M:Hello, good afternoon.~
V: good afternoon~(很高兴地说)
"Here are my materials."我把材料递进去~
VO: 看到材料后,you are going to study in the states?
M: Yes, I am going to pursue my master' degree in Education. (希望我的签经能帮到像我一样是文科的亲们~)
V: So, you have been to the states before? What did you do there? (大概是这么说的,原话模糊中。。。) do you like it?
M: Yes, it was great!(VO笑) I went to attend ...... 开始扯~~
VO: So why Education? (声音很舒服)
M: Because I want to 表决心说理想,重点就说了将来想干什么,想成为做啥职业的人 ,.。。。。。。Be a part of it。。。。。 Make a difference. (俗的一句话,说着自己都忍不住嘴角上扬~ )
VO: 笑的好好看~顺势把邮寄黄单子 i20表退回来,然后说"OK,Let's see what kind of difference you are gonna make. "(不忘幽默一把~ )
M: (还不明白啥情况)傻傻地问:"am I approved ?"
VO: 你通过了。(中文。。)
M: 谢谢(开心笑,中文)迅速屁颠着离开