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[活动] 进军美利坚独立写作by April [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-3-17 16:10:31 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should live one city or in one country all their life instead of moving to live in different places.5 Z& U
diyic\! d7 Y" i9 ?
With the convenience the transportation systems bring for us , now we are more likely to choose where we live than ever before , base on which ,some people claim that it would be rather interesting to lead a moveable life by moving around . Moving means changing all the time ,which enable them to experience the various kinds of cultures and mysterious things that can only be imagined by the wonderful depict on the novels or films.But is this the true case ? I view it in an opposite way , as for me ,it is much better to settle down in one place as the following reasons:

In the first place , when we consider the location of our living space , there are still many things should be taken into account , such as the climate , surroundings and living cost of that area . All these consideration are not invalid since we demand high quality as well as steady life in a place rather than enjoying the natural scenery and palatable food at one time when we are in holidays. If someone frequently changes places to live ,there must be a great challenge for his/her body ---the health problem ,which absolutely is the first and primary concern in our daily life . But the fact is that nobody has one hundred percent of confidence to say he or she can easily adapt to the weather that differ a lot from what he/she used to . It is often heard that when people from North China come to the South ,they always complain how harsh the climate is and cannot sustain the humidity in the South, which cause them in a low mood especially in the raining days.

Furthermore , What made one person really content with his/her life ? A good income from the decent job or the full table of cuisine ? There is no denying that these types of contentment satisfy us well ,but they are not permanent . Actually ,It is the relationship people hold with others dominate the truth of happiness and joy . Though moving to different places also provides us the opportunities to make acquaintance with people around or even more chances than that of staying at one place , how about the quality of this relationship ,is it deep ? Staying at one place means we are endowed millions of chances to develop our relationship with friends , holding a strong and good relationship with them. For example ,we can hang out whenever we want ,invite them to have dinner and chat with each other , have the picnic on weekends etc. All these activities are beneficial for maintaining a deep relationshipwhich composites the core meaning of life.

Besides, the process of moving around is not as easy and convenient as we think. when we plan to move ,from the start to the end , numerous stuffs has to be paid attention to ,during which not only the money has cost but also the energy and time has been paid .We have to admit it is still troublesome for people to move physically and mentally .

Considering the disadvantages of moving that mentioned above , it is safely to draw a conclusion that living at one place is a much better choice, which largely brings people satisfactory in life.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-3-18 01:03:47 |只看该作者
With the convenience of the transportation systems bring for us(这句不能这样用,with换成since), now we are more likely to choose where we live than ever before, base on which, some people claim that it would be rather interesting to lead(live) a moveable life by moving around. Moving means changing all the time ,which enable them to experience the various kinds of cultures and mysterious things that can only be imagined by the wonderful depict(depiction) on the novels or films. But is this the true case? I view it in an opposite way, as for me, it is much better to settle down in one place as the following reasons:
* r( M  G9 U9 |7 H( V4 y! `8 `, ^

In the first place, when we consider the location of our living space, there are still many things should be taken into account, such as the climate, surroundings and living cost of that area. All these consideration are not invalid since we demand high quality as well as steady life in a place rather than enjoying the natural scenery and palatable food at one time when we are in holidays. If someone frequently changes places to live, there must be a great challenge for his/her body ---the health problem, which absolutely is the first and primary concern in our daily life. But the fact is that nobody has one hundred percent of confidence to say he or she can easily adapt to the weather that differ(differs) a lot from what he/she used to . It is often heard that when people from North China come to the South, they always complain how harsh the climate is and cannot sustain the humidity in the South, which cause them in a low mood especially in the raining days.

