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Rank: 1

发表于 2011-1-26 21:34:08 |只看该作者
重新写过了一篇 写的第二篇。。。。 是在看了“argument就应该这样写”的那帖子后写的
按照他的说法 我觉得这个题目的逻辑链式这样的:
1、文章根据一个假设:GM 学院有比较多的关于 商科 和 计算机技术的课程,并且有较多的就业顾问。所以使GM学院的就业率比较高。
2、文章的结论是:我们(MV学院)也应该开设更多的关于 商科 和 计算机技术的课程 也应该再聘请一些就业顾问 以此来帮助毕业生就业
3、作者通过将两个学院的就业率做比较 来作为结论的论据

我的想法是这样的 不知道是否够谈得上逻辑性 另外 感觉自己在句式多样性上缺乏
也不知道这样的攻击方法及语言是否够力啊 文章结构行不行啊

3月中旬考啊 才开始复习。。。。。
238.The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Mira
Vista College to the college's board of trustees.

"At nearby Green Mountain College, which has more business courses and
more job counselors than does Mira Vista College, 90 percent of last
year's graduating seniors had job offers from prospective employers. But
at Mira Vista College last year, only 70 percent of the seniors who
informed the placement office that they would be seeking employment had
found full-time jobs within three months after graduation, and only half
of these graduates were employed in their major field of study. To help
Mira Vista's graduates find employment, we must offer more courses in
business and computer technology and hire additional job counselors to
help students with their resumes and interviewing skills."

邻近的Green Mountain学院拥有比Mira

From this argument, the author try to convince us that in order to help Mira Vista’s graduates find employ more easier, they should offer more courses in business and computer technology and hire additional job counselors to help students with their resumes and interviewing skills. To support his conclusion, the arguer cites a comparsion between Mira Vista College and their neighboring Green Mountain College. However, I’m afraid this argument can hardly bear a further consideration since there are several flaws in it.

To begin with, the arguer falsely depends on a gratuitous assumption that more business and computer technology courses and job counselors are responsible for a high rate of job hunting in Green Mountain College. The arguer provides none evidence to substantiate it, which make me highly suspect. As we know, there are a variety of majors in a college such as math, art and so on. The author provides little information about how many graduates major in business are involved in the 90 percent of employed students last year for Green Mountain College. Perhaps, only a little contribution are related to the graduates major in business for the successful job hunting, maybe the other students playing the key roles in it. So it is unconvincing for us without more evidence to support the arguer’s assumption.

Even assuming that the arguer’s assumption above is true, we still questioning that it is effective to apply the measure to Mira Vista College. The author ignores the difference between two colleges. It is highly possible that the Green Mountain College is strong at business and is nature to offer more business courses so that it can attract more students. Moreover, maybe the job market in where the Green Mountain College locate in is in short of students those who major in business and so does the students major in computer technology. However, the author does not point out any similarity between these two places. In a word, the arguer fails to provide sufficient evidence to support that it is similar enough for taking it into action.

Obviously, the author take it granted that the job counselors of Green Mountain college are making a big difference in its job hunting of graduates. Maybe it is, maybe it is not. But insofar no valid data is available to substantiate it. Besides, 3 months seems to be a little short to evaluate the situation about job hunting of Mira Vista College’s graduates. It is entirely possible that more than a little students would find a employment after 3 months and 1 day.

Anyway, I’m appreciating that the Mira Vista College making a hard work to improve the situation of job hunting. But as it stands, faced to the insufficient evidence, make it arguable, I cannot fully agree with the arguer. To strengthen it, the arguer should provide more evidence and details to evaluate the whole situation of job market anew then it would have been more thorough and logically acceptable.
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荣誉版主 Sagittarius射手座 寄托优秀版主 GRE斩浪之魂 AW作文修改奖 枫华正茂 魅丽星 爱美星 德意志之心

发表于 2011-1-26 21:38:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 咖啡盐 于 2011-1-26 23:02 编辑

Grounding on a study of a comparison between a group of first-time ulcer patients who took Zorba under a doctors direction and anther group who did not take Zorba, the arguer makes the conclusion that Zorba will be highly effective in preventing not only recurrent ulcers but also first-time unlcers. To support his claim the arguer showed us a data that only 25 percent Zorba takers developed new ulcers while in the group of who did not take Zorba the recurrence rate was 75 percent. While this argument seems somewhat specific and plausible at first glance, close inspection would reveal it fraught with vague, oversimplified and unwarranted claims in several aspects.这样是不是好些嘞?

