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[主题活动] 【1010G精英组】ISSUE50 F组回收站 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-25 21:41:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 lynnuana 于 2010-4-27 20:49 编辑



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50"In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."

附:改作文指南 by 最後の使徒

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如切如磋 如琢如磨

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-4-26 11:58:30 |只看该作者
如何加入作文精英组? 谢谢~!

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-26 21:00:07 |只看该作者
如何加入作文精英组? 谢谢~!
暗翼 发表于 2010-4-26 11:58

如切如磋 如琢如磨

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-27 09:36:54 |只看该作者
The percentage of faculty who engaged in working outside the academic world is increasing year by year according to the annuals of higher education. As a consequence, a series of questions come along with this tendency that whether academic faculty should be allowed to take part-time jobs relevant to the course they teach, or whether their instructional performance or their home institution would profit from the sideline works. From my point of view, the conclusion in this issue that all faculty need to work outside the campus which would help improve the quality of instruction is still open to doubt.

To some extent, a faculty member’s outside working experience would help widen his horizon, touch with the frontier information of his research area and eventually affect his teaching ideology and quality. Here is a striking example in my university. Professor Wang, a famous scholar specializing in applied linguistics, was invited as a senior consultant by China Friendship Publishing Company and Zhonghua Book Company. Different from other professors in the classroom, Wang often inspires the students to study uninteresting theories with vivid examples from his outside working experience and also guides the students to think how to solve the problems in reality with what they learn. He said:”A professors’ responsibility is to foster students to be useful talents, rather than a bookcase.” Therefore, it is necessary for faculty to work outside the academic world to improve the quality of instruction, as Professor Wang does.

However, it is too hasty and arbitrary to draw the conclusion that all faculty should be required to work outside. That is to say, if faculty members concentrate their efforts outside the college, they would run a risk of reducing their effort, integrity and quality of work at their home institution. Here is another example. Professor Wu works in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Besides, he also started his own business off campus. Recently, many of his students complained that he often brought his outside work to the office and let his students do it. This behavior, his students said, was utterly inappropriate and they could not learn enough specialty knowledge from Wu. Thus, faculty members’ outside work would also bring about some potential problems and ultimately harm the quality of academic instruction.

Therefore, if giving permits to or encouraging the faculty members to work outside for enhancing the educational quality, the college or university must establish some policies in time to regular their teacher’s activities, for instance, prohibiting faculty from getting more positions within the university, limiting the time allocated to the outside work activities, discouraging external non-academic works and requiring faculty to report the scope of paid activities. Although faculty should have the right to engage in the part-time jobs, but this right need to be constricted with the reason of responsibility.

Moreover, encouraging faculty to work outside the academic world could not be the only way to improve the quality of instruction in higher education. For enhancing teaching quality, one university needs to upgrade both hardware and software facilities, for example, introducing new education technologies such as multi-media, whiteboard tools or LCD projectors, enhancing the service quality in the university libraries, reforming curriculum provision and selection system, establishing teaching and learning assessment programs and so forth.

To sum up, understandably, the instruction quality might be enhanced to some extent if the college or university allows their faculty to spend time working outside the academic world, especially the area which has close relationship with the course they teach; however, not all faculty is proper to do this kind of jobs. Furthermore, higher education should not put the entire responsibility of improving the educational quality on the shoulder of minority faculty members who have outside works as well.

1 校外兼职有利的方面
2 校外兼职有害的方面
3 如果require 校外兼职,需要采取一些措施,才能帮助提高quality of instruction
4 提高quality of instruction还需要其他方面的手段
如切如磋 如琢如磨

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-4-27 11:55:56 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 carol.lj 于 2010-4-27 12:00 编辑