& m: ^8 D$ g. [Furthermore , What (which) made one person really be content with his/her life ? A (, a) good income from the decent job or the full table of cuisine? There is no denying that these types of contentment satisfy us well, but they are not permanent. Actually, it is the relationship that people hold with others dominates the truth of happiness and joy. Though moving to different places also provides us the opportunities to make acquaintance with people around or even more chances than that of staying at one place, how about the quality of this relationship, is it deep? (很漂亮)Staying at one place means we are endowed millions of chances to develop our relationship with friends , holding a strong and good relationship with them. For example, we can hang out whenever we want, invite them to have dinner and chat with each other, have the picnic on weekends etc (漂亮). All these activities are beneficial for maintaining a deep relationshipwhich composites(compose) the core meaning of life.
$ o4 F( j7 S( {6 R5 U3 _. a

Besides, the process of moving around is not as easy and convenient as we think. When we plan to move ,from the start to the end , numerous stuffs has to be paid attention to ,during which not only the money has cost but also the energy and time has been paid. We have to admit it is still troublesome for people to move physically and mentally.

  b$ Y1 L$ Y/ D8 O. x# }9 I" `Considering the disadvantages of moving that mentioned above, it is safely(safe) to draw a conclusion that living at one place is a much better choice, which largely brings people satisfactory in life.

说理很深入,举例很好,你的表达能力非常帮,在用词方面很准确,会用反问,会用排比, 能在30分钟写出这样的文章,不简单,赞一个!!!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-3-18 12:36:32 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-3-18 23:23:06 |只看该作者
With the convenience the transportation systems bring for us , now we are more likely to choose where we总觉得变成where to live更舒服 呵呵 个人观点 live than ever before , base on which ,some people claim that it would be rather interesting to lead a moveable life by moving around . Moving means changing all the time ,which enable them to experience the various kinds of cultures and mysterious things that can only be imagined by改成through 更好 the wonderful depict on the novels or films.But is this the true case ? I view it in an opposite way , as for me ,it is much better to settle down in one place as the following reasons   for the following reasons:
In the first place , when we consider the location of our living space , there are still many things should be taken into account , such as the climate , surroundings and living cost of that area . All these consideration are not invalid since we demand high quality as well as steady life in a place rather than enjoying the natural scenery and palatable food at one time when we are in holidays. If someone frequently changes places to live ,there must be a great challenge for his/her body ---the health problem ,which absolutely is the first and primary concern in our daily life . But the fact is that nobody has one hundred percent of confidence to say he or she can easily adapt to the weather that differ a lot from what he/she used to 感觉有些不顺 是不是应该在之后加一个have 好些. It is often heard that when people from North China come to the South ,they always complain how harsh似乎不太恰当 moisture好些吧 还不知到harsh 不然南方本土人该怎么生活 the climate is and cannot sustain the humidity in the South, which cause them in a low mood especially in the raining days.
Furthermore , What made one person really content with his/her life ? A good income from the decent job or the full table of cuisine ? There is no denying that these types of contentment satisfy us well ,but they are not permanent . Actually ,It is the relationship people hold with others dominate the truth of happiness and joy . Though moving to different places also provides us the opportunities to make acquaintance with people around or even more chances than that of staying at one place , how about the quality of this relationship ,is it deep ? Staying at one place means we are endowed millions of chances 是不是改成 time 更好 to develop our relationship with friends , holding a strong and good relationship with them. For example ,we can hang out whenever we want ,invite them to have dinner and chat with each other , have the picnic on weekends etc. All these activities are beneficial for maintaining a deep relationship,which composites 改成 compose composite是形容词和名词 the core meaning of life.
Besides, the process of moving around is not as easy and convenient as we think. when we plan to move ,from the start to the end , numerous stuffs has to be paid attention to ,during which not only the money has cost but also the energy and time has  should been paid .We have to admit it is still troublesome for people to move physically and mentally .
Considering the disadvantages of moving that mentioned above , it is safely to draw a conclusion that living at one place is a much better choice, which largely brings people satisfactory  satisfaction in life.
全文例子很有说服力 而且词汇用的也很好 觉得改改的地方都标记出来了  不好意思 改晚了

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-3-19 20:35:24 |只看该作者
3.195 P( s5 o6 C" |6 G# d, f
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Printed books have greater effects on society than television has.

Which exerts more influence on our society, the printed books or the television? People differ in answering this question, some hold a point that printed books are playing an extremely important role in the development of our society which can be reflected by the widespread knowledge people possess from the past until now .Other people ,however ,pose the opposite view about this issue ,they strongly claim that nothing affect our society more than television ,which has been the most necessary appliance in our life . As far as I am concerned ,I support the latter statements ,since the advantages television has brought us far outweigh those brought by the printed books.

