In this argument,the author indicates that the arctic deer's being unable to follow theirage-old migration patterns across the frozen sea cause the decline in deerpopulations. Although this argument might seem reasonable at first glance,there are some specific evidence is needed to sustain it.
First of all, noevidence convince that the arctic deer live on islands in Canada's arcticregions cannot migrate from island to island like before. If the ice coveredthe sea still exist in some time of a year, they still can search for food bymoving on ice from island to island. Even though the road of ice may disappear,they can also choose other method to migrate. For example, maybe the seaseparating from the islands is very shallow, the arctic deer can just gothrough this shallow water easily. It is also very likely that this deer isgood at swim and they can swim across the sea between the islands to search forfood. The author's opinion is definitely flawed unless he can convince me thatthese and other possibilities are unlikely.
Besides, theauthor does not supply any evidence to confirm that there are somecause-and-effect relationships between the decline in deer populations and theglobal warming. Although the global warming may cause thetemperature of the islands which the deer live decline relatively, it is quitepossible that there also exist some time in a year that the weather is coldenough for the deer to live and the plants on these islands can still alive andenough for these deer to eat. And the change which the global warming brings maynot influence the life of the deer itself. Without accounting for these andother alternatives, the author cannot bolster the recommendation.
Furthermore, theauthor fails to set and evidence that the report of the local hunters have anyreliance. The hunter may just go out for hunting little time of a year andtheir experience cannot use for show the number of the deer populations havedeclined. We need more statistics which record the number of deer populationscomprehensively. Besides, it is just possible that the deer change theirhabitats so that the local hunters see the deer not so frequently like before.To reach the cited conclusion, the arguer must explain either why none of thesealternatives is available.
To sum up, theauthor's argument mentioned above is not based on valid evidence. In order todraw a better conclusion, the author should take more evidence to sustain hisargument. |