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[活动] 12月9日 独立写作 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-12-9 19:40:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 soloflight 于 2009-12-9 19:43 编辑

Do you agree or disagree teacher who is a serious and strict person more effective than a teacher is humor and is easygoing person.

What kind of teacher is more effective? Serious teacher or easygoing and humorous teacher? In Chinese education,I could think of many sayings like " Talented students are trained by strict teacher." In my personal perspective, however, teacher with humorous
and easygoing characteristics will more popular amoung students, and more effective as well.

Admittedly, serious teacher brings student a pressured atmosphere. Under this circumstances, students tend to obey whatever the teacher has said. That’s the key: When somebody are forced to do something, they will inevitably produce an rebellious emotion. The emotion will transfer what they may love instinctively into what they rebell. Take my sister as an example: My sister have talent for piano. When she is a 5 years old, my mom bought her a piano and begin to train her, cause my mum is a piano tutor herself. At the beginning of learning to play it, my sister is delighted with playing piano. But with the increasing presure given by my mum, the pleasure of playing piano taken place by painful experiences. Every time my sister play it wrong, my mum will punish her to play it again and again. Without time playing games with her little companions, she became more and more depressed and begin to hate playing piano. After one time having been punished by mum, she’s strong feeling against piano burst out suddenly, and never touch it again.

According to research, a good teacher can make a big difference in children’s lives. The relationship between teacher and students is an important part of education. If the student have little choice but to passively absorb the information procided by the teacher, students often develop strategies for undercutting the teacher’s authority and rebel what the teacher want them to do. On the contrary, a teacher with humorous and easygoing characteristics will provide student an casual atomsphere under which they can devote more willingfully to their study. When I was a high school student, I hate to learn chemistry, because the chemistry teacher treat us harshly. In the last year of my high school time, I attended a chemistry supplementary class in weekends. In the supplementary class, I meet Mr Shao who is a very humorous and easygoing middle-aged man. Firstly, he don not push us to study, because he is only our paid tutor not school teacher. Secondly, he is talented and humorous : He rhymed periodic table of chemistry elements into chinese funny doggerelHe put smiling stickers onto our exam papars when we successfully solving a difficult problem; He never blame us but using his own moving experiences to arouse our passion to learn. Thanks to his help, I become first place at my school in chemistry, and finally choose to learn chemisry in college cause I really find out my instinct interest in chemistry.

