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[活动] 旸旸 8.11 2009 作文小组 作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-11 16:17:34 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Agree or disagree with the following statement: it is more important to award students for effort (trying or hard working) than for achievement (good grades)


1 students of good marks deserves awards.
2 grades can cause competitions

A group of students question the current evaluation system of study based on grades because it cause a heavy burden on them and sometimes it fails to evaluate a student's ability. In my perspective, however, it is still necessary to award students for their achievement. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, students gaining achievement deserve awards. Students make a great effort to get high marks in the examination, thus they should be awarded for their industry, excellent study method and intelligence. Admittedly, in some cases, a minority of students of distinctive abilities fails to perform well in the examination; nevertheless, hardly could we deny the achievement gained by most students. Actually, it makes no sense to praise students only for they plunge a mass of energies and time into study - which to some extent neglect the effect of study - while not to award those students of great achievement just because their high efficiency leads to less time that they spend on study. What is more, it is not practical to assess a student's effort on study. Different students vary in study habits. For instance, some students prefer to study in library; some in class; while others at home. As a result, it is impossible and unnecessary to allocate a supervisor for each student to evaluate time and energy he/she spend on study. Convinced with the necessity of awarding students of good grades and the difficulty to assess efforts on study, I maintain to award student for their achievement.

The second reason why I advocate award students for achievement is because various grades can cause competition, which will improve the level of study. In this manner, students could be promoted to study hard. The benefits of award according to grades are manifest. From one hand, those who excel in study would be encouraged to perform more excellent on study especially in the condition when scholarship is related to a student's scores. Rarely could any eminent students resist enticed success in getting perfect marks. While from the other hand, those who fail to perform well in examination would be encourage to improve their study methods. According to scores, students are more likely to find their weakness and make an effort on their drawbacks to gain higher scores in future. In this circumstance, both students who are awarded for good grades and those who fail to could benefit from the system of grades for both of them would find the aim to strive by competition.

In sum, it is not only important but also necessary to award students for their achievement. For one thing, pursuing high marks, students could enjoy the benefits resulting from competition; while for the other thing, it is acceptable to award students who gain achievement. In addition, since it is difficult to evaluate a student's effort on study, awarding students based on their grades is more practical.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-10-9 00:42:25 |只看该作者
102# ly8768
In the modern society, new technology has pervaded into all aspects of our life(lives). The style of life has greatly changed. At the same time, children are largely influenced by the advanced technology. It becomes controversial, when it comes to the issue whether children are less creative because of the prosperity of technology好的. A group of people contend that the employment of technology provides too much convenience that children cannot do many things as before. However, in my perspective, technology promotes children more creative than ever before. And my reasons are as before--是follow不?;P .% M; T, b, G4 B" X5 O9 k! J3 {
& K! J* r, x- Z8 Q( a
To begin with, since technology provides convenience to children, children have more time to do what they want such as invention. Spare time is the essential element on which children can do creative things based漂亮. No one can deny the fact (that?)the introduction of technology spur(好词) the efficiency of life. The improvement of automobiles reduces the time that children spend on the way between home and school; the employment(学习了) of computer assistant instruction helps students learn(记得戴云的课上好像提醒过最好不要这样用,可以换成gain,obtain等) knowledge; still children can even do homework on computers. All of these indicate that children have more time to spend according (to) their interests. So they can join clubs of inventing to design devices or read some scientific fictions; some students will do paintings. Inventing new things spur children to take new things(一句重复出现两次,换一种表达比较好) in a creative view; paintings make provide--2动词么 them much imagination. However, hardly had children in the past time such an convenience to do what they are interested in(倒装漂亮)." i- N( M- z  s+ @
3 Q$ `  D: G8 d$ G
Furthermore, the advanced technology gives children more opportunities to touch new things, and it makes them more creative than before. New technology especially the employment of internet enables children to touch new things in the world. They can surf on-line to search the latest scientific achievement and invention. Those new things will inspire them (to)have some creative ideas. Still, internet provides children with a platform to express their ideas. Such websites as YouTube give children an opportunity to transmit their creative inventions or works; besides, when children take part in competition such as modeling and invention, they can get a great mass of information on-line, which will help them to open their horizons. However, these advantages cannot be enjoyed by children in the past.
6 P. |/ y# ], O$ Q" ~, _, l: Y% K) s9 Y; ^$ P
In sum, because of more time provided by technology and opportunities to touch new things, I am strongly supportive of the point that children are more creative than before due to technology.22分钟写这多很羡慕的啊. 语言很流畅, 加油!!等你凯旋!肯定是good!