1,  同意原文观点

           When it comes to college and university education, the latest surveys show that an increasing number of faculties spend some time working outside the academic word in profession relevant to their academic fields in an attempt to improve the quality of instruction at the college level. I tend to have a favorable attitude toward this. Students and faculty all stand to gain in a variety of knowledge and skills when a professor complements academic duties with real-world experience.
           Firstlyfaculty who are actively engaged in their fields come to class with fresh insights , in the eyes of students , can help them who are serious about pursuing a career in that field as a career decisions. Furthermore , they bring to their students practical examples of the principle theories discussed in textbooks, and even motivating some students to pursue the field. Thereby speaking interest, it is especially true that working experience in relevant professions puts college faculty in a better position to help students adjust from campus to the job market because of the field experience and up-to-date information about what work in the field entails.
          Secondly, stands in the faculty’s angles, practical working experience in the non-academic world relevant to their major will improve the faculty’s understanding of the courses they teach. Moreover, experience in the field plays a important role to ferret out cutting-edge and controversial issues which might be appropriate subjects for research and publication. For example, a psychology professor, called G.Franklin, combined teaching with investigating various social actions. Not only did the students benefit from many stories this professor tells about his experiences, the professor’s publications about social actions made him reaped a international prominence.
          Thirdly, the pace of technological advancement, social changes and academic progress is so quick that knowledge contained in recently published textbooks often lags current developments. Education imparted within the class-room premises is not enough for the student’s survival in his or her particular profession. For example, our textbooks about computer theory are few years old. It is very obvious that this teaching is not only inefficient, but it is simply not enough in today’s highly demanding world. Therefore the faculty will be oblivious to what is currently happening, in the subject concerned. The faster the pace of the faculty’s absorbing profession progress accelerates. the more skills the students gain. And piled on top of the foundation, the students can be easier to adapt to the social development.
           However, going too far is as bad as not going far enough, meaning redundant outside work may do harm to instruction. Excessive outside work for the faculty will have a bad influence on the quality of instruction at the college and university level. Last but not least, the faculty, as we respect, should hold the time of outside work.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-4-27 12:32:36 |只看该作者
We would improve the quality of instruction probably by the reason of we understand the real purpose of the college or university. If the goal to contribute to the community is too large, so that the goal students can undertake their work in their own area is sufficient pragmatism.

Let us separate the education into two parts for the present: basic education and professional education. From youth to a teenage we accept all the understanding on society and the world from schools, families or others which is called basic education, it teach us how to grow up, it teach us how to do people skills, it also teach us how to cooperate with others. So in this context we walk in the gate of the professional education-the college. In the college we choose the special direction base on our wants and likes, in the college the curriculum is more close to the practice, and in the college we will be trained the active self-learning ability-in a word, we need grasp all the job skills before leaving the campus. Let us also consider that what situation we will encounter when we are getting jobs: perhaps the there is a distance between the theoretical knowledge and practice; perhaps the enormous practical problems make us can not start with; or even worse, this job is totally different from our mind-improve these problems can make our instruction better undoubtedly.

In fact, we do not remain indifferent. Says Albert Einstein, “I do believe: in our education, should often only for the purpose of practical and realistic, too much emphasis on purely intellectual attitude, will result damage to ethics education”.
Since more and more colleges offer various opportunities to work in a company, and the colleges pay more attention to the practical ability but not only the score. So the teachers spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach will play the same role-it will also contribute the students adapt the workplace in a quick way.

However, it is too hasty to require all faculties to engage in outside working jobs. Some less-practical courses, such as art, music, pure mathematics, physics and other theoretical subjects, fail to be taken into consideration, these specific academic areas primarily aim at seeking the beauty, the profoundness and the unknown, which need deep thinking, analyzing and deep understanding of these fields of study instead of the experience outside, these disciplines have no necessary to waste time on meaningless practice. For example, an artist will not make his research to go any deeper after he spends a long time on working outside.

From the statement above, as our goal is to improve the quality of instruction, faculty are required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach which will helpful, but it is not imperative for the few isolated.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-27 13:45:21 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lxin333 于 2010-4-28 13:46 编辑

The author claims that all faculty should spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach, which I can't totally agree with. It is undeniable that it is really beneficial for some faculty to spend time working outside the academic world. However, consider the corresponding feasibility and flaws, it may be proved to be slapdash to expend this broad assertion to embrace all faculty in the college.

As a threshold matter, in some fields, such as electrical engineering and computer science, it is indeed helpful for faculty to spend time working outside the academic world because of so many reasons followed --- The working experience would not only widen their horizon, but also motivate them to devote into the academic world with abandon and energy. In addition, in this era of information, The outside work provide them valuable opportunities to touch with the frontier information which involved their academic research and eventually affect their teaching ideology and quality. Moreover, faculty who are actively engaged in their fields come to class with fresh insights and a contagious excitement about the subject at hand. They also bring their students practical, real- world examples of the principles and theories discussed in text- books, thereby sparking interest, and even motivating some students to pursue the field as their career.