In the first place ,no one can deny the fact that television spreads information with a faster speed and in a more diverse way. As is known to all ,television gives us more information about the outside world ,the news about the foreign country can be the best channel for us to get aware of the international situation. It demands us only a few minutes to get the instant information on the world, how convenient it is !Besides ,Those knowledge in diversity transmitted by television are much more acceptable by different people due to the different demands . But the printed books are very limited to suit everyone ‘s need ,for the content of one book cannot simply satisfy one person if he /she does not interest it at all television .

Secondly ,television is more than a piece of electronic appliance ,it is a means of expression ,a vehicle for communication ,as such it becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings. The fact is that the popularity of television has made it possible for everyone to possess the information from all fields ,such as those from talk shows ,soup operas ,news programs etc. We can discuss the issues that exposed by the media ,talk about a moving story in the cozy soup opera, keep step with the international situation by the message from news, all these become the daily themes of our life , for which reason ,an increasing number of people have realized that television is playing an indispensible role in their life that no other things can compete.

What’s more ,we have to admit that printed books are not convenient to carry ,especially when you are on the holiday .It must be a challenge also a hard work for someone to take lots of books with him/her during the long distance travel .However ,with the development of modern digital science and technology ,it is not hard any more for people to receive the television signal by their own mobile phones ,which means television is now stepping into a new era ,an era with extraordinary sophistication and versatility .We have the confidence to say that it will be a promising tool to reshape our live and society .

We live in a more rapidly changed society than people in the past ,and thanks to the invention of television ,our history has started a new page ,an ever prosperous and fast developing period that all human being boast.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-3-20 21:26:16 |只看该作者
3.20 (08.08.08NA)
University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study。

Nowadays , a large number of university students hold an unfavorable attitude toward the study regulation in their own university ,the majority of them have an unpleasant mood related to the subjects that they are obliged to learn like the basic science ,they complain that there is nothing more suffering than learning these unrelated subjects which cost them lots of energy as well as time . However , the disadvantages of taking basic science classes are really obvious and unbearable ? I question this point of view ,as far as I am concerned , it is necessary to learn some basic science for the benefit not only on students but on our society as a whole .
  It is universally acknowledged that learning is not a process that demands only by the knowledge included in one area , it calls for the combination -–a cooperation of all the basic rules and truth of the world , which are not divided in the specific area but exist in the different types of subjects ,like chemistry ,physics and mathematics. So in order to have a more complete and more far-reaching understanding of our world , what we need to do in college is to absorb various kinds of knowledge on all the science subjects.For instance ,if you ask a question for a student in chemistry major ,what kind of rules and basic principals are included in his/her chemical experiments ? I am confident to say the answer is more than what we imagined like only something related chemistry but some basic rules on physics as well. The perception of our world  absolutely like the process of discovering a vast piece of mysterious land ,in which the mastering of all kinds of learning requires.
  Besides ,when someone is asked some questions about the phenomenon happened in life , he /she will not able to answer them accurately if he /she demand no learning on the basic science subject at all, which is shameful for us when we acclaim the success of our college education in front of public. As a matter of fact ,having these basic science study would enhance our ability to fix some problems in life . When the lamps are exploded we can easily repair it if we have been educated the electricity knowledge in the physics. Who does not desire these kind of basic skills in daily life ? Thus ,we can see it clearly that learning the science subject is of great importance .
  In a larger aspects ,our society will benefit a lot from university students who take basic learning on science . Millions of graduated students get their degree from universities with countless knowledge that will influence their whole life ,so what kind of role do they play in our society?In fact ,when the university students possess these useful knowledge and spread them by a more acceptable way to the communities they live ,there would be a movement on realizing the importance of science emerge in our society, which helps the elders and youngsters to get a more rational and objective way to ponder what they have experienced and observed in their life . Society that boasts with this reflection on science will be more peaceful and prosperous.
As the old saying goes “ man is never too old to learn “,as the energetic and ambitious young students, it is not as much the compelling job for us to acquire the basic science knowledge as the responsible task to get a better understanding of the world , which is a boon for the public.

