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[i习作temp] issue 110 必回拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-3-20 16:59:47 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
110"When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers."

History concerns the events which happened in the past, and thus the exploring process necessitates a creative enterprise, not simply an objective pursuit. However, in spite of this, since the history studying is based on facts ,realities, logical reasoning and accurate deduction, from this standpoint, historians are more than just storytellers.

Admittedly, we cannot know history directly and this determines the speciality of history studying. We rebuild and reconstruct the historic events and culture through a large amount of evidence, information, heritages , literature and the like. This process needs learners' creativity and imagination.  From this angle, historians seems to act like storytellers who use their imagination to create the story. For example, through Egypt's  mummy and pyramid, we can learn the culture, medicine science, and decorum of that ancient time in Egypt. But due to limitations of not adequate information, the historians have to use some imaginations to depict the details of that time.

As well as creativity, exploring history also needs the help of scientific technologies, precise logical thought and deduction,  which are far beyond the needs and limitations of storytellers. In modern history fields, lots of advanced techniques have been introduced to help the historians best reveal the truth thousand years ago. For instance, historians harness chemical methods to measure the age of historic heritages; historians utilize biological and physical knowledge to learn the health condition of ancient people. Apart from technologies, history studying also needs logical reasoning and deduction. Our knowledge about the primitive society emerges from the discovery of old words graved in the animal bones , the  remaining primitive people’s heritages and the according creativity and reasoning. From this aspect, historians are far more than storytellers.

The most point lies in that history is based on facts and realities, and to be practical and realistic is the necessary and basic quality of historians. As a result, historians must respect truth and never add private feelings and opinions to historic facts to change history, which means that historians could not act us storytellers who modify the story casually  with their own imagination. This is the most difference between the historians and storytellers. What’s more, historic facts are corrected and modified repeatedly according to new emerging evidence and archeological discovery. And realistic and specific history is optimized time and time again. Hence, to some extent, history is a subject which combines science and literature. All discussed above distinguishes historians from storytellers.

To sum up, although needing creativity, too, historians does not simply  equal to
storytellers. When a historian is depicting a special period of history, we should realize that it is showing the facts based on information and data, not showing the imagination of the historians theirselves. Respect history, learn from history, and eventually create history.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-3-20 17:26:50 |只看该作者
No.1 issue 110 必回拍
110"When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers."

History concerns the events which happened in the past, and thus the exploring process necessitates a creative enterprise, not simply an objective pursuit. However, in spite of this, since the history studying is based on facts ,realities, logical reasoning and accurate deduction, from this standpoint, historians are more than just storytellers. (in spite of this 是不是和 from this point of this 有点重复?)

Admittedly, we cannot know history directly and this (,wihch) determines the speciality of history studying. We (try to/ attempt to)rebuild and reconstruct the historic events and culture through a large amount of evidence, information, heritages , literature and the like. This (the 发现你很喜欢用this, 其实这个会比较容易出现理解混乱)process needs learners' creativity and imagination. From this angle, historians seems to act like storytellers who use their imagination to create the story. For example, through Egypt's mummy and pyramid, we can learn the culture, medicine science, and decorum of that ancient time in Egypt. But due to limitations of not adequate (inadequate) information, the historians have to use some imaginations to depict the details of that time.(it is inevitable to hypothesis to depict the datials..)

(However 觉得这里有转折), As well as creativity, exploring history also needs the help of scientific technologies, precise logical thought and deduction, which are far beyond the needs and limitations of storytellers. In modern history fields ( in contemporary time), lots of advanced techniques have been introduced to help (enable)the historians best (best?very chinglish) reveal the truth thousand years ago. For instance, historians harness chemical methods to measure (testify) the age of historic heritages; historians utilize biological and physical knowledge to learn the health condition of ancient people. Apart from (besides 会不会比较好?)technologies, history studying also needs logical reasoning and deduction. Our knowledge about the primitive society emerges from the discovery of old words graved in the animal bones , the remaining primitive people’s heritages and the according creativity and reasoning. From this aspect, historians are far more than storytellers.

The most point lies in that history is based on facts and realities, and to be practical and realistic is the necessary and basic quality of historians. (两个分局重复,累赘)As a result, historians must respect truth and never add private feelings and opinions to historic facts to change history, which means that historians could not act us storytellers who modify the story casually with their own imagination(understanding). This( comes again) is the most difference between the historians and storytellers. What’s more, historic facts are corrected and modified repeatedly according to new emerging evidence and archeological discovery. And realistic and specific history is optimized time and time again. Hence, to some extent, history is a subject which combines science and literature. All discussed above distinguishes historians from storytellers.

To sum up, although needing creativity, too, historians does not simply equal to
storytellers. When a historian is depicting a special period of history, we should realize that it is showing the facts based on information and data, not showing the imagination of the historians theirselves. Respect history, learn from history, and eventually create history.

有空拍拍我的issue160 吧~~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-3-20 18:20:32 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-3-21 00:52:59 |只看该作者
History concerns the events which happened in the past, and thus the exploring process necessitates(虽然常见可是还是觉得用得非常漂亮,好词) a creative enterprise, not simply an objective pursuit. However, in spite of this, since the history studying is based on facts ,realities, logical reasoning and accurate deduction, from this standpoint,(连续几个从句in spite of , since, from,感觉太沉重,太停滞了要不要考虑换一个?) historians are more than just storytellers.(开头段非常干脆利落,值得学习)

Admittedly, we cannot know history directly and this determines the specialty(是想说特点吧?用错了词,改为unique feature也行啊) of history studying. We rebuild and reconstruct the historic events and culture through a large amount of evidence, information, heritages, literature and the like. This process needs learners' creativity and imagination. From this angle, historians seem to act like storytellers who use their imagination to create the story. For example, through Egypt's mummy and pyramid, we can learn the culture, medicine science, and decorum of that ancient time in Egypt. But due to limitations of not adequate information, the historians have to use some imaginations to depict the details of that time.(就这样就没了?再具体点啊挖深例子)

As well as creativity, exploring history also needs the help of scientific technologies, precise logical thought and deduction, which are far beyond the needs and limitations of storytellers. In modern history fields, lots of advanced techniques have been introduced to help the historians (to) best reveal the truth thousand years ago. For instance, historians harness chemical methods to measure the age of historic heritages; historians utilize biological and physical knowledge to learn the health condition of ancient people. Apart from technologies, history studying also needs logical reasoning and deduction. (你是想证明历史学习的客观性?似乎没有点题啊)Our knowledge about the primitive society emerges from the discovery of old words graved in the animal bones , the remaining primitive people’s heritages and the according creativity and reasoning. From this aspect, historians are far more than storytellers. (重申论点的时候换一下表达方式会比较好。显得语言多样化)

The most point lies in that history is based on facts and realities, and to be practical and realistic is the necessary and basic quality of historians. As a result, historians must respect truth and never add private feelings and opinions to historic facts to change history, which means that historians could not act us storytellers who modify the story casually with their own imagination. This is the most difference between the historians and storytellers. What’s more, historic facts are corrected and modified repeatedly according to new emerging evidence and archeological discovery. And realistic and specific history is optimized time and time again. Hence, to some extent, history is a subject that combines science and literature. All discussed above distinguishes historians from storytellers. (感觉这一段似乎是结尾段了……可是论证还是很流畅,真是佩服啊)

To sum up, although needing creativity, too, historians does not simply equal to
storytellers. When a historian is depicting a special period of history, we should realize that it is showing the facts based on information and data, not showing the imagination of the historians themselves. Respect history, learn from history, and eventually create history.(恩。最后一句好象缺少主语啊?)

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