First of all, it is dubious that a new ulcer is somewhat different from a recurrent ulcer, the author has a fallacy to make these two things equaled.
new ulcer和recurrent ulcer是存在着差异的。new ulcer 很可能发生在原来溃疡处以外的地方,或者以不同的形式在原创口发生;而recurrent ulcer 则是原来的病情再次发作。这种差别很可能由于受伤程度不同引起的,第一组由于伤的很重,需要Zorba控制病情,而第二组只是无关痛痒的ulcer,如:口腔溃疡。在这种情况下,第一组的病人很可能由于治疗中的其他并发症使得出现其他ulcer,这和第二组的复发就完全不是一个概念了。作者在没有根据的情况下建立的比较关系是不科学的。也可能,第一组的病人除了出现new ulcer外,还有复发的情况,比例可能高于第二组,那么,Zorba能够控制ulcer的发生就站不住脚了。所以,在没有其他科学依据的前提下,武断地将两种不同情况相比较是毫无根据的。

Even if the study could be the representative of the whole group of patients, these two groups of who took Zorba or not remain many other differences as well. 首先,病人自身的情况并没有统一,可能第一组病人全是青壮年,而第二组全是老人,年轻人自身的身体素质以及康复速度自然高于老人,所以第二组的复发率高并不能有力证明Zorba的作用。其次,两组病人所处的环境也可能存在差异,第一组是在设施齐全的医院进行康复,而第二组则是在自己家里;又或者,第一组康复的全程都有医生的专业指导,在这种情况下,病人的康复率自然比没有医生的情况下要高得多。

Moreover, even assuming that these two groups of patients are under the same circumstance, only Zorba's effect on preventing the recurrent ulcers or new ulcers can we prove. How can we know that Zorba are effective in first-time ulcer preventing?
上文的试验都是针对已经first-time ulcer的患者,而且new ulcers是在那些first-time ulcer 的基础上发生的,也无法成为Zorba能防止first-time ulcer 的证明,基于我们能从文中获得关于Zorba和first-time ulcer之间联系的信息过少,无从证明其真实性。


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( ̄ε(# ̄)  ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ∑( ° △ °|||)︴ (= ̄ω ̄=) (→_→)  ( ̄▽ ̄)~*

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 Taurus金牛座 GRE梦想之帆 德意志之心

发表于 2011-1-27 18:29:37 |只看该作者
34# 咖啡盐



看看,写段中文也自相矛盾了吧?第一个不合适,Z就是个dietary supplement。


这个还是有些问题,其实你说病人一组青壮年一组老人这是有些找茬的意味,做实验的也不是傻子,这么低级的错误不会犯。他们犯的是根据实验结果不恰当的推理出结论。往往实验不会有那么多白痴的问题,倒是实验中有些可能忽略的细节,但是不要作为重点。至于那所处的环境,实验的基本常识美国人还是有的,不要就这么低级的错误来说。就这个点来看,其实医生的指导是关键,如果医生作用不大也不会有国外那么强调doctor direction了,你主要立足于这个写要好些。这段重写!


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 Taurus金牛座 GRE梦想之帆 德意志之心

发表于 2011-1-27 19:28:02 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 紫陌纤尘o0 于 2011-1-28 19:16 编辑

33# xulinxi

蓝色:逻辑结构  绿色:我的建议 紫色:评注 红色:有问题的地方

1、文章根据一个假设:GM 学院有比较多的关于 商科 和 计算机技术的课程,并且有较多的就业顾问。所以使GM学院的就业率比较高。
2、文章的结论是:我们(MV学院)也应该开设更多的关于 商科 和 计算机技术的课程 也应该再聘请一些就业顾问 以此来帮助毕业生就业
3、作者通过将两个学院的就业率做比较 来作为结论的论据

我的想法是这样的 不知道是否够谈得上逻辑性 另外 感觉自己在句式多样性上缺乏
也不知道这样的攻击方法及语言是否够力啊 文章结构行不行啊


238.The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Mira
Vista College to the college's board of trustees.

"At nearby Green Mountain College, which has more business courses and
more job counselors
than does Mira Vista College, 90 percent of last
year's graduating seniors had job offers from prospective employers. But
at Mira Vista College last year, only 70 percent of the seniors who
informed the placement office that they would be seeking employment had
found full-time jobs within three months after graduation, and only half
of these graduates were employed in their major field of study. To help
Mira Vista's graduates find employment, we must offer more courses in
and computer technology and hire additional job counselors
help students with their resumes and interviewing skills."

