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issue10 G-89-互助社8.9日同主题作文 写了好久好久,大家给鼓励一下 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-8-9 10:41:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

10.Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation’s cultural traditions are preserved and generated.政府必须要确保主要城市发展所需的财政支持,因为一个国家的文化传统主要是在城市中得以保存和发展。

Do governments must ensure the financial support to their major cities? Are traditions of one nation preserved only in major cities?

I think it is necessary to give financial support to major cities, which tend to be the face of one country. After all, when people begin to know one country, they always start from the economy, polities and culture of its major cities. Also, a wonderful city can greatly help its country to promote the status in the world, show its comprehensive ability, and appeal people all over the world to invest in its projects. That is the reason why the competition to host Olympics is so heated. However, not all cities can get the opportunity. The International Olympic Committee (OIC) would consider a number of factors, the city’s character, its facilities, and whether the city can stage the Games effectively. Because of the limit of resources, if a country constructs its cities without primary and secondary, it cannot easily to show itself on the whole world stage. The wise decision of the government is to concentrate her resources to support major cities and when the economy grows better, major cities turn to help others to promote their economy levels. That is also the method for China to grow up.

When it comes to cultural traditions, although, there are still many preserved and generated in major cities, I hold the belief that the majority of traditions are existing in small cities. Chinese bazaar, something likes flea market, which usually overflows with densely Chinese folk cultural atmosphere always fascinates kinds of people. People gain a lot of satisfaction from the process of knocking off the price and children are always interested in the skill of craftsmen, such as making a cartoon character with some paste. The pleasure they gets are different from that of modern plaza. However, also because of limited resources, major city always sacrifices many old places to build modern constructions. It is always impossible to find large Chinese bazaar in major cities. So, in order to preserve some important cultural traditions, government cannot give up the support to small cities as well.

But, as I mentioned above, the limitation of resources, how can a government to support all cities? It is looks like this case. A mother who get limited money has a strong child and an emaciate one. Does the mother abandon the emaciate child in order to survive? Or she use her money to help the emaciate one who still cannot earn much money? Both of the alternatives are bad. The best choice for her is to support the strong child more. When the child can earn much money, he or she would help the whole family to survive. The government should do so. In fact, many governments did that. Remember Go to the West policy of America and To develop the West policy of China. They have the same idea.

In conclusion, I think it is important for a government to support not only major cities but also small ones. They are two sides of a coin. The most important thing is any government should recognize its situation of country clearly so that it can distribute the limited resources more reasonable.

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发表于 2005-8-11 09:11:49 |只看该作者
慎其独也    8.26 南大

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-12 18:56:20 |只看该作者
Do governments must ensure the financial support to their major cities? Are traditions of one nation preserved only in major cities? 这样的开头虽然很直接,但有些突兀。

I think it is necessary to give financial support to major cities, which tend to be the face感觉这个词用得不太地道,可以找一个意思相近的同样比较形象化的说法。 of one country. After all, when people begin to know one country, they always start from the economy, polities and culture of its major cities. Also, a wonderful city can greatly help its country to promote the status in the world, show its comprehensive ability, and appeal people all over the world to invest in its projects. That is the reason why the competition to host Olympics is so heated. However, not all cities can get the opportunity. The International Olympic Committee (OIC) would consider a number of factors, the city’s character, its facilities, and whether the city can stage the Games effectively. Because of the limit of resources, if a country constructs its cities without primary and secondary, it cannot easily to show itself on the whole world stage. The wise decision of the government is to concentrate her resources to support major cities and when the economy grows better, major cities turn to help others to promote their economy levels. That is also the method for China to grow up.

When it comes to cultural traditions, although there are still many preserved and generated in major cities, I hold the belief that the majority of traditions are existing in small cities. Chinese bazaar, something likeslike flea market, which usually overflows with densely Chinese folk cultural atmosphere, always fascinates kinds of people. People gain a lot of satisfaction from the process of knocking off the price and children are always interested in the skill of craftsmen, such as making a cartoon character with some paste. The pleasure they gets are different from that of modern plaza. However, also because of limited resources, major city always sacrifices many old places to build modern constructions. It is always impossible to find large Chinese bazaar in major cities.上一句已经在说古建筑的问题,这一句放在这里显得有些乱。而且这样写让人觉得下面提到的文化传统的最重要的标志便是农村的集市,但事实并非如此。相反我倒认为集市并不是一个特别典型的文化精粹或遗产。 So, in order to preserve some important cultural traditions, government cannot give up the support to small cities as well.

But, as I mentioned above, the limitation of resources, how can a government to support all cities? It is looks like this caseA mother who get limited money has a strong child and an emaciate one. Does the mother abandon the emaciate child in order to survive? Or she use her money to help the emaciate one who still cannot earn much money? Both of the alternatives are bad这是一个dilemma,倒不是好与不好。. The best choice for her is to support the strong child more. When the child can earn much money, he or she would help the whole family to survive. The government should do so. In fact, many governments did that. Remember Go to the West policy of America and To develop the West policy of China. They have the same idea用intention或者goal类似的表示目的的词好象更恰当一些.你用的那个比喻,能想到很不错,使论证更加形象。但后一点并不是很贴切,因为小城市在一个民族文化传统的保存中有相当重要的地位的,和一个羸弱的孩子对母亲的意义是不尽相同的,虽然这种两难的心情很相似。因此,所得结论如果按你的类比是合理的,但对于本题的问题,可能当你把精力放在大城市的发展上时,传统的文明已经在逐渐地,不可逆转地消亡。而且关于中国和美国西部开发,事实上到西部去主要目的是发展经济而不是拯救正在逝去的古老文明,在世界发展中一直有争议的正是现代文明的导入会不会打破传统文化的相对平衡,反而加速了某些文明地消失。不知道关于这个问题你怎么看。

In conclusion, I think it is important for a government to support not only major cities but also small ones. They are two sides of a coin. The most important thing is any government should recognize its situation of country clearly so that it can distribute the limited resources more reasonable.
慎其独也    8.26 南大

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