no reasonable(reason) to forbit(forbid) that.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-2-15 17:39:28 |只看该作者
It is better for students at university or in college to choose difficult classes even if they cannot get top grades
When is comes to the issue whether all students who study at university or in college should choose difficult classes if they cannot get top grades, there is no consensus among people, some people holds that difficult classes should be available to all students, while others maintain that difficult classes should be available only to the top grades students. From my personal angle alone, the former coincides with mine.
(It is better A even if B.When is comes to the issue whether A if B, there is no consensus among people, some people holds that A should be available to all students, while others maintain B  From my personal angle alone, the former coincides with mine.)提炼了一个模板出来。

First of all, it is obviously not fair to a lot of students if the difficult classes are available only to the higher grades students. Everyone burns equal; therefore all of them have the same right to access to the difficult classes no matter his intelligence ability or the former grades. For instance, Einstein was a dull and not good at studied(为什么是studied?) who achieved great success though his profound study.(为什么说爱因斯坦不擅长学习最后又是因为深奥的学习呢?) If he is not be allowed to choose the difficult physics science at the very beginning, his works would have never reached the varies fields, or even been published. Thus, no students should be denied the opportunity to choose the difficult classes.

Addition, different students are skilled in different kinds of subjects. Consider to the arts students, they are hard to understand the principle of mechanical operation. While it is difficult to know the concept about the defense mechanism for science students. It is unwise to forbid the students to choose his or her really like or skilled classes according to the past works which maybe not reveal the true.(truth)不是很明白,仅仅说艺术类学生学习机械原理有困难,工科学生又很难理解反抗机制,好像不能支持这段的论点啊)
What’s more, there is no accurate definitions about the “top grades” studens and “difficult classes”. Not only shoul(shoud) it be simply identified as “good” or “not good”scores, but also it is difficult to jurde(judge) a student by their past grades. No one can predict the future of a student just according to his past work, since there are multiple factors which may influence one’s performance. Such as they have not chose the appropriate major or classes, or they did not relize the importance of the grades.

I believe that difficult classes should be available for those who want to choose it. There is no reasonable to forbit that. (这句话好像有点问题,ther is no reason for us to forbidding that)


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【4--6月 Dark_Tournament TOEFL-ibt作文小组 奔跑蜗牛 第 四次作业】
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