GMC 客观条件>business courses >job counselors
        就业情况 90%prospective employ
MVC 客观条件 -
        就业情况 70%informed full time(in 3个月) 70%*50% 对口
2.两个学校的性质?(eg.一个是技校,一个是Uni) 未知
4.MVC有个关键informed, 那其它的未informed呢?未知


1.强调的是resumes and interviewing,言外之意是这GMC“成功”这两项是关键,同时开设一些课程都是为这两项服务的。
2.computer technology 从何而来?

From this argument, the author try to convince us that in order to help Mira Vista’s graduates find employ more easier, they should offer more courses in business and computer technology and hire additional job counselors to help students with their resumes and interviewing skills. To support his conclusion, the arguer cites a comparsion between Mira Vista College and their neighboring Green Mountain College. However, I’m afraid this argument can hardly bear a further consideration since there are several flaws in it.


To begin with, the arguer falsely depends on a gratuitous assumption that more business and computer technology courses and job counselors are responsible for a high rate of job hunting in Green Mountain College.  The arguer provides none evidence to substantiate it, which make me highly suspect.<1> As we know, there are a variety of majors in a college such as math, art and so on. The author provides little information about how many graduates major in business<2> are involved in the 90 percent of employed students last year for Green Mountain College. Perhaps, only a little contribution are related to the graduates major in business for the successful job hunting, maybe the other students playing the key roles in it. So it is unconvincing for us without more evidence to support the arguer’s assumption.
<2> 这个偏离了题意,把讨论限定在了很小的范围内。
这段不太和谐,前面用的模板,后面的表达与模板表达<1> 相去有段距离,一看就看出来了。模板都是废话,阿狗就这么点儿字,话语用在关键处。

Even assuming that the arguer’s assumption above is true, we still questioning that <3>it is effective to apply the measure to Mira Vista College. The author ignores the difference between two colleges. It is highly possible that the Green Mountain College is strong at business and is nature to offer more business courses so that it can attract more students. Moreover, maybe the job market in where the Green Mountain College locate in is in short of students those who major in business and so does the students major in computer technology. However, the author does not point out any similarity between these two places<4>. In a word, the arguer fails to provide sufficient evidence to support that it is similar enough for taking it into action.

论述问题挺大,首先是论述信息含量不足。而且alternative explain找的比较蹩脚。没有看到题目中比较核心的内容。

Obviously, the author take it granted that the job counselors of Green Mountain college are making a big difference in its job hunting of graduates. Maybe it is, maybe it is not<5>. But insofar no valid data is available to substantiate it. Besides, 3 months seems to be a little short to evaluate the situation <6>about job hunting of Mira Vista College’s graduates. It is entirely possible that more than a little students would find a employment after 3 months and 1 day.


Anyway, I’m appreciating that the Mira Vista College making a hard work to improve the situation of job hunting. But as it stands, faced to the insufficient evidence, make it arguable, I cannot fully agree with the arguer. To strengthen it, the arguer should provide more evidence and details to evaluate the whole situation of job market anew then it would have been more thorough and logically acceptable.(结尾原则上不看)



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Gemini双子座 Golden Apple 寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant

发表于 2011-1-27 20:34:20 |只看该作者
心里确实有点点急。。而越急我就越慌,越慌我就越不知道干啥好。。what a vicious circle。。sigh。。
ISSUE8 - "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."

Along with the advancement of society and technology, public's viewpoint about whether political leaders should withhold information has changed greatly. Previously people held the opinion that as long as they could live a life, what political leaders did didn't matter, while nowadays increasing numbers of people recognize that they have the right to supervise what political leaders have done. So the transparency of information is becoming more and more crucial. However, not every piece of information about a nation can be revealed to the public. Hence, how to deal with the information is a significant task for political leaders.

First of all, sometimes withholding information from the public is quite necessary especially when the information involves confidential document and the fundamental interest of a nation. Such information, once revealed, would cause adverse impacts. For instance, when the first atomic bomb was in the process of development by United States, its whole procedure remained top secret. Just image if the procedure of atomic bomb was let out, what great chaos it would induce. Public would be stuck in a frightening condition because anyone who knew the procedure might be possible to create one. If every country had the access to how to make an atomic bomb and then if disputes emerged between nations, using atomic bomb would become the underlying danger. Therefore, this kind of information that may bring about chaos has to be taken good cared of.

