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[i习作temp] issue185 G89互助社 8日同主题写作 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-8 10:41:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue185  第2篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:44分16秒     549 words
Scandals—whether in politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.
There is much debate over the issue that whether scandals could be useful. Different people may have different opinions based on their distinct experience of lives. As far as I am concerned due to my own observation of life, I partly agree with what the speaker says that scandals are often useful to our society because they emerge some hidden facts which could not be found otherwise. However, scandals should not be the mainstream of the society. People should emphasize more on the celebrity's contribution to the society rather their scandals and private lives.

First of all, there are many kinds of scandals in contemporary life. In the sphere of politics, world famous Watergate Scandal is one of the biggest scandals in the history of American politics. Also, there are sexual scandals like Lewinsky Scandal and so forth. In the field of sports, especially the Olympic Games, there are also many scandals. Lots of athletes use abandoned drugs in order to get a better result. This behavior greatly impairs the spirits of sports. In the realm of academia and other areas, there are also many scandals which reveal some social problems in current life.

Secondly, everything has two aspects. The Scandal which reveals the badness of the humanity is in fact a two-edged sword. It could focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. For example, if the Watergate event has not been exposed to the world, nobody could ever know the corruption and immorality of American politics. Often, an attempt to cover up a scandal ignites a greater scandal when the cover-up fails. The disavowal of the deed by Nixon reveals a further immorality of him. And the event itself provides the people all over the world to turn over many things. The function of scandals is to beat alarm clock for us and prevent the posterities from making similar mistakes.

However, we should not pay more of our attention to the scandals of these celebrities in politics, academia, or other areas. Because if we emphasize more on their scandals and private lives, they would disperse their attention and be attracted beyond the work in which they could contribute to the society. For example, Lewinsky Scandal nearly make Clinton impeached from the president and if so maybe American economic would not have made such a progress during that four years. The ability of Clinton in managing the economic was well demonstrated and his contribution to American could not be effaced by the scandal. Thus, we should give our leaders or those greater men in sphere of academia, sports, or other areas more freedom in order to let them make more contribution to the society.

To sum up, due to analysis and reasons above, which sometimes intertwine to form a organic whole and thus become more persuasive than any one of them, we may comfortably arrive at the conclusion that scandals are two-edged swords, because on the one hand it could reveal some social problems which would be otherwise overlooked, through which we could better regulate our behaviors and make a better world; on the other hand, if we pay more attention on the scandals or private lives of the celebrities, maybe they would not have done such contribution to the society.

[ Last edited by vico8478 on 2005-8-8 at 15:36 ]
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
littleheroboy + 1 very cogent ,quite fluent

总评分: 声望 + 1   查看全部投币


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Rank: 5Rank: 5


Golden Apple

发表于 2005-8-8 13:01:07 |只看该作者
Mencius said,"When heaven is about to confer a great office on any man,it first exercises his mind with suffering, and his sinews and bones with toil.It exposes his body to hunger………….By all these methods, it stimulates his mind, consolidates his character, and increases his efficiency".

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-8-9 12:16:17 |只看该作者

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-8-9 12:40:47 |只看该作者
Issue185  第2篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:44分16秒     549 words
Scandals—whether in politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.
There is much debate over the issue that(去掉that?) whether scandals could be useful. Different people may have different opinions based on their distinct experience of lives. As far as I am concerned (,) due to my own observation of life, I partly (partially?) agree with what the speaker says (asserts 或the speaker’s proposition) that scandals are often useful to our society because they emerge (reveal) some hidden facts which could not be found otherwise. However, scandals should not be the mainstream of the society. People should emphasize more on the celebrity's contribution to the society rather their scandals and (their) private lives.

First of all, there are many kinds of scandals in contemporary life. In the sphere of politics, world famous Watergate Scandal is one of the biggest (most notorious) scandals in the history of American politics. Also, there are sexual scandals like Lewinsky Scandal and so forth. In the field of sports, especially the Olympic Games, there are also many scandals. Lots of athletes use abandoned drugs (exhilarant) in order to get a better result. This behavior greatly impairs the spirits of sports. In the realm of academia and other areas, there are also many scandals which reveal some social problems in current life.(分类的目的是什么?能为主题服务吗)

Secondly, everything has two aspects. The Scandal which reveals the badness of the humanity is in fact a two-edged sword. It could focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. For example, if the Watergate event has not been exposed to the world, nobody could ever know the corruption and immorality of American politics. Often, an attempt to cover up a scandal ignites a greater scandal when the cover-up fails. The disavowal of the deed by Nixon reveals a further immorality of him. And the event itself provides the people all over the world to turn over many things. The function of scandals is to beat alarm clock for us and prevent the posterities (successors更好吧) from making similar mistakes.(但是没有说清two aspects,只说了一方面。虽然在下段说了坏处,但有分裂的感觉)

However, we should not pay more of our attention to the scandals of these celebrities in politics, academia, or other areas. Because if we emphasize more on their scandals and private lives, they would disperse their attention and be attracted beyond the work in which they could contribute to the society. For example, Lewinsky Scandal nearly make Clinton impeached from the president and if so maybe American economic would not have made such a progress during that four years. The ability of Clinton in managing the economic was well demonstrated and his contribution to American could not be effaced by the scandal. Thus, we should give our leaders or those greater men in sphere of academia, sports, or other areas more freedom in order to let them make more contribution to the society.(这个理由不好,是不是可以从distract the attention of the public from the formal and important issues角度多说些)

To sum up, due to analysis and reasons above, which sometimes intertwine to form a organic whole and thus become more persuasive than any one of them, we may comfortably arrive at the conclusion that scandals are two-edged swords, because on the one hand it could reveal some social problems which would be otherwise overlooked, through which we could better regulate our behaviors and make a better world; on the other hand, if we pay more attention on the scandals or private lives of the celebrities, maybe they would not have done such contribution to the society.

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