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[活动] 【Dark_Tournament TOEFL-ibt作文小组mimica的 第14次作业】 [复制链接]

Rank: 4



发表于 2009-3-20 22:21:24 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 mimica 于 2009-3-22 10:23 编辑

With the burgeoning development of technology and economy, people today have a much wider horizon than before. More and more individuals especially the young generation prefer watching television programs to reading books to kill their leisure time. However, it is quite arbitrary to say that we can learn more from TV than books as following reasons.

To start with, although the invention of television contributes greatly to opening our eyes, the most function of this appliance is for entertainment and news communication rather than absorption of knowledge. Take the financial crisis for example, so much of correlate news are flourishing on TV that every corner of the globe is full of discussion about the severity of the recession. However, if we want to know the essential reason which causes the global downturn, we have to turn to professional books about economics and finance for answer. It is traditional books instead of TV that provides us deeper and more specializing knowledge of a certain area.

In addition, in front of a mass of information spread by TV, people usually have no choice but to receive them passively. For instance, a big headache we have to face is the large number of advertisements’ inter cut during news, talk shows, teleplays, etc. Moreover, since the types of programs as well as the broadcast order have been formulated beforehand, nothing can we do except waiting for the right time when our favorite programs present. In brief, television is essentially a passive medium while books leave us more freedom to choose.

Besides, since TV programs are just present in a short time, the accuracy of information is questioned from time to time. It is common that we often forget about the correct statistics after certain news watched on TV. If the same situation occurs when we finish reading a book, what we should do is just to turn back to the right page for a review.

In conclusion, since there are lots of disadvantages to get message through watching TV, it is rather superficial to assert that television contributes more than books for learning. I prefer to choose books as the primary tool in acquiring information.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-22 21:18:35 |只看该作者
With the burgeoning development of technology and economy, people today have a much wider horizon than before. More and more individuals especially the young generation prefer watching television programs to reading books to kill their leisure time. However, it is quite arbitrary to say that we can learn more from TV than books as following reasons.1 v4 V/ G( Q, n# j1 f4 A0 |. \

To start with, although the invention of television contributes greatly to opening our eyes, the most function of this appliance is for entertainment and news communication rather than absorption of knowledge. Take the financial crisis for example, so much of correlate news are flourishing on TV that every corner of the globe is full of discussion about the severity of the recession. However, if we want to know the essential reason which causes the global downturn, we have to turn to professional books about economics and finance for answer. It is traditional books instead of TV that provides us deeper and more specializing knowledge of a certain area.
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In addition, in front of a mass of information spread by TV, people usually have no choice but to receive them passively. For instance, a big headache we have to face is the large number of advertisements’ inter cut during news, talk shows, teleplays, etc. Moreover, since the types of programs as well as the broadcast order have been formulated beforehand, nothing can we do except waiting for the right time when our favorite programs present. In brief, television is essentially a passive medium while books leave us more freedom to choose. 5 D+ R, ]/ S3 @/ i' R' _5 ?/ B# G
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Besides, since TV programs are just present in a short time, the accuracy of information is questioned from time to time. It is common that we often forget about the correct statistics after certain news watched on TV. If the same situation occurs when we finish reading a book, what we should do is just to turn back to the right page for a review.

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In conclusion, since there are lots of disadvantages to get message through watching TV, it is rather superficial to assert that television contributes more than books for learning. I prefer to choose books as the primary tool in acquiring information.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-22 14:38:22 |只看该作者
      With the burgeoning development of technology and economy, people today have a much wider horizon than before. More and more individuals especially the young generation prefer watching television programs to reading books to kill their leisure time. However, it is quite arbitrary to say that we can learn more from TV than books as following reasons.

To start with, although the invention of television contributes greatly to opening our eyes, the most function of this appliance is for entertainment and news communication rather than absorption of knowledge. Take the financial crisis for example, so much of correlate news are flourishing on TV that every corner of the globe is full of discussion about the severity of the recession. However, if we want to know the essential reason which causes the global downturn, we have to turn to professional books about economics and finance for answer. It is traditional books instead of TV that provides us deeper and more specializing knowledge of a certain area. . A! v* y7 b8 B& \+ R' Y; g

In addition, in front of a mass of information spread by TV, people usually have no choice but to receive them passively. For instance, a big headache we have to face is the large number of advertisements’ inter cut during news, talk shows, teleplays, etc. Moreover, since the types of programs as well as the broadcast order have been formulated beforehand, nothing can we do except waiting for the right time when our favorite programs present. In brief, television is essentially a passive medium while books leave us more freedom to choose. 1 ^% c" ]0 H( H2 v

Besides, since TV programs are just present in a short time, the accuracy of information is questioned from time to time. It is common that we often forget about the correct statistics after certain news watched on TV. If the same situation occurs when we finish reading a book, what we should do is just to turn back to the right page for a review.7 i! L8 R& g7 |0 L: V% G9 l

       In conclusion, since there are lots of disadvantages to get message through watching TV, it is rather superficial to assert that television contributes more than books for learning. I prefer to choose books as the primary tool in acquiring information.

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