Some top secrets about a country could not be revealed to public, but it can not be extend to the degree that political leaders should withhold all the information from the public. People have the right to know the operation of the country as well as the right to supervise political leaders. If all information is withhold from the public, then supervision will turn impossible and people's own interest will be under damage even without consciousness. An instance may be apt to illustrate the point. Every year, Chinese government has to reveal its fiscal budget to public in order to let its people see where the revenue goes and whether the budget is reasonable or not. If this information is withheld which means tax-payers even have no idea of the utility of their money, then no individual will trust the country and be loyal to it because they would think that the nation may waste their money which is earned not easily. Consequently, if political leaders want the trust of the public, they should first show their trust to the public by revealing some information.

As discussed above, keeping secrets and withholding information are both necessary for political leaders. Just as the old saying goes--one careless move forfeits the whole game, political leaders have to be prudent and find the balance between those two. Therefore, deciding the standard that which information can be withhold and which can't is extremely vital. One of the standard that political leaders are ought to take into consideration is the effect of the publicized information. If the information may stir up immense damage to both the nation and its people, political leaders have to think twice before taking action.

To sum up, withholding information or not is a case-by-case discussion. Sometimes some information should be withheld and sometimes they must be revealed which depend on the standard that political leaders set up.
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Rank: 4

发表于 2011-1-28 10:40:10 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 紫陌纤尘o0 于 2011-1-28 23:10 编辑


我划定关键词大致是students  skepticism study question accept passively这几个,主角是students,话题重点是skepticism,speaker的论点是学生应对所学所有内容都有怀疑态度,并给出了一个方法(质疑)。


题目:ISSUE 153
"Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."

1. The explanation of skepticism.
2. What do students learn in school? Is skepticism adaptable?
3. Is it good for students?
4. What if a student instructed with skepticism if he/she doesn't want to be a scientist?
5. Reserve in two points.

We are calling for a revolution in the realm of education in accordance with the development of economy, technology and society, to wit the step of the times. One measure that many people advocate is that students should learn with the spirit of skepticism to whatever they study, i.e. they should question what they learn rather than just accept it. Though with reserve, I generally agree that it is wise to inculcate students with skepticism and lead them to applying that to most of what they learn.

Before we start, it is advisable to take a gander at the meaning of skepticism. The speaker has mentioned the nub, or what we call the pivot, of the skepticism, which is the capability for asking questions. To make it further, we can arrive at an idea that skepticism is to find something new rather than say "this is it." What students are taught includes science, liberal arts and literature, sports, some pratice training and so on. It is clear that the spirit of skepticism is adaptable to what students learn regardless of various subjects.

Furthermore, skepticism is both adaptable and useful in the realm of education. Concerning the latter point, skepticism is conducive to opening a student's mind and improving his/her capabilities for investigation. First, by skepticism students are imbued with the sense of disentanglement. He/she would know that it is not something forbidden to ask questions. This is especially meaningful for Chinese education, where traditionally a student would be batted if he/she dared to ask even a simple question in order to  maintain the teacher's authority. Though the era has changed, we need to further liberate the thought now. Second, a student could acquire the ability for investigation which is the precious gem of modern science. Pitifully, this is what traditional education does not recommend, which could explain why there is even no scientist who has got a Nobel Prize with the sole nationality of the People's Republic of China. That is to say in traditional Chinese education a student who always enjoys "looking for something new" which is a good habit in the eyes of a Western teacher would be regarded as a "naughty boy" who "does not concern what he/she should be wrapped up in". And a naughty boy, in traditional Chinese education, is equal to a "bad guy" who "is totally rubbish and contributes nothing to the society." It seems unfair and unreasonable, but it is not exaggerating to say that it was the truth in the past several milleniums in Chinese history, and that it still makes a difference in modern Chinese education. In this sense skepticism is doubtless quite imperative.

Even if this student does not want to be a scientist, investigation is conducive to his/her future development. A student who does not want to be a scientist will probably devote himself/herself to a certain job which links directly to society, or more specifically, he/she will work in a firm. From the view of a firm, of course it wants to make profit by producing products and services. Regardless of oligopoly, there is competition among several firms, some leaders of which could be called barons. Therefore, the firm would like to know what is going on in other firms and the whole situation in this realm. Then an investigation is needed. The manager expects his/her employees  to master the ability to conduct a investigation without inculcating them from ABC, which could significantly whittle a large amount of expenses. This would make sense both in employment and working, where one who acquires that capability is more favored.  