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我是chineselady + 20 嗯坚持写加油

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-20 22:46:02 |只看该作者
3.19 修改 by speedzshaw
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Free your ambitious mind and learn the art of dying.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-21 21:49:38 |只看该作者
6# summeralways

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-3-21 22:42:23 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-22 22:04:59 |只看该作者
University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study。
Nowadays , a large number of university students hold an unfavorable attitude toward the study regulation in their own university ,the majority of them have an unpleasant mood related to the subjects that they are obliged to learn like the basic science ,they complain that there is nothing more suffering than learning these unrelated subjects which cost them lots of energy as well as time . However , the disadvantages of taking basic science classes are really obvious and unbearable(I am not sure whether it's Ok to suffxi a question mark to a declearative sentence in the Toefl writing.) ? I question this point of view ,as far as I am concerned , it is necessary to learn some basic science for the benefit not only on students but on our society as a whole .(You use comma to connect sentences. It is not correct in English; )

It is universally acknowledged that learning is not a process that demands only by the knowledge included in one area , it calls for the combination -–a cooperation of all the basic rules and truth of the world , which are not divided in the specific area but exist in the different types of subjects ,like chemistry ,physics and mathematics. So in order to have a more complete and more far-reaching understanding of our world , what we need to do in college is to absorb various kinds of knowledge on all the science subjects. For instance ,if you ask a question for a student in chemistry major ,(: ")what kind of rules and basic principals are included in his/her chemical experiments ?(") I am confident to say the answer is more than what we imagined like only something related (to?) chemistry but some basic rules on physics as well. The perception of our world  absolutely like the process of discovering a vast piece of mysterious land ,in which the mastering of all kinds of learning requires (is required?).9 r% N- [: H2 f) C6 u7 m) t
Besides ,when someone is asked some questions about the phenomenon happened in life , he /she will not able to answer them accurately if he /she demand no learning on the basic science subject at all, which is shameful for us when we acclaim the success of our college education in front of public. As a matter of fact ,having these basic science study would enhance our ability to fix some problems in life . When the lamps are exploded we can easily repair it if we have been educated the electricity knowledge in the physics. Who does not desire these kind of basic skills in daily life ? Thus ,we can see it clearly that learning the science subject is of great importance .. f; ]. z4 W; ^2 I2 o5 ^5 {
In a larger aspects ,our society will benefit a lot from university students who take basic learning on science . Millions of graduated students get their degree from universities with countless knowledge that will influence their whole life ,so what kind of role do they play in our society?In fact ,when the university students possess these useful knowledge and spread them by a more acceptable way to the communities they live ,there would be a movement on realizing the importance of science emerge in our society, which helps the elders and youngsters to get a more rational and objective way to ponder what they have experienced and observed in their life . Society that boasts with this reflection on science will be more peaceful and prosperous.

As the old saying goes “ man is never too old to learn “,as the energetic and ambitious young students, it is not as much the compelling job for us to acquire the basic science knowledge as the responsible task to get a better understanding of the world , which is a boon for the public.

6# summeralways

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-3-23 11:13:31 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qy10166341 于 2010-3-23 11:14 编辑

3.19 修改 by 平常心

Which exerts more influence on our society, the printed books or the television? People differ in answering this question, some hold a point that printed books are playing an extremely important role in the development of our society which can be reflected by the widespread knowledge people possess from the past until now .Other people ,however ,pose the opposite view about this issue ,they strongly claim that nothing affect our society more than television ,which has been the most necessary appliance in our life . As far as I am concerned ,I support the latter statements ,since the advantages television has brought us far outweigh those brought by the printed books.3 J" P: Q* Y3 T1 n6 A& r# S
9 `% {; _; {5 P+ `' [; K# o
In the first place ,no one can deny the fact that television spreads information with a faster speed and in a more diverse way. As is known to all ,television gives us more information about the outside world ,the news about the foreign country can be the best channel for us to get aware of the international situation. It demands us only a few minutes to get the instant information
on(这里的介词是用ON吗?我也不确定。。) the world, how convenient it is !Besides ,Those knowledge in diversity transmitted by television are much more acceptable by different people due to the different demands . But the printed books are very limited to suit everyone ‘s need ,for the content of one book cannot simply satisfy one person if he /she does not interest it at all television .