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-10-8 20:15:11 |只看该作者
The responsibilities of government aim to improve people's life and maintain social ability. Nevertheless, it is controversial how to allocate the limited budget on various departments, such as transportation, education, medical care, environment issues, economy, national security and so forth. A group of people advocate that government should lay more priority on health care issues rather than environmental problems. However, in my perspective, it is more acceptable for government spend more moeny and energy on environment issues. And my reasons are as follows; f" q$ k  t&

P& R' ?* V3 m: w
( ^/ }- V- ~9 Y$ w8 G% x
To begin with, there is no need to intensively allocate priority on health care. Admittedly, medical care plays an important role in people's daily life, and never can we deny the fact that without sufficient attention on health care, people will suffer from severe diseases and never to say to have a prosperous society. Nevertheless, in my country, the Chinese government have already spend a great sum of money on health medical and scientists have promoted the development of health technology in the past decades. As a consequence, the medical care is advanced enough and the cost of health care is maintained at a considerable low price that most civilians can afford . In this manner, it is not essentially necessary for government to allocate precious finance on medical(我觉得观点太偏,不是不分配,而应该不放主导地位), but neglect other's demands. 另外一直存在一个问题,是否适合举个人例子,因为好像听说个人例子太片面,最好还是用普遍存在的,people,they,we来加以例证更有效些。 所以每次举例之前我都在思考啊思考( q
Compared with health care, the problems with environmental issues are more urgent. Since human beings are plunged into the era of industry, the environment on earth has been damaged intensively. In the current time, environment issues are becoming the most important topic to be solved. Massive forests disappear because of human's avarice of wood; many species are extinct daily due to mankind's activities; rivers are polluted by chemical drugs. All of these indicate we should spend money and energy on environment protection. Besides, environment problems are international issues, so we should also(are obligated to) pay attention on global environment problems. The largely decreased tropic forests, melting ice-berg in Arctic, global warming warn human beings the importance of environment issues. Focusing on environment issues is not beneficial to our current people, but also to our children. Therefore, necessary is it for government to lay more priority on environment problems.( K, W+ v: L" V, M; K3 c) M# K$ r; Y: i+ s1 R  ]# w4 Z
) ]% K! E8 D+ N- R
In sum, because of the significant achievement on health care issues and the magnitude of environment problems, I am highly supportive the idea that government should pay more attention on the environment issues.


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Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-10-8 14:44:22 |只看该作者
In the modern society, new technology has pervaded into all aspects of our life. The style of life has greatly changed. At the same time, children are largely influenced by the advanced technology. It becomes controversial, when it comes to the issue whether children are less creative because of the prosperity of technology好的. A group of people contend that the employment of technology provides too much convenience that children cannot do many things as before. However, in my perspective, technology promotes children more creative than ever before. And my reasons are as before--是follow不?;P .

To begin with, since technology provides convenience to children, children have more time to do what they want such as invention. Spare time is the essential element on which children can do creative things based漂亮. No one can deny the fact the introduction of technology spur the efficiency of life. The improvement of automobiles reduces the time that children spend on the way between home and school; the employment of computer assistant instruction helps students learn knowledge; still children can even do homework on computers. All of these indicate that children have more time to spend according (to) their interests. So they can join clubs of inventing to design devices or read some scientific fictions; some student will do paintings. Inventing new things spur children to take new things in a creative view; paintings make provide--2动词么 them much imagination. However, hardly had children in the past time such an convenience to do what they are interested in.