However, as for other theoretical fields, like philosophy, humanity, art and theoretical science, it is meaningless to compel faculty in these fields to gain experience in practical work. On one hand, there are no suitable positions for faculty from these fields to work outside academic. On the other hand, working in the lab, discussing with other scholars, searching information in the library should be more useful than working outside academic. Look introspect, most scientists ---like Newton, James Maxwell, John Nash --- had devoted most of their life time in their academic research and accomplished great achievements.

Therefore, If faculty in such theoretical fields pay more attention in their own researches instead of working outside academic world, they would be able to use their profound understanding, analysis as well as a new recognization of the courses they teach to improve the quality of instruction. On the contrary, if faculty work outside in an improper way, it is entirely possible that they will be distracted and thus their instruction quality will be impair as well.

Admittedly, it seems that the difference between pragmatic disciplines and theoretical disciplines is obvious in facing the question whether faculty should work outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach. However, the two disciplines are internal dialectical. The theoretical disciplines cultivate the scholars to provide the basic theories and elements for those students who are in pragmatic disciplines. They are complementary to each other. The collaboration of these two areas impels the progress of our society.

To summarize, work outside the academic world might be helpful for faculty to improve the quality of instruction to some extent. But this method cannot be expended to embrace all faculty in college. In my opinion, the perfect combination of practice and theory could complete the improvement of the quality of instruction at the college

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-27 19:42:09 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lynnuana 于 2010-4-27 19:59 编辑

5# carol.lj

           When it comes to college and university education, the latest surveys show that an increasing number of faculties spend some time working outside the academic word in profession relevant to their academic fields in an attempt to improve the quality of instruction at the college level. I tend to have a favorable attitude toward this. Students and faculty all stand to(不太明白意思~先学习了) gain in a variety of knowledge and skills when a professor complements academic duties with real-world experience.

           Firstlyfaculty who are actively engaged in their fields come to class with fresh insights
, in the eyes of students , can help them who are serious about pursuing a career in that field as a career decisions(直接说怎么样?can help the students to make decisions about pursuing a career in that field). Furthermore , they bring to their students practical examples of(on?) the principle theories discussed(mentioned?) in textbooks, and even motivating some students to pursue(explore?) the field(and 前后不平衡,motivating是motivate?). Thereby speaking(还是不太明白意思,是下结论的句子么?先学习了~) interest, it is especially true that working experience in relevant professions puts college faculty in a better position to help students adjust from campus to the job market because of the field experience and up-to-date information about what(from their?) work in the field entails.

          Secondly, stands in(from) the faculty’s angles, practical working experience in the non-academic world relevant to their major will improve the faculty’s understanding of the courses they teach. Moreover, experience in the field plays a important role to ferret out cutting-edge and controversial issues which might be appropriate subjects for research and publication. For example, a psychology professor, (删?)called G.Franklin, combined teaching with investigating various social actions.(这是校外兼职的例子么?field study--investigate--是研究的一个方法~) Not only did the students benefit from many stories this professor tells about his experiences, the professor’s publications about social actions made him reaped a international prominence.

          Thirdly, the pace of technological advancement, social changes and academic progress is so quick that knowledge contained(删~) in recently published textbooks often lags current developments. Education imparted within the class-room premises is not enough for the student’s survival in his or her particular profession. For example, our textbooks about computer theory are(were compiled) few years old. It is very(删~) obvious that this teaching is not only inefficient, but it is simply(删~and 前后的平衡问题) not enough in today’s highly demanding world. Therefore the faculty will be oblivious to(should be familiar with?) what is currently happening, in the subject concerned. The faster the pace of the faculty’s absorbing profession progress accelerates. the more skills the students gain.(前后不平衡,前面是形容词谓语句,后面是动词谓语句--the faster vs more skills) And piled on top of the foundation, the students can be easier to adapt to the social development.

