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[活动] 作文小组8.24 wxxgw作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-8-24 13:56:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country. (Media)

When it comes to the issue of whether we could learn other countries by reading newspaper, there is always a debate. Some people support the opinion that reading newspapers is the best way for them to learn other countries affairs. However, this statement is based on unreasonable assumptions. I, therefore, believe the claim that reading newspapers is not the best way for us to know the world. I will show the convincing evidence and rational analysis by the following words.

On the one hand, the first unreasonable assumption is that the author assumes that the newspapers are always tell people the truth—which is hard to be tested, and sometimes mislead our judgment to a problem. However, the information in the newspapers is always fresh, so that means some news are not real, because the publications print them in a hurry, and some of the publications are controlled by the government or other organizations, which want to control the public’s mind. For example, if a country want to fight another country, to own the support of its citizens, this country might write in the newspapers, the content of which may lead the residents have an negative impression on the counterpart.

The second unreasonable assumption is that the author assumes that there is no better way to learn other countries than reading newspapers. What other ways can help us to extend our outlook about other nations. Let us take the result of a survey as an example, according to the latest statistics reported by the Global Daily, of the people all over the world, 40 percent of people like to know the knowledge of other countries by reading history books, because they are more accurate than newspapers, and 30 percent of all the people like to do so by watching TV programs, such as National Geographic, Discovery, etc. Hence, from this investigation, we could see that there are many other ways for people to extend knowledge.

On the other hand, although some news are not real and reading newspapers is not the only way to learn other countries, newspaper is a convenient way for us to extend our knowledge. As an illusion, we can know the current affairs by reading news, and newspapers are easy to be taken away. Therefore, reading newspaper is a good way but not the best way for us to learn knowledge.

Taking all these factors into account, the issue of whether reading newspapers is the best way for us to learn other countries is complex and controversial. Nevertheless, with a fully analysis, we may reach the conclusion that we can learn the knowledge of other countries by many ways rather than by reading newspaper.

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发表于 2010-8-25 15:55:12 |只看该作者
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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-8-26 00:35:44 |只看该作者
1# wxxgw

When it comes to the issue of whether we could <can>learn other countries by reading newspaper, there is always a debate. Some people support the opinion that reading newspapers is the best way for them to learn other countries affairs. However, this statement is based on unreasonable assumptions. I, therefore, believe the claim that reading newspapers is not the best way for us to know the world. I will show the convincing evidence and rational analysis by the following words.这么说 我还是头一次看到, 牛! 我也不知道怎这么说是不是很好

On the one hand, the first unreasonable assumption is that the author assumes that the newspapers are always tell people the truth—which is hard to be tested, and sometimes mislead our judgment to a problem. However, the information in the newspapers is always fresh, so that means some news are not real, because the publications print them in a hurry, and some of the publications are controlled by the government or other organizations, which want to control the public’s mind. For example, if a country want to fight another country, to own the support of its citizens, this country might write in the newspapers, the content of which may lead the residents have an<a> negative impression on the counterpart<这句什么意思呢? 对手? 抵消?>. 牛! 政治小红旗飘过~

The second unreasonable assumption is that the author assumes that there is no better way to learn other countries than reading newspapers. What other ways can help us to extend our outlook about other nations. Let us take the result of a survey as an example, according to the latest statistics reported by the Global Daily, of the people all over the world, 40 percent of people like to know the knowledge of other countries by reading history books, because they are more accurate than newspapers, and 30 percent of all the people like to do so by watching TV programs, such as National Geographic, Discovery, etc. Hence, from this investigation, we could see that there are many other ways for people to extend knowledge.

On the other hand, although some news are not real and reading newspapers is not the only way to learn other countries, newspaper is a convenient way for us to extend <用多了>our knowledge. As an illusion<啥意思呢>, we can know the current affairs by reading news, and newspapers are easy to be taken away. Therefore, reading newspaper is a good way but not the best way for us to learn knowledge.

Taking all these factors into account, the issue of whether reading newspapers is the best way for us to learn other countries is complex and controversial. Nevertheless, with a fully analysis, we may reach the conclusion that we can learn the knowledge of other countries by many ways rather than by reading newspaper.

嗯 总体上 我觉得没有语法错误啊什么的 用词也蛮丰富的
God Bless me!

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