In conclusion, I want to say, teacher play a important role in students’ lives. Personally I prefer a humorous and easygoing teacher who can
teach with patience and skill but the serious and strict teacher who treat students harshly.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-10 17:38:50 |只看该作者
What kind of teacher is more effective? Serious teacher or easygoing and humorous teacher? (我俩的开头的好像呼呼)In Chinese education,I could think of many sayings like " Talented students are trained by strict teacher." (不错~)In my personal perspective, however, teacher with humorous5 L, v* v& X# [6 i8 s2 @, I0 \2 F
and easygoing characteristics will more popular amoung students, and more effective as well.
, |( Z1 z! X* R: V2 q5 R5 \, u* O8 C9 I9 ]; o- w$ Y4 b! I
Admittedly, serious teacher brings student a pressured atmosphere. Under this circumstances, students tend to obey whatever the teacher has said. That’s the key: When somebody are forced to do something, they will inevitably produce an rebellious emotion.(好词儿) The emotion will transfer what they may love instinctively into what they rebell(这句说得好). Take my sister as an example: My sister have talent for piano. When she is a 5 years old, my mom bought her a piano and begin to train her, cause my mum is a piano tutor herself. At the beginning of learning to play it, my sister is delighted with playing piano. But with the increasing presure given by my mum, the pleasure of playing piano taken place by painful experiences. Every time my sister play it wrong, my mum will punish her to play it again and again. Without time playing games with her little companions, she became more and more depressed and begin to hate playing piano. After one time having been punished by mum, she’s strong feeling against piano burst out suddenly, and never touch it again.(例子有点长,应略缩减,而且mom不是teacher)
9 ]& U! ~6 j( j' A( D9 r+ n' |- K% r0 D* Z% U( E# p8 G7 t
According to research, a good teacher can make a big difference in children’s lives. The relationship between teacher and students is an important part of education. If the student have(has) little choice but to passively absorb the information procided by the teacher, students often develop strategies for undercutting the teacher’s authority and rebel what the teacher want them to do. On the contrary, a teacher with humorous and easygoing characteristics will provide student an casual atomsphere under which they can devote more willingfully to their study. When I was a high school student, I hate to learn chemistry, because the chemistry teacher treat us harshly. In the last year of my high school time, I attended a chemistry supplementary class in weekends. In the supplementary class, I meet Mr Shao who is a very humorous and easygoing middle-aged man. Firstly, he don not push us to study, because he is only our paid tutor not school teacher. Secondly, he is talented and humorous : He rhymed periodic table of chemistry elements into chinese funny doggerel;He put smiling stickers onto our exam papars when we successfully solving a difficult problem; He never blame us but using his own moving experiences to arouse our passion to learn. Thanks to his help, I become first place at my school in chemistry, and finally choose to learn chemisry in college cause I really find out my instinct interest in chemistry.(同样,例子有点长)
6 a# [. E2 R2 m5 ~3 w, Y# D  \1 g* b9 g
In conclusion, I want to say, teacher play a important role in students’ lives. Personally I prefer a humorous and easygoing teacher who can
" E1 `' I# d9 b6 C' F: O5 P! ^3 t3 Wteach with patience and skill but the serious and strict teacher who treat students harshly.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-10 21:55:51 |只看该作者
What kind of teacher is more effective? Serious teacher or easygoing and humorous teacher? In Chinese education,I could think of many sayings like " Talented students are trained by strict teacher." In my personal perspective, however, teacher with humorous" Q4 p4 _6 E9 V. R" T( `
and easygoing characteristics will (be)more popular amoung students, and more effective as well.
4 t# B; v. S* J; M" T- D: @6 B2 A7 U% b' S4 p
Admittedly, serious teacher brings student a pressured(stressful) atmosphere. Under this circumstances, students tend to obey whatever the teacher has said. That’s the key: When somebody are forced to do something, they will inevitably produce an rebellious emotion. The emotion will transfer what they may love instinctively into what they rebell. Take my sister as an example: My sister have talent for piano. When she is a(delete) 5 years old, my mom bought her a piano and begin(began) to train her, cause my mum is a piano tutor herself()这句放到这有点怪. At the beginning of learning to play it, my sister is delighted with playing (the)piano. But with the increasing presure given by my mum, the pleasure of playing piano(was) taken place by painful experiences. Every time my sister play it wrong, my mum will(时态得注意下) punish her to play(by playing) it again and again. Without time playing games with her little companions, she became more and more depressed and begin to hate playing piano. After one time having been punished by mum, she’s strong feeling against piano burst out suddenly, and never touch it again.
3 ^# s$ R) Z5 n. U* t& Q9 w4 v' l' Z6 I3 ~. W( c/ v* u& |3 x
According to a research, a good teacher can make a big difference in children’s lives. The relationship between teacher and students is an important part of education. If the student have little choice but to passively absorb the information procided by the teacher, students often develop strategies for undercutting the teacher’s authority and rebel what the teacher want them to do. On the contrary, a teacher with humorous and easygoing characteristics will provide student an casual atomsphere under which they can devote more willingfully to their study. When I was a high school student, I hate to learn chemistry, because the chemistry teacher treat us harshly. In the last year of my high school time, I attended a chemistry supplementary class in weekends. In the supplementary class, I meet Mr Shao who is a very humorous and easygoing middle-aged man. Firstly, he don not push us to study, because he is only our paid tutor not school teacher. Secondly, he is talented and humorous : He rhymed periodic table of chemistry elements into chinese funny doggerel;He put smiling stickers onto our exam papars when we successfully solving a difficult problem; He never blame us but using his own moving experiences to arouse our passion to learn. Thanks to his help, I become first place at my school in chemistry, and finally choose to learn chemisry in college cause I really find out my instinct interest in chemistry.$ @3 M9 D5 T' F

  d6 z2 {/ n  e7 R# [In conclusion, I want to say, teacher play a important role in students’ lives. Personally I prefer a humorous and easygoing teacher who can( d4 ~# P. v$ y6 L
teach with patience and skill but the serious and strict teacher who treat students harshly.

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