           However, going too far is as bad as not going far enough, meaning redundant outside work may do harm to instruction. Excessive outside work for the faculty will have a bad influence on the quality of instruction at the college and university level. Last but not least,(这个逻辑连词应该用在最后一个分论点开头吧?therefore?) the faculty, as we respect, should hold the time of outside work.

our textbooks about computer theory are(were compiled) few years old. It is very(删~) obvious that this teaching is not only inefficient, but it is simply(删~and 前后的平衡问题) not enough in today’s highly demanding world.  相对而言,拖沓的句子有些多,可能与汉语表达思维习惯有关系~~ 个人意见仅供参考哈~
如切如磋 如琢如磨

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-27 20:23:51 |只看该作者
6# xmaszzt

We would improve the quality of instruction probably by the reason of that we understand the real purpose of the college or university. If(but if?) the goal to contribute to the community is too large, so that(?这句有两个连接词--if... so that?) the goal students can undertake their work in their own area is sufficient pragmatism.

Let us separate the present education into two parts (for the present): basic education and professional education. From youth to a teenage(youth 包括teenager吧?youth可换成child) we accept all the understanding on society and(. Therefore,) the world from schools, families or others which is called basic education, it(which) teach us how to grow up, it teach us how to do people skills, it also teach us how to cooperate with others. So in this context we walk in the gate of the professional education-the college. In the college we choose the special direction(specialized direction or major?)
base on our wants and likes(删~), in the college the curriculum is more close to the practice, and in the college we will be trained the active self-learning ability-in a word, we need grasp all the job skills before leaving the campus.(这个用
In the college连接的排比句第一次看到~~~ Let us also consider that what situation we will encounter when we are getting jobs: perhaps the there is a distance between the theoretical knowledge and practice; perhaps the enormous practical problems make us can not start with; or even worse, this job is totally different from our mind-improve these problems can make our instruction better undoubtedly.(从这段不紧不慢的表达中,似乎可以看到下文的发展方向了^^学习~)

In fact, we do not remain indifferent. Says Albert Einstein, “I do believe: in our education, should often only for the purpose of practical and realistic, too much emphasis on purely intellectual attitude, will result damage to ethics education”.Since more and more colleges offer various opportunities to work in a company, and the colleges pay more attention to the practical ability but not only the score. So(上下两句是一句话,用句号隔开了--since...., blabla) the teachers spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach will play the same role-it will also contribute the students adapt the workplace in a quick way.

However, it is too hasty to require all faculties to engage in outside working jobs. Some less-practical courses, such as art, music, pure mathematics, physics and other theoretical subjects, fail to be taken into consideration, these specific academic areas primarily aim at seeking the beauty, the profoundness and the unknown, which need deep thinking, analyzing and deep(删~) understanding of these fields of study instead of the experience outside, these disciplines have no necessary to waste time on meaningless practice.
For example, an artist will not make his research to go any deeper after he spends a long time on working outside.

From the statement above, as our goal is to improve the quality of instruction, faculty are required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach which will helpful, but it is not imperative for the few isolated.

nice job~ 就是第一段不太明白“too large”的意思~~~ 还好最后一段表达够清楚~~结构上觉得第二段挺好就是字数有点多了,私以为应该将论述重点放在后面两段中~~~
如切如磋 如琢如磨

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-27 22:53:49 |只看该作者
Nowadays, the world changed so rapidly that people sometimes find it hard to catch the pace of the changing world. Without exception, the education of university sometimes deviate the real situation outside the academic world. So I agree with the speaker on the point that the faculties’ working outside the academic world would improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level. However, the assertion that all faculties should do that is too extreme.

Undoubtedly, we are not sure whether working practice plays an important role in improving the quality of a faculty member's instruction. Indeed, working experience is really necessary in certain subject, especially the practical subject. For instance, an accounting teacher should practice in a company to be familiar with the accounting world; students need to get more information about what professional skills are wanted to solve the real problem. Only through this kind of practice, faculty members would improve their work in the academic study and teaching.

Nevertheless, as a matter of fact, the experience that working outside the academic world is too limited to help some faculty members in a certain area of academic world. There are a host of other fields require the individual study of the faculty to reach accomplishments.  In the fields of scientific research chemistry and physics, independent research is an important way to make progress. For example, Albert Einstein -- one of the most important scientists in the world -- instituted the theory of Relativity—because the repeating experiences in the lab; Newton—the well-known scientists who raise the law of universal gravitation—by observing the dropping of the apple. Many significant accomplishments of the past are made from individuals' personal research in the lab. As these situations, working outside the academic world would make little senses.