OSecondly ,television is more than a piece of electronic appliance ,it is a means of expression ,a vehicle for communication ,as such it becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings. The fact is that the popularity of television has made it possible for everyone to possess the information from all fields ,such as those from talk shows ,soup operas ,news programs ,(少了一个逗号)etc. We can discuss the issues that exposed by the media ,talk about a moving story in the cozy soup opera, keep step with the international situation by the message from news, all these become the daily themes of our life , for which reason ,an increasing number of people have realized that television is playing an indispensible role in their life that no other things can compete.

What’s more ,we have to admit that printed books are not convenient to carry ,especially when you are on the holiday .It must be a challenge also a hard work for someone to take lots of books with him/her during the long distance travel .However ,with the development of modern digital science and technology ,it is not hard any more for people to receive the television signal by their own mobile phones ,which means television is now stepping into a new era ,an era with extraordinary sophistication and versatility .We have the confidence to say that it will be a promising tool to reshape our live and society .
2 l9 x) n. G/ ~( Q1 o

we live in a more rapidly changed society than people in the past ,and thanks to the invention of television ,our history has started a new page ,an ever prosperous and fast developing period that all human being boast.

http://bbs.gter.ce.cn/bbs/thread-1072744-1-1.html 这个是我3.19的作文,我交晚了,真抱歉,还希望你能抽空修改

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-3-23 15:38:20 |只看该作者
3.23 Young people should try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term

Career ,which is the most fundamental and crucial part of our life ,is now being taken more freely than in the past . We have to admit that the rapid development of our society and prompt improvement on efficiency has made it possible for people to choose their desirable job whenever they want . Some people maintain that the advantage of trying different kinds of jobs are obvious and beneficial to society and individual in a long way.
For my part ,I strongly support it is necessary for people to experience more before they make decision on which career to focus on in the future .

Imagine , besides the knowledge imparted to us in the classroom ,what else have we got at the moment when we graduate from university?
Have we got a complete and deep understanding of ourselves on the merits and shortcomings in order to be qualified to the job ? In most cases ,no one can instantly reflect those in a full aspects . The reason to this issue is that we seldom have the chances to get aware of ourselves in the isolated academic atmosphere , only the practice of combining what we have learned with the realistic problems can make it. Thus ,we can see it clearly that if someone take some different jobs before settling down on one career, he or she would more likely to realize him/herself well ,which absolutely contribute to the right decision that best suitable for him/her.

Besides ,trying different opportunities by doing various kinds of jobs enable people to develop their abilities ,which indisputably put them in a favorable position in the future job market. Like what the novels have showed us ,the successful man are those who never stop at one place and do the repetitive work all day and night for their whole life ,what they desire and persue is to adapt themselves to the environment as well as taking risk to experience life as much as they can . Different jobs supply us all kinds of precious opportunities ,by which we can be equipped with both the skills in hand and the advanced thinking in mind.

What’s more ,when people begin with a new job ,it often means a new door is also opening for them to develop the relationship with those they never touched or acquainted before . But the benefits that co-workers and friends bring is far more than the fantastic relationship itself , it is the resources behind really mean to us. As we all know that our society has dramatically changed by the deep and far-reaching relationship between one and the other ,one person’s opinion can affect others’ choice or decision . The experiences and knowledge one person hold may quite differ from another one, which lead to the diversity of our thinking .On the other hand ,in the different job position , we have more chances to get touch with various kinds of people in different character , from which we would be more confident and flexible to handle all types of relationships in life .

In conclusion ,taking different job do greatly effect on one’s future career .It is recommend that young students should try and experience more in order to fulfill their ambition even the life-long career.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-3-24 12:40:34 |只看该作者
To solve problems present and future is it necessary to understand the past.