Furthermore, the advanced technology gives children more opportunities to touch new things, and it makes them more creative than before. New technology especially the employment of internet enables children to touch new things in the world. They can surf on-line to search the latest scientific achievement and invention. Those new things will inspire them (to)have some creative ideas. Still, internet provides children with a platform to express their ideas. Such websites as YouTube give children an opportunity to transmit their creative inventions or works; besides, when children take part in competition such as modeling and invention, they can get a great mass of information on-line, which will help them to open their horizons. However, these advantages cannot be enjoyed by children in the past.

In sum, because of more time provided by technology and opportunities to touch new things, I am strongly supportive of the point that children are more creative than before due to technology.22分钟写这多很羡慕的啊. 语言很流畅, 加油!!等你凯旋!肯定是good!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-10-8 00:02:45 |只看该作者
旸旸 10.7 作业
Technology cause children show less creative than they were in past

In the modern society, new technology has pervaded into all aspects of our life. The style of life has greatly changed. At the same time, children are largely influenced by the advanced technology. It becomes controversial, when it comes to the issue whether children are less creative because of the prosperity of technology. A group of people contend that the employment of technology provides too much convenience that children cannot do many things as before. However, in my perspective, technology promotes children more creative than ever before. And my reasons are as before.

To begin with, since technology provides convenience to children, children have more time to do what they want such as invention. Spare time is the essential element on which children can do creative things based. No one can deny the fact the introduction of technology spur the efficiency of life. The improvement of automobiles reduces the time that children spend on the way between home and school; the employment of computer assistant instruction helps students learn knowledge; still children can even do homework on computers. All of these indicate that children have more time to spend according their interests. So they can join clubs of inventing to design devices or read some scientific fictions; some student will do paintings. Inventing new things spur children to take new things in a creative view; paintings make provide them much imagination. However, hardly had children in the past time such an convenience to do what they are interested in.

Furthermore, the advanced technology gives children more opportunities to touch new things, and it makes them more creative than before. New technology especially the employment of internet enables children to touch new things in the world. They can surf on-line to search the latest scientific achievement and invention. Those new things will inspire them have some creative ideas. Still, internet provides children with a platform to express their ideas. Such websites as YouTube give children an opportunity to transmit their creative inventions or works; besides, when children take part in competition such as modeling and invention, they can get a great mass of information on-line, which will help them to open their horizons. However, these advantages cannot be enjoyed by children in the past.

In sum, because of more time provided by technology and opportunities to touch new things, I am strongly supportive of the point that children are more creative than before due to technology.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-10-8 00:00:50 |只看该作者
The responsibilities of government aim to improve people's life and maintain social ability. Nevertheless, it is controversial how to allocate the limited budget on various departments, such as transportation, education, medical care, environment issues, economy, national security and so forth汗..说别人经典都对不起你 . A group of people advocate that government should lay more priority on health care issues rather than environmental problems. However, in my perspective, it is more acceptable for government spend more moeny and energy on environment issues. And my reasons are as follows

To begin with, there is no need to intensively allocate priority on health care. Admittedly, medical care plays an important role in people's daily life, and never can we deny the fact that without sufficient attention on health care, people will suffer from severe diseases and never to say to have a prosperous society. Nevertheless, in my country, the Chinese government have already spend a great sum of money on health medical and scientists have promoted the development of health technology in the past decades. As a consequence, the medical care is advanced enough--谈不上很完善 and the cost of health care is maintained at a considerable low price that most civilians can afford建议你微服私访下. In this manner, it is not essentially necessary for government to allocate precious finance on medical, but neglect other's demands.) S9 `' C/ [6 w6 P( z, a9 q* z