Furthermore, overemphasis on the practice outside the academic world would eventually exert negative influence in the quality of instruction. More and more people will focus on practical working rather theory research. If faculty members spend most of time in the "part-time" job, then they will pay less attention to their course work at the college and university. If the quality of instruction can not be guaranteed, the students could not get enough knowledge. Overstating the working outside the academic world would pose negative effects on the teaching and learning of both faculty and students.

To sum up, the working experience of faculty is indeed required in some kind of subject’s teaching. Nonetheless, we should not overlook the bad aspects that the working would bring to the faculty and students.
Hey America~~~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-28 13:44:36 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 lxin333 于 2010-5-8 11:05 编辑

Nowadays, the world changed so rapidly that people sometimes find it hard to catch the pace of the changing world. Without exception, the education of university sometimes deviate the real situation outside the academic world. So I agree with the speaker on the point that the faculties’ working outside the academic world would improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level. However, the assertion that all faculties should do that is too extreme.

Undoubtedly, we are not sure whether working practice plays an important role in improving the quality of a faculty member's instruction. Indeed, working experience is really necessary in certain subject, especially the practical subject.
For instance, an accounting teacher should practice in a company to be familiar with the accounting world; students need to get more information about what professional skills are wanted to solve the real problem.
Only through this kind of practice, faculty members would improve their work in the academic study and teaching.

Nevertheless, as a matter of fact, the experience that working outside the academic world is too limited to help some faculty members in a certain area of academic world. There are a host of other fields require the individual study of the faculty to reach accomplishments.  In the fields of scientific research chemistry and physics, independent research is an important way to make progress. For example, Albert Einstein -- one of the most important scientists in the world -- instituted the theory of Relativity—because the repeating experiences in the lab; Newton—the well-known scientists who raise the law of universal gravitation—
by observing the dropping of the apple
这个说法挺奇怪,还有这边的例子实在让人觉得没什么说服力. Many significant accomplishments of the past are made from individuals' personal research in the lab. As these situations, working outside the academic world would make little senses.

Furthermore, overemphasis on the practice outside the academic world would eventually
exert negative influence in the quality of instruction. More and more people will focus on practical working rather theory research. If faculty members spend most of time in the "part-time" job, then they will pay less attention to their course work at the college and university. If the quality of instruction can not be guaranteed, the students could not get enough knowledge. Overstating the working outside the academic world would pose negative effects on the teaching and learning of both faculty and students.

To sum up, the working experience of faculty is indeed required in some kind of subject’s teaching. Nonetheless, we should not overlook the bad aspects that the working would bring to the faculty and students.

没啥错误 觉得例子不行, 用语也比较一般,可能没什么亮点吧。关于individual research的例子要积累

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-4-28 23:58:19 |只看该作者


The percentage of faculty who engaged in working outside the academic world is increasing year by year according to the annuals of higher education. As a consequence, a series of questions come along with this tendency that whether academic faculty should be allowed to take part-time jobs relevant to the course they teach, or whether their instructional performance or their home institution would profit from the sideline works. From my point of view, the conclusion in this issue that all faculty need to work outside the campus which would help improve the quality of instruction is still open to doubt.

To some extent, a faculty member’s outside working experience would help
widen his horizon, touch with the frontier information of his research area and eventually affect his teaching ideology and quality.(
被我偷走了LOL) Here is a striking example in my university. Professor Wang, a famous scholar specializing in applied linguistics, was invited as a senior consultant by China Friendship Publishing Company and Zhonghua Book Company. Different from other professors in the classroom, Wang often inspires the students to study uninteresting theories with vivid examples from his outside working experience and also guides the students to think how to solve the problems in reality with what they learn. He said:”A professors’ responsibility is to foster students to be useful talents, rather than a bookcase.” Therefore, it is necessary for faculty to work outside the academic world to improve the quality of instruction, as Professor Wang does.(要是换个说法---老王的教学水平确实提高了,可见work outside是提高教学质量的一种途径---会不会比较好?要不然我反驳你说 就通过老王一个例子就说it is necessary…

However, it is too hasty and arbitrary to draw the conclusion that all faculty should be required to work outside. That is to say, if faculty members concentrate their efforts outside the college, they would run a risk of reducing their effort, integrity and quality of work at their home institution. Here is another example. Professor Wu works in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Besides, he also started his own business off campus. Recently, many of his students complained that he often brought his outside work to the office and let his students do it. This behavior, his students said, was utterly inappropriate and they could not learn enough specialty knowledge from Wu. Thus, faculty members’ outside work would also bring about some potential problems and ultimately harm the quality of academic instruction.

