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"Clormium 5 is an odorless, tasteless, and generally harmless industrial by-product that can enter the water supply. A preliminary study has linked cooking with water containing clormium 5 to an increased incidence of allergies and skin rashes. Tests of the drinking water in several areas have revealed the presence of clormium 5. Although it is possible to remove clormium 5 from water, the costs of routine testing and purification are higher than many communities can afford. Therefore, in order to prevent allergies and skin rashes, communities that cannot afford to rid their drinking water of clormium 5 should replace drinking fountains in public buildings, such as schools and libraries, with bottled-water coolers."
WORDS: 397 TIME: 00:28:25 DATE: 2008-11-6 19:56:41
Before the implementation the recommendation in the argument above, there are several evidence which need to be reexamined in some other aspects, as discussed below.
To begin with, the result of study is open to doubt. Firstly, the argument above provide no detail or information concerning how many people participate the study and how they are selected. Common sense tells us that the smaller the sample size is, the less reliable and credible the result of study will be. Perhaps, only 100 people participate the study, if this is the case, this small sample size is insufficient and imprecise to draw any conclusion. Also due to lacking of information concerning how people are selected to participate the study, we cannot conclude whether the result of study is representative enough. Secondly, the study overlooks other factors which can lead to allergies and skin rashes. Perhaps, due to eating some unclean food, some of the participants get allergies and skin rashes. If this is the case, the conclusion renders its incredibility due to ignore other factors which can lead the same symptoms, such as skin rashes.
你这段批了survery&other factors 一个针对的是样本本身是否可靠,即使数据样本够的情况下,调查本身是不是有缺陷。比如是否又有其他因素影响。(恩,我觉得你列他因的话可以多举几个例子,针对这个allergies and skin rash。可能被调查人本身就对这些比较敏感等等)
In addition, even if the result of the study is substantiated, it does not follow that presence of clormium 5 will definitely cause allergies and skin rashes. Perhaps, the amount of clormium 5 in the drinking water is little so that it is insufficient to cause people sick. Perhaps, some other materials exist in the drinking water too, which prohibit the effect of clormium 5 to cause people sick. Without ruling out all these possibilities above, the conclusion of argument is groundless to me.
你这段是说即使调查可靠,也不一定是clormium5 effects,举了其他物质的存在会影响(你这里还可以说下也没有科学的证据表明cl5有毒性感觉你这段跟上一段的末尾好像才是一段。)
Last not the least, even if the foregoing assumptions are all substantiated, it does not follow that replacing drinking fountains in public buildings with bottled-water coolers will be the best solution. The argument overlooks other methods to deal with drinking water containing clormium 5, which maybe more economical and effective. Perhaps, adding some medicines into the water can offset the effects of clormium 5. Further, the argument does not provide any information concerning bottled-water. Perhaps, these bottled-water still contains clormium 5. In this sense, the recommendation amounts to nothing.(也没有证据说bw表明会更便宜呢?即使便宜,但是学校之类的能承担么?bw会不会也引起rash之类的呢?)
In conclusion, the argument above fails to convince me. To strengthen the argument, the arguer should provide more detail about the preliminary study above and other methods which can be used for dealing with the drink water containing clormium 5.
然后你的段落貌似都是衔接的,这点很好,但是感觉你的last not the least 是不是已经没有时间写了呢,感觉完全没有展开来呢?
我建议你再把 arg的提纲列详细点,比如批这点需要从哪些方面批,他因的话该列哪几点~
不知道你时间来不来得及。加油~lucky!~ |