Compared with health care, the problems with environmental issues are more urgent. Since human beings are plunged into the era of industry, the environment on earth has been damaged intensively. In the current time, environment issues are becoming the most important topic to be solved. Massive forests disappear because of human's avarice of wood--个人比较喜欢乱砍伐树木的说; many species are extinct daily due to mankind's activities; rivers are polluted by chemical drugs. All of these indicate we should spend money and energy on environment protection. Besides, environment problems are international issues, so we should also pay attention on global environment problems. The largely decreased tropic forests, melting ice-berg in Arctic, global warming warn human beings the importance of environment issues. Focusing on environment issues is not beneficial to our current people, but also to our children. Therefore, necessary is it for government to lay more priority学了 on environment problems.( K, W+ v: L" V, M; K3 c
) ]% K! E8 D+ N- R
In sum, because of the significant achievement on health care issues and the magnitude of environment problems, I am highly supportive the idea that government should pay more attention on the environment issues.越来越好..比较成熟各个方面.本来想下午改的, 后来困了:sleepy:

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-10-7 10:32:21 |只看该作者
旸旸 10.6作业

10.6 Government should pay more attention on health care issues than on environmental issues

environmenttal issue

The responsibilities of government aim to improve people's life ...
ly8768 发表于 2009-10-6 23:42

The responsibilities of government aim to improve people's life and maintain social ability. Nevertheless, it is controversial how to allocate the limited budget on various departments, such as transportation, education, medical care, environment issues, economy, national security and so forth. A group of people advocate that government should lay more priority on health care issues rather than environmental problems. However, in my perspective, it is more acceptable for government spend more moeny and energy on environment issues. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, there is no need to intensively allocate priority on health care. Admittedly, medical care plays an important role in people's daily life, and never can we deny the fact that without sufficient governmental attention on health care, people will suffer from severe diseases and never to say to have a prosperous society. Nevertheless, in my country, the Chinese government have already spend a great sum of money on health medical and scientists have promoted the development of health technology in the past decades. As a consequence, the medical care is advanced enough(怀疑与事实的相符程度 =_=,而且每年的health care支出是持续的,已经enough不意味着第二年就可以大幅减少health care支出,转而投向environmental issues) and the cost of health care is maintained at a considerable low price that most civilians can afford.(中国很大,还有老少边穷地区…) In this manner, it is not essentially necessary for government to allocate precious finance on medical, but neglect other's demands.

Compared with health care, the problems with environmental issues are more urgent. Since human beings are plunged into the era of industry(现在已经是the era of information甚至the era of a flat world了), the environment on earth has been damaged intensively. In the current time, environment issues are becoming the most important topic to be solved. Massive forests disappear because of human's avarice of wood; many species are extinct daily due to mankind's activities; rivers are polluted by chemical drugs. All of these indicate we should spend money and energy on environment protection. Besides, environment problems are international issues, so we should also pay attention on global environment problems. The largely decreased tropic forests, melting ice-berg in Arctic, global warming warn human beings the importance of environment issues. Focusing on environment issues is not beneficial to our current people, but also to our children. Therefore, necessary is it for government to lay more priority on environment problems.

In sum, because of the significant achievement on health care issues and the magnitude of environment problems, I am highly supportive the idea that government should pay more attention on the environment issues.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-10-6 23:42:30 |只看该作者
旸旸 10.6作业

10.6 Government should pay more attention on health care issues than on environmental issues

environmenttal issue

The responsibilities of government aim to improve people's life and maintain social ability. Nevertheless, it is controversial how to allocate the limited budget on various departments, such as transportation, education, medical care, environment issues, economy, national security and so forth. A group of people advocate that government should lay more priority on health care issues rather than environmental problems. However, in my perspective, it is more acceptable for government spend more moeny and energy on environment issues. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, there is no need to intensively allocate priority on health care. Admittedly, medical care plays an important role in people's daily life, and never can we deny the fact that without sufficient attention on health care, people will suffer from severe diseases and never to say to have a prosperous society. Nevertheless, in my country, the Chinese government have already spend a great sum of money on health medical and scientists have promoted the development of health technology in the past decades. As a consequence, the medical care is advanced enough and the cost of health care is maintained at a considerable low price that most civilians can afford. In this manner, it is not essentially necessary for government to allocate precious finance on medical, but neglect other's demands.