When people deal with the problems they encounter in daily life , the majority of people tend to look upon the past to find a way of solving these problems . They maintain that it is a vital and wise choice to learn from the past , in which they not only have a better view of the present or even the future situation but gain the resources which made us to be clear about ourselves . As far as I am concerned ,I strongly support this statement for the main reason that history teaches us more than we can imagined ,which to some extent put us in a favorable position in the hard situation.

when we have to fix the problems , what is the first concern? In my opinion , it should be we human-beings. We dominate the situation,and whether these harsh problems can be solved or not is decided by the ability of ourselves. So it is extremely important to realize the condition of ourselves ,which can be gained by rethinking our history .For example ,what we have acquired and experienced in the past can always reminds us both the merits and short-comings of our personal character, which obviously is a great sources for us to make full use in order to get a better and more national understanding of ourselves.

Besides ,things happened in the past years may also come to us in the present or future. People who ignore the importance of experience in the past always fail to realize that history is as vital as present and future. They tend to live under an illusion that they can handle everything without re-discovering what happened in the past. But when we have a deep thinking on our history , It must be admitted that there is nothing happened only once ,but in millions of time. As the Holy Bible says “there is no new thing in our life ,things happen again and again.”
By realizing what happened in the past we could get somewhat estimate and evaluation on the situation of present or future.

The last and most important aspect is that we have more chances to learn precious lessons from history when we pay attention to it. No matter the experience is successful or not , they all play an important role on how to fix a serious problem. No one can deny a fact that learning from experience is a preferable choice when he/she is
hard to make progress on solving the problem. For instance , if a student who want to apply for the program abroad has difficulties to write a requiring letter to a professor ,there are numerous sources for him/her to take advantage if he /she just log on the internet and search information on writing letters. Millions of letters written by students in the past are available,which definitely help him /her a lot .Thus , We can see it clearly that learning from past do positive effect on handling the problem.

From what have been discussed above ,I am firmly believed that leaning from history contribute a lot in our daily life ,which made us more intellectual and rational to deal with problems now and future.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-3-24 21:52:40 |只看该作者
3.23 修改 by speedzshaw
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Free your ambitious mind and learn the art of dying.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-3-25 08:24:39 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree that improving schools is the most factor in successful development of country.

It is universally acknowledged that education provided by all kinds of schools plays the major part of role in one’s life. From the learning in the schools ,we are more confident and capable to handle the surroundings in the society. So many people claim that the way to judge the development of one country is to see what kind of education it can provide . There is no denying that people are beginning to pay more attention on the quality of schools in our country . As a young student ,I strongly support that it is definitely necessary for the authorities to take measures on improving schools .

In the first place, School, no matter it is elementary ,middle ,high or even the college , it is a place where millions of students get education and grow up at their beautiful ages. What the school imparted to them contribute a lot for their development in the future ,which when seen in a larger aspect do directly effects on our society. It is the young generation who accepted multiple education decide the future of our country .Thus ,we can see it clearly that the quality of schools become
the first concern for both the parents and students ,even the society as a whole . Improving schools , is of extremely importance to the everyone in the country.

What’s more ,the sources one school can provide students can also exert great impact on their development . For example ,if a student study in a school where there is no gyms or sports centers available
,then we can imagine how boring and tedious his/her life would be ! Both the hard and soft equipment should be well offered to the students in order to meet their needs.

The last thing that has to be taken into consideration is that when the schools get better improvement , more opportunities would come to visit it ,which benefits not only the school but the students as well. Those schools have a good reputation always admired by the people over the country even the world, which made it possible for students and teachers to communicate with other prestigious schools. Another results is that more students or teacher elites would join the school to realize their dreams and ambitions . Consequently ,this famous school will be more prosperous and rapidly developed, which also improve the image of our country.

In conclusion ,it must be admitted that the improvement of schools exert positive effect on individual and society , for which reason Government are encouraged to make efforts on this issue .

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RE: 进军美利坚独立写作by April [修改]
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进军美利坚独立写作by April


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