I deem it is also just what the GRE test wants to train students in. It is a postgraduate entrance examination, but not restricted to the scientific area. It is unreasonable to rule out the possibility that some postgraduates would not be engaged in science anymore. But whatever he/she will be a scientist in future, ETS wants to imbue who participates in the GRE with a skepticism to prepare them for future development. Let's just take Analytical Writing as an instance. An issue asks students to show their talents by logically broaching their opinions; through the Argument Test a student is trained to tell the errors in a speaker's sentiments, which is of great help for this student to make a big decision in the future work. This is what we should advocate.

Of course, nothing is accurate from every aspect. Skepticism is not adaptable in every field. For example, it is unwise for a student to spend a long time wondering whether Confucius was a Korean or not. We all know it is the fact that Confucius was Chinese without doubt, but years ago some Korean scientists wanted to refute that and provided unreliable sources to strengthen their stupid points. It was absolutely a waste of time. Also, it is both unnecessary and harmful if one is dubious about the accurate number of the deaths in Nanjing Massacre in WWII. The accurate number makes no sense. Besides, it would give some people opportunity to deny the sins Japan committed during that time. We cannot allow this to happen.

In sum, generally speaking it is wise to teach student with the spirit of skepticism in most fields. As mentioned above for Chinese  education it is specifically urgent. It is high time to take the plunge. And I believe there would be a bright future if we could adapt that notion in practice.
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紫陌纤尘o0 + 2 连分析带修改,那么短时间,很快了~我修改都 ...

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-28 13:11:21 |只看该作者
          2. 写错的单词较多,打字不熟练。

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发表于 2011-1-28 13:27:34 |只看该作者
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
紫陌纤尘o0 + 3 我还以为给你批的打击到你了,再不出现鸟~加 ...

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发表于 2011-1-28 14:09:04 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 stcheng 于 2011-1-28 14:11 编辑

51. “Education will be truly effective onlywhen it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests ofeach student.”


The present society commences callingattention to the individual development, which guides suggestions of education reformationas we know as the individual education, which is to exclusively cater for everydistinctive student. This revolutionary education method indeed has itsredeeming features, yet I have my reservations. What I think through over andover again is its efficiency of achieving a balanced basic knowledge andcultivating a qualified sociable people.

Clearly, this “individual education”viewpoint is based on correcting the inadequacies of current education mode – tostrangle a student’s personality, to sacrifice a student’s interests and to limita student’s capability and potential due to “collective education”--- Studentsattend same courses, have same homework, and take same exams. Especially inthose developing countries that have a tremendous population like China and India, the contemporary suite ofeducation form hardly differs for each student from elementary school tocollege or university. On the other hand, individual education offers students chancesto communicate with teachers individually, to choose what to learn and how tolearn freely. The indispensable significance of this education form is that it perhapslargely reduces the apathy of learning and dropping out of school, and it easesstudent’s pressure.

But, is individual education the bestsubstitute? As is known, a proper form of education closely connects family andsociety, thus it should take on the responsibility not only to help the familyshape a student’s unique personality, but to assist cultivating students’sociability. In a conventional form of education, learning to develop anappropriate relationship between peers and teachers should be important part ofschool education that could never be ignored. Such education acquaints studentswith the excitement of competition and the happiness of discussing and sharingviews or opinions, while all these cannot be achieved when a much specificallydesigned form is put into operation. Suppose there is a talented person full ofknowledge, but he doesn’t even know how to effectively communicate with others,how to express and convey his ideas clearly and candidly and to carry out theconcepts in his mind, could we conclude that the education he receives benefitsthe society, or in another word, an effective one?

Another aspect that should be concerned iswhether an individual education can offer a general foundation of knowledge andlearning skills. The education process, I consider, is a series of progressesstarting from broad to narrow, from rudimentary to intricate, from universal tospecific. Thus, an undue haste to cater to the students’ needs and interestsmight lead to a student’s lack of solid foundation of learning, and could be aloss when a student drifts his/her attention to another branch of learning.

So far, I’ve been discussing the positive aspectsan individual education presents – its freedom to exploit students’ potentialand capability, and somewhat the rather negative sides as the absence ofsociality and insufficiency of fundamental knowledge. This education form mightnot properly replace the present one we have; nevertheless, putting forward it denotesa sharp alteration of current education system, not an upheaval one, butcomparatively more gradual and step-by-step one, to achieve a stage thatindividual advancement and general development can be both pursued.


