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[作文] Maggie‘s daily writing [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-22 22:45:04 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, it is not important for families to eat meals together regularly.%

Some people declaim such as they are busy with their career development, they have no time or they are already independent adults that don’t need to eat with their parents loudly, I strongly disagree with them. Even though busy lifestyle make it difficult, eating together as a family is still very important and families who eat meals together benefit in a variety of ways.

First and foremost, eating dinner together as a family provides ample opportunities for communication. Mealtimes will create more chances for open discussions, and encourage all members to participate. Through this soft way, children, teenagers even adults would develop their ability of communicating in society by occasion that they have already trained a lot in the dinner table. By avoid topic that might cause conflicts and allowing all family members express his or her ideas, people can find a good way to talk openly and get along with each other well. Finally, people especially children, learn to know how to behavior and communicate with their friends and colleagues. Thus family meals help provide a regular, consistent opportunity to create a shared experience which is meaningful and offers a sense of belonging to all.

Second, eating together as a family is also a great way of easing their minds of spending a whole day. Family members share their days in the dinner table can spread their happiness to another or eliminate their unhappy minds through speaking out. For someone like me, I sometimes spend a hard day during daytime, for example being scolded by teachers, I would like to talk to my parents in meals time because my parents would comfort me and we would figure out a better way of improving my school acting. What’s more, many will recall this time as some of their most cherished memories because people would leave plenty of laughs and sweet stories in dinner tables.

What’s more, eating meals together helps people improve nutrition especially children. Numerous studies have overwhelmingly point to the fact that families who eat together have better overall nutrition, on the ground that the people who always takes charge of preparing meals knows to consume more fruits and vegetables and fewer snack foods. For teenagers, not only have studies found that teenagers who have dinner with their families get better grades at school, but also they are less likely to get involved with negative behaviors like drinking alcohol, taking drugs or smoking. For young people who just access to society, they would choose to eat in fast-food restaurants if they have meals single which is definitely have much less nutritious than having dinner with their families.

In sum, there is no doubt that it is important for families to eat meals together regularly for eating together helps families achieve better communication and build stronger relationship, children perform better at school, adult act better in community and the whole family members enjoy better nutritious meals.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-23 08:39:42 |只看该作者
7 r9 `) k7 W/ J) f2 c: M: ADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, it is not important for families to eat meals together regularly.%
& n' K0 q1 @" `4 j( P& j: n( l; R9 A
& y2 S$ S. a0 h; V% `Some people declaim such as they are busy with their career development, they have no time or they are already independent adults that don’t need to eat with their parents loudly, I strongly disagree with them. Even though busy lifestyle make it difficult, eating together as a family is still very important and families who eat meals together benefit in a variety of ways.
3 }; d( g" |" y: d- K- S, {2 i
& {- t/ L( ?2 s( ?: `$ P# K
First and foremost, eating dinner together as a family provides ample opportunities for communication. Mealtimes will create more chances for open discussions, and encourage all members to participate. Through this soft way, children, teenagers even adults would develop their ability of communicating in society by occasion that they have already trained a lot in the dinner table. By avoiding topic that might cause conflicts and allowing all family members express his or her ideas, people can find a good way to talk openly and get along with each other well. Finally, people especially children, learn to know how to behavior and communicate with their friends and colleagues. Thus family meals help provide a regular, consistent opportunity to create a shared experience which is meaningful and offers a sense of belonging to all.
) m  n) O* D2 K  F/ b
+ f7 C; i1 F+ e
Second, eating together as a family is also a great way of easing their minds of spending a whole day. Family members share their days in the dinner table can spread their happiness to another(others) or eliminate their unhappy minds through speaking out. For someone like me, I sometimes spend a hard day during daytime, for example being scolded by teachers, I would like to talk to my parents in meals time because my parents would comfort me and we would figure out a better way of improving my school acting(performance). What’s more, many will recall this time as some of their most cherished memories because people would leave plenty of laughs and sweet stories in dinner tables.
0 F1 n+ |! @. f  g
5 c8 r# _, ^; m/ a* b1 y
What’s more(建议换个表达方式,与上段最后重复了), eating meals together helps people improve nutrition especially children. Numerous studies have overwhelmingly point to the fact that families who eat together have better overall nutrition, on the ground that the people who always takes charge of preparing meals knows to consume more fruits and vegetables and fewer snack foods. For teenagers, not only have studies found that teenagers who have dinner with their families get better grades at school, but also they are less likely to get involved with negative behaviors like drinking alcohol, taking drugs or smoking. For young people who just get access to society, they would choose to eat in fast-food restaurants if they have meals single which is definitely have much less nutritious (nutrition) than having dinner with their families.
1 X) [1 r5 w! {" P# T3 L2 {3 m8 q
  F2 U7 {: |1 A/ U; |9 ]
In sum, there is no doubt that it is important for families to eat meals together regularly for eating together helps families achieve better communication and build stronger relationship, children perform better at school, adult act better in community and the whole family members enjoy better nutritious meals.感觉三个better有点重复,最好能改变一下说法。


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-23 10:26:28 |只看该作者
2.23 独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are more influenced from their teacher rather than their friends.

Nowadays, many people are wild about education problems. One of the hottest questions under debate is whether students are more influenced from their teacher rather than their friends or not. Some people hold the approval issue because they convince that students attending school is to get educated and teachers are full of life experiences. But I disagree with that. In my opinion, students are more influenced from their friends because of the following reasons.

