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[问题求助] 求好心人拍砖,还有三天就考了,急~~ [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-4-25 22:26:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
我写的是issue 40,为了和千篇一律的并列式观点区别开我选择的思路是先从两方面定义核心概念,然后在一个观点上重点发展,最后让步一下,不知道大家觉得这个结构怎么样,会不会有点冒险啊? 谢谢啦~~~~

Human beings are socialized and connected to each other ,including scholars and researchers. It is our duty to make contributions to all members in this community, which I disagree with the assertion above that pursuing individual interest is more important. My contention of the point with the speaker involves the nature of research and its impact on our society.

To begin with, some people believe research is just the extension of personal interests which is the main motivation of devoting themselves to science and technology. In our history, many scholars and researchers in all kinds of field, such as biology, economy and philosophy, study many unknown things and make a lot of inventions. Planes, black board and shell-decoration are deriving from people’s interests. Some of these are conducive, while some may be harmful to people’s health state and our life. Nuclear weapons might be the case; many scientists find the prominent energy of nuclear without scrutiny of its diabolic harm. Regardless of its influence, interest do create many things and promote the development of research.

Nonetheless, the essence of research should not be focused on individual interest and preference only, which is my assertion from utilitarianism, and the highest principle of research is to maximize all utility or welfares. If so, some inventions like toxic fertilizer, and violent weapons which are able to cause catastrophe in large scale, even scholars and researchers interested in them, are not appropriate, for they may deduct our aggregating welfare. In fact, most inventions are responsible for the development of whole utility. In 1930s, most people still used letter as the main distant communication tools and words are the only symbol of correspondent's appearance. With the lapse of time, telephones were applied into every field of our life ,and later mobile phones took place of fixed phones .Our material life have been broadened ,which is the contribution of research on technology.

Furthermore, another important contribution of research making a possible shift in common people's values is the research of virtue and morality. John Locke, as the father of liberalism, states that there are certain fundamental things ---nature right to liberty and property ---can not be overrided even by government. His idea of right of property has sparked the explosion of property rights and fuel total social utility. This may illustrate the impact of research on both individual and social structure.

Admittedly, some researches are still on the way and their advantages will be masked in recent period. In terms of history, many inventions are derided as awkward things and useless. When the train was firstly invented about 200 years ago, people riding horse often compete with it, despite its substantiated convenience in later time. Another good example to fully appreciate it might be solar energy. A famous professor in our energy institute cited that “As a new energy source, solar energy is uneconomical in terms of cause and effect analysis in recent, but it will have bright future”

In sum, all the analysis confirmed the conclusion that research should make contribution to our society and it is the engine of human beings’ plane.


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