1. 如何在总体保持中立态度的同时能够让文章避免行文趋于平淡?
2. 对于题目中概念比较模糊的词语是否需要在文章中单独进行定义?
比如此题目中的 education effective 等

1. 这个题目的关键点在individual needs and interests呢还是在effective education上?本文没有很明确的明确这一点,是否需要在开头或者文章靠前位置点名:effective education means 为社会培养所需要的人才,这个方面?
2. 全文的正文部分的第一段旨在”欲抑先扬“,肯定这个教育体系的改革之处的先进性的一面,正文后两段则偏重于对其能否达到“为社会培养所需要的人才”这个目的进行质疑,并提出自己的看法和观点。因为这个方向的例证比较少,不知如何能够很好的support自己的观点。
3. 文章中为了比较简洁的概括题目意思,将其conclude为一种individual education并且把这种education和现行的更普适性的education方式进行比较来说明其不足之处,是否有偷换概念的嫌疑?是否将individual needs and interests和social requirments做两方面的比较会更加妥当?

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紫陌纤尘o0 + 3 http://bbs.gter.ce.cn/bbs/viewthread.php

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发表于 2011-1-28 15:51:00 |只看该作者
  比如我现在的攻击点有两个,(1)假设--->结论 (2)论据--->假设
2. 对于argu的开头,怎么一种开头方式啊?是按照自己的话,把文章的逻辑链写下来,然后指出错误,还是
3. argu的结尾(或者是每个主体段段尾)要不要写出如何改进啊?如果不写,那是不是写写总结话就好。
4. issue的结尾段应该是一种什么样子为好啊?我就是比较简单的总结,基本把论点再说一遍,没两句就完。
5  issue的主体段现在感觉有点模式,上来主旨句,接着论述原理,然后摆明例证,最后总结下例子和论点。

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荣誉版主 Taurus金牛座 GRE梦想之帆 德意志之心

发表于 2011-1-28 18:50:00 |只看该作者
43# wowoyuweiwei

  比如我现在的攻击点有两个,(1)假设--->结论 (2)论据--->假设
阿狗的基本逻辑形式我总结了下大体上有两种:1.基于某前提下的论据推出结论 2.论据-->假设(前提)-->结论

2. 对于argu的开头,怎么一种开头方式啊?是按照自己的话,把文章的逻辑链写下来,然后指出错误,还是

3. argu的结尾(或者是每个主体段段尾)要不要写出如何改进啊?如果不写,那是不是写写总结话就好。

4. issue的结尾段应该是一种什么样子为好啊?我就是比较简单的总结,基本把论点再说一遍,没两句就完。

5  issue的主体段现在感觉有点模式,上来主旨句,接着论述原理,然后摆明例证,最后总结下例子和论点。


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分享之阳 Sagittarius射手座 寄托兑换店纪念章

发表于 2011-1-28 22:25:17 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 SpriteTC 于 2011-1-29 14:07 编辑

42# stcheng


1. 如何在总体保持中立态度的同时能够让文章避免行文趋于平淡?
2. 对于题目中概念比较模糊的词语是否需要在文章中单独进行定义?
比如此题目中的 education effective

2。我觉着要,这样会把讨论范围缩小很多便于进一步论述,我记得130社会化的那题,先定义“社会化”我觉得就很有必要。这道题中education effective,随意吧。

<1>The present society commences calling attention to the individual development, which guides suggestions of education reformation as we know as the individual education, which is to exclusively cater for every distinctive student. This revolutionary education method indeed has its redeeming features,<2> yet I have my reservations. What I think through over andover again is its efficiency of achieving a balanced basic knowledge and
cultivating a qualified sociable people.

<2>从下文看,basic knowledge算是提到了,qualified sociable people涉及的还不够。

<1>Clearly, this “individual education”viewpoint is based on correcting the inadequacies of current education mode – to
strangle a student’s personality, to sacrifice a student’s interests and to limita student’s capability and potential due to “collective education”--- Students attend same courses, have same homework, and take same exams. Especially in
those developing countries that have a tremendous population like China and India, the contemporary suite of
education form hardly differs for each student from elementary school to college or university. <2>On the other hand, individual education offers students chances to communicate with teachers individually, to choose what to learn and how tolearn freely. The indispensable significance of this education form is that it perhaps largely reduces the apathy of learning and dropping out of school, and it easesstudent’s pressure.