Compared with health care, the problems with environmental issues are more urgent. Since human beings are plunged into the era of industry, the environment on earth has been damaged intensively. In the current time, environment issues are becoming the most important topic to be solved. Massive forests disappear because of human's avarice of wood; many species are extinct daily due to mankind's activities; rivers are polluted by chemical drugs. All of these indicate we should spend money and energy on environment protection. Besides, environment problems are international issues, so we should also pay attention on global environment problems. The largely decreased tropic forests, melting ice-berg in Arctic, global warming warn human beings the importance of environment issues. Focusing on environment issues is not beneficial to our current people, but also to our children. Therefore, necessary is it for government to lay more priority on environment problems.

In sum, because of the significant achievement on health care issues and the magnitude of environment problems, I am highly supportive the idea that government should pay more attention on the environment issues.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-10-6 14:43:58 |只看该作者
Education level is very important to a school and those students who study efficiently can have a good opportunity to find a job. There are many methods that can improve a student's study, such as effective study methods--plan避免重复, hard work, qualified instructors, and so forth经典的扬扬式例举;P . A group of people recommend that students should spend eleven month per year at school and they advocate, in this way, students can study more efficiently. However, in my perspective, I cannot agree with this contention and my reasons are as follows.

o begin with, a majority of student has spent much time on study and it is useless to improve a student's study by increasing time at school. Although, in most cases, students should make a great effort on study in the stage of education; however, hardly can it make any sense to improve a student's study simply by raising study time at school. Actually, students have spent a mass of time on study at school. Many students have to take classes through all days and some even have classes可以去掉多少有点重复 in the evening. Nevertheless, after pain-staking study, students are also required to finish considerable homework. Still, in the middle term and at the end of a term, scores of examination are big challenges to students. Under this circumstance, we cannot deny students have spent a lot of time and energy on study. Besides, the time allocated on study is not a reasonable criterion to evaluate a student studying efficiently. Many students succeed on their study not because of the long time endeavor but due to their effective study methods and intelligence.

Furthermore, actually, extra study time will cause a heavy burden on students and spare time plays an important role in the development of students. As illustrated above, students have allocated a great deal of time on study, so more time only means a burden, which may cause side affect..? such as high pressure and weak physical condition. In fact, students need spare time to do their personal affairs according to interests. Some students可略 prefer to do exercise in the gym; painting and reading are also beneficial activities to a student's development; still, it is also necessary for students to spend time staying with their parents to have face-to-face communication. Therefore, it is not acceptable for students to study for a longer time. 说明很不错的,例子也很恰当
In sum, because of sufficient time on study and the magnitude of spare time to a student, I strongly disagree with the idea that students should spend eleven month studying at school.理由很充分,都回答到点子上.写的越来越成熟

