本帖最后由 tequilawine 于 2010-1-5 21:09 编辑
gung-ho ['gʌŋ'həu]
adj. <美>同心协力的, 强烈的, 雄心壮志的
calling card
院长, 主持牧师
reinvent [ˌri:in'vent]
vt. 再发明, 改造, 重新使用
1 a : to catch or pick up (as a batted ball) and usually throw to a teammate b : to take care of or respond to (as a telephone call or a request) c : to give an impromptu answer or solution to <the senator fielded the reporters' questions>
2 : to put into the field <field an army> <field a team> also : to enter in competition
intransitive verb : to play as a fielder
interface ['intəfeis;'intəˌfeis]
n. 界面,接触面
vt. 连接,作接口
vi. 连接
grind [graind]
n. 磨,碾,挤摩擦声,无聊的苦工作
vt. 磨,碾,挤压,摇动手柄
vi. 磨擦,磨碎,用功
nuanced ['nju:ɑ:nst;'nu:ɑ:nst]
adj. 有细微差别的,微妙的
['val·i·date || 'vælɪdeɪt]
使有效, 确认, 使生效
walk away from
v.从...旁边走开, 轻易地胜过
mindset ['maindset;'maindˌset]
n. 意向, 精神状态
[es·o·ter·ic || ‚esəʊ'terɪk]
秘教的, 秘传的, 奥秘的
hypnotise ['hipnətaiz;'hipnəˌtaiz]
vt. 使催眠,使着迷
Practice can hypnotise you into using old models and old ways of thinking.
[in·cul·cate || ɪn'kʌlkeɪt /'ɪnkʌlkeɪt]
反复灌输; 教育; 谆谆教诲
white paper [简明英汉词典]
White Paper [简明英汉词典]
n. (英国)白皮书
[char·is·mat·ic || ‚kærɪz'mætɪk]
神赐能力的; 领袖魅力的
elitism [ei'li:tizm;ei'li:tizəm]
n. 精英主义, 优秀人士统治
1 AS THE clamour grows for more regulation to address the corporate failings that led the world into a two-year recession, business schools sense a chance to drive the agenda.
2 The presence of the visible hand [of regulation] is now more explicit.
3 We field the demand from the real world to develop research which can actually address the real problems of business.
4 Not only must they be solid in terms of their research skills and teaching skills, they should also be able to interface with the top management.
5 Research grinds slowly.
6 So it's subtle, nuanced. 怎么翻译呀?
7 All the areas evolve over time. 所有的领域都随时间而前进。
8 I think one thing I've walked away from the crisis with is that no-one can know it all.
9 My main takeaway was not that it was an ethics problem, not that people were cheating overtly, it is that people were using the wrong mental attitude when they approached extremely complex problems that they hadn't seen before.
10 . It's not the person that charges ahead and rallies the troops. It's more of a person that is sensitive to the situation and to themselves.
11 History is very recurrent and we are attending again a move of the pendulum.
The interview gives us some preface of business school start-up performance conferring on the finance crisis. Let us integrate all of the statics spewing out in the recession, therefore first and last, we steam out the conclusion that business is involving in this stage and playing an important role in it at least form aspects of the deans. We got three clear dimensional comprehensive explanations from them basing on three issues.
First one, descending on our suspiciousness, does the economic change? Both of them have gave us the full description on it, which may a little bit different from each other, but deeply contemplating, you will notice the standpoints of theirs are just two sides of one coin, that one is inside, the other outside. I mean finance is primarily the same as it was before the crisis, at the meantime, the presence of the visible hand [of regulation] is now more complicit, so that not only they must be solid in terms of operating skills and implementing skills, they should also be able to interface with new situation handling skill now probed in some labs.
Second is that were we able to call for account, should we contribute part of it to school? Answer is not. Allow me to coin the sentence in the superhero style:" Truth comes from minority." So they reckon that, at the end of the day, even though
The banks themselves were irresponsible, the real irresponsibility was with the regulators because when everything else fails, the regulators are supposed to keep things safe and keep people from doing unsafe things and they didn't do it. Good shoot.
Confronting the last one, the dean makes clear it that the nature of the leadership is changing. If you look at medicine 200 years ago and the remedies that were applied to some illnesses we get horrified now. We need to keep pace with our time, evolve with the progress. |