现学现卖,这一段2层意思都有点太主观了,collective education的不好,individual education的好,都没有正面的或者反面的例子来支撑,叙说的部分太多,而且常识来说,collective education也不至于导致学生不能和老师独立交流吧?减少逃课就更瞎了。。。总之,应该再用例子充实一些,减少主观说理的部分。

But, is individual education the best substitute? <1>As is known, a proper form of education closely connects family and society, thus it should take on the responsibility not only to help the family shape a student’s unique personality, but to assist cultivating students’ sociability. In a conventional form of education, learning to develop an appropriate relationship between peers and teachers should be important part of school education that could never be ignored. Such education acquaints students with the excitement of competition and the happiness of discussing and sharing
views or opinions, while all these cannot be achieved when a much specifically designed form is put into operation.
<2>Suppose there is a talented person full of knowledge, but he doesn’t even know how to effectively communicate with others, how to express and convey his ideas clearly and candidly and to carry out the concepts in his mind, could we conclude that the education he receives benefits the society, or in another word, an effective one?

<2>例子不充分,观点是说传统教育带来的好的方面,例子中的人没有这些好的方面>>>所以得出结论传统教育不可少,文中没有提及缺少这些好的方面是因为没有受过传统教育或者是受individual education所导致的,反面论证的不够有力。使得看不出来这段是对individual education进行质疑。

Another aspect that should be concerned is whether an individual education can offer a general foundation of knowledge and learning skills. The education process, <1>I consider, is a series of progress starting from broad to narrow, from rudimentary to intricate, from universal to specific. Thus, an undue haste to cater to the students’ needs and interests might lead to a student’s lack of solid foundation of learning, and could be a loss when a student drifts his/her attention to another branch of learning.

这段讲过度的 individual education的不好,最好来个例子支持一下。

So far, I’ve been discussing the positive aspectsan individual education presents – its freedom to exploit students’ potential and capability, and somewhat the rather negative sides as the absence of sociality and insufficiency of fundamental knowledge. This education form might not properly replace the present one we have; nevertheless, putting forward it denotes a sharp alteration of current education system, not an upheaval one, but comparatively more gradual and step-by-step one, to achieve a stage that individual advancement and general development can be both pursued.


1. 这个题目的关键点在individual needs and interests呢还是在effective education上?本文没有很明确的明确这一点,是否需要在开头或者文章靠前位置点名:effective education means 为社会培养所需要的人才,这个方面?
2. 全文的正文部分的第一段旨在”欲抑先扬“,肯定这个教育体系的改革之处的先进性的一面,正文后两段则偏重于对其能否达到“为社会培养所需要的人才”这个目的进行质疑,并提出自己的看法和观点。因为这个方向的例证比较少,不知如何能够很好的support自己的观点。
3. 文章中为了比较简洁的概括题目意思,将其conclude为一种individual education并且把这种education和现行的更普适性的education方式进行比较来说明其不足之处,是否有偷换概念的嫌疑?是否将individual needs and interestssocial requirments做两方面的比较会更加妥当?

1。我认为关键点自己定。你要是认为individual needs and interests好,那它就是effective education;要是不好,那就提出你认为的effective education,到时候你必然会解释effective education
2。“正++反”的思路完全可行,段落间的连接关系要自然顺畅,这也是AW里提到的起承转合,我认为可以改成“individual education的好>>>>过分individual education的不好>>>individual education所到不到的)老教育的好”这样连接性会自然一些,倾向也很清楚
3。我认为可以提炼为individual education,开头交代一下就好了,让读者知道你是这么指代原文的。至于和social requirments的比较,我觉得可以在“过分individual education的不好”这段里加进去,说过度的individual needs and interests导致忽略了一部分social requirments,是论证有力,不用单独把两者比较。

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紫陌纤尘o0 + 2 你可以帮他看看文章,互相学习一下,我通常 ...