Therefore, if giving permits to or encouraging the faculty members to work outside for enhancing the educational quality, the college or university must
establish some policies in time to regular their teacher’s activities, for instance, prohibiting faculty from getting more positions within the university, limiting the time allocated to the outside work activities, discouraging external non-academic works and requiring faculty to report the scope of paid activities. Although faculty should have the right to engage in the part-time jobs, but this right need to be constricted with the reason of responsibility.

Moreover, encouraging faculty to work outside the academic world could not be the only way to improve the quality of instruction in higher education. For enhancing teaching quality, one university needs to upgrade both hardware and software facilities, for example, introducing new education technologies such as multi-media, whiteboard tools or LCD projectors, enhancing
intensify the service quality in the university libraries, reforming curriculum provision and selection system, establishing teaching and learning assessment programs and so forth.以后用来套别的LOL

To sum up, understandably, the instruction quality might be enhanced to some extent if the college or university allows their faculty to spend time working outside the academic world, especially the area which has close relationship with the course they teach; however, not all faculty is proper to do this kind of jobs.
Furthermore, higher education should not put the entire responsibility of improving the educational quality on the shoulder of minority faculty members who have outside works as well.

如果require 校外兼职,需要采取一些措施,才能帮助提高quality of instruction
提高quality of instruction还需要其他方面的手段

我觉得先说比如什么领域的faculty适合work outside the academic world,再说如果要兼职,需要采取一定措施,不是显得更严谨~这么好的想法 我自己怎么没写~
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
lynnuana + 1 THX miracle~

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-5-8 00:10:05 |只看该作者
6# xmaszzt

We would improve the quality of instruction probably by the reason of we understand the real purpose of the college or university. If the goal to contribute to the community is too large, so that(去掉?) the goal students can undertake their work in their own area is sufficient pragmatism.

Let us separate the education into two parts for the present: basic education and professional education. From youth to a teenage(范围有问题) we accept all the understanding on society and the world from schools, families or others which is called basic education, it teach us how to grow up, it teach us how to do people skills, it also teach us how to cooperate with others. So in this context we walk in the gate of the professional education-the college. In the college we choose the special direction base(based?) on our wants and likes, in the college the curriculum is more close to the practice, and in the college we will be trained the active self-learning ability-in a word, we need grasp(很有感觉) all the job skills before leaving the campus. Let us also consider that what situation we will encounter when we are getting jobs: perhaps the there is a distance between the theoretical knowledge and practice; perhaps the enormous practical problems make us can not start with; or even worse, this job is totally different from our mind-improve these problems can make our instruction better undoubtedly.

In fact, we do not remain indifferent(indifferently?). Says Albert Einstein, “I do believe: in our education, should often only for the purpose of practical and realistic, too much emphasis on purely intellectual attitude, will result damage to ethics education”.
Since more and more colleges offer various opportunities to work in a company, and the colleges pay more attention to the practical ability but not only the score. So the teachers spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach will play the same role-it will also contribute the students adapt the workplace in a quick way.

However, it is too hasty to require all faculties to engage in outside working jobs. Some less-practical courses, such as art, music, pure mathematics, physics and other theoretical subjects, fail to be taken into consideration, these specific academic areas primarily aim at seeking the beauty, the profoundness and the unknown, which need deep thinking, analyzing and deep understanding of these fields of study instead of the experience outside,these disciplines have no necessary to waste time on meaningless practice. For example, an artist will not make his research to go any deeper after he spends a long time on working outside.

From the statement above, as our goal is to improve the quality of instruction, faculty are required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach which will helpful, but it is not imperative for the few isolated.
Hey America~~~

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【1010G精英组】ISSUE50 F组回收站
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