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[作文] 2.16 综合独立 by 静音 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-17 13:10:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目是 It isoften not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country becauseof  the lose of old friends.

Considering that moving will often cause awealth of changes and losses, it is tempting to assert that less move in one’slife is better choice. However, after deliberation, I believe I will side withthe opposed statement that even though there will be loss of friends and othervaluable things, moving’s benefits could not only cover this shortage andoutweigh the disadvantages. Here are my thoughts as follows.

The main reason for my propensity is thatmoving could bring new friends to our life and it is not the worst thing tomeet more friends, of course not. Friends are important in our life and no onewill blame you of you having too many friends. On the contrary, some peoplealso proud of the large number of friends they make. Some people may worryabout friendship in last place will disappear. We should commit honestly thatfriendship may slightly decrease because of distance but it will never vanish.It reminds me the similar situation about every time going to a higher leveleducation institution. Regularly, people will always have a high schoolgraduation party and move on to a new college. However, it is conventionalwisdom that friendship in high school doesn’t decay a little but becomes moreand more invaluable. This situation and results could be safely projected tothe moving case.

A more essential factor why I advocate thatmoving is a good thing even with those shortcomings is that moving to a newcity and a new country, we could be embraced in another whole brand newculture, especially moving to a new country. Different people and various cultureswill definitely bring a splendid torch to our life. In the meantime, increasingour life experience could go a long way to establish our status and inner satisfaction.It is common that people will spontaneously admire one person who says he hasalready been to Italy, France, American and Australia.

We couldn’t neglect the fact that moving docause many inconveniences. For one thing, we should adapt ourselves to anotherkind of climates which may give rise to many diseases. For another thing,package our whole life to another total strange place will to some degree declineour emotional consolation. But neither of these could stop our journey todiscover intriguing and stimulating world, to expand our outlook and broadenour minds.

In nutshell, via the my careful illustration,we could safely draw the conclusion that it is wise to uphold the idea thatmoving is a pleasant change with so many benefits waiting for us.

As is claimed in the lecture, the professormakes three points about the current situation of the archaeology. Shemaintains that the current situation
ofthe archaeology has been better compared to the past. However, the readingcontends that the archaeology field now is getting down an down as the timegoes by. In the lecture, doubt is expressed by the professor on the reading inthree parts as followed.

The first point the professor uses to castdoubt on the reading is that the new guideline proposed by the governmentprotects the construction site including any archaeology value from casuallybeing destroyed. In the light of the professor, because of this new guideline,before a land is constructed on new building , the archaeologists have theright to examine this field first so that they can avoid to a large extent tolosing worthy artifacts. On the contrary, the reading worries about the loss ofmore and more artifacts due to the fast development pace of modern building. Atthis point, the lecture completely refutes the reading passage.

From another perspective, the professorstates that the financial crisis of the archaeology is out of question in thatthe current rules change the methods of executive payment. The executivepayment is totally paid, instead of government, by the company directly. Thiskind of financial source is a new world to the archaeology and the professorbelieves that this new source will bring benefits to the archaeology. Thisdiffers from the reading passage because the reading argued that lacking moneyfrom the government support, a number of valued projects have to expired.

The professor's last point concerns thefinal problem raised in the reading material about a decline in jobopportunities. The professor explains that thank to the new guideline, morevarious kinds of skilled experts or technology-related workers are needed inthe archaeology fields. This controverts what the reading indicates because thereading states that the graduated students with archaeology diploma largelychange their profession in that they can't find any positions available inarchaeology.

In summary, via the several points madeabove, the professor projects doubt that is opposite to the central standpointof the reading. The professor believes that the new rules of archaeology willbring new pictures to the archaeology future.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-17 20:51:33 |只看该作者
2.16 独立
已经看过 不是不认真改 实在是没找到什么需要改的地方 水平有限 学习了!!!
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