First, see from the hours students spend with teachers, it is obviously that students spend more time with their friends than their teachers. In students daily lives, ordinarily they only meet their teachers in class. However, they can meet their friends both in and after class. For example, when I was in middle school, I spent 7 hours in class. But I continued hung around with my friends after class even include weekends. We studied together and shared our own ideas in order to acquire more information. In my experiences it seems that the influences from teachers are limited.

Second, for most of time the communications between teachers and students are monodirectional while between students and their friends are bidirectional. It is very seldom that a student would talk to his teacher as much as his teacher talks to him. In the conversation between teachers and students, students would just to receive but not to exchange. Thus the effects generating under this situation are not so effective since students would get tired of listening. But it would act opposite while communicating with their friends. They would talk to each other, transport their ideas to each other and do motions to each other. As a result, the influences among them double and go deep.

Somebody may argue that it can’t be ignored that there many good teachers who have endeavored to exercise influence on their students. Commonly their approach is to have the students who always get low grade talk in his office. However it doesn’t seem that influential on occasion that teachers don’t really understand their students’ thoughts and why problems come out. This function works, but influence from friends gets better.

So, I believe that students are more influenced from their friends who have similar perspective on life than from their teacher who have less time spending with them and don’t usually listen but just talk.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-23 11:51:45 |只看该作者
2.23 综合  TPO4
In the lecture, the professor actually contradicts the statement made in the reading passage. She believes that dinosaurs are not endotherms i.e. they can't keep their bodies' temperature in a constant way.

First, the professor points out that where polar dinosaurs fossils have been found, were so much warmer than today that could support not-endotherms animals to live. Thus the uncorrected evidence provides in reading passage cannot prove dinosaurs were endotherms.

Second, the professor cast doubt on the reason of the placement of dinosaurs' legs. She provides another explanation for having legs under the body that dinosaurs need their legs under their bodies to supports more weight in order to grow to a very large size.

What's more, talk about bone structure, the professor tells us another thing----gross rings---- existed in dinosaurs' bones which haven't been mentioned in reading passage. Gross rings, according to the professor, indicate periods of time when dinosaurs weren't rapidly growing. These gross rings are evidence that dinosaurs stop growing or grow more slowly during cooler periods. Because growth and then rapid growth again is characteristic of not-endotherms animals, and dinosaurs acted the opposite way, dinosaurs were not endotherms.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-2-23 22:39:24 |只看该作者
In terms of whether Rembrandt painted Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet, the reading and the listening are contradictory to each other.2 z2 I' Z( ~6 y% I% n- I

7 O( L$ l; O- I+ o1 d% fFirst, the professor in listening passage reveals that the fur color mentioned in reading passage isn't the part of the original painting. X-ray and pigments in the paint's analysis shown that the fur color was painted over the original painting about 100 years after. She presumes that is because people want to increase the value of the painting.2 c: p6 `) B/ r# v

# V; X1 r* `: y" }5 v& C; ~
Second, the professor points out that in the original painting which can be seen after added fur color removed, the face appears partially in shadow just as what people expect. The woman in original painting is wearing a simple color of lighted colored cloth which reflects light that illuminated parts of the woman's face.(可以加一句与原文对比的句子). I/ U6 |: |; z3 g& G6 W

0 B1 x9 C% X3 v% I
Finally, the professor gives another truth(感觉用truth不是很贴切,fact比较好) which is also found after the fur color removed that the original paintings actually painted on the single piece of wood. People who enlarged the painting's size and tap with extra wood pieces glued may be desire to make the painting more grand and valuable. She also adds a proof that researchers have found that piece wood of the original paintings is from the very tree. Rembrandt has used the wood panel for another painting----his self-portrait---- from this same tree.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-24 09:29:08 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-24 12:38:18 |只看该作者
33# PsMaggie

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-24 18:23:54 |只看该作者
In the lecture, the professor actually contradicts the statement made in the reading passage. She believes that dinosaurs are not endotherms i.e. they can't keep their bodies' temperature in a constant way.4 n/ S9 \6 Q2 n, a( r(感觉这句话是里面的一个分论点,在第一段出现有些不妥): m& }5 J2 X4 T; r  qFirst, the professor points out that where polar dinosaurs fossils have been found, were so much warmer than today that could support not-endotherms animals to live. Thus the uncorrected evidence provides in reading passage cannot prove dinosaurs were endotherms.(还有一个点是,即使是极地寒冬恐龙也能迁徙到温暖的地方,很重要哦4 r# _- W/ G$ B, L+ R5 f4 Q" O- U7 H1 A3 \/ ]- D, v; x' T
Second, the professor cast doubt on the reason of the placement of dinosaurs' legs. She provides another explanation for having legs under the body that dinosaurs need their legs under their bodies to supports more weight in order to grow to a very large size.
$ q* G7 w/ [! ^5 Z, ~8 V) r$ q  Q5 t* X
What's more, talk about bone structure, the professor tells us another thing----gross(应该叫Growth rings吧!和生长有关哦!) rings---- existed in dinosaurs' bones which haven't been mentioned in reading passage. Gross rings, according to the professor, indicate periods of time when dinosaurs weren't rapidly growing. These gross rings are evidence that dinosaurs stop growing or grow more slowly during cooler periods. Because growth and then rapid growth again is characteristic of not-endotherms animals, and dinosaurs acted the opposite way, dinosaurs were not endotherms加强踩点!加油。。。。嘿嘿

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