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2014 Fall
Master of Architecture
University of Maniotba

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荣誉版主 Taurus金牛座 GRE梦想之帆 德意志之心

发表于 2011-1-28 23:08:54 |只看该作者
37# 布丁的爱恋
蓝色:逻辑结构  绿色:我的建议 紫色:评注 红色:有问题的地方

ISSUE8 - "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."
这个题目信息量很少,所以分析点就自然从withhold information的种类入手了,通常用conditions的方法入手,但是这种方法入手容易,写起来可能写散了。恩,且看文章吧~

Along with the advancement of society and technology, public's viewpoint about whether political leaders should withhold information has changed greatly. Previously people held the opinion that as long as they could live a life, what political leaders did didn't matter<1>, while nowadays increasing numbers of people recognize that they have the right to supervise what political leaders have done. So the transparency of information is becoming more and more crucial. However, not every piece of information about a nation can be revealed to the public. Hence, how to deal with the information is a significant task for political leaders.
这段有些不恰当地把重点转移了,题目说的是information, 这个information可未必是leader做了什么事情的消息。

First of all, sometimes withholding information from the public is quite necessary especially when the information involves confidential document and the fundamental interest of a nation. Such information, once revealed, would cause adverse impacts. For instance, when the first atomic bomb was in the process of development by United States, its whole procedure remained top secret. Just image if the procedure of atomic bomb was let out, what great chaos it would induce. Public would be stuck in a frightening condition because anyone who knew the procedure might be possible to create one. If every country had the access to how to make an atomic bomb and then if disputes emerged between nations, using atomic bomb would become the underlying danger. Therefore, this kind of information that may bring about chaos has to be taken good cared of.

Some top secrets about a country could not be revealed to public, but it can not be extend to the degree that political leaders should withhold all the information<2> from the public. People have the right to know the operation of the country as well as the right to supervise political leaders. <3>If all information is withhold from the public, then supervision will turn impossible and people's own interest will be under damage even without consciousness. An instance may be apt to illustrate the point. Every year, Chinese government has to reveal its fiscal budget to public in order to let its people see where the revenue goes and whether the budget is reasonable or not. If this information is withheld which means tax-payers even have no idea of the utility of their money, then no individual will trust the country and be loyal to it because they would think that the nation may waste their money which is earned not easily. Consequently, if political leaders want the trust of the public, they should first show their trust to the public by revealing some information.
<2> 这里有些偷换概念,题目也没有说all
<3> 好像是又把矛头指向了领导所做的事情上


As discussed above, keeping secrets and withholding information are both necessary for political leaders. Just as the old saying goes--one careless move forfeits the whole game, political leaders have to be prudent and find the balance between those two. Therefore, deciding the standard that which information can be withhold and which can't is extremely vital. One of the standard that political leaders are ought to take into consideration is the effect of the publicized information. If the information may stir up immense damage to both the nation and its people, political leaders have to think twice before taking action.<4>这个评判准则后面再三言两语举些具体的例子就更好了。

To sum up, withholding information or not is a case-by-case discussion. Sometimes some information should be withheld and sometimes they must be revealed which depend on the standard that political leaders set up.(结尾原则上不看)


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发表于 2011-1-29 10:42:02 |只看该作者
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发表于 2011-1-29 13:47:53 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 vavachelsea 于 2011-1-29 14:17 编辑

Issue01:We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.


I can't fully support the view presented above.The experience of learning can only be enhanced by the combination of approval and contradiction.
First of all,learning is defined as the acquisition of knowledge.The approach to acquiring knowledge can be divided into two parts.One is offered by schools and institions.The other one is known as self-studying or home-schooling.The learning experience conforming to the requirements is offered by schools and institions.

If learning was nothing but the progress of approving others' views and accepting your supporters' opinions,it would to some extent create a more harmonious learning atmosphere in which learners respect each other and pay more attention to solving the problems presented before them together.However,this learning experience can also be of devastating outcome.Taken the feudal society of China for example.In that historical period,students have no personal views and all consent to the mainstream opinion that there is no way but to write those rigid artilcles so as to live a notable life. The result of no contradiction arising was that the society at that time lacked the spirit of innovation and courage,which in turn ultimately inhibited the formation of an innovative learning environment and accelerated the fall of all those dynasties.

It's essential that we gained knowledge through both sharing common views and modestly learning from those who carrying differernt understandings.Learning fom those who bear contradictory opinions can be of great significance.To begin with,contradictory views can stimulate the common view holder to think twice over the spectrum of their views.Imagine the condition that all the executives in a company sit around a round table sharing the same business plans.How ridiculous!If so,how could a company sketch out a business plan that best fits the market and maximize their profits?Moreover,opposing opinions can help create a competitive atmosphere in which every participant is active to join the decision-making process and express their opinons and finally give rise to an innovative environment.

Neither of simply resisiting contradictory views nor just keeping learining from opponents is adoptable for the sake of efficiency.Therefore,one advisable way to learn is assimilating in the good elements from our supporters and critically observe the merits and short-comings of the views held by our contradictors.




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