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Rank: 6Rank: 6


枫华正茂 新任版主

发表于 2009-10-6 10:23:39 |只看该作者
Education level is very important to a school and those students who study efficiently can have a good opportunity to find a job. There are many methods that can improve a student's study, such as effective study methods, hard work, qualified instructors, and so forth. A group of people recommend that students should spend eleven month months per year at school and they advocate, in this way, students can study more efficiently. However, in my perspective, I cannot agree with this contention and my reasons are as follows.
To begin with, a majority of student -s has spent much time on study and it is useless to improve a student's study by increasing time at school. Although, in most cases, students should make a great effort on study in the stage of education; however, hardly can it make any sense to improve a student's study simply by raising study time at school. Actually, students have spent a mass of time on study at school. Many students have to take classes through all days 感觉用all day long 要好些 and some even have classes in the evening. Nevertheless, after pain-staking study, students are also required to finish considerable homework. Still, in the middle term and at the end of a term, scores of examination are big challenges to students. Under this circumstance, we cannot deny students have spent a lot of time and energy on study. Besides, the time allocated on study is not a reasonable criterion to evaluate a student studying感觉studying 多余 efficiently. Many students succeed on their study not because of the long time endeavor but due to their effective study methods and intelligence.
Furthermore, actually, extra study time will cause a heavy burden on students and spare time plays an important role in the development of students. As illustrated above, students have allocated a great deal of time on study, so more time only means a burden, which may cause side affecteffect such as high pressure and weak physical condition. In fact, students need spare time to do their personal affairs according to interests. Some students prefer to do exercise in the gym; painting and reading are also beneficial activities to a student's development; still, it is also necessary for students to spend time staying with their parents to have face-to-face communication. Therefore, it is not acceptable for students to study for a longer time.
In sum, because of sufficient time on study and the magnitude of spare time to a student, I strongly disagree with the idea that students should spend eleven month months studying at school.

总体感觉很好了  比我写的有说服力   学习了!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-10-6 00:58:48 |只看该作者


Education level is very important to a school and those students who study efficiently can have a good opportunity to find a job. There are many methods that can improve a student's study, such as effective study methods, hard work, qualified instructors, and so forth. A group of people recommend that students should spend eleven month per year at school and they advocate, in this way, students can study more efficiently. However, in my perspective, I cannot agree with this contention and my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, a majority of student has spent much time on study and it is useless to improve a student's study by increasing time at school. Although, in most cases, students should make a great effort on study in the stage of education; however, hardly can it make any sense to improve a student's study simply by raising study time at school. Actually, students have spent a mass of time on study at school. Many students have to take classes through all days and some even have classes in the evening. Nevertheless, after pain-staking study, students are also required to finish considerable homework. Still, in the middle term and at the end of a term, scores of examination are big challenges to students. Under this circumstance, we cannot deny students have spent a lot of time and energy on study. Besides, the time allocated on study is not a reasonable criterion to evaluate a student studying efficiently. Many students succeed on their study not because of the long time endeavor but due to their effective study methods and intelligence.

Furthermore, actually, extra study time will cause a heavy burden on students and spare time plays an important role in the development of students. As illustrated above, students have allocated a great deal of time on study, so more time only means a burden, which may cause side affect such as high pressure and weak physical condition. In fact, students need spare time to do their personal affairs according to interests. Some students prefer to do exercise in the gym; painting and reading are also beneficial activities to a student's development; still, it is also necessary for students to spend time staying with their parents to have face-to-face communication. Therefore, it is not acceptable for students to study for a longer time.

In sum, because of sufficient time on study and the magnitude of spare time to a student, I strongly disagree with the idea that students should spend eleven month studying at school.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-10-5 16:41:44 |只看该作者
& E& C0 ]+ ~1 C* H9 F; v
In the modern society, the idea of personalities has pervaded into all aspects of people's life. When it comes to the dress style, it is the same. We can find that civilians wear all sorts of clothe in the public places, such as T-shirts, jeans and skirts with different images on them. So taking about the issue whether people have right to dress up as they prefer to, it becomes controversial. In my perspective, however, despite of personalities and civil rights of freedom, there still should be some rules about the types of clothing.7 n( o5 C# m5 s3 o4 e7 i
" u# x# `! @# E9 G0 y8 S" q% M

To begin, rules about types of clothing can give other people good impressions. No one could deny the fact that a good impression plays an important role when people pursue success. And a suitable dress can give a positive impression to others. Dressed up appropriately, people will have more possibilities to get a job in the job interview; a formal dress in a commercial meeting will give others a sense of reliability; still uniform of militaries can improve morality of the army. All of these examples illustrate the magnitude of rules about clothing. Besides, if wearing weird clothe, it possibly offend others. A clothe with a skull image on it may horrify other students at school and sometimes the types of clothing referring to religion or races it will cause conflicts. For instance, Arabians do not like clothing exposing their skins too much. Therefore, it is really acceptable to establish a set of principles to normalize people's types of clothing.# s. G6 x0 _$ d$ n/ c# @- x, \% }/ g
9 c# ^/ B% u) k# ^' I" E$ z

Furthermore, dressing style also has practical use. This is particular necessary to a group of special careers. Engineers and workers in the workplace should wear helmet to protect themselves from injuring; lighting clothe help drivers recognize policeman on highway at night; still in some laboratories, researchers are required to wear special clothe in case that they are infected by virus or bacteria. The aim of rules of clothing is to protect people who wear them. In addition, in some cases, types of clothing can help others recognize people's career. For instance, if civilians have troubles in the street, what they are looking for are those who wear the uniforms of policeman. Therefore, rules on types of clothing can save people's life and help others.

^; t7 p& p. P* L! o8 C  f
In sum, because of both the impressive(这个是印象深刻的意思,应该换个词) use and practical use, I am supportive of the idea that it is necessary to set rules to restrict people's types of clothing


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Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-10-5 01:02:12 |只看该作者
In the modern society, the idea of personalities has pervaded into all aspects of people's life. When it comes to the dress style, it is the same个人觉得放前面比较好的it is the same when... We can find that civilians wear all sorts of clothe in the public places, such as T-shirts, jeans and skirts with different images on them. So taking about the issue whether people have right to dress up as they prefer to, it becomes controversial. In my perspective, however, despite of personalities and civil rights of freedom你还很民主的说, there still should be some rules about the types of clothing.

To begin, rules about types of clothing can give other people good impressions. No one could deny the fact that a good impression plays an important role when people pursue success. And a suitable dress can give a positive impression to others. Dressed up appropriately, people will have more possibilities to get a job in the job interview; a formal dress in a commercial meeting will give others a sense of reliability好; still uniform of militaries can improve morality of the army. All of these examples illustrate the magnitude of rules about clothing. Besides, if wearing weird clothe, it possibly offend others. A clothe with a skull image on it may horrify other students at school and sometimes the types of clothing referring to religion or races it will cause conflicts. For instance, Arabians do not like clothing exposing their skins too much. Therefore, it is really acceptable to establish a set of principles to normalize people's types of clothing.很经典的扬扬式例举

Furthermore, dressing style also has practical use. This is particular necessary to a group of special careers. Engineers and workers in the workplace should wear helmet to protect themselves from injuring; lighting clothe help drivers recognize policeman on highway at night; still in some laboratories, researchers are required to wear special clothe in case that they are infected by virus or bacteria赞同. The aim of rules of clothing is to protect people who wear them. In addition, in some cases, types of clothing can help others recognize people's career. For instance, if civilians have troubles in the street, what they are looking for are those who wear the uniforms of policeman. 还有便衣哇Therefore, rules on types of clothing can save people's life and help others.比较喜欢第二段. 但是整篇没提到学校和公司..?不是在学校和公司是否有穿衣服的规定么??

n sum, because of both the impressive use and practical use, I am supportive of the idea that it is necessary to set rules to restrict people's types of clothing.结尾还是很简洁的, 扬扬语法一直很好. 没什么语法的问题. 貌似我们写的题目有分歧

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-10-4 22:09:53 |只看该作者
旸旸 10.4作业
Agree or disagree: it is more important to have the rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to work and school


1 rules about types of clothing can give people a good impression.
2 dressing style have practical use.

In the modern society, the idea of personalities has pervaded into all aspects of people's life. When it comes to the dress style, it is the same. We can find that civilians wear all sorts of clothe in the public places, such as T-shirts, jeans and skirts with different images on them. So taking about the issue whether people have right to dress up as they prefer to, it becomes controversial. In my perspective, however, despite of personalities and civil rights of freedom, there still should be some rules about the types of clothing.

To begin, rules about types of clothing can give other people good impressions. No one could deny the fact that a good impression plays an important role when people pursue success. And a suitable dress can give a positive impression to others. Dressed up appropriately, people will have more possibilities to get a job in the job interview; a formal dress in a commercial meeting will give others a sense of reliability; still uniform of militaries can improve morality of the army. All of these examples illustrate the magnitude of rules about clothing. Besides, if wearing weird clothe, it possibly offend others. A clothe with a skull image on it may horrify other students at school and sometimes the types of clothing referring to religion or races it will cause conflicts. For instance, Arabians do not like clothing exposing their skins too much. Therefore, it is really acceptable to establish a set of principles to normalize people's types of clothing.

Furthermore, dressing style also has practical use. This is particular necessary to a group of special careers. Engineers and workers in the workplace should wear helmet to protect themselves from injuring; lighting clothe help drivers recognize policeman on highway at night; still in some laboratories, researchers are required to wear special clothe in case that they are infected by virus or bacteria. The aim of rules of clothing is to protect people who wear them. In addition, in some cases, types of clothing can help others recognize people's career. For instance, if civilians have troubles in the street, what they are looking for are those who wear the uniforms of policeman. Therefore, rules on types of clothing can save people's life and help others.

In sum, because of both the impressive use and practical use, I am supportive of the idea that it is necessary to set rules to restrict people's types of clothing.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-10-3 15:53:59 |只看该作者
History plays a crucial role in the development of current society. Actually, history is a great treasure to human being, not only because of the success but also failure. Probably, a group of people will cast doubt on the practical use of history, since it is out of date and what happened cannot be changed. Admittedly, it is true that regarding history as a story--experience是不好点 makes no sense to solve problems; however, if having a deep look at the history, we can discover that what are created and proposed is still valuable whenever in the current day or future.. Q; F7 J. n- ~
6 a- f: Y: l8 x( {
To begin with, lessons and faults in the past can prevent people from making mistakes加again. Just as stated by Francis Bacon that history makes people wise嗯引用的好, by having lessons from the past, people become mature. If we neglect tragedies happening in the past, hardly could mankind make such a further progress in the development of our society. The disaster of Chernobyl, occurred in the former Soviet Union gives an example to us when we establish nuclear power now这个例子好; the decreased tropic forests, detrimental acid rains, and ice-berg melting in Arctic warn human the importance of environment protection; economic crisis makes people to realize the harm of avarice in commercial activities. All of these lessons play a significant role in the further development of our society.很经典的扬扬式例举嘿嘿

Furthermore, it is not only important but also necessary for people to refer to experience of past. This reminds of me a great voice of Newton (and I paraphrased) that Standing on the shoulder of giant I can succeed赞个. In the field of research, scientists should conclude related work accomplished by previous researchers, otherwise repeating same topic never enable us make further progress. Besides, many significant legends result from previous experience. Spurred by the former idea of flying Brother Wright invent the first plane in 1903; Inspired by the scientific fiction of Jule Verne, human design--designed the first submarine; Based on the experience of thousands of failure, Edison invent-invented lights. Lights lighten us; submarine enables us to explore area deep in the ocean; planes carry people to the sky. Nevertheless, without ideas and experiences from forerunners, we never have possibility to enjoy the benefits from those devices 发明创造的..不知道跟resolve problem有多少关系

um, because of both successful and failed experiences enlightening us to solve problem, I am supportive of the idea that o solve the problems present and future is it necessary to understand the past.结尾很干脆, 值得学习